Ali Moghnieh af5d2c2fca
Remove Supervisor support.
This reverts commit 442d97a1b1, fcbd3deb6b, and 6231a25413.

Due to the lack of proper dependency deployment and availability users are unable to build EssentialsX without doing some manual installations. Until issue is resolved Supervisor support is dropped.
2017-05-04 13:55:18 +01:00

931 lines
26 KiB

package com.earth2me.essentials;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.StringUtil;
import net.ess3.api.IEssentials;
import net.ess3.api.InvalidWorldException;
import net.ess3.api.MaxMoneyException;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import static;
public abstract class UserData extends PlayerExtension implements IConf {
protected final transient IEssentials ess;
private final EssentialsUserConf config;
private final File folder;
protected UserData(Player base, IEssentials ess) {
this.ess = ess;
folder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata");
if (!folder.exists()) {
String filename;
try {
filename = base.getUniqueId().toString();
} catch (Throwable ex) {
ess.getLogger().warning("Falling back to old username system for " + base.getName());
filename = base.getName();
config = new EssentialsUserConf(base.getName(), base.getUniqueId(), new File(folder, filename + ".yml"));
public final void reset() {
if (config.username != null) {
public final void cleanup() {
public final void reloadConfig() {
money = _getMoney();
unlimited = _getUnlimited();
powertools = _getPowertools();
homes = _getHomes();
lastLocation = _getLastLocation();
lastTeleportTimestamp = _getLastTeleportTimestamp();
lastHealTimestamp = _getLastHealTimestamp();
jail = _getJail();
mails = _getMails();
teleportEnabled = _getTeleportEnabled();
godmode = _getGodModeEnabled();
muted = _getMuted();
muteTimeout = _getMuteTimeout();
jailed = _getJailed();
jailTimeout = _getJailTimeout();
lastLogin = _getLastLogin();
lastLogout = _getLastLogout();
lastLoginAddress = _getLastLoginAddress();
afk = _getAfk();
geolocation = _getGeoLocation();
isSocialSpyEnabled = _isSocialSpyEnabled();
isNPC = _isNPC();
arePowerToolsEnabled = _arePowerToolsEnabled();
kitTimestamps = _getKitTimestamps();
nickname = _getNickname();
ignoredPlayers = _getIgnoredPlayers();
logoutLocation = _getLogoutLocation();
lastAccountName = _getLastAccountName();
commandCooldowns = _getCommandCooldowns();
acceptingPay = _getAcceptingPay();
confirmPay = _getConfirmPay();
private BigDecimal money;
private BigDecimal _getMoney() {
BigDecimal result = ess.getSettings().getStartingBalance();
BigDecimal maxMoney = ess.getSettings().getMaxMoney();
BigDecimal minMoney = ess.getSettings().getMinMoney();
// NPC banks are not actual player banks, as such they do not have player starting balance.
if (isNPC()) {
result = BigDecimal.ZERO;
if (config.hasProperty("money")) {
result = config.getBigDecimal("money", result);
if (result.compareTo(maxMoney) > 0) {
result = maxMoney;
if (result.compareTo(minMoney) < 0) {
result = minMoney;
return result;
public BigDecimal getMoney() {
return money;
public void setMoney(BigDecimal value, boolean throwError) throws MaxMoneyException {
BigDecimal maxMoney = ess.getSettings().getMaxMoney();
BigDecimal minMoney = ess.getSettings().getMinMoney();
if (value.compareTo(maxMoney) > 0) {
if (throwError) {
throw new MaxMoneyException();
money = maxMoney;
} else {
money = value;
if (money.compareTo(minMoney) < 0) {
money = minMoney;
config.setProperty("money", money);
private Map<String, Object> homes;
private Map<String, Object> _getHomes() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("homes")) {
return config.getConfigurationSection("homes").getValues(false);
return new HashMap<String, Object>();
private String getHomeName(String search) {
if (NumberUtil.isInt(search)) {
try {
search = getHomes().get(Integer.parseInt(search) - 1);
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return search;
public Location getHome(String name) throws Exception {
String search = getHomeName(name);
return config.getLocation("homes." + search, this.getBase().getServer());
public Location getHome(final Location world) {
try {
if (getHomes().isEmpty()) {
return null;
Location loc;
for (String home : getHomes()) {
loc = config.getLocation("homes." + home, this.getBase().getServer());
if (world.getWorld() == loc.getWorld()) {
return loc;
loc = config.getLocation("homes." + getHomes().get(0), this.getBase().getServer());
return loc;
} catch (InvalidWorldException ex) {
return null;
public List<String> getHomes() {
return new ArrayList<String>(homes.keySet());
public void setHome(String name, Location loc) {
//Invalid names will corrupt the yaml
name = StringUtil.safeString(name);
homes.put(name, loc);
config.setProperty("homes." + name, loc);;
public void delHome(String name) throws Exception {
String search = getHomeName(name);
if (!homes.containsKey(search)) {
search = StringUtil.safeString(search);
