Josh Roy 9a23f806fe
Refactor Project to Gradle (#3720)
Gradle is better than Maven, don't @ me. okay but actually it's [faster](, compiles and tests in parallel more efficiently, and more epic stuff).
2020-11-25 20:24:24 +00:00

199 lines
8.4 KiB

package com.earth2me.essentials.commands;
import com.earth2me.essentials.CommandSource;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.EnumUtil;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.VersionUtil;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.inventory.FurnaceRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryView;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.Recipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapedRecipe;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ShapelessRecipe;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import static;
public class Commandrecipe extends EssentialsCommand {
private static final Material FIREWORK_ROCKET = EnumUtil.getMaterial("FIREWORK_ROCKET", "FIREWORK");
private static final Material FIREWORK_STAR = EnumUtil.getMaterial("FIREWORK_STAR", "FIREWORK_CHARGE");
private static final Material GUNPOWDER = EnumUtil.getMaterial("GUNPOWDER", "SULPHUR");
public Commandrecipe() {
public void run(final Server server, final CommandSource sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception {
// On versions at or above 1.12, we need recipe book API
if (VersionUtil.getServerBukkitVersion().isHigherThanOrEqualTo(VersionUtil.v1_12_0_R01)) {
try {
} catch (final ClassNotFoundException e) {
if (args.length < 1) {
throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();
final ItemStack itemType = ess.getItemDb().get(args[0]);
int recipeNo = 0;
if (args.length > 1) {
if (NumberUtil.isInt(args[1])) {
recipeNo = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) - 1;
} else {
throw new Exception(tl("invalidNumber"));
final List<Recipe> recipesOfType = ess.getServer().getRecipesFor(itemType);
if (recipesOfType.size() < 1) {
throw new Exception(tl("recipeNone", getMaterialName(itemType)));
if (recipeNo < 0 || recipeNo >= recipesOfType.size()) {
throw new Exception(tl("recipeBadIndex"));
final Recipe selectedRecipe = recipesOfType.get(recipeNo);
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipe", getMaterialName(itemType), recipeNo + 1, recipesOfType.size()));
if (selectedRecipe instanceof FurnaceRecipe) {
furnaceRecipe(sender, (FurnaceRecipe) selectedRecipe);
} else if (selectedRecipe instanceof ShapedRecipe) {
shapedRecipe(sender, (ShapedRecipe) selectedRecipe, sender.isPlayer());
} else if (selectedRecipe instanceof ShapelessRecipe) {
if (recipesOfType.size() == 1 && (itemType.getType() == FIREWORK_ROCKET)) {
final ShapelessRecipe shapelessRecipe = new ShapelessRecipe(itemType);
shapelessRecipe(sender, shapelessRecipe, sender.isPlayer());
} else {
shapelessRecipe(sender, (ShapelessRecipe) selectedRecipe, sender.isPlayer());
if (recipesOfType.size() > 1 && args.length == 1) {
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeMore", commandLabel, args[0], getMaterialName(itemType)));
public void furnaceRecipe(final CommandSource sender, final FurnaceRecipe recipe) {
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeFurnace", getMaterialName(recipe.getInput())));
public void shapedRecipe(final CommandSource sender, final ShapedRecipe recipe, final boolean showWindow) {
final Map<Character, ItemStack> recipeMap = recipe.getIngredientMap();
if (showWindow) {
final User user = ess.getUser(sender.getPlayer());
final InventoryView view = user.getBase().openWorkbench(null, true);
final String[] recipeShape = recipe.getShape();
final Map<Character, ItemStack> ingredientMap = recipe.getIngredientMap();
for (int j = 0; j < recipeShape.length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < recipeShape[j].length(); k++) {
final ItemStack item = ingredientMap.get(recipeShape[j].toCharArray()[k]);
if (item == null) {
if (item.getDurability() == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
item.setDurability((short) 0);
view.getTopInventory().setItem(j * 3 + k + 1, item);
} else {
final HashMap<Material, String> colorMap = new HashMap<>();
int i = 1;
for (final Character c : "abcdefghi".toCharArray()) {
final ItemStack item = recipeMap.get(c);
if (!colorMap.containsKey(item == null ? null : item.getType())) {
colorMap.put(item == null ? null : item.getType(), String.valueOf(i++));
final Material[][] materials = new Material[3][3];
for (int j = 0; j < recipe.getShape().length; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < recipe.getShape()[j].length(); k++) {
final ItemStack item = recipe.getIngredientMap().get(recipe.getShape()[j].toCharArray()[k]);
materials[j][k] = item == null ? null : item.getType();
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeGrid", colorMap.get(materials[0][0]), colorMap.get(materials[0][1]), colorMap.get(materials[0][2])));
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeGrid", colorMap.get(materials[1][0]), colorMap.get(materials[1][1]), colorMap.get(materials[1][2])));
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeGrid", colorMap.get(materials[2][0]), colorMap.get(materials[2][1]), colorMap.get(materials[2][2])));
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (final Material items : colorMap.keySet().toArray(new Material[0])) {
s.append(tl("recipeGridItem", colorMap.get(items), getMaterialName(items)));
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeWhere", s.toString()));
public void shapelessRecipe(final CommandSource sender, final ShapelessRecipe recipe, final boolean showWindow) {
final List<ItemStack> ingredients = recipe.getIngredientList();
if (showWindow) {
final User user = ess.getUser(sender.getPlayer());
final InventoryView view = user.getBase().openWorkbench(null, true);
for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) {
final ItemStack item = ingredients.get(i);
if (item.getDurability() == Short.MAX_VALUE) {
item.setDurability((short) 0);
view.setItem(i + 1, item);
} else {
final StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
for (int i = 0; i < ingredients.size(); i++) {
if (i != ingredients.size() - 1) {
s.append(" ");
sender.sendMessage(tl("recipeShapeless", s.toString()));
public String getMaterialName(final ItemStack stack) {
if (stack == null) {
return tl("recipeNothing");
return getMaterialName(stack.getType());
public String getMaterialName(final Material type) {
if (type == null) {
return tl("recipeNothing");
return type.toString().replace("_", " ").toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
protected List<String> getTabCompleteOptions(final Server server, final CommandSource sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) {
if (args.length == 1) {
return getItems();
} else {
return Collections.emptyList();