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synced 2025-02-11 11:49:12 +00:00
Fix translation
git-svn-id: https://svn.java.net/svn/essentials~svn/trunk@1409 e251c2fe-e539-e718-e476-b85c1f46cddb
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 146 additions and 2 deletions
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ second = second
seconds = seconds
seconds = seconds
destinationNotSet = Destination not set
destinationNotSet = Destination not set
holeInFloor = Hole in floor
holeInFloor = Hole in floor
currency = {0,currency}
currency = {0,number,currency}
warpNotExist = That warp does not exist.
warpNotExist = That warp does not exist.
similarWarpExist = A warp with a similar name already exists.
similarWarpExist = A warp with a similar name already exists.
warpDeleteError = Problem deleting the warp file.
warpDeleteError = Problem deleting the warp file.
@ -2,4 +2,148 @@ loadinfo = Plugin {0} Version {1} geladen, erstellt von {2}, \u00fcbersetzt von
markedAsNotAway = \u00a77Du wirst nicht mehr als abwesend angezeigt.
markedAsNotAway = \u00a77Du wirst nicht mehr als abwesend angezeigt.
markedAsAway = \u00a77Du wirst als abwesend angezeigt.
markedAsAway = \u00a77Du wirst als abwesend angezeigt.
userIsNotAway = {0} ist wieder da.
userIsNotAway = {0} ist wieder da.
userIsAway = {0} ist abwesend.
userIsAway = {0} ist abwesend.
backupStarted = Backup started
backupFinished = Backup finished
invalidServer = Invalid server!
usingTempFolderForTesting = Using temp folder for testing:
worldsLoadedRestartServer = New worlds have been loaded while upgrading files. The server will stop now, please restart it.
failedStopServer = Failed to stop the server!
versionMismatch = Version mismatch! Please update {0} to the same version.
notRecommendedBukkit = Bukkit version is not the recommended build for Essentials.
bukkitFormatChanged = Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
itemsCsvNotLoaded = Could not load items.csv.
corruptNodeInConfig = \u00a74Notice: Your configuration file has a corrupt {0} node.
youHaveNewMail = \u00a7cYou have {0} messages!\u00a7f Type \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f to view your mail.
commandNotLoaded = \u00a7cCommand {0} is improperly loaded.
deniedAccessCommand = {0} was denied access to command.
noAccessCommand = \u00a7cYou do not have access to that command.
errorCallingCommand = Error calling command /{0}
commandFailed = Command {0} failed:
bannedPlayersFileNotFound = banned-players.txt not found
bannedPlayersFileError = Error reading banned-players.txt
bannedIpsFileNotFound = banned-ips.txt not found
bannedIpsFileError = Error reading banned-ips.txt
noDestroyPermission = \u00a7cYou do not have permission to destroy that {0}.
noAccessPermission = \u00a7cYou do not have permission to access that {0}.
moreThanZero = Quantities must be greater than 0.
errorWithMessage = \u00a7cError: {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate = Creating config from template: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig = Creating empty config: {0}
failedToCreateConfig = Failed to create config {0}
couldNotFindTemplate = Could not find template {0}
failedToWriteConfig = Failed to write config {0}
failedToCloseConfig = Failed to close config {0}
notEnoughMoney = You do not have sufficient funds.
missingItems = You do not have {0}x {1}.
tradeSignEmpty = The trade sign does not have enough supply left.
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Trade completed.
backAfterDeath = \u00a77Use the /back command to return to your death point.
mutedUserSpeaks = {0} tried to speak, but is muted.
userCreatedPortal = {0} used a portal and generated an exit portal.
generatingPortal = \u00a77Generating an exit portal.
userUsedPortal = {0} used an existing exit portal.
usingPortal = \u00a77Teleporting via portal to an existing portal.
teleportingPortal = \u00a77Teleporting via portal.
freedMemory = Freed {0} MB.
defaultBanReason = The Ban Hammer has spoken!
noNewMail = \u00a77You have no new mail.
serverFull = Server is full
returnPlayerToJailError = Error occured when trying to return player to jail.
jailMessage = \u00a7cYou do the crime, you do the time.
homeSetToBed = \u00a77Your home is now set to this bed.
moneyTaken = {0} taken from your bank account.
youAreHealed = \u00a77You have been healed.
markMailAsRead = \u00a7cTo mark your mail as read, type /mail clear
balance = \u00a77Balance: {0}
backUsageMsg = \u00a77Returning to previous location.