if (homes.containsKey(search)) {
config.removeProperty("homes." + search);;
} else {
throw new Exception(tl("invalidHome", search));
public boolean hasHome() {
return config.hasProperty("home");
private String nickname;
public String _getNickname() {
return config.getString("nickname");
public String getNickname() {
return nickname;
public void setNickname(String nick) {
nickname = nick;
config.setProperty("nickname", nick);;
private List<Integer> unlimited;
private List<Integer> _getUnlimited() {
return config.getIntegerList("unlimited");
public List<Integer> getUnlimited() {
return unlimited;
public boolean hasUnlimited(ItemStack stack) {
return unlimited.contains(stack.getTypeId());
public void setUnlimited(ItemStack stack, boolean state) {
if (unlimited.contains(stack.getTypeId())) {
if (state) {
config.setProperty("unlimited", unlimited);;
private Map<String, Object> powertools;
private Map<String, Object> _getPowertools() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("powertools")) {
return config.getConfigurationSection("powertools").getValues(false);
return new HashMap<String, Object>();
public void clearAllPowertools() {
config.setProperty("powertools", powertools);;
public List<String> getPowertool(ItemStack stack) {
return (List<String>) powertools.get("" + stack.getTypeId());
public List<String> getPowertool(int id) {
return (List<String>) powertools.get("" + id);
public void setPowertool(ItemStack stack, List<String> commandList) {
if (commandList == null || commandList.isEmpty()) {
powertools.remove("" + stack.getTypeId());
} else {
powertools.put("" + stack.getTypeId(), commandList);
config.setProperty("powertools", powertools);;
public boolean hasPowerTools() {
return !powertools.isEmpty();
private Location lastLocation;
private Location _getLastLocation() {
try {
return config.getLocation("lastlocation", this.getBase().getServer());
} catch (InvalidWorldException e) {
return null;
public Location getLastLocation() {
return lastLocation;
public void setLastLocation(Location loc) {
if (loc == null || loc.getWorld() == null) {
lastLocation = loc;
config.setProperty("lastlocation", loc);;
private Location logoutLocation;
private Location _getLogoutLocation() {
try {
return config.getLocation("logoutlocation", this.getBase().getServer());
} catch (InvalidWorldException e) {
return null;
public Location getLogoutLocation() {
return logoutLocation;
public void setLogoutLocation(Location loc) {
if (loc == null || loc.getWorld() == null) {
logoutLocation = loc;
config.setProperty("logoutlocation", loc);;
private long lastTeleportTimestamp;
private long _getLastTeleportTimestamp() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.lastteleport", 0);
public long getLastTeleportTimestamp() {
return lastTeleportTimestamp;
public void setLastTeleportTimestamp(long time) {
lastTeleportTimestamp = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.lastteleport", time);;
private long lastHealTimestamp;
private long _getLastHealTimestamp() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.lastheal", 0);
public long getLastHealTimestamp() {
return lastHealTimestamp;
public void setLastHealTimestamp(long time) {
lastHealTimestamp = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.lastheal", time);;
private String jail;
private String _getJail() {
return config.getString("jail");
public String getJail() {
return jail;
public void setJail(String jail) {
if (jail == null || jail.isEmpty()) {
this.jail = null;
} else {
this.jail = jail;
config.setProperty("jail", jail);
private List<String> mails;
private List<String> _getMails() {
return config.getStringList("mail");
public List<String> getMails() {
return mails;
public void setMails(List<String> mails) {
if (mails == null) {
mails = _getMails();
} else {
config.setProperty("mail", mails);
this.mails = mails;;
public void addMail(String mail) {
private boolean teleportEnabled;
private boolean _getTeleportEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("teleportenabled", true);
public boolean isTeleportEnabled() {
return teleportEnabled;
public void setTeleportEnabled(boolean set) {
teleportEnabled = set;
config.setProperty("teleportenabled", set);;
private List<String> ignoredPlayers;
public List<String> _getIgnoredPlayers() {
return Collections.synchronizedList(config.getStringList("ignore"));
public void setIgnoredPlayers(List<String> players) {
if (players == null || players.isEmpty()) {
ignoredPlayers = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());
} else {
ignoredPlayers = players;
config.setProperty("ignore", players);
public boolean isIgnoredPlayer(final String userName) {
final IUser user = ess.getUser(userName);
if (user == null || !user.getBase().isOnline()) {
return false;
return isIgnoredPlayer(user);
public boolean isIgnoredPlayer(IUser user) {
return (ignoredPlayers.contains(user.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) && !user.isIgnoreExempt());
