package com.earth2me.essentials.commands; import com.earth2me.essentials.Console; import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._; import com.earth2me.essentials.Trade; import com.earth2me.essentials.User; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause; public class Commandtp extends EssentialsCommand { public Commandtp() { super("tp"); } @Override public void run(final Server server, final User user, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { switch (args.length) { case 0: throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(); case 1: final User player = getPlayer(server, args, 0); if (!player.isTeleportEnabled()) { throw new Exception(_("teleportDisabled", player.getDisplayName())); } if (user.getWorld() != player.getWorld() && ess.getSettings().isWorldTeleportPermissions() && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.worlds." + player.getWorld().getName())) { throw new Exception(_("noPerm", "essentials.worlds." + player.getWorld().getName())); } user.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); final Trade charge = new Trade(this.getName(), ess); charge.isAffordableFor(user); user.getTeleport().teleport(player, charge, TeleportCause.COMMAND); throw new NoChargeException(); case 4: if (!user.isAuthorized("")) { throw new Exception(_("noPerm", "")); } final User target2 = getPlayer(server, args, 0); final double x = args[1].startsWith("~") ? target2.getLocation().getX() + Integer.parseInt(args[1].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[1]); final double y = args[2].startsWith("~") ? target2.getLocation().getY() + Integer.parseInt(args[2].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final double z = args[3].startsWith("~") ? target2.getLocation().getZ() + Integer.parseInt(args[3].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[3]); if (x > 30000000 || y > 30000000 || z > 30000000 || x < -30000000 || y < -30000000 || z < -30000000) { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException("Value of coordinates cannot be over 30000000"); //todo: I18n } final Location location = new Location(target2.getWorld(), x, y, z); if (!target2.isTeleportEnabled()) { throw new Exception(_("teleportDisabled", target2.getDisplayName())); } target2.getTeleport().now(location, false, TeleportCause.COMMAND); user.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); target2.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); break; case 2: default: if (!user.isAuthorized("")) { throw new Exception(_("noPerm", "")); } final User target = getPlayer(server, args, 0); final User toPlayer = getPlayer(server, args, 1); if (!target.isTeleportEnabled()) { throw new Exception(_("teleportDisabled", target.getDisplayName())); } if (!toPlayer.isTeleportEnabled()) { throw new Exception(_("teleportDisabled", toPlayer.getDisplayName())); } if (target.getWorld() != toPlayer.getWorld() && ess.getSettings().isWorldTeleportPermissions() && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.worlds." + toPlayer.getWorld().getName())) { throw new Exception(_("noPerm", "essentials.worlds." + toPlayer.getWorld().getName())); } target.getTeleport().now(toPlayer, false, TeleportCause.COMMAND); user.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); target.sendMessage(_("teleportAtoB", user.getDisplayName(), toPlayer.getDisplayName())); break; } } @Override public void run(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2) { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(); } final User target = getPlayer(server, args, 0); if (args.length == 2) { final User toPlayer = getPlayer(server, args, 1); target.getTeleport().now(toPlayer, false, TeleportCause.COMMAND); target.sendMessage(_("teleportAtoB", Console.NAME, toPlayer.getDisplayName())); } else if (args.length > 3) { final double x = args[1].startsWith("~") ? target.getLocation().getX() + Integer.parseInt(args[1].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[1]); final double y = args[2].startsWith("~") ? target.getLocation().getY() + Integer.parseInt(args[2].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[2]); final double z = args[3].startsWith("~") ? target.getLocation().getZ() + Integer.parseInt(args[3].substring(1)) : Integer.parseInt(args[3]); if (x > 30000000 || y > 30000000 || z > 30000000 || x < -30000000 || y < -30000000 || z < -30000000) { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException("Value of coordinates cannot be over 30000000"); //todo: I18n } final Location location = new Location(target.getWorld(), x, y, z); target.getTeleport().now(location, false, TeleportCause.COMMAND); target.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); } else { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(); } sender.sendMessage(_("teleporting")); } }