Update TL files from Crowdin, this commit resets untranslated English to new colour scheme.

This commit is contained in:
KHobbits 2013-07-10 22:36:27 +01:00
parent 61ed77b60c
commit 9f015c1bda
15 changed files with 960 additions and 943 deletions

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} bylo pripsano na tvuj ucet.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} bylo pripsano na {1}\u00a7a ucet. Nova hodnota\: {2}
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} v\: {3}
@ -29,34 +29,34 @@ backupDisabled=Externi zalohovaci script neni nastaven.
backupFinished=Zaloha dokoncena
backupStarted=Probiha zaloha
balance=\u00a77Ucet\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceOther=\u00a7aUcet hrace {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Nejbohatsi hraci ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cNemuzes zabanovat tohoto hrace.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
banFormat=\u00a74Banned\: \u00a7r{0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedMissing=\u00a74Tvoje postel bud neni nastavena, nebo je ztracena, nebo zablokovana.
bedSet=&6 Postel nastavena \!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7cProblem pri vytvareni velkeho stromu. Zkuste znovu na trave nebo hline.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Velky strom vytvoren.
blockList=Essentials prenechal nasledujici prikazy jinemu pluginu\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a76This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}.
broadcast=[\u00a7cSdeleni\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a7cNemas dovoleno stavet.
bukkitFormatChanged=Format kontroly verze Bukkitu zmenen. Verze nebyla zkontrolovana.
burnMsg=\u00a77Zapalil jsi {0} na dobu {1} sekund.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Muzes opet mluvit.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74Nemas opravneni na stackovani vice mobu.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Nemohu najit GeoIP databazi\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Nemohu precist GeoIP databazi\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cNejsi dovoleny spawnout item\: {0}
cleaned=Userfiles Cleaned.
cleaning=Cleaning userfiles.
cleaned=Uzivatelske zaznamy vycisteny.
cleaning=Cistim uzivatelske zaznamy.
commandFailed=Prikaz {0} selhal.
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Chyba pri ziskavani pomoci\: {0}
commandNotLoaded=\u00a7cPrikaz {0} je nespravne nacteny.
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a74Pozor\: Vas konfiguracni soubor ma chybnou {0} poznam
couldNotFindTemplate=Nemohu naleznout sablonu\: {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Vytvarim config ze sablony\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Vytvarim prazdny config\: {0}
currentWorld=Soucasny svet\: {0}
@ -81,9 +81,9 @@ deleteHome=\u00a77Domov {0} byl uspesne odstranen.
deleteJail=\u00a77Jail {0} byl uspesne odstranen.
deleteWarp=\u00a77Warp {0} byl uspesne odstranen.
deniedAccessCommand=Hraci {0} byl zablokovan prikaz.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
depth=\u00a77Jsi na urovni more.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Jsi {0} kostek nad urovni more.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Jsi {0} kostek pod urovni more.
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleport bude zahajen za {0}. Nehybej se.
downloadingGeoIp=Stahuji GeoIP databazi ... muze to chvilku trvat (staty\: 0.6 MB, mesta\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplikovane data hrace\: {0} and {1}
durability=\u00a77Tomuto nastroji zbyva \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 pouziti.
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Davam neomezene mnozstvi {0} hraci {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77Enchant {0} byl aplikovan na tvuj nastroj v ruce.
@ -120,9 +120,9 @@ false=\u00a74Ne\u00a7f
feed=\u00a77Nasytil jsi se.
feedOther=\u00a77Nasytil jsi hrace {0}.
fileRenameError=Prejmenovani souboru {0} selhalo.
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
fireworkColor=\u00a74Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Vsechny efekty byly odstraneny.
fireworkSyntax=Parametry ohnostroje\:\u00a7c color\:<barva> [fade\:<barva>] [shape\:<tvar>] [effect\:<efekt>]\n\u00a76Pro multi barvy/efekty, oddel polozky carkou\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Tvary\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Efekty\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a77Povolil jsi letani hraci {0} hraci {1}.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cNemas komu odepsat.
@ -138,9 +138,9 @@ geoipJoinFormat=Hrac {0} prichazi z {1}
giveSpawn=\u00a76Dal jsi\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\u00a7c {1} hraci\u00a7c {2}\u00a76.
godDisabledFor=zakazan pro {0}
godEnabledFor=povolen pro {0}
godMode=\u00a77God mode {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, for the full list\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
godMode=\u00a76God mode\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Nikdo z teto skupiny neni online\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, pro kompletni seznam\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cChyba, tento predmet nemuzes pouzit jako pokryvku hlavy\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cMomentalne nemas zadnou pokryvku hlavy.
hatFail=\u00a7cMusis mit to, co chces mit na hlave v ruce.
@ -148,17 +148,17 @@ hatPlaced=\u00a7eUzij si svou novou pokryvku hlavy\!
hatRemoved=\u00a7eOdstralil jsi svou pokryvku hlavy.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Byl jsi uvolnen
heal=\u00a77Byl jsi uzdraven.
healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healDead=\u00a74Nemuzes lecit nekoho, kdo je uz po smrti\!
healOther=\u00a77Uzdravil jsi hrace {0}.
helpConsole=Pokud chces videt napovedu z konzole, napis ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Prikazy od{0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Prikazy odpovidajici "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[HelpOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Napoveda pluginu\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
holdPotion=\u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
holdPotion=\u00a74Pro nastaveni lektvaru ho musis drzet v ruce.
holeInFloor=Dira v podlaze
homeSet=\u00a77Domov nastaven.
homes=Domovy\: {0}
@ -170,15 +170,15 @@ infoChapter=Vyberte kapitolu\:
infoChapterPages=Kapitola {0}, strana \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f z \u00a7c{2}\u00a7f\:
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Strana \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a74{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Neznama kapitola.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Nemas k dispozici dostatek hotovosti.
invalidCharge=\u00a7cNeplatny poplatek.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=Domov {0} neexistuje.