public void setIgnoredPlayer(IUser user, boolean set) {
if (set) {
} else {
private boolean godmode;
private boolean _getGodModeEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("godmode", false);
public boolean isGodModeEnabled() {
return godmode;
public void setGodModeEnabled(boolean set) {
godmode = set;
config.setProperty("godmode", set);;
private boolean muted;
public boolean _getMuted() {
return config.getBoolean("muted", false);
public boolean getMuted() {
return muted;
public boolean isMuted() {
return muted;
public void setMuted(boolean set) {
muted = set;
config.setProperty("muted", set);;
private long muteTimeout;
private long _getMuteTimeout() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.mute", 0);
public long getMuteTimeout() {
return muteTimeout;
public void setMuteTimeout(long time) {
muteTimeout = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.mute", time);;
private boolean jailed;
private boolean _getJailed() {
return config.getBoolean("jailed", false);
public boolean isJailed() {
return jailed;
public void setJailed(boolean set) {
jailed = set;
config.setProperty("jailed", set);;
public boolean toggleJailed() {
boolean ret = !isJailed();
return ret;
private long jailTimeout;
private long _getJailTimeout() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.jail", 0);
public long getJailTimeout() {
return jailTimeout;
public void setJailTimeout(long time) {
jailTimeout = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.jail", time);;
private long lastLogin;
private long _getLastLogin() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.login", 0);
public long getLastLogin() {
return lastLogin;
private void _setLastLogin(long time) {
lastLogin = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.login", time);
public void setLastLogin(long time) {
if (base.getAddress() != null && base.getAddress().getAddress() != null) {
private long lastLogout;
private long _getLastLogout() {
return config.getLong("timestamps.logout", 0);
public long getLastLogout() {
return lastLogout;
public void setLastLogout(long time) {
lastLogout = time;
config.setProperty("timestamps.logout", time);;
private String lastLoginAddress;
private String _getLastLoginAddress() {
return config.getString("ipAddress", "");
public String getLastLoginAddress() {
return lastLoginAddress;
private void _setLastLoginAddress(String address) {
lastLoginAddress = address;
config.setProperty("ipAddress", address);
private boolean afk;
private boolean _getAfk() {
return config.getBoolean("afk", false);
public boolean isAfk() {
return afk;
public void _setAfk(boolean set) {
afk = set;
config.setProperty("afk", set);;
private boolean newplayer;
private String geolocation;
private String _getGeoLocation() {
return config.getString("geolocation");
public String getGeoLocation() {
return geolocation;
public void setGeoLocation(String geolocation) {
if (geolocation == null || geolocation.isEmpty()) {
this.geolocation = null;
} else {
this.geolocation = geolocation;
config.setProperty("geolocation", geolocation);
private boolean isSocialSpyEnabled;
private boolean _isSocialSpyEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("socialspy", false);
public boolean isSocialSpyEnabled() {
return isSocialSpyEnabled;
public void setSocialSpyEnabled(boolean status) {
isSocialSpyEnabled = status;
config.setProperty("socialspy", status);;
private boolean isNPC;
private boolean _isNPC() {
return config.getBoolean("npc", false);
public boolean isNPC() {
return isNPC;
private String lastAccountName = null;
public String getLastAccountName() {
return lastAccountName;
public String _getLastAccountName() {
return config.getString("lastAccountName", null);
public void setLastAccountName(String lastAccountName) {
this.lastAccountName = lastAccountName;
config.setProperty("lastAccountName", lastAccountName);;
ess.getUserMap().trackUUID(getConfigUUID(), lastAccountName, true);
public void setNPC(boolean set) {
isNPC = set;
config.setProperty("npc", set);;
private boolean arePowerToolsEnabled;
public boolean arePowerToolsEnabled() {
return arePowerToolsEnabled;
public void setPowerToolsEnabled(boolean set) {
arePowerToolsEnabled = set;
config.setProperty("powertoolsenabled", set);;
public boolean togglePowerToolsEnabled() {
boolean ret = !arePowerToolsEnabled();
return ret;
private boolean _arePowerToolsEnabled() {
return config.getBoolean("powertoolsenabled", true);
private Map<String, Long> kitTimestamps;
private Map<String, Long> _getKitTimestamps() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("timestamps.kits")) {
final ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("timestamps.kits");
final Map<String, Long> timestamps = new HashMap<String, Long>();
for (String command : section.getKeys(false)) {
if (section.isLong(command)) {
timestamps.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), section.getLong(command));
} else if (section.isInt(command)) {
timestamps.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), (long) section.getInt(command));
return timestamps;
return new HashMap<String, Long>();
public long getKitTimestamp(String name) {
name = name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_');
if (kitTimestamps != null && kitTimestamps.containsKey(name)) {
return kitTimestamps.get(name);
return 0l;
public void setKitTimestamp(final String name, final long time) {
kitTimestamps.put(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), time);
config.setProperty("timestamps.kits", kitTimestamps);;
public void setConfigProperty(String node, Object object) {
final String prefix = "info.";
node = prefix + node;
if (object instanceof Map) {
config.setProperty(node, (Map) object);
} else if (object instanceof List) {
config.setProperty(node, (List<String>) object);
} else if (object instanceof Location) {
config.setProperty(node, (Location) object);
} else if (object instanceof ItemStack) {
config.setProperty(node, (ItemStack) object);
} else {
config.setProperty(node, object);
public Set<String> getConfigKeys() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("info")) {
return config.getConfigurationSection("info").getKeys(true);
return new HashSet<String>();
public Map<String, Object> getConfigMap() {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("info")) {
return config.getConfigurationSection("info").getValues(true);
return new HashMap<String, Object>();
public Map<String, Object> getConfigMap(String node) {
if (config.isConfigurationSection("info." + node)) {
return config.getConfigurationSection("info." + node).getValues(true);
return new HashMap<String, Object>();
// Pattern, Date. Pattern for less pattern creations
private Map<Pattern, Long> commandCooldowns;
private Map<Pattern, Long> _getCommandCooldowns() {
if (!config.isConfigurationSection("timestamps.command-cooldowns")) {
return null;
// See saveCommandCooldowns() for deserialization explanation
List<Map<?, ?>> section = config.getMapList("timestamps.command-cooldowns");
HashMap<Pattern, Long> result = new HashMap<>();
for (Map<?, ?> map : section) {
Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(map.get("pattern").toString());
long expiry = ((Number) map.get("expiry")).longValue();
result.put(pattern, expiry);
return result;
public Map<Pattern, Long> getCommandCooldowns() {
if (this.commandCooldowns == null) {
return Collections.emptyMap();
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.commandCooldowns);
public Date getCommandCooldownExpiry(String label) {
if (commandCooldowns != null) {
for (Entry<Pattern, Long> entry : this.commandCooldowns.entrySet()) {
if (entry.getKey().matcher(label).matches()) {
return new Date(entry.getValue());
return null;
public void addCommandCooldown(Pattern pattern, Date expiresAt, boolean save) {
if (this.commandCooldowns == null) {
this.commandCooldowns = new HashMap<>();
this.commandCooldowns.put(pattern, expiresAt.getTime());
if (save) {
public boolean clearCommandCooldown(Pattern pattern) {
if (this.commandCooldowns == null) {
return false; // false for no modification
if(this.commandCooldowns.remove(pattern) != null) {
return true;
return false;
private void saveCommandCooldowns() {
// Serialization explanation:
// Serialization is done as a map list instead of a config section due to limitations.
// When serializing patterns (which commonly include full stops .) Bukkit/Essentials config framework
// interprets it as a path separator, thus it breaks up the regex into sub nodes causing invalid syntax.
// Thus each command cooldown is instead stored as a Map of {pattern: .., expiry: ..} to work around this.
List<Object> serialized = new ArrayList<>();
for (Entry<Pattern, Long> entry : this.commandCooldowns.entrySet()) {
// Don't save expired cooldowns
if (entry.getValue() < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
Map<?, ?> map = ImmutableMap.builder()
.put("pattern", entry.getKey().pattern())
.put("expiry", entry.getValue())
config.setProperty("timestamps.command-cooldowns", serialized);
private boolean acceptingPay = true; // players accept pay by default
public boolean _getAcceptingPay() {
return config.getBoolean("acceptingPay", true);
public boolean isAcceptingPay() {
return acceptingPay;
public void setAcceptingPay(boolean acceptingPay) {
this.acceptingPay = acceptingPay;
config.setProperty("acceptingPay", acceptingPay);
private boolean confirmPay = true; // players accept pay by default
public boolean _getConfirmPay() {
return config.getBoolean("confirm-pay", true);
public boolean isPromptingPayConfirm() {
return confirmPay;
public void setPromptingPayConfirm(boolean prompt) {
this.confirmPay = prompt;
config.setProperty("confirm-pay", prompt);
public UUID getConfigUUID() {
return config.uuid;
public void save() {;
public void startTransaction() {
public void stopTransaction() {