package com.earth2me.essentials.commands; import com.earth2me.essentials.MetaItemStack; import com.earth2me.essentials.User; import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil; import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.Firework; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta; import org.bukkit.util.Vector; import static; //This command has quite a complicated syntax, in theory it has 4 seperate syntaxes which are all variable: // //1: /firework clear - This clears all of the effects on a firework stack // //2: /firework power - This changes the base power of a firework // //3: /firework fire - This 'fires' a copy of the firework held. //3: /firework fire - This 'fires' a number of copies of the firework held. //3: /firework fire - This 'fires' a copy of the firework held, in the direction you are looking, #easteregg // //4: /firework [meta] - This will add an effect to the firework stack held //4: /firework color: - The minimum you need to set an effect is 'color' //4: Full Syntax: color: [fade:] [shape:] [effect:] //4: Possible Shapes: star, ball, large, creeper, burst //4: Possible Effects trail, twinkle public class Commandfirework extends EssentialsCommand { public Commandfirework() { super("firework"); } @Override protected void run(final Server server, final User user, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { final ItemStack stack = user.getBase().getItemInHand(); if (stack.getType() == Material.FIREWORK) { if (args.length > 0) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { FireworkMeta fmeta = (FireworkMeta) stack.getItemMeta(); fmeta.clearEffects(); stack.setItemMeta(fmeta); user.sendMessage(tl("fireworkEffectsCleared")); } else if (args.length > 1 && (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("power") || (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("p")))) { FireworkMeta fmeta = (FireworkMeta) stack.getItemMeta(); try { int power = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); fmeta.setPower(power > 3 ? 4 : power); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new Exception(tl("invalidFireworkFormat", args[1], args[0])); } stack.setItemMeta(fmeta); } else if ((args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("fire") || (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("f"))) && user.isAuthorized("")) { int amount = 1; boolean direction = false; if (args.length > 1) { if (NumberUtil.isInt(args[1])) { final int serverLimit = ess.getSettings().getSpawnMobLimit(); amount = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); if (amount > serverLimit) { amount = serverLimit; user.sendMessage(tl("mobSpawnLimit")); } } else { direction = true; } } for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { Firework firework = (Firework) user.getWorld().spawnEntity(user.getLocation(), EntityType.FIREWORK); FireworkMeta fmeta = (FireworkMeta) stack.getItemMeta(); if (direction) { final Vector vector = user.getBase().getEyeLocation().getDirection().multiply(0.070); if (fmeta.getPower() > 1) { fmeta.setPower(1); } firework.setVelocity(vector); } firework.setFireworkMeta(fmeta); } } else { final MetaItemStack mStack = new MetaItemStack(stack); for (String arg : args) { try { mStack.addFireworkMeta(user.getSource(), true, arg, ess); } catch (Exception e) { user.sendMessage(tl("fireworkSyntax")); throw e; } } if (mStack.isValidFirework()) { FireworkMeta fmeta = (FireworkMeta) mStack.getItemStack().getItemMeta(); FireworkEffect effect = mStack.getFireworkBuilder().build(); if (fmeta.getEffects().size() > 0 && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.firework.multiple")) { throw new Exception(tl("multipleCharges")); } fmeta.addEffect(effect); stack.setItemMeta(fmeta); } else { user.sendMessage(tl("fireworkSyntax")); throw new Exception(tl("fireworkColor")); } } } else { throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException(); } } else { throw new Exception(tl("holdFirework")); } } }