- Dropped usage of deprecated methods for a cleaner future.
- Zombies no longer throw errors in SpawnMob due to setVillager(false).
- Removed MobData where they have been replaced with actual entities.
This commit adds a getAfkSince() method to IUser.
This commit adds a whoisAFKSince message which is sent when a player is AFK, it follows the same format as whoisAFK which is still used. whoisAFK remains unchanged but is sent only when the player is not AFK.
This commit makes it possible for players to set an afk message to detail their reasoning for being away to other players. This can be especially useful for the /msg command; instead of replying the user is afk, it will specify why they are afk so the sender can act further on that information.
Two methods have been added to IUser: getAfkMessage() and setAFKMessage(String).
All locale files have two new messages: userAFKWithReason and userIsAwayWithReason. They all use the messages that do not have the suffix WithReason, i.e. userAFK and userIsAway. Furthermore, the userIsAwayWithReason will not utilise the second parameter, the reason, to prevent spam and unnecessary text in global chat. However, the second parameter ({1}) is available for use in userIsAwayWithReason. userAFKWithReason, which is sent to /msg senders, does use the {1} as it controllable spam by the command sender themselves.
/afk usage is now: /afk [player/message...]
Add two new locale messages: timeSetWorldPermission and timeSetAllPermission.
Add two new permissions essentials.time.set.all and essentials.time.set.<world>.
As @supaham pointed out, this can cause issues with giving a player a wildcard permission and then negating the specific node if both nodes aren't negated.
Add translatable message recentlyForeverAlone.
Add behaviour that preserves reply-recipient only if they are reachable, and update reply-recipient if they are not reachable.
This commit adds a new boolean-configurable feature called last-message-reply-recipient, defaults to true for new installs and false for old installs, which states whether to use the new messaging functionality or not.
This commit deprecates Console#getCommandSender(Server) and provides Console#getInstance()#getCommandSender() for future usability.