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Spatny nazev domova
invalidMob=Nespravny typ moba.
invalidNumber=Neplatn\u00e9 \u010d\u00edslo.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidNumber=Neplatne cislo.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Nespravny lektvar.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Nespravna metadata lektvaru\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=Radek {0} je chybne vyplnen.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Spatny nazev warpu
invalidWorld=\u00a7cNespravny svet\!
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ itemSellAir=Vazne jsi se pokusil prodat Vzduch? Vezmi si neco do ruky.
itemSold=\u00a77Prodano za \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} za cenu {3} kus)
itemSoldConsole={0} Prodano {1} za \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} za cenu {4} kus)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Davam {0} {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Nelze nacist soubor items.csv.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cTento hrace ja jiz uveznen\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cPorusil jsi pravidla, ted si to odsedis\!
@ -205,20 +205,20 @@ jailSet=\u00a77Vezeni {0} bylo vytvoreno.
jumpError=Tohle by tvuj procesor nemusel rozdychat.
kickDefault=Vyhozen ze serveru
kickExempt=\u00a7cNemuzes vyhodit tuhle osobu.
kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickedAll=\u00a74Kicked all players from server.
kill=\u00a77Zabit {0}.
killExempt=\u00a74You can not kill {0}
killExempt=\u00a74Nemuzes zabit hrace {0}
kitCost=\ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
kitError2=\u00a7cTento kit neexistuje, nebo je chybne definovan.
kitError=\u00a7cNejsou zadne validni kity.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Davam kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 hraci {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cMel jsi plny inventar, obsah kitu je na zemi.
kitNotFound=\u00a74That kit does not exist.
kitNotFound=\u00a74Tento kit neexistuje.
kitOnce=\u00a74Jiz nemuzes tento kit pouzivat.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitReceive=\u00a76Obdrzel jsi kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cNemuzes pouzit tento kit po dalsich {0}.
kits=\u00a77Kity\: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0.
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Syntaxe barvy kuze\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> napr\: color\:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a77Byl jsi zasazen bleskem.
lightningUse=\u00a77Zasadil jsi bleskem hrace {0}
@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ mailSent=\u00a77Mail odeslan\!
markMailAsRead=\u00a7cPokud chces mail oznacit jako precteny, napis /mail clear
markedAsAway=\u00a77Jsi oznacen jako "AFK".
markedAsNotAway=\u00a77Jiz nejsi oznacen jako "AFK".
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76The following players previously logged in from that IP address\:
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76Nasledujici hraci byli prihlaseni z teto IP\:
maxHomes=Nemuzes si nastavit vice nez {0} domovu.
mayNotJail=\u00a7cNesmis uveznit tuto postavu
@ -252,10 +252,10 @@ months=mesice
moreThanZero=Mnozstvi musi byt vetsi nez 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a77Nastavena rychlost {0} na {1} hraci {2}.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
multipleCharges=\u00a74Nelze pouzit vice jak jeden naboj pro tento ohnostroj.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74Nelze pouzit vice jak jeden efekt na tento lektvar.
muteExempt=\u00a7cTohoto hrace nemuzes umlcet.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
mutedPlayer=Hrac {0} byl umlcen.
mutedPlayerFor=Hrac {0} umlcen za {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} se pokusil promluvit, ale je umlcen.
@ -280,15 +280,15 @@ noHomeSetPlayer=Hrac nema nastaveny zadny domov.
noKitPermission=\u00a7cPotrebujes \u00a7c{0}\u00a7c permission, aby jsi mohl pouzit tento kit.
noKits=\u00a77Nejsou zadne dostupne kity.
noMail=Nemas zadny mail.
noMatchingPlayers=\u00a76No matching players found.
noMetaFirework=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply firework meta.
noMetaPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 meta to this item.
noMatchingPlayers=\u00a76Zadni odpovidajici hraci nebyli nalezeni.
noMetaFirework=\u00a74Nemas opravneni pro nastaveni metadat ohnostroje.
noMetaPerm=\u00a74Nemas opravneni na nastaveni metadat \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 tohoto itemu.
noNewMail=\u00a77Nemas zadny novy mail.
noPendingRequest=Nemas zadne neuzavrene zadosti.
noPerm=\u00a7cNemas \u00a7f{0}\u00a7c permici.
noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a7cNemas povoleni k spawnovani mobu.
noPlacePermission=\u00a7cNemas povoleni pokladat nebo nicit cokoliv blizko teto cedule.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74Nemas opravneni k nastaveni efektu \u00a7c{0} \u00a74tohoto lektvaru.
noPowerTools=Nemas zadny mocny nastroj.
noWarpsDefined=Nejsou nastaveny zadne warpy.
@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a7cNejsi opravnen pouzit otazku.
notAllowedToShout=\u00a7cNejsi opravnen pouzit kriceni.
notEnoughExperience=Nemas dostatek zkusenosti.
notEnoughMoney=Nemas dostatecny financni obnos.
notFlying=not flying
notRecommendedBukkit=* \! * Verze bukkitu neni doporucena pro Essentials.
notSupportedYet=Jeste neni podporovano.
nothingInHand=\u00a7cNedrzis nic v ruce.
@ -304,11 +304,11 @@ now=nyni
nuke=Prsi na tebe smrt \:)
numberRequired=Hlupaku, musis vyplnit cislo.
onlyDayNight=/time podporuje pouze day/night.
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74You can only set the owner of player skulls (397\:3).
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74Muze nastavit pouze majitel hrackych hlav (397\:3).
onlyPlayers=Pouze hraci ve hre mohou pouzit\: {0}.
onlySunStorm=/weather podporuje pouze sun/storm.
orderBalances=Usporadavam bohatstvi {0} hracu, prosim vydrz ...
oversizedTempban=\u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
oversizedTempban=\u00a74Nemuzes potrestat hrace ne tak dlouhou dobu.
pTimeCurrent=\u00a7eCas hrace u00a7f je {1}. //???
pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a7eCas hrace {0} u00a7f je nastaven na {1}.
pTimeNormal=\u00a7eCas hrace {0}\u00a7f je normalni a souhlasi s casem serveru.
