package com.earth2me.essentials; import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._; import java.util.*; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType; import org.bukkit.entity.LivingEntity; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; // Suffixes can be appended on the end of a mob name to make it plural // Entities without a suffix, will default to 's' public enum Mob { CHICKEN("Chicken", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.CHICKEN), COW("Cow", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.COW), CREEPER("Creeper", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.CREEPER), GHAST("Ghast", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.GHAST), GIANT("Giant", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.GIANT), PIG("Pig", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.PIG), PIGZOMB("PigZombie", Enemies.NEUTRAL, EntityType.PIG_ZOMBIE), SHEEP("Sheep", Enemies.FRIENDLY, "", EntityType.SHEEP), SKELETON("Skeleton", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.SKELETON), SLIME("Slime", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.SLIME), SPIDER("Spider", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.SPIDER), SQUID("Squid", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.SQUID), ZOMBIE("Zombie", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.ZOMBIE), WOLF("Wolf", Enemies.NEUTRAL, EntityType.WOLF), CAVESPIDER("CaveSpider", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.CAVE_SPIDER), ENDERMAN("Enderman", Enemies.ENEMY, "", EntityType.ENDERMAN), SILVERFISH("Silverfish", Enemies.ENEMY, "", EntityType.SILVERFISH), ENDERDRAGON("EnderDragon", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.ENDER_DRAGON), VILLAGER("Villager", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.VILLAGER), BLAZE("Blaze", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.BLAZE), MUSHROOMCOW("MushroomCow", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.MUSHROOM_COW), MAGMACUBE("MagmaCube", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.MAGMA_CUBE), SNOWMAN("Snowman", Enemies.FRIENDLY, "", EntityType.SNOWMAN), OCELOT("Ocelot", Enemies.NEUTRAL, EntityType.OCELOT), IRONGOLEM("IronGolem", Enemies.NEUTRAL, EntityType.IRON_GOLEM), WITHER("Wither", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.WITHER), BAT("Bat", Enemies.FRIENDLY, EntityType.BAT), WITCH("Witch", Enemies.ENEMY, EntityType.WITCH); public static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private Mob(String n, Enemies en, String s, EntityType type) { this.suffix = s; = n; this.type = en; this.bukkitType = type; } private Mob(String n, Enemies en, EntityType type) { = n; this.type = en; this.bukkitType = type; } public String suffix = "s"; final public String name; final public Enemies type; final private EntityType bukkitType; private static final Map hashMap = new HashMap(); static { for (Mob mob : Mob.values()) { hashMap.put(, mob); } } public static Set getMobList() { return Collections.unmodifiableSet(hashMap.keySet()); } public LivingEntity spawn(final Player player, final Server server, final Location loc) throws MobException { return spawn(player.getWorld(), server, loc); } public LivingEntity spawn(final World world, final Server server, final Location loc) throws MobException { final LivingEntity entity = world.spawn(loc, (Class)this.bukkitType.getEntityClass()); if (entity == null) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, _("unableToSpawnMob")); throw new MobException(); } return entity; } public enum Enemies { FRIENDLY("friendly"), NEUTRAL("neutral"), ENEMY("enemy"); private Enemies(final String type) { this.type = type; } final protected String type; } public EntityType getType() { return bukkitType; } public static Mob fromName(final String name) { return hashMap.get(name.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)); } public static class MobException extends Exception { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } }