# EssentialsX new Kit configuration. # If you don't have any kits defined in this file, the plugin will try to copy them from the config.yml # Note: All items MUST be followed by a quantity! # All kit names should be lower case, and will be treated as lower in permissions/costs. # Syntax: - itemID[:DataValue/Durability] Amount [Enchantment:Level].. [itemmeta:value]... # For Item Meta information visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Item_Meta # 'delay' refers to the cooldown between how often you can use each kit, measured in seconds. # Set delay to -1 for a one time kit. # For more information, visit http://wiki.ess3.net/wiki/Kits kits: tools: delay: 10 items: - 272 1 - 273 1 - 274 1 - 275 1 dtools: delay: 600 items: - 278 1 efficiency:1 durability:1 fortune:1 name:&4Gigadrill lore:The_drill_that_&npierces|the_heavens - 277 1 digspeed:3 name:Dwarf lore:Diggy|Diggy|Hole - 298 1 color:255,255,255 name:Top_Hat lore:Good_day,_Good_day - 279:780 1 notch: delay: 6000 items: - 397:3 1 player:Notch color: delay: 6000 items: - 387 1 title:&4Book_&9o_&6Colors author:KHobbits lore:Ingame_color_codes book:Colors firework: delay: 6000 items: - 401 1 name:Angry_Creeper color:red fade:green type:creeper power:1 - 401 1 name:Starry_Night color:yellow,orange fade:blue type:star effect:trail,twinkle power:1 - 401 2 name:Solar_Wind color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:large effect:twinkle color:yellow,orange fade:red shape:ball effect:trail color:red,purple fade:pink shape:star effect:trail power:1