@ -317,15 +317,15 @@ pTimePlayers=Tihle hraci maji nastaveny svuj cas\:
pTimeReset=Cas hrace byl obnoven za\: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet=Cas hrace je nastaven na \u00a73{0}\u00a7f za\: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed=Cas hrace je fixne nastaven na \u00a73{0}\u00a7f za\: \u00a7e{1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherCurrent=Pocasi hrace \u00a7c{0} \u00a76bylo nastaveno na\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=&4Neplatny typ pocasi
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherNormal=Pocasi hrace \u00a7c{0} \u00a76bylo nastaveno synchronne se serverem.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74Nemas opravneni nastavovat pocasi ostatnim hracum.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76Tito hraci maji sve vlastni pocasi\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Hracovo pocasi bylo resetovano na\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Pocasi pro hrace \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 bylo nastaveno na\: \u00a7c{0}.
pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a7cNevyresena zadost o teleportaci byla zrusena.
playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Hraci\u00a7c {0} \u00a76byla zabanovana IP adresa {1}\u00a76.
playerBanned=\u00a7cAdmin {0} zabanoval {1} za {2}
playerInJail=\u00a7cHrac je jiz uveznen {0}.
playerJailed=\u00a77Hrac {0} byl uveznen.
@ -335,8 +335,8 @@ playerMuted=\u00a77Byl jsi umlcen.
playerMutedFor=\u00a77Byl jsi umlcen za {0}
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a7cHrac {0} nebyl nikdy na serveru.
playerNotFound=\u00a7cHrac nenalezen.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76unbanned IP\: {1}.
playerUnbanned=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76unbanned {1}.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Hraci\u00a7c {0} \u00a76byla odbanovana IP adresa\: {1}.
playerUnbanned=\u00a76Hrac\u00a7c {0} \u00a76byl odbanovan {1}.
playerUnmuted=\u00a77Byl jsi odmlcen.
posPitch=\u00a76Obzor\: {0} (Roztec vyhledu)
@ -360,15 +360,15 @@ powerToolsEnabled=Vsechny tve mocne nastroje byli povoleny.
questionFormat=\u00a77[Otazka]\u00a7f {0}
readNextPage=Napis /{0} {1} pro precteni dalsi stranky.
recipe=\u00a76Recept na \u00a76{0}&6 ({1} z {2})
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Prepal \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Where\: {0}
recipeGridItem=\u00a0\u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
recipeNone=Zadny recept na {0} neexistuje
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Zkombinuj \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Kde\: {0}
removed=\u00a77Odstraneno {0} entitit.
repair=Uspesne jsi opravil svuj nastroj\: \u00a7e{0}.
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a77Tento item nepotrebuje opravu.
@ -382,18 +382,18 @@ requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} odmitl tvou zadost o teleport.
requestSent=\u00a77Zadost odeslana hraci {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cZadost o teleportaci vyprsela.
requiredBukkit=* \! * Potrebujete minimalne verzi {0} Bukkitu, stahnete si ji z http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
resetBal=\u00a76Hotovost vsech online hracu byla resetovana na \u00a7a{0}\u00a76.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Hotovost vsech online hracu byla resetovana na \u00a7a{0}\u00a76.
returnPlayerToJailError=Nastala chyba pri pokusu navraceni hrace {0} do vezeni\: {1}
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Zahajeno hledani odpovidajicich hracu ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (..muze to chvilku trvat...)
seenOffline=Hrac {0} je offline od {1}
seenOnline=Hrac {0} je online od {1}
serverFull=Server je plny
serverTotal=Maximum serveru\: {0}
setBal=\u00a7aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aYou set {0}\u00a7a''s balance to {1}.
setBal=\u00a7aTva hotovost byla nastavena na {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aHotovost hrace {0}\u00a7a nastavena na {1}.
setSpawner=Zmenil jsi spawner na\: {0}
sheepMalformedColor=Deformovana barva.
shoutFormat=\u00a77[Shout]\u00a7f {0}
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ signFormatTemplate=[{0}]
signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a74Nemas opravneni zde vytvaret cedule.
similarWarpExist=Warp s podobnym nebo stejnym jmenem jiz existuje.
slimeMalformedSize=Zdeformovana velikost.
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76\: {1}
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy pro {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=Tento mob ma rad, kdyz je sam.
spawnSet=\u00a77Spawn-lokace nastavena pro skupinu\: {0}.
@ -411,7 +411,7 @@ sudoExempt=Nemuzes ovladat tohoto hrace
sudoRun=Nutis hrace {0} k behu\: /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a77Sbohem kruty svete...
suicideSuccess=\u00a77{0} si vzal svuj zivot
takenFromAccount=\u00a7c{0} bylo odecteno z tveho uctu.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7c{0} bylo odebrano z {1}\u00a7c uctu. Nova hodnota\: {2}
teleportAAll=\u00a77Zadost o teleportaci odeslana vsem hracum...
@ -458,11 +458,11 @@ unknownItemName=Neznamy nazev itemu\: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cNemas opravneni pro neomezeny item\: {0}.
unlimitedItems=Neomezene itemy\:
unmutedPlayer=Hrac {0} byl umlcen.
unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
unvanished=\u00a76You are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74A reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Chyba pri updatovani souboru.
uptime=\u00a76Server je online\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userDoesNotExist=Uzivatel {0} neexistuje.
userIsAway={0} je AFK.
userIsNotAway={0} se vratil.
@ -475,7 +475,7 @@ vanished=\u00a7aZneviditil jsi se.
versionMismatch=Chyba verzi\! Prosim updatuj {0} na stejnou verzi.
versionMismatchAll=Chyba verzi\! Prosim, updatuj vsechny Essentials .jar na stejnou verzi.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Byl jsi ztisen.
warpDeleteError=Vyskytl se problem pri mazani warpu.
warpListPermission=\u00a7cNemas opravneni listovat warpami.
