package com.earth2me.essentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.StringUtil; import; import net.ess3.api.IEssentials; import net.ess3.api.InvalidWorldException; import net.ess3.api.MaxMoneyException; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.configuration.ConfigurationSection; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static; public abstract class UserData extends PlayerExtension implements IConf { protected final transient IEssentials ess; private final EssentialsUserConf config; private final File folder; protected UserData(Player base, IEssentials ess) { super(base); this.ess = ess; folder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } String filename; try { filename = base.getUniqueId().toString(); } catch (Throwable ex) { ess.getLogger().warning("Falling back to old username system for " + base.getName()); filename = base.getName(); } config = new EssentialsUserConf(base.getName(), base.getUniqueId(), new File(folder, filename + ".yml")); reloadConfig(); } public final void reset() { config.forceSave(); config.getFile().delete(); if (config.username != null) { ess.getUserMap().removeUser(config.username); } } public final void cleanup() { config.cleanup(); } @Override public final void reloadConfig() { config.load(); money = _getMoney(); unlimited = _getUnlimited(); powertools = _getPowertools(); homes = _getHomes(); lastLocation = _getLastLocation(); lastTeleportTimestamp = _getLastTeleportTimestamp(); lastHealTimestamp = _getLastHealTimestamp(); jail = _getJail(); mails = _getMails(); teleportEnabled = _getTeleportEnabled(); godmode = _getGodModeEnabled(); muted = _getMuted(); muteTimeout = _getMuteTimeout(); jailed = _getJailed(); jailTimeout = _getJailTimeout(); lastLogin = _getLastLogin(); lastLogout = _getLastLogout(); lastLoginAddress = _getLastLoginAddress(); afk = _getAfk(); geolocation = _getGeoLocation(); isSocialSpyEnabled = _isSocialSpyEnabled(); isNPC = _isNPC(); arePowerToolsEnabled = _arePowerToolsEnabled(); kitTimestamps = _getKitTimestamps(); nickname = _getNickname(); ignoredPlayers = _getIgnoredPlayers(); logoutLocation = _getLogoutLocation(); lastAccountName = _getLastAccountName(); commandCooldowns = _getCommandCooldowns(); acceptingPay = _getAcceptingPay(); confirmPay = _getConfirmPay(); } private BigDecimal money; private BigDecimal _getMoney() { BigDecimal result = ess.getSettings().getStartingBalance(); BigDecimal maxMoney = ess.getSettings().getMaxMoney(); BigDecimal minMoney = ess.getSettings().getMinMoney(); // NPC banks are not actual player banks, as such they do not have player starting balance. if (isNPC()) { result = BigDecimal.ZERO; } if (config.hasProperty("money")) { result = config.getBigDecimal("money", result); } if (result.compareTo(maxMoney) > 0) { result = maxMoney; } if (result.compareTo(minMoney) < 0) { result = minMoney; } return result; } public BigDecimal getMoney() { return money; } public void setMoney(BigDecimal value, boolean throwError) throws MaxMoneyException { BigDecimal maxMoney = ess.getSettings().getMaxMoney(); BigDecimal minMoney = ess.getSettings().getMinMoney(); if (value.compareTo(maxMoney) > 0) { if (throwError) { throw new MaxMoneyException(); } money = maxMoney; } else { money = value; } if (money.compareTo(minMoney) < 0) { money = minMoney; } config.setProperty("money", money); stopTransaction(); } private Map homes; private Map _getHomes() { if (config.isConfigurationSection("homes")) { return config.getConfigurationSection("homes").getValues(false); } return new HashMap(); } private String getHomeName(String search) { if (NumberUtil.isInt(search)) { try { search = getHomes().get(Integer.parseInt(search) - 1); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { } } return search; } public Location getHome(String name) throws Exception { String search = getHomeName(name); return config.getLocation("homes." + search, this.getBase().getServer()); } public Location getHome(final Location world) { try { if (getHomes().isEmpty()) { return null; } Location loc; for (String home : getHomes()) { loc = config.getLocation("homes." + home, this.getBase().getServer()); if (world.getWorld() == loc.getWorld()) { return loc; } } loc = config.getLocation("homes." + getHomes().get(0), this.getBase().getServer()); return loc; } catch (InvalidWorldException ex) { return null; } } public List getHomes() { return new ArrayList(homes.keySet()); } public void setHome(String name, Location loc) { //Invalid names will corrupt the yaml name = StringUtil.safeString(name); homes.put(name, loc); config.setProperty("homes." + name, loc);; } public void delHome(String name) throws Exception { String search = getHomeName(name); if (!homes.containsKey(search)) { search = StringUtil.safeString(search); } if (homes.containsKey(search)) { homes.remove(search); config.removeProperty("homes." + search);; } else { throw new Exception(tl("invalidHome", search)); } } public boolean hasHome() { return config.hasProperty("home"); } private String nickname; public String _getNickname() { return config.getString("nickname"); } public String getNickname() { return nickname; } public void setNickname(String nick) { nickname = nick; config.setProperty("nickname", nick);; } private List unlimited; private List _getUnlimited() { return config.getIntegerList("unlimited"); } public List getUnlimited() { return unlimited; } public boolean hasUnlimited(ItemStack stack) { return unlimited.contains(stack.getTypeId()); } public void setUnlimited(ItemStack stack, boolean state) { if (unlimited.contains(stack.getTypeId())) { unlimited.remove(Integer.valueOf(stack.getTypeId())); } if (state) { unlimited.add(stack.getTypeId()); } config.setProperty("unlimited", unlimited);; } private Map powertools; private Map _getPowertools() { if (config.isConfigurationSection("powertools")) { return config.getConfigurationSection("powertools").getValues(false); } return new HashMap(); } public void clearAllPowertools() { powertools.clear(); config.setProperty("powertools", powertools);; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getPowertool(ItemStack stack) { return (List) powertools.get("" + stack.getTypeId()); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List getPowertool(int id) { return (List) powertools.get("" + id); } public void setPowertool(ItemStack stack, List commandList) { if (commandList == null || commandList.isEmpty()) { powertools.remove("" + stack.getTypeId()); } else { powertools.put("" + stack.getTypeId(), commandList); } config.setProperty("powertools", powertools);; } public boolean hasPowerTools() { return !powertools.isEmpty(); } private Location lastLocation; private Location _getLastLocation() { try { return config.getLocation("lastlocation", this.getBase().getServer()); } catch (InvalidWorldException e) { return null; } } public Location getLastLocation() { return lastLocation; } public void setLastLocation(Location loc) { if (loc == null || loc.getWorld() == null) { return; } lastLocation = loc; config.setProperty("lastlocation", loc);; } private Location logoutLocation; private Location _getLogoutLocation() { try { return config.getLocation("logoutlocation", this.getBase().getServer()); } catch (InvalidWorldException e) { return null; } } public Location getLogoutLocation() { return logoutLocation; } public void setLogoutLocation(Location loc) { if (loc == null || loc.getWorld() == null) { return; } logoutLocation = loc; config.setProperty("logoutlocation", loc);; } private long lastTeleportTimestamp; private long _getLastTeleportTimestamp() { return config.getLong("timestamps.lastteleport", 0); } public long getLastTeleportTimestamp() { return lastTeleportTimestamp; } public void setLastTeleportTimestamp(long time) { lastTeleportTimestamp = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.lastteleport", time);; } private long lastHealTimestamp; private long _getLastHealTimestamp() { return config.getLong("timestamps.lastheal", 0); } public long getLastHealTimestamp() { return lastHealTimestamp; } public void setLastHealTimestamp(long time) { lastHealTimestamp = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.lastheal", time);; } private String jail; private String _getJail() { return config.getString("jail"); } public String getJail() { return jail; } public void setJail(String jail) { if (jail == null || jail.isEmpty()) { this.jail = null; config.removeProperty("jail"); } else { this.jail = jail; config.setProperty("jail", jail); }; } private List mails; private List _getMails() { return config.getStringList("mail"); } public List getMails() { return mails; } public void setMails(List mails) { if (mails == null) { config.removeProperty("mail"); mails = _getMails(); } else { config.setProperty("mail", mails); } this.mails = mails;; } public void addMail(String mail) { mails.add(mail); setMails(mails); } private boolean teleportEnabled; private boolean _getTeleportEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("teleportenabled", true); } public boolean isTeleportEnabled() { return teleportEnabled; } public void setTeleportEnabled(boolean set) { teleportEnabled = set; config.setProperty("teleportenabled", set);; } private List ignoredPlayers; public List _getIgnoredPlayers() { return Collections.synchronizedList(config.getStringList("ignore")); } public void setIgnoredPlayers(List players) { if (players == null || players.isEmpty()) { ignoredPlayers = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList()); config.removeProperty("ignore"); } else { ignoredPlayers = players; config.setProperty("ignore", players); }; } @Deprecated public boolean isIgnoredPlayer(final String userName) { final IUser user = ess.getUser(userName); if (user == null || !user.getBase().isOnline()) { return false; } return isIgnoredPlayer(user); } public boolean isIgnoredPlayer(IUser user) { return (ignoredPlayers.contains(user.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)) && !user.isIgnoreExempt()); } public void setIgnoredPlayer(IUser user, boolean set) { if (set) { ignoredPlayers.add(user.