playerBanned = \u00a7cPlayer {0} banned
banIpAddress = \u00a77Banned IP address
bigTreeSuccess = \u00a77Big tree spawned.
bigTreeFailure = \u00a7cBig tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
broadcast = [\u00a7cBroadcast\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
burnMsg = \u00a77You set {0} on fire for {1} seconds.
playerNotFound = \u00a7cPlayer not found.
inventoryCleared = \u00a77Inventory Cleared.
inventoryClearedOthers = \u00a77Inventory of \u00a7c {0} \u00a77 cleared.
compassBearing = \u00a77Bearing: {0} ({1} degrees).
deleteJail = \u00a77Jail {0} has been removed.
deleteWarp = \u00a77Warp {0} has been removed.
depth = \u00a77You are at sea level.
depthAboveSea = \u00a77You are {0} block(s) above sea level.
depthBelowSea = \u00a77You are {0} block(s) below sea level.
extinguish = \u00a77You extinguished yourself.
extinguishOthers = \u00a77 You extinguished {0}.
canTalkAgain = \u00a77You can talk again
haveBeenReleased = \u00a77You have been released
upgradingFilesError = Error while upgrading the files
configFileMoveError = Failed to move config.yml to backup location.
configFileRenameError = Failed to rename temp file to config.yml
fileRenameError = Renaming file {0} failed
userdataMoveError = Failed to move userdata/{0} to userdata/{1}.tmp
duplicatedUserdata = Duplicated userdata: {0} and {1}
userdataMoveBackError = Failed to move userdata/{0}.tmp to userdata/{1}
parseError = Error parsing {0} on line {1}
unknownItemName = Unknown item name: {0}
unknownItemId = Unknown item id: {0}
jailNotExist = That jail does not exist.
unableToSpawnMob = Unable to spawn mob.
creatingPortal = Creating portal at {0},{1},{2}.
notSupportedYet = Not supported yet.
unknownItemInList = Unknown item {0} in {1} list.
teleportationCommencing = \u00a77Teleportation commencing...
cooldownWithMessage = \u00a7cCooldown: {0}
warpingTo = \u00a77Warping to {0}.
timeBeforeTeleport = Time before next teleport: {0}
pendingTeleportCancelled = \u00a7cPending teleportation request cancelled.
dontMoveMessage = \u00a77Teleportation will commence in {0}. Don't move.
noHomeSet = You have not set a home.
noHomeSetPlayer = Player has not set a home.
timeBeforeHeal = Time before next heal: {0}
addedToAccount = \u00a7a{0} has been added to your account.
moneySentTo = \u00a7a{0} has been sent to {1}
moneyRecievedFrom = \u00a7a{0} has been recieved from {1}
takenFromAccount = \u00a7c{0} has been taken from your account.
emptyWorldName = Set Home: World name is null or empty.
now = now
year = year
years = years
month = month
months = months
day = day
days = days
hour = hour
hours = hours
minute = minute
minutes = minutes
second = second
seconds = seconds
destinationNotSet = Destination not set
holeInFloor = Hole in floor
currency = {0,number,currency}
warpNotExist = That warp does not exist.
similarWarpExist = A warp with a similar name already exists.
warpDeleteError = Problem deleting the warp file.
versionMismatchAll = Version mismatch! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version.
missingPrefixSuffix = Missing a prefix or suffix for {0}
permissionsError = Missing Permissions/GroupManager; chat prefixes/suffixes will be disabled.
shoutFormat = \u00a77[Shout]\u00a7f {0}
notAllowedToShout = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to shout.
questionFormat = \u00a77[Question]\u00a7f {0}
notAllowedToQuestion = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to use question.
localFormat = Local: <{0}> {1}
geoipJoinFormat = Player {0} comes from {1}
cantFindGeoIpDB = Can't find GeoIP database!
cantReadGeoIpDB = Failed to read GeoIP database!
geoIpUrlEmpty = GeoIP download url is empty.
downloadingGeoIp = Downloading GeoIP database ... this might take a while (country: 0.6 MB, city: 20MB)
geoIpUrlInvalid = GeoIP download url is invalid.
connectionFailed = Failed to open connection.
alertFormat = \u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} at: {3}
alertPlaced = placed:
alertBroke = broke:
alertUsed = used:
buildAlert = \u00a7cYou are not permitted to build
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Protection owner: {0}
spawnSet = \u00a77Spawn location set for group {0}.
teleportNewPlayerError = Failed to teleport new player
Reference in a new issue