@ -505,7 +505,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Penize\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Umlcen\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Stack {0} ceny \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} kus(u) za {3} kus)
worthMeta=\u00a77Stack {0} s metadaty {1} ceny \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({3} kus(u) za {4} kus)
worthSet=Hodnota ceny nastavena
@ -513,14 +513,15 @@ year=rok
youAreHealed=\u00a77Byl jsi uzdraven.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cMas {0} zprav\!\u00a7f Napis \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f aby jsi si precetl sve zpravy.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hlad\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Not enough space, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74was lost.
noKitGroup=\u00a74You do not have access to this kit.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a76Clearing the inventory of all users...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items and armor from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74neni dost mista, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74bylo ztraceno.
noKitGroup=\u00a74Nemas opravneni na tento kit.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a76Cistim inventare vsech harcu...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a76Ze vsech inventaru byl odebran item {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Odebrany vsechny polozky inventare a brnerni {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Odebrano vse\u00a7c {0} \u00a76z {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Odstraneno\u00a7c {0}\u00a7cz {1} \u00a76od {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Hrac {0} \u00a74nema\u00a7c {1} \u00a74z\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ alertBroke=\u00f8delagde\:
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} ved\: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break {0} blocks here.
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place {0} here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use {0}.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place\u00a7c {0} \u00a74here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
autoAfkKickReason=Du er blevet kicked for at idle mere end {0} minutter.
backAfterDeath=\u00a77Brug /back kommandoen for at teleportere til dit d\u00f8dspunkt.
backUsageMsg=\u00a77Teleporterer til tidligere placering.
@ -27,23 +27,23 @@ balance=\u00a77Saldo\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Top saldoer ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cDu kan ikke banne den p\u00e5g\u00e6ldende spiller.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedSet=\u00a76Bed spawn set\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7cFejl i generering af stort tr\u00e6. Pr\u00f8v igen p\u00e5 gr\u00e6s eller jord.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Stort tr\u00e6 bygget.
blockList=Essentials relayed the following commands to another plugin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
blockList=\u00a76Essentials relayed the following commands to another plugin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a76This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}.
broadcast=[\u00a7cMeddelelse\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at bygge
bukkitFormatChanged=Bukkit versionsformat er \u00e6ndret. Versionen er ikke checket.
burnMsg=\u00a77Du satte ild til {0} i {1} sekunder.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Du kan nu snakke igen.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Kan ikke finde GeoIP database\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Fejl ved afl\u00e6sning af GeoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at skabe tingen.{0}
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ creatingConfigFromTemplate=Opretter config fra skabelon\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Opretter tom config\: {0}
currentWorld=Current World\: {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Current World\:\u00a7c {0}
defaultBanReason=Banhammeren har talt\!
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ deleteHome=\u00a77Home {0} er blevet fjernet.
deleteJail=\u00a77F\u00e6ngsel {0} er fjernet.
deleteWarp=\u00a77Warp {0} er fjernet.
deniedAccessCommand={0} blev n\u00e6gtet adgang til kommandoen.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
depth=\u00a77Du er ved havoverfladen.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Du er {0} blok(ke) over havets overflade.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Du er {0} blok(ke) under havets overflade.
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ distance=\u00a76Distance\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportering vil begynde om {0}. Bev\u00e6g dig ikke.
downloadingGeoIp=Downloader GeoIP database... det her kan tage et stykke tid (land\: 0.6 MB, by\: 27MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Duplikerede userdata\: {0} og {1}
durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
durability=\u00a76This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Giver ubegr\u00e6nset m\u00e6ngde af {0} til {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77Enchantment {0} er blevet tilf\u00c3\u00b8jet til tingen i din h\u00c3\u00a5nd.
@ -104,24 +104,24 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cFejl\: {0}
essentialsHelp1=Denne fil er \u00c3\u00b8delagt og Essentials kan ikke \u00c3\u00a5bne den. Essentials er nu deaktiveret. Kan du ikke ordne denne fil selv, kan du f\u00c3\u00a5 hj\u00c3\u00a6lp p\u00c3\u00a5 http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=Filen er \u00c3\u00b8delagt og Essentials kan ikke \u00c3\u00a5bne den. Essentials er nu deaktiveret. Kan du ikke ordne denne fil selv, skriv enten /essentialshelp ingame eller f\u00c3\u00a5 hj\u00c3\u00a6lp p\u00c3\u00a5 http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials Genindl\u00e6st {0}.
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a76more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Du slukkede ilden i dig selv.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Du slukkede ilden i {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Fejlede i at lukke config {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Fejlede i oprettelse af config {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Fejlede i at skrive til config {0}
feed=\u00a77Your appetite was sated.
feedOther=\u00a77Satisfied {0}.
feed=\u00a76Your appetite was sated.
feedOther=\u00a76You satiated the appetite of {0}\u00a76.
fileRenameError=Omd\u00c3\u00b8bning af fil {0} fejlede.
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
fireworkColor=\u00a74Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
flyMode=\u00a77Set fly mode {0} for {1}.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a76Set fly mode\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1}\u00a76.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cDu har ingen til hvem du kan svare.
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack.
gameMode=\u00a77Satte game mode {0} for {1}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities
gcfree=Free memory\: {0} MB
@ -135,24 +135,24 @@ godDisabledFor=deaktiveret for {0}
godEnabledFor=aktiveret for {0}
godMode=\u00a77Gud mode {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber={0} online, for the full list type /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, for the full list\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a74You cannot use this item as a hat\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cYou are not wearing a hat.
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=\u00a7eYour hat has been removed.
hatFail=\u00a74You must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a76Enjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=\u00a76Your hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Du er blevet l\u00f8sladt
heal=\u00a77Du er blevet healed.
healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=\u00a77Healed {0}.
helpConsole=For at se hj\u00e6lp fra konsolen, skriv ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Commands from {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Commands matching "{0}"\:
helpFrom=\u00a76Commands from {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a76Commands matching "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[HelpOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
holdPotion=\u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holeInFloor=Hul i gulv
homeSet=\u00a77Hjem sat.