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } else { ignoredPlayers.remove(user.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } setIgnoredPlayers(ignoredPlayers); } private boolean godmode; private boolean _getGodModeEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("godmode", false); } public boolean isGodModeEnabled() { return godmode; } public void setGodModeEnabled(boolean set) { godmode = set; config.setProperty("godmode", set);; } private boolean muted; public boolean _getMuted() { return config.getBoolean("muted", false); } public boolean getMuted() { return muted; } public boolean isMuted() { return muted; } public void setMuted(boolean set) { muted = set; config.setProperty("muted", set);; } private long muteTimeout; private long _getMuteTimeout() { return config.getLong("timestamps.mute", 0); } public long getMuteTimeout() { return muteTimeout; } public void setMuteTimeout(long time) { muteTimeout = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.mute", time);; } private boolean jailed; private boolean _getJailed() { return config.getBoolean("jailed", false); } public boolean isJailed() { return jailed; } public void setJailed(boolean set) { jailed = set; config.setProperty("jailed", set);; } public boolean toggleJailed() { boolean ret = !isJailed(); setJailed(ret); return ret; } private long jailTimeout; private long _getJailTimeout() { return config.getLong("timestamps.jail", 0); } public long getJailTimeout() { return jailTimeout; } public void setJailTimeout(long time) { jailTimeout = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.jail", time);; } private long lastLogin; private long _getLastLogin() { return config.getLong("timestamps.login", 0); } public long getLastLogin() { return lastLogin; } private void _setLastLogin(long time) { lastLogin = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.login", time); } public void setLastLogin(long time) { _setLastLogin(time); if (base.getAddress() != null && base.getAddress().getAddress() != null) { _setLastLoginAddress(base.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress()); }; } private long lastLogout; private long _getLastLogout() { return config.getLong("timestamps.logout", 0); } public long getLastLogout() { return lastLogout; } public void setLastLogout(long time) { lastLogout = time; config.setProperty("timestamps.logout", time);; } private String lastLoginAddress; private String _getLastLoginAddress() { return config.getString("ipAddress", ""); } public String getLastLoginAddress() { return lastLoginAddress; } private void _setLastLoginAddress(String address) { lastLoginAddress = address; config.setProperty("ipAddress", address); } private boolean afk; private boolean _getAfk() { return config.getBoolean("afk", false); } public boolean isAfk() { return afk; } public void _setAfk(boolean set) { afk = set; config.setProperty("afk", set);; } private boolean newplayer; private String geolocation; private String _getGeoLocation() { return config.getString("geolocation"); } public String getGeoLocation() { return geolocation; } public void setGeoLocation(String geolocation) { if (geolocation == null || geolocation.isEmpty()) { this.geolocation = null; config.removeProperty("geolocation"); } else { this.geolocation = geolocation; config.setProperty("geolocation", geolocation); }; } private boolean isSocialSpyEnabled; private boolean _isSocialSpyEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("socialspy", false); } public boolean isSocialSpyEnabled() { return isSocialSpyEnabled; } public void setSocialSpyEnabled(boolean status) { isSocialSpyEnabled = status; config.setProperty("socialspy", status);; } private boolean isNPC; private boolean _isNPC() { return config.getBoolean("npc", false); } public boolean isNPC() { return isNPC; } private String lastAccountName = null; public String getLastAccountName() { return lastAccountName; } public String _getLastAccountName() { return config.getString("lastAccountName", null); } public void setLastAccountName(String lastAccountName) { this.lastAccountName = lastAccountName; config.setProperty("lastAccountName", lastAccountName);; ess.getUserMap().trackUUID(getConfigUUID(), lastAccountName, true); } public void setNPC(boolean set) { isNPC = set; config.setProperty("npc", set);; } private boolean arePowerToolsEnabled; public boolean arePowerToolsEnabled() { return arePowerToolsEnabled; } public void setPowerToolsEnabled(boolean set) { arePowerToolsEnabled = set; config.setProperty("powertoolsenabled", set);; } public boolean togglePowerToolsEnabled() { boolean ret = !arePowerToolsEnabled(); setPowerToolsEnabled(ret); return ret; } private boolean _arePowerToolsEnabled() { return config.getBoolean("powertoolsenabled", true); } private Map kitTimestamps; private Map _getKitTimestamps() { if (config.isConfigurationSection("timestamps.kits")) { final ConfigurationSection section = config.getConfigurationSection("timestamps.kits"); final Map timestamps = new HashMap(); for (String command : section.getKeys(false)) { if (section.isLong(command)) { timestamps.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), section.getLong(command)); } else if (section.isInt(command)) { timestamps.put(command.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), (long) section.getInt(command)); } } return timestamps; } return new HashMap(); } public long getKitTimestamp(String name) { name = name.replace('.', '_').replace('/', '_'); if (kitTimestamps != null && kitTimestamps.containsKey(name)) { return kitTimestamps.get(name); } return 0l; } public void setKitTimestamp(final String name, final long time) { kitTimestamps.put(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH), time); config.setProperty("timestamps.kits", kitTimestamps);; } public void setConfigProperty(String node, Object object) { final String prefix = "info."; node = prefix + node; if (object instanceof Map) { config.setProperty(node, (Map) object); } else if (object instanceof List) { config.setProperty(node, (List) object); } else if (object instanceof Location) { config.setProperty(node, (Location) object); } else if (object instanceof ItemStack) { config.setProperty(node, (ItemStack) object); } else { config.setProperty(node, object); }; } public Set getConfigKeys() { if (config.isConfigurationSection("info")) { return config.getConfigurationSection("info").getKeys(true); } return new HashSet(); } public Map getConfigMap() { if (config.isConfigurationSection("info")) { return config.getConfigurationSection("info").getValues(true); } return new HashMap(); } public Map getConfigMap(String node) { if (config.isConfigurationSection("info." + node)) { return config.getConfigurationSection("info." + node).getValues(true); } return new HashMap(); } // Pattern, Date. Pattern for less pattern creations private Map commandCooldowns; private Map _getCommandCooldowns() { if (!config.isConfigurationSection("timestamps.command-cooldowns")) { return null; } // See saveCommandCooldowns() for deserialization explanation List> section = config.getMapList("timestamps.command-cooldowns"); HashMap result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map map : section) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(map.get("pattern").toString()); long expiry = ((Number) map.get("expiry")).longValue(); result.put(pattern, expiry); } return result; } public Map getCommandCooldowns() { if (this.commandCooldowns == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(this.commandCooldowns); } public Date getCommandCooldownExpiry(String label) { if (commandCooldowns != null) { for (Entry entry : this.commandCooldowns.entrySet()) { if (entry.getKey().matcher(label).matches()) { return new Date(entry.getValue()); } } } return null; } public void addCommandCooldown(Pattern pattern, Date expiresAt, boolean save) { if (this.commandCooldowns == null) { this.commandCooldowns = new HashMap<>(); } this.commandCooldowns.put(pattern, expiresAt.getTime()); if (save) { saveCommandCooldowns(); } } public boolean clearCommandCooldown(Pattern pattern) { if (this.commandCooldowns == null) { return false; // false for no modification } if(this.commandCooldowns.remove(pattern) != null) { saveCommandCooldowns(); return true; } return false; } private void saveCommandCooldowns() { // Serialization explanation: // // Serialization is done as a map list instead of a config section due to limitations. // When serializing patterns (which commonly include full stops .) Bukkit/Essentials config framework // interprets it as a path separator, thus it breaks up the regex into sub nodes causing invalid syntax. // Thus each command cooldown is instead stored as a Map of {pattern: .., expiry: ..} to work around this. List serialized = new ArrayList<>(); for (Entry entry : this.commandCooldowns.entrySet()) { // Don't save expired cooldowns if (entry.getValue() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { continue; } Map map = ImmutableMap.builder() .put("pattern", entry.getKey().pattern()) .put("expiry", entry.getValue()) .build(); serialized.add(map); } config.setProperty("timestamps.command-cooldowns", serialized); save(); } private boolean acceptingPay = true; // players accept pay by default public boolean _getAcceptingPay() { return config.getBoolean("acceptingPay", true); } public boolean isAcceptingPay() { return acceptingPay; } public void setAcceptingPay(boolean acceptingPay) { this.acceptingPay = acceptingPay; config.setProperty("acceptingPay", acceptingPay); save(); } private boolean confirmPay = true; // players accept pay by default public boolean _getConfirmPay() { return config.getBoolean("confirm-pay", true); } public boolean isPromptingPayConfirm() { return confirmPay; } public void setPromptingPayConfirm(boolean prompt) { this.confirmPay = prompt; config.setProperty("confirm-pay", prompt); save(); } public UUID getConfigUUID() { return config.uuid; } public void save() {; } public void startTransaction() { config.startTransaction(); } public void stopTransaction() { config.stopTransaction(); } }