package com.earth2me.essentials.api; import com.earth2me.essentials.EssentialsConf; import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._; import com.earth2me.essentials.IEssentials; import com.earth2me.essentials.User; import com.earth2me.essentials.Util; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; /** * Instead of using this api directly, we recommend to use the register plugin: * */ public final class Economy { private Economy() { } private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("Minecraft"); private static IEssentials ess; private static final String noCallBeforeLoad = "Essentials API is called before Essentials is loaded."; /** * @param aEss the ess to set */ public static void setEss(IEssentials aEss) { ess = aEss; } private static void createNPCFile(String name) { File folder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } EssentialsConf npcConfig = new EssentialsConf(new File(folder, Util.sanitizeFileName(name) + ".yml")); npcConfig.load(); npcConfig.setProperty("npc", true); npcConfig.setProperty("money", ess.getSettings().getStartingBalance());; } private static void deleteNPC(String name) { File folder = new File(ess.getDataFolder(), "userdata"); if (!folder.exists()) { folder.mkdirs(); } File config = new File(folder, Util.sanitizeFileName(name) + ".yml"); EssentialsConf npcConfig = new EssentialsConf(config); npcConfig.load(); if (npcConfig.hasProperty("npc") && npcConfig.getBoolean("npc", false)) { if (!config.delete()) { logger.log(Level.WARNING, _("deleteFileError", config)); } ess.getUserMap().removeUser(name); } } private static User getUserByName(String name) { if (ess == null) { throw new RuntimeException(noCallBeforeLoad); } return ess.getUser(name); } /** * Returns the balance of a user * @param name Name of the user * @return balance * @throws UserDoesNotExistException */ public static double getMoney(String name) throws UserDoesNotExistException { User user = getUserByName(name); if (user == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(name); } return user.getMoney(); } /** * Sets the balance of a user * @param name Name of the user * @param balance The balance you want to set * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void setMoney(String name, double balance) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { User user = getUserByName(name); if (user == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(name); } if (balance < ess.getSettings().getMinMoney()) { throw new NoLoanPermittedException(); } if (balance < 0.0 && !user.isAuthorized("")) { throw new NoLoanPermittedException(); } user.setMoney(balance); } /** * Adds money to the balance of a user * @param name Name of the user * @param amount The money you want to add * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void add(String name, double amount) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { double result = getMoney(name) + amount; setMoney(name, result); } /** * Substracts money from the balance of a user * @param name Name of the user * @param amount The money you want to substract * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void subtract(String name, double amount) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { double result = getMoney(name) - amount; setMoney(name, result); } /** * Divides the balance of a user by a value * @param name Name of the user * @param value The balance is divided by this value * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void divide(String name, double value) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { double result = getMoney(name) / value; setMoney(name, result); } /** * Multiplies the balance of a user by a value * @param name Name of the user * @param value The balance is multiplied by this value * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void multiply(String name, double value) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { double result = getMoney(name) * value; setMoney(name, result); } /** * Resets the balance of a user to the starting balance * @param name Name of the user * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists * @throws NoLoanPermittedException If the user is not allowed to have a negative balance */ public static void resetBalance(String name) throws UserDoesNotExistException, NoLoanPermittedException { if (ess == null) { throw new RuntimeException(noCallBeforeLoad); } setMoney(name, ess.getSettings().getStartingBalance()); } /** * @param name Name of the user * @param amount The amount of money the user should have * @return true, if the user has more or an equal amount of money * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists */ public static boolean hasEnough(String name, double amount) throws UserDoesNotExistException { return amount <= getMoney(name); } /** * @param name Name of the user * @param amount The amount of money the user should have * @return true, if the user has more money * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists */ public static boolean hasMore(String name, double amount) throws UserDoesNotExistException { return amount < getMoney(name); } /** * @param name Name of the user * @param amount The amount of money the user should not have * @return true, if the user has less money * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists */ public static boolean hasLess(String name, double amount) throws UserDoesNotExistException { return amount > getMoney(name); } /** * Test if the user has a negative balance * @param name Name of the user * @return true, if the user has a negative balance * @throws UserDoesNotExistException If a user by that name does not exists */ public static boolean isNegative(String name) throws UserDoesNotExistException { return getMoney(name) < 0.0; } /** * Formats the amount of money like all other Essentials functions. * Example: $100000 or $12345.67 * @param amount The amount of money * @return Formatted money */ public static String format(double amount) { if (ess == null) { throw new RuntimeException(noCallBeforeLoad); } return Util.displayCurrency(amount, ess); } /** * Test if a player exists to avoid the UserDoesNotExistException * @param name Name of the user * @return true, if the user exists */ public static boolean playerExists(String name) { return getUserByName(name) != null; } /** * Test if a player is a npc * @param name Name of the player * @return true, if it's a npc * @throws UserDoesNotExistException */ public static boolean isNPC(String name) throws UserDoesNotExistException { User user = getUserByName(name); if (user == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(name); } return user.isNPC(); } /** * Creates dummy files for a npc, if there is no player yet with that name. * @param name Name of the player * @return true, if a new npc was created */ public static boolean createNPC(String name) { User user = getUserByName(name); if (user == null) { createNPCFile(name); return true; } return false; } /** * Deletes a user, if it is marked as npc. * @param name Name of the player * @throws UserDoesNotExistException */ public static void removeNPC(String name) throws UserDoesNotExistException { User user = getUserByName(name); if (user == null) { throw new UserDoesNotExistException(name); } deleteNPC(name); } }