@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Side \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a7
infoUnknownChapter=Ukendt kapitel.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge=\u00a7cUgyldig opladning (korrekt oversat?).
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
invalidHome=Home {0} doesn''t exist
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=\u00a74Home\u00a7c {0} \u00a74doesn''t exist\!
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name\!
invalidMob=Ugyldig mob type.
invalidNumber=Invalid Number.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=Linje {0} p\u00e5 skilt er ugyldig.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name\!
invalidWorld=\u00a7cUgyldig verden.
itemCannotBeSold=Denne ting kan ikke s\u00e6lges til serveren.
itemMustBeStacked=Tingen skal handles i stakke. En m\u00e6ngde af 2s ville v\u00e6re to stakke, osv.
itemNames=Item short names\: {0}
itemNames=\u00a76Item short names\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a7cDu har ikke nok af denne ting til at kunne s\u00e6lge.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a77Hvis du mente, at du ville s\u00c3\u00a6lge alle ting af den type, brug da /sell tingens-navn
itemNotEnough3=\u00a77/sell ting-navn -1 vil s\u00e6lge alle enheder, undtagen \u00c3\u00a9n, osv.
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ itemSellAir=Fors\u00f8gte du virkelig at s\u00e6lge luft? Kom en ting i h\u00e5n
itemSold=\u00a77Solgte til \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} ting for {3} pr. stk.)
itemSoldConsole={0} solgte {1} til \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} ting for {4} pr. stk.)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Giver {0} af {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Kunne ikke loade items.csv.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cSpilleren er allerede i f\u00c3\u00a6ngsel\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cDu bryder reglerne, du tager straffen.
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ jailSet=\u00a77F\u00e6ngsel {0} er blevet sat.
jumpError=Dette vil skade din computer''s hjerne.
kickDefault=Kicked fra serveren.
kickExempt=\u00a77Du kan ikke kicke denne spiller.
kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickedAll=\u00a74Kicked all players from server.
kill=\u00a77dr\u00e6bte {0}.
killExempt=\u00a74You can not kill {0}
kitCost=\ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
@ -239,18 +239,18 @@ missingItems=Du har ikke {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=Fejl ved \u00e6ndring af mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Mob m\u00e6ngde begr\u00e6nset til serverens fastsatte gr\u00e6nse.
mobSpawnTarget=M\u00e5l blok skal v\u00e6re en mob spawner.
mobsAvailable=\u00a77Mobs\: {0}
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{0} er modtaget fra {1}
moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} er sendt til {1}
moreThanZero=M\u00e6ngder skal v\u00e6re st\u00f8rre end 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a77Set {0} speed to {1} for {2}.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Set {0} speed to\u00a7c {1} \u00a76for {2}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteExempt=\u00a7cDu kan ikke mute denne spiller.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
mutedPlayer=Spiller {0} muted.
mutedPlayerFor=Spiller {0} muted i {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} pr\u00f8vede at snakke, men er muted.
@ -266,9 +266,9 @@ nickSet=\u00a77Dit nickname er nu \u00a7c{0}
nickTooLong=\u00a74That nickname is too long.
noAccessCommand=\u00a7cDu har ikke adgang til denne kommando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at f\u00e5 adgang til {0}.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noBreakBedrock=\u00a74You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at \u00f8del\u00e6gge {0}.
noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noDurability=\u00a74This item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cAdvarsel\! God mode er sl\u00c3\u00a5et fra i denne verden.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cIngen matchende kommandoer.
noHomeSetPlayer=Spilleren har ikke sat et hjem.
@ -289,14 +289,14 @@ noWarpsDefined=Ingen warps er defineret
notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at bruge sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l.
notAllowedToShout=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at r\u00e5be.
notEnoughExperience=You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughExperience=\u00a74You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughMoney=Du har ikke tilstr\u00e6kkeligt med penge.
notFlying=not flying
notRecommendedBukkit=* \! * Bukkit version er ikke den anbefalede build til Essentials.
notSupportedYet=Ikke underst\u00f8ttet endnu.
nothingInHand=\u00a7cDu har intet i din h\u00c3\u00a5nd.
nuke=May death rain upon them
nuke=\u00a75May death rain upon them.
numberRequired=Et nummer skal v\u00e6re, din tardo.
onlyDayNight=/time underst\u00f8tter kun day/night.
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74You can only set the owner of player skulls (397\:3).
@ -355,16 +355,16 @@ powerToolsEnabled=Alle dine power tools er blevet aktiveret.
questionFormat=\u00a77[Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l]\u00a7f {0}
readNextPage=Skriv /{0} {1} for at l\u00c3\u00a6se n\u00c3\u00a6ste side.
recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Where\: {0}
removed=\u00a77Removed {0} entities.
removed=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76entities.
repair=Du reparerede \u00a7e{0}. Du s\u00c3\u00a5'' dygtig\!
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a77Denne ting har ikke brug for reparation.
repairEnchanted=\u00a77Du har ikke tilladelse til at reparere enchantede ting.
@ -375,18 +375,18 @@ requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a77{0} accepterede din anmodning om teleport.
requestDenied=\u00a77Anmodning om teleport afvist.
requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} afviste din anmodning om teleport.
requestSent=\u00a77Anmodning sendt til {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cTeleport request has timed out
requiredBukkit=* \! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
returnPlayerToJailError=Error occurred when trying to return player {0} to jail\: {1}
requestTimedOut=\u00a74Teleport request has timed out.
requiredBukkit=\u00a76* \! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a74Error occurred when trying to return player\u00a7c {0} \u00a74to jail\: {1}\!
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
seenOffline=Spilleren {0} har v\u00c3\u00a6ret offline i {1}
seenOnline=Spilleren {0} har v\u00c3\u00a6ret online i {1}
serverFull=Serveren er sgu fuld. Den b\u00c3\u00b8r melde sig til AA.
serverTotal=Server Total\: {0}
serverTotal=\u00a76Server Total\:\u00a7c {0}
setBal=\u00a7aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aYou set {0}\u00a7a''s balance to {1}.
setSpawner=\u00c3\u0086ndrede spawner type til {0}
@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=Denne mob kan godt lide at v\u00e6re alene. Den hygger sig.
spawnSet=\u00a77Spawnplacering fastsat for gruppe\: {0}.
sudoExempt=You cannot sudo this user
sudoExempt=\u00a74You cannot sudo this user.
sudoRun=Forcing {0} to run\: /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a77Farvel grusomme verden...
suicideSuccess=\u00a77{0} tog sit eget liv
@ -416,11 +416,11 @@ teleportDisabled={0} har ikke teleportation aktiveret.
teleportHereRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7c har anmodet om, at du teleporterer dig til ham/hende.
teleportNewPlayerError=Fejlede ved teleportering af ny spiller
teleportRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7c har anmodet om at teleportere til dig.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a77This request will timeout after {0} seconds.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a76This request will timeout after\u00a7c {0} seconds\u00a76.
teleportTop=\u00a77Teleporterer til toppen.
teleportationCommencing=\u00a77Teleport begynder...
teleportationDisabled=\u00a77Teleport deaktiveret.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}.
teleportationEnabled=\u00a77Teleport aktiveret.
teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ timeWorldCurrent=Tiden p\u00c3\u00a5 nuv\u00c3\u00a6rende tidspunkt i {0} er \u0
timeWorldSet=Tiden blev \u00c3\u00a6ndret til {0} i\: \u00a7c{1}
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSold all blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
tps=Current TPS \= {0}
tps=\u00a76Current TPS \= {0}
tradeSignEmpty=Handelsskiltet har udsolgt\!
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Der er intet at hente ved dette handelsskilt.
treeFailure=\u00a7cTr\u00e6 genereringsfejl. Pr\u00f8v igen p\u00e5 gr\u00e6s eller jord.
@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ unknownItemName=Ukendt ting navn\: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cIngen tilladelse til ubegr\u00e6nset ting {0}.
unlimitedItems=Ubegr\u00c3\u00a6nsede ting\:
unmutedPlayer=Spilleren {0} unmuted.
unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
unvanished=\u00a76You are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74A reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Fejl under opgradering af filerne.
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userDoesNotExist=Brugeren {0} eksisterer ikke.
userIsAway={0} er nu AFK. Skub ham i havet eller bur ham inde\!
userIsNotAway={0} er ikke l\u00e6ngere AFK.
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ userUnknown=\u00a74Warning\: The user ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' has never joined thi
userdataMoveBackError=Kunne ikke flytte userdata/{0}.tmp til userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Kunne ikke flytte userdata/{0} til userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Bruger temp-mappe til testing\:
vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
vanished=\u00a76You are now completely invisible to normal users, and hidden from in-game commands.
versionMismatch=Versioner matcher ikke\! Opdater venligst {0} til den nyeste version.
versionMismatchAll=Versioner matcher ikke\! Opdater venligst alle Essentials jar-filer til samme version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Din stemme er blevet gjort stille.
@ -475,11 +475,11 @@ warpDeleteError=Ah, shit; kunne sgu ikke fjerne warp-filen. Jeg giver en \u00c3\
warpListPermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at vise listen over warps.
warpNotExist=Den warp eksisterer ikke.
warpOverwrite=\u00a7cYou cannot overwrite that warp.
warpOverwrite=\u00a74You cannot overwrite that warp.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} sat.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cDu har ikke tilladelse til at benytte den warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77Warper til {0}.
warps=Warps\: {0}
warps=\u00a76Warps\:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a77Der er {0} warps. Viser side {1} af {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Du har sat vejret til ''storm'' i {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Du har sat vejret til ''storm'' i {0} i {1} sekunder
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Saldo\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muted\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Stack af {0} er v\u00e6rd \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} ting for {3} pr. stk.)
worthMeta=\u00a77Stack af {0} med metadata af {1} er v\u00e6rd \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({3} ting for {4} pr. stk.)
worthSet=V\u00e6rdi \u00c3\u00a6ndret.
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -4,518 +4,519 @@
# Translations start here
# by:
action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} wurden zu deiner Geldb\u00f6rse hinzugef\u00fcgt.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} added to {1}\u00a7a account. New balance\: {2}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} wurde zu deinem Konto hinzugef\u00fcgt.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} wurde dem Konto von {1} \u00a7agutgeschrieben. Aktueller Kontostand\: {2}
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} bei\: {3}
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} bei\: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break {0} blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place {0} here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use {0}.
autoAfkKickReason=Du wurdest gekickt, weil du f\u00fcr {0} Minuten inaktiv warst.
backAfterDeath=\u00a77Benutze den Befehl /back um zu deinem Todespunkt zur\u00fcck zu kehren.
backUsageMsg=\u00a77Kehre zur letzten Position zur\u00fcck.
backupDisabled=An external backup script has not been configured.
backupFinished=Backup beendet
backupStarted=Backup gestartet
balance=\u00a77Geldb\u00f6rse\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Top Guthaben ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cDu kannst diesen Spieler nicht sperren.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
bedSet=\u00a76Bed spawn set\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7cFehler beim Pflanzen eines grossen Baums. Versuch es auf Gras oder Dreck.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Grosser Baum gepflanzt.
blockList=Essentials relayed the following commands to another plugin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
broadcast=[\u00a7cRundruf\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte zum Bauen.
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74Du darfst hier keine\u00a7c {0} \u00a74Bl\u00f6cke abbauen.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74Du darfst\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 nicht erstellen.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74Du darfst \u00a7c {0}\u00a74 nicht droppen.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74Du darfst mit\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 nicht interagieren.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74Du darfst\u00a7c {0} \u00a74hier nicht platzieren.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74Du darfst\u00a7c {0}\u00a74nicht benutzen.
autoAfkKickReason=Du wurdest rausgeworfen, weil du f\u00fcr {0} Minuten inaktiv warst.
backAfterDeath=\u00a76Benutze den Befehl /back um zu deinem Todespunkt zur\u00fcck zu kehren.
backUsageMsg=\u00a76Kehre zur letzten Position zur\u00fcck.
backupDisabled=\u00a74Ein externes Backup-Skript wurde nicht konfiguriert.
backupFinished=\u00a76Backup beendet.
backupStarted=\u00a76Backup gestartet.
balance=\u00a7aKontostand\:\u00a7c {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aKontostand von {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a76Die h\u00f6chsten Kontost\u00e4nde ({0})
banExempt=\u00a74Du kannst diesen Spieler nicht sperren.
banFormat=\u00a74Gesperrt\: \u00a7r{0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Dein Bett ist nicht gesetzt, es fehlt oder ist blockiert.
bedSet=\u00a76Bett-Spawn gesetzt\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a74Fehler beim Pflanzen eines grossen Baums. Versuch es auf Gras oder Dreck.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a76Grosser Baum gepflanzt.
blockList=\u00a76Essentials hat die folgenden Befehle an ein anderes Plugin weiter gegeben\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Autor des Buchs auf {0} ge\u00e4ndert.
bookLocked=\u00a76Dieses Buch ist jetzt versiegelt.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Buchtitel auf {0} ge\u00e4ndert.
broadcast=\u00a7r\u00a76[\u00a74Rundruf\u00a76]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte zum Bauen.
bukkitFormatChanged=Bukkit-Versionsformat hat sich ge\u00e4ndert. Version nicht kontrolliert.
burnMsg=\u00a77Du hast {0} f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden in Flammen gesetzt.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Du kannst wieder sprechen.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
burnMsg=\u00a76Du hast {0} f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden in Brand gesetzt.
canTalkAgain=\u00a76Du kannst wieder sprechen.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74Du hast nicht das Recht, mehrere Mobs zu stapeln.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Kann GeoIP-Datenbank nicht finden\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Fehler beim Einlesen der GeoIP-Datenbank\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cDu darfst {0} nicht erzeugen.
cantSpawnItem=\u00a74Du darfst Gegenstand\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 nicht erzeugen.
cleaned=Userfiles Cleaned.
cleaning=Cleaning userfiles.
cleaned=Spielerdateien geleert.
cleaning=S\u00e4ubere Spielerdateien.
commandFailed=Befehl {0} scheiterte\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Fehler beim Abrufen der Hilfe f\u00fcr\: {0}
commandNotLoaded=\u00a7cBefehl {0} ist nicht richtig geladen.
compassBearing=\u00a77Peilung\: {0} ({1} Grad).
configFileMoveError=Verschieben von config.yml in den Sicherheitskopien-Ordner gescheitert.
commandNotLoaded=\u00a74Befehl {0} ist nicht richtig geladen.
compassBearing=\u00a76Peilung\: {0} ({1} Grad).
configFileMoveError=Fehler beim Verschieben der config.yml in das Backupverzeichnis.
configFileRenameError=Verschieben einer tempor\u00e4ren Datei nach config.yml gescheitert.
connectedPlayers=\u00a77Verbundene Spieler\u00a77
connectedPlayers=\u00a76Verbundene Spieler\u00a7r
connectionFailed=Fehler beim Verbindungsaufbau.
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a7cBeschr\u00e4nkung\: {0}
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a74Cooldown\: {0}
corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a74Hinweis\: Deine Konfigurationsdatei hat einen ung\u00fcltigen Knoten {0}.
couldNotFindTemplate=Vorlage {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden.
couldNotFindTemplate=\u00a74Vorlage {0} konnte nicht gefunden werden.
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Erstelle Konfiguration aus Vorlage\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Erstelle leere Konfiguration\: {0}
currentWorld=Current World\: {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Aktuelle Welt\:\u00a7c {0}
defaultBanReason=Der Bann-Hammer hat gesprochen\!
deleteFileError=Konnte Datei nicht l\u00f6schen\: {0}
deleteHome=\u00a77Zuhause {0} wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deleteJail=\u00a77Gef\u00e4ngnis {0} wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deleteWarp=\u00a77Warp-Punkt {0} wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deniedAccessCommand={0} hat keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
depth=\u00a77Du bist auf Meeresh\u00f6he.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Du bist {0} Bl\u00f6cke \u00fcber Meeresh\u00f6he.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Du bist {0} Bl\u00f6cke unter Meeresh\u00f6he.
destinationNotSet=Ziel nicht gesetzt
disableUnlimited=\u00a77Deaktiviere unendliches Platzieren von {0} f\u00fcr {1}.
deleteHome=\u00a76Zuhause\u00a7c {0} \u00a76wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deleteJail=\u00a76Gef\u00e4ngnis\u00a7c {0} \u00a76wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deleteWarp=\u00a76Warp-Punkt \u00a7c{0} \u00a76wurde gel\u00f6scht.
deniedAccessCommand=\u00a7c{0} \u00a74hat keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74Du kannst dieses Buch nicht entsiegeln.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74Du kannst den Autor dieses Buches nicht \u00e4ndern.
