package com.earth2me.essentials.commands; import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._; import com.earth2me.essentials.User; import com.earth2me.essentials.UserMap; import com.earth2me.essentials.Util; import com.earth2me.essentials.metrics.Metrics; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.Server; import org.bukkit.Sound; import org.bukkit.block.Block; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; // This command has 4 undocumented behaviours #EasterEgg public class Commandessentials extends EssentialsCommand { public Commandessentials() { super("essentials"); } private transient int taskid; private final transient Map noteBlocks = new HashMap(); @Override public void run(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length == 0) { run_disabled(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) { run_debug(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("nya")) { run_nya(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("moo")) { run_moo(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("reset")) { run_reset(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("opt-out")) { run_optout(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("cleanup")) { run_cleanup(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } else { run_reload(server, sender, commandLabel, args); } } //If you do not supply an argument this command will list 'overridden' commands. private void run_disabled(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { sender.sendMessage("Essentials " + ess.getDescription().getVersion()); sender.sendMessage("/ "); final StringBuilder disabledCommands = new StringBuilder(); for (Map.Entry entry : ess.getAlternativeCommandsHandler().disabledCommands().entrySet()) { if (disabledCommands.length() > 0) { disabledCommands.append(", "); } disabledCommands.append(entry.getKey()).append(" => ").append(entry.getValue()); } if (disabledCommands.length() > 0) { sender.sendMessage(_("blockList")); sender.sendMessage(disabledCommands.toString()); } } private void run_reset(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2) { throw new Exception("/ reset "); } final User user = getPlayer(server, args, 1, true); user.reset(); sender.sendMessage("Reset Essentials userdata for player: " + user.getDisplayName()); } private void run_debug(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { ess.getSettings().setDebug(!ess.getSettings().isDebug()); sender.sendMessage("Essentials " + ess.getDescription().getVersion() + " debug mode " + (ess.getSettings().isDebug() ? "enabled" : "disabled")); } private void run_reload(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { ess.reload(); sender.sendMessage(_("essentialsReload", ess.getDescription().getVersion())); } private void run_nya(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception { final Map noteMap = new HashMap(); noteMap.put("1F#", 0.5f); noteMap.put("1G", 0.53f); noteMap.put("1G#", 0.56f); noteMap.put("1A", 0.6f); noteMap.put("1A#", 0.63f); noteMap.put("1B", 0.67f); noteMap.put("1C", 0.7f); noteMap.put("1C#", 0.76f); noteMap.put("1D", 0.8f); noteMap.put("1D#", 0.84f); noteMap.put("1E", 0.9f); noteMap.put("1F", 0.94f); noteMap.put("2F#", 1.0f); noteMap.put("2G", 1.06f); noteMap.put("2G#", 1.12f); noteMap.put("2A", 1.18f); noteMap.put("2A#", 1.26f); noteMap.put("2B", 1.34f); noteMap.put("2C", 1.42f); noteMap.put("2C#", 1.5f); noteMap.put("2D", 1.6f); noteMap.put("2D#", 1.68f); noteMap.put("2E", 1.78f); noteMap.put("2F", 1.88f); final String tuneStr = "1D#,1E,2F#,,2A#,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,2B,2D#,2E,2D#,2A#,2B,,2F#,,1D#,1E,2F#,2B,2C#,2A#,2B,2C#,2E,2D#,2E,2C#,,2F#,,2G#,,1D,1D#,,1C#,1D,1C#,1B,,1B,,1C#,,1D,,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,1D#,2F#,2G#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D#,1B,1C#,1B,1D#,,2F#,,2G#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D#,1B,1D,1D#,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,1D,,1B,1C#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,,1B,,1C#,,2F#,,2G#,,1D,1D#,,1C#,1D,1C#,1B,,1B,,1C#,,1D,,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,1D#,2F#,2G#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D#,1B,1C#,1B,1D#,,2F#,,2G#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D#,1B,1D,1D#,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,1D,,1B,1C#,1D#,2F#,