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synced 2025-02-18 22:49:45 +00:00

Removed deprecated 'restricted-commands' section. Deprecated 'superperms' toggle. Remove op override on essentials permissions. Give op's all permissions by default via superperms.
731 lines
16 KiB
731 lines
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package com.earth2me.essentials;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import com.earth2me.essentials.commands.IEssentialsCommand;
import com.earth2me.essentials.register.payment.Method;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
public class User extends UserData implements Comparable<User>, IReplyTo, IUser
private CommandSender replyTo = null;
private transient User teleportRequester;
private transient boolean teleportRequestHere;
private transient boolean vanished;
private transient final Teleport teleport;
private transient long teleportRequestTime;
private transient long lastOnlineActivity;
private transient long lastThrottledAction;
private transient long lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
private boolean hidden = false;
private boolean rightClickJump = false;
private transient Location afkPosition = null;
private boolean invSee = false;
private boolean enderSee = false;
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft");
User(final Player base, final IEssentials ess)
super(base, ess);
teleport = new Teleport(this, ess);
if (isAfk())
afkPosition = getLocation();
User update(final Player base)
return this;
public boolean isAuthorized(final IEssentialsCommand cmd)
return isAuthorized(cmd, "essentials.");
public boolean isAuthorized(final IEssentialsCommand cmd, final String permissionPrefix)
return isAuthorized(permissionPrefix + (cmd.getName().equals("r") ? "msg" : cmd.getName()));
public boolean isAuthorized(final String node)
final boolean result = isAuthorizedCheck(node);
if (ess.getSettings().isDebug())
ess.getLogger().log(Level.INFO, "checking if " + base.getName() + " has " + node + " - " + result);
return result;
private boolean isAuthorizedCheck(final String node)
if (base instanceof OfflinePlayer)
return false;
if (isJailed())
return false;
return ess.getPermissionsHandler().hasPermission(base, node);
catch (Exception ex)
if (ess.getSettings().isDebug())
ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Permission System Error: " + ess.getPermissionsHandler().getName() + " returned: " + ex.getMessage(), ex);
ess.getLogger().log(Level.SEVERE, "Permission System Error: " + ess.getPermissionsHandler().getName() + " returned: " + ex.getMessage());
return false;
public void healCooldown() throws Exception
final Calendar now = new GregorianCalendar();
if (getLastHealTimestamp() > 0)
final double cooldown = ess.getSettings().getHealCooldown();
final Calendar cooldownTime = new GregorianCalendar();
cooldownTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int)cooldown);
cooldownTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int)((cooldown * 1000.0) % 1000.0));
if (cooldownTime.after(now) && !isAuthorized("essentials.heal.cooldown.bypass"))
throw new Exception(_("timeBeforeHeal", Util.formatDateDiff(cooldownTime.getTimeInMillis())));
public void giveMoney(final double value)
giveMoney(value, null);
public void giveMoney(final double value, final CommandSender initiator)
if (value == 0.0d)
setMoney(getMoney() + value);
sendMessage(_("addedToAccount", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess)));
if (initiator != null)
initiator.sendMessage(_("addedToOthersAccount", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess), this.getDisplayName(), Util.displayCurrency(getMoney(), ess)));
public void payUser(final User reciever, final double value) throws Exception
if (value == 0.0d)
if (canAfford(value))
setMoney(getMoney() - value);
reciever.setMoney(reciever.getMoney() + value);
sendMessage(_("moneySentTo", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess), reciever.getDisplayName()));
reciever.sendMessage(_("moneyRecievedFrom", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess), getDisplayName()));
throw new Exception(_("notEnoughMoney"));
public void takeMoney(final double value)
takeMoney(value, null);
public void takeMoney(final double value, final CommandSender initiator)
if (value == 0.0d)
setMoney(getMoney() - value);
sendMessage(_("takenFromAccount", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess)));
if (initiator != null)
initiator.sendMessage(_("takenFromOthersAccount", Util.displayCurrency(value, ess), this.getDisplayName(), Util.displayCurrency(getMoney(), ess)));
public boolean canAfford(final double cost)
return canAfford(cost, true);
public boolean canAfford(final double cost, final boolean permcheck)
if (cost <= 0.0d)
return true;
final double mon = getMoney();
if (!permcheck || isAuthorized("essentials.eco.loan"))
return (mon - cost) >= ess.getSettings().getMinMoney();
return cost <= mon;
public void dispose()
this.base = new OfflinePlayer(getName(), ess);
public void setReplyTo(final CommandSender user)
replyTo = user;
public CommandSender getReplyTo()
return replyTo;
public int compareTo(final User other)
return Util.stripFormat(this.getDisplayName()).compareToIgnoreCase(Util.stripFormat(other.getDisplayName()));
public boolean equals(final Object object)
if (!(object instanceof User))
return false;
return this.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(((User)object).getName());
public int hashCode()
return this.getName().hashCode();
public Boolean canSpawnItem(final int itemId)
return !ess.getSettings().itemSpawnBlacklist().contains(itemId);
public Location getHome() throws Exception
return getHome(getHomes().get(0));
public void setLastLocation()
public void requestTeleport(final User player, final boolean here)
teleportRequestTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
teleportRequester = player;
teleportRequestHere = here;
public User getTeleportRequest()
return teleportRequester;
public boolean isTpRequestHere()
return teleportRequestHere;
public String getNick(final boolean longnick)
final StringBuilder prefix = new StringBuilder();
String nickname;
String suffix = "";
final String nick = getNickname();
if (ess.getSettings().isCommandDisabled("nick") || nick == null || nick.isEmpty() || nick.equals(getName()))
nickname = getName();
nickname = ess.getSettings().getNicknamePrefix() + nick;
if (isOp())
final ChatColor opPrefix = ess.getSettings().getOperatorColor();
if (opPrefix != null && opPrefix.toString().length() > 0)
prefix.insert(0, opPrefix.toString());
suffix = "§r";
catch (Exception e)
if (ess.getSettings().addPrefixSuffix())
if (!ess.getSettings().disablePrefix())
final String ptext = ess.getPermissionsHandler().getPrefix(base).replace('&', '§');
prefix.insert(0, ptext);
suffix = "§r";
if (!ess.getSettings().disableSuffix())
final String stext = ess.getPermissionsHandler().getSuffix(base).replace('&', '§');
suffix = stext + "§r";
suffix = suffix.replace("§f§f", "§f").replace("§f§r", "§r").replace("§r§r", "§r");
final String strPrefix = prefix.toString();
String output = strPrefix + nickname + suffix;
if (!longnick && output.length() > 16)
output = strPrefix + nickname;
if (!longnick && output.length() > 16)
output = Util.lastCode(strPrefix) + nickname;
if (!longnick && output.length() > 16)
output = Util.lastCode(strPrefix) + nickname.substring(0, 14);
if (output.charAt(output.length() - 1) == '§')
output = output.substring(0, output.length() - 1);
return output;
public void setDisplayNick()
if (base.isOnline() && ess.getSettings().changeDisplayName())
if (ess.getSettings().changePlayerListName())
String name = getNick(false);
catch (IllegalArgumentException e)
if (ess.getSettings().isDebug())
logger.log(Level.INFO, "Playerlist for " + name + " was not updated. Name clashed with another online player.");
public String getDisplayName()
return super.getDisplayName() == null ? super.getName() : super.getDisplayName();
public Teleport getTeleport()
return teleport;
public long getLastOnlineActivity()
return lastOnlineActivity;
public void setLastOnlineActivity(final long timestamp)
lastOnlineActivity = timestamp;
public double getMoney()
if (ess.getPaymentMethod().hasMethod())
final Method method = ess.getPaymentMethod().getMethod();
if (!method.hasAccount(this.getName()))
throw new Exception();
final Method.MethodAccount account = ess.getPaymentMethod().getMethod().getAccount(this.getName());
return account.balance();
catch (Throwable ex)
return super.getMoney();
public void setMoney(final double value)
if (ess.getPaymentMethod().hasMethod())
final Method method = ess.getPaymentMethod().getMethod();
if (!method.hasAccount(this.getName()))
throw new Exception();
final Method.MethodAccount account = ess.getPaymentMethod().getMethod().getAccount(this.getName());
catch (Throwable ex)
Trade.log("Update", "Set", "API", getName(), new Trade(value, ess), null, null, null, ess);
public void updateMoneyCache(final double value)
if (ess.getPaymentMethod().hasMethod() && super.getMoney() != value)
public void setAfk(final boolean set)
this.setSleepingIgnored(this.isAuthorized("essentials.sleepingignored") ? true : set);
if (set && !isAfk())
afkPosition = getLocation();
else if (!set && isAfk())
afkPosition = null;
public boolean toggleAfk()
final boolean now = super.toggleAfk();
this.setSleepingIgnored(this.isAuthorized("essentials.sleepingignored") ? true : now);
return now;
public boolean isHidden()
return hidden;
public void setHidden(final boolean hidden)
this.hidden = hidden;
if (hidden == true)
//Returns true if status expired during this check
public boolean checkJailTimeout(final long currentTime)
if (getJailTimeout() > 0 && getJailTimeout() < currentTime && isJailed())
catch (Exception ex)
getTeleport().respawn(null, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
catch (Exception ex1)
return true;
return false;
//Returns true if status expired during this check
public boolean checkMuteTimeout(final long currentTime)
if (getMuteTimeout() > 0 && getMuteTimeout() < currentTime && isMuted())
return true;
return false;
//Returns true if status expired during this check
public boolean checkBanTimeout(final long currentTime)
if (getBanTimeout() > 0 && getBanTimeout() < currentTime && isBanned())
return true;
return false;
public void updateActivity(final boolean broadcast)
if (isAfk())
if (broadcast && !isHidden())
ess.broadcastMessage(this, _("userIsNotAway", getDisplayName()));
lastActivity = System.currentTimeMillis();
public void checkActivity()
final long autoafkkick = ess.getSettings().getAutoAfkKick();
if (autoafkkick > 0 && lastActivity > 0 && (lastActivity + (autoafkkick * 1000)) < System.currentTimeMillis()
&& !isHidden() && !isAuthorized("essentials.kick.exempt") && !isAuthorized("essentials.afk.kickexempt"))
final String kickReason = _("autoAfkKickReason", autoafkkick / 60.0);
lastActivity = 0;
for (Player player : ess.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
final User user = ess.getUser(player);
if (user.isAuthorized("essentials.kick.notify"))
player.sendMessage(_("playerKicked", Console.NAME, getName(), kickReason));
final long autoafk = ess.getSettings().getAutoAfk();
if (!isAfk() && autoafk > 0 && lastActivity + autoafk * 1000 < System.currentTimeMillis() && isAuthorized("essentials.afk.auto"))
if (!isHidden())
ess.broadcastMessage(this, _("userIsAway", getDisplayName()));
public Location getAfkPosition()
return afkPosition;
public boolean isGodModeEnabled()
return (super.isGodModeEnabled() && !ess.getSettings().getNoGodWorlds().contains(getLocation().getWorld().getName()))
|| (isAfk() && ess.getSettings().getFreezeAfkPlayers());
public boolean isGodModeEnabledRaw()
return super.isGodModeEnabled();
public String getGroup()
return ess.getPermissionsHandler().getGroup(base);
public boolean inGroup(final String group)
return ess.getPermissionsHandler().inGroup(base, group);
public boolean canBuild()
if (isOp())
return true;
return ess.getPermissionsHandler().canBuild(base, getGroup());
public long getTeleportRequestTime()
return teleportRequestTime;
public boolean isInvSee()
return invSee;
public void setInvSee(final boolean set)
invSee = set;
public boolean isEnderSee()
return enderSee;
public void setEnderSee(final boolean set)
enderSee = set;
private transient long teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp = 0;
public void enableInvulnerabilityAfterTeleport()
final long time = ess.getSettings().getTeleportInvulnerability();
if (time > 0)
teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() + time;
public void resetInvulnerabilityAfterTeleport()
if (teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp != 0
&& teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp < System.currentTimeMillis())
teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp = 0;
public boolean hasInvulnerabilityAfterTeleport()
return teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp != 0 && teleportInvulnerabilityTimestamp >= System.currentTimeMillis();
public boolean isVanished()
return vanished;
public void setVanished(final boolean set)
vanished = set;
if (set)
for (Player p : ess.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
if (!ess.getUser(p).isAuthorized("essentials.vanish.see"))
for (Player p : ess.getServer().getOnlinePlayers())
public void toggleVanished()
final boolean set = !vanished;
public boolean checkSignThrottle()
if (isSignThrottled())
return true;
return false;
public boolean isSignThrottled()
final long minTime = lastThrottledAction + (1000 / ess.getSettings().getSignUsePerSecond());
return (System.currentTimeMillis() < minTime);
public void updateThrottle()
lastThrottledAction = System.currentTimeMillis();;
public boolean isFlyClickJump()
return rightClickJump;
public void setRightClickJump(boolean rightClickJump)
this.rightClickJump = rightClickJump;