package com.earth2me.essentials.commands; import com.earth2me.essentials.DescParseTickFormat; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import com.earth2me.essentials.User; import java.util.*; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand { // TODO: I suggest that the chat colors be centralized in the config file. public static final ChatColor colorDefault = ChatColor.YELLOW; public static final ChatColor colorChrome = ChatColor.GOLD; public static final ChatColor colorLogo = ChatColor.GREEN; public static final ChatColor colorHighlight1 = ChatColor.AQUA; public static final ChatColor colorBad = ChatColor.RED; public Commandptime() { super("ptime"); } @Override public void run(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { // Which Players(s) / Users(s) are we interested in? String userSelector = null; if (args.length == 2) { userSelector = args[1]; } Set users = getUsers(server, sender, userSelector); // If no arguments we are reading the time if (args.length == 0) { // TODO do we need to check for the essentials.time permission? Or is that tested for us already. getUsersTime(sender, users); return; } User user = ess.getUser(sender); if ( user != null && ! user.isAuthorized("essentials.time.player")) { // TODO should not be hardcoded !! sender.sendMessage(colorBad + "You are no authorized to set PlayerTime"); return; // TODO: How to not just die silently? in a good way?? } Long ticks; // Parse the target time int ticks from args[0] if (DescParseTickFormat.meansReset(args[0])) { ticks = null; } else { try { ticks = DescParseTickFormat.parse(args[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { // TODO: Display an error with help included... on how to specify the time sender.sendMessage(colorBad + "Unknown time descriptor... brlalidididiablidadadibibibiiba!! TODO"); return; } } setUsersTime(sender, users, ticks); } /** * Used to get the time and inform */ private void getUsersTime(CommandSender sender, Collection users) { if (users.size() == 1) { Iterator iter = users.iterator(); User user =; if (user.isPlayerTimeRelative()) { sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + "'s time is normal. Time is the same as on the server."); } else { sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + "'s time is fixed to: "+DescParseTickFormat.format(user.getPlayerTime())); } return; } sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "These players have fixed time:"); for (User user : users) { if ( ! user.isPlayerTimeRelative()) { sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + ": "+DescParseTickFormat.format(user.getPlayerTime())); } } return; } /** * Used to set the time and inform of the change */ private void setUsersTime(CommandSender sender, Collection users, Long ticks) { // Update the time if (ticks == null) { // Reset for (User user : users) { user.resetPlayerTime(); } } else { // Set for (User user : users) { user.setPlayerTime(ticks, false); } } // Inform the sender of the change sender.sendMessage(""); StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder(); if (ticks == null) { sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "The PlayerTime was reset for:"); } else { sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "The PlayerTime was fixed to:"); sender.sendMessage(DescParseTickFormat.format(ticks)); msg.append(colorDefault); msg.append("For: "); } boolean first = true; for (User user : users) { if ( ! first) { msg.append(colorDefault); msg.append(", "); } else { first = false; } msg.append(colorHighlight1); msg.append(user.getName()); } sender.sendMessage(msg.toString()); } /** * Used to parse an argument of the type "users(s) selector" */ private Set getUsers(Server server, CommandSender sender, String selector) throws Exception { Set users = new TreeSet(new UserNameComparator()); Player[] players; // If there is no selector we want the sender itself. Or all users if sender isn't a user. if (selector == null) { User user = ess.getUser(sender); if (user == null) { users.addAll(ess.getAllOnlineUsers().values()); } else { users.add(user); } return users; } // Try to find the user with name = selector User user = null; List matchedPlayers = server.matchPlayer(selector); if (matchedPlayers.size() > 0) { user = ess.getUser(matchedPlayers.get(0)); } if (user != null) { users.add(user); } // If that fails, Is the argument something like "*" or "all"? else if (selector.equalsIgnoreCase("*") || selector.equalsIgnoreCase("all")) { users.addAll(ess.getAllOnlineUsers().values()); } // We failed to understand the world target... else { throw new Exception("Could not find the player(s) \""+selector+"\""); } return users; } } class UserNameComparator implements Comparator { public int compare(User a, User b) { return a.getName().compareTo(b.getName()); } }