1C#,1D,1C#,1B,1C#,,1B,,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1C#,1B,,,,1F#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1F#,1G#,1F#,1B,,1B,1A#,1B,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1A#,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1F#,1E,1D#,1C#,1B,,,,1F#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1F#,1G#,1F#,1B,,1B,1A#,1B,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1A#,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1F#,1E,1D#,1C#,1B,,,,1F#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1F#,1G#,1F#,1B,,1B,1A#,1B,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1A#,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1F#,1E,1D#,1C#,1B,,,,1F#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1F#,1G#,1F#,1B,,1B,1A#,1B,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1A#,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1F#,1E,1D#,1C#,1B,,,,1F#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,,1F#,1G#,1B,1B,1C#,1D#,1B,1F#,1G#,1F#,1B,,1B,1A#,1B,1F#,1G#,1B,1E,1D#,1E,2F#,1B,,1B,,"; final String[] tune = tuneStr.split(","); taskid = ess.scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(new Runnable() { int i = 0; @Override public void run() { final String note = tune[i]; i++; if (i >= tune.length) { Commandessentials.this.stopTune(); } if (note.isEmpty() || note == null) { return; } for (Player onlinePlayer : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { onlinePlayer.playSound(onlinePlayer.getLocation(), Sound.NOTE_PIANO, 1, noteMap.get(note)); } } }, 20, 2); } private void stopTune() { ess.getScheduler().cancelTask(taskid); for (Block block : noteBlocks.values()) { if (block.getType() == Material.NOTE_BLOCK) { block.setType(Material.AIR); } } noteBlocks.clear(); } private void run_moo(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String command, final String args[]) { if (sender instanceof ConsoleCommandSender) { sender.sendMessage(new String[] { " (__)", " (oo)", " /------\\/", " / | ||", " * /\\---/\\", " ~~ ~~", "....\"Have you mooed today?\"..." }); } else { sender.sendMessage(new String[] { " (__)", " (oo)", " /------\\/", " / | | |", " * /\\---/\\", " ~~ ~~", "....\"Have you mooed today?\"..." }); final Player player = (Player)sender; player.playSound(player.getLocation(), Sound.COW_IDLE, 1, 1.0f); } } private void run_optout(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String command, final String args[]) { final Metrics metrics = ess.getMetrics(); try { sender.sendMessage("Essentials collects simple metrics to highlight which features to concentrate work on in the future."); if (metrics.isOptOut()) { metrics.enable(); } else { metrics.disable(); } sender.sendMessage("Anonymous Metrics are now: " + (metrics.isOptOut() ? "disabled" : "enabled")); } catch (IOException ex) { sender.sendMessage("Unable to modify 'plugins/PluginMetrics/config.yml': " + ex.getMessage()); } } private void run_cleanup(final Server server, final CommandSender sender, final String command, final String args[]) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2 || !Util.isInt(args[1])) { sender.sendMessage("This sub-command will delete users who havent logged in in the last days."); sender.sendMessage("Optional parameters define the minium amount required to prevent deletion."); throw new Exception("/ cleanup [money] [homes] [ban count]"); } sender.sendMessage(_("cleaning")); final int daysArg = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); final double moneyArg = args.length >= 3 ? Double.parseDouble(args[2].replaceAll("[^0-9\\.]", "")) : 0; final int homesArg = args.length >= 4 && Util.isInt(args[3]) ? Integer.parseInt(args[3]) : 0; final int bansArg = args.length >= 5 && Util.isInt(args[4]) ? Integer.parseInt(args[4]) : 0; final UserMap userMap = ess.getUserMap(); ess.runTaskAsynchronously(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { for (String u : userMap.getAllUniqueUsers()) { final User user = ess.getUserMap().getUser(u); if (user == null) { continue; } int ban = user.getBanReason().equals("") ? 0 : 1; long timeDiff = System.currentTimeMillis() - user.getLastLogout(); long milliDays = daysArg * 24 * 60 * 60; if ((ban > bansArg) || (timeDiff < milliDays) || (user.getHomes().size() > homesArg) || (user.getMoney() > moneyArg)) { continue; } user.reset(); } sender.sendMessage(_("cleaned")); } }); } }