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74Du kannst den Titel dieses Buches nicht \u00e4ndern.
depth=\u00a76Du bist auf Meeresh\u00f6he.
depthAboveSea=\u00a76Du bist\u00a7c {0} \u00a76Bl\u00f6cke \u00fcber Meeresh\u00f6he.
depthBelowSea=\u00a76Du bist\u00a7c {0} \u00a76Bl\u00f6cke unter Meeresh\u00f6he.
destinationNotSet=Ziel nicht gesetzt\!
disableUnlimited=\u00a76Deaktiviere unbegrenztes Platzieren von\u00a7c {0} \u00a76f\u00fcr {1}.
disabledToSpawnMob=Spawning this mob was disabled in the config file.
distance=\u00a76Distance\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportvorgang startet in {0}. Beweg dich nicht.
disabledToSpawnMob=\u00a74Diesen Mob zu spawnen wurde in der Konfig deaktiviert.
distance=\u00a76Entfernung\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a76Teleportvorgang startet in {0}. Bewege dich nicht.
downloadingGeoIp=Lade GeoIP-Datenbank ... dies kann etwas dauern (country\: 0.6 MB, city\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Doppelte Datei in userdata\: {0} und {1}
durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Gebe {1} unendliche Mengen von {0}.
duplicatedUserdata=Doppelte Datei in userdata\: {0} und {1}.
durability=\u00a76Dieses Werkzeug kann noch \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 mal benutzt werden.
editBookContents=\u00a7eDu darfst jetzt den Inhalt dieses Buches bearbeiten.
enableUnlimited=\u00a76Gebe {1} unbegrenzte Mengen von\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77The enchantment {0} has been applied to your item in hand.
enchantmentNotFound=\u00a7cEnchantment not found
enchantmentPerm=\u00a7cYou do not have the permission for {0}
enchantmentRemoved=\u00a77The enchantment {0} has been removed from your item in hand.
enchantments=\u00a77Enchantments\: {0}
enchantmentApplied=\u00a76Der Gegenstand in deiner Hand wurde mit\u00a7c {0} \u00a76verzaubert.
enchantmentNotFound=\u00a74Verzauberung nicht gefunden\!
enchantmentPerm=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte f\u00fcr\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
enchantmentRemoved=\u00a76Dem Gegenstand in deiner Hand wurde die Verzauberung\u00a7c {0} \u00a76entfernt.
enchantments=\u00a76Verzauberungen\:\u00a7r {0}
errorCallingCommand=Fehler beim Aufrufen des Befehls /{0}
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cFehler\: {0}
essentialsHelp1=The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, go to http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials neu geladen {0}
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Du hast dich selbst gel\u00f6scht.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Du hast {0} gel\u00f6scht.
failedToCloseConfig=Fehler beim Schliessen der Konfiguration {0}
failedToCreateConfig=Fehler beim Erstellen der Konfiguration {0}
failedToWriteConfig=Fehler beim Schreiben der Konfiguration {0}
feed=\u00a77Your appetite was sated.
feedOther=\u00a77Satisfied {0}.
fileRenameError=Umbenennen von {0} gescheitert.
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
flyMode=\u00a77Set fly mode {0} for {1}.
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cFehler\:\u00a74 {0}
essentialsHelp1=Die Datei ist besch\u00e4digt und Essentials kann sie nicht \u00f6ffnen. Essentials ist jetzt deaktiviert. Wenn du die Datei selbst nicht reparieren kannst, gehe auf http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=Die Datei ist besch\u00e4digt und Essentials kann sie nicht \u00f6ffnen. Essentials ist jetzt deaktiviert. Wenn du die Datei selbst nicht reparieren kannst, versuche /essentialshelp oder gehe auf http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a76Essentials neu geladen\u00a7c {0}
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76hat\u00a7c {1} \u00a76Exp (Level\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) und braucht\u00a7c {3} \u00a76Punkte f\u00fcr den n\u00e4chsten Level.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76hat jetzt\u00a7c {1} \u00a76Exp.
extinguish=\u00a76Du hast dich selbst gel\u00f6scht.
extinguishOthers=\u00a76Du hast {0}\u00a76 gel\u00f6scht.
failedToCloseConfig=Fehler beim Schliessen der Konfiguration {0}.
failedToCreateConfig=Fehler beim Erstellen der Konfiguration {0}.
failedToWriteConfig=Fehler beim Schreiben der Konfiguration {0}.
feed=\u00a76Dein Hunger wurde gestillt.
feedOther=\u00a76Du hast den Hunger von {0} \u00a76gestillt.
fileRenameError=Umbenennen von {0} gescheitert\!
fireworkColor=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Feuerwerksparameter angegeben, setze zuerst eine Farbe.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Alle Effekte vom Stapel in der Hand entfernt.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Feuerwerk-Parameter\:\u00a7c color\:<Farbe> [fade\:<Farbe>] [shape\:<Form>] [effect\:<Effekt>]\n\u00a76Um mehrere Farben/Effekte zu benutzen, mit Komma trennen\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Formen\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effekte\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a76Flugmodus\u00a7c {0} \u00a76f\u00fcr {1} \u00a76gesetzt.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cDu hast niemanden, dem du antworten kannst.
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack
gameMode=\u00a77Set game mode {0} for {1}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities
gcfree=Freier Speicher\: {0} MB
gcmax=Maximaler Speicher\: {0} MB
gctotal=Reservierter Speicher\: {0} MB
fullStack=\u00a74Du hast bereits einen vollen Stapel.
gameMode=\u00a76Spielmodus\u00a7c {0} \u00a76f\u00fcr {1} \u00a76gesetzt.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 Chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 Entities.
gcfree=\u00a76Freier Speicher\:\u00a7c {0} MB
gcmax=\u00a76Maximaler Speicher\:\u00a7c {0} MB
gctotal=\u00a76Reservierter Speicher\:\u00a7c {0} MB
geoIpUrlEmpty=GeoIP Download-URL ist leer.
geoIpUrlInvalid=GeoIP Download-URL ist ung\u00fcltig.
geoipJoinFormat=\u00a76Spieler \u00a7c{0} \u00a76kommt aus \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
giveSpawn=\u00a76Giving\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} to\u00a7c {2}\u00a76.
godDisabledFor=deaktiviert f\u00fcr {0}
godEnabledFor=aktiviert f\u00fcr {0}
godMode=\u00a77Unsterblichkeit {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber={0} online, for the full list type /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cSie tragen keinen Hut.
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=\u00a7eYour hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Du wurdest frei gelassen.
heal=\u00a77Du wurdest geheilt.
healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=\u00a77{0} geheilt.
giveSpawn=\u00a76Gebe \u00a7c{2} {0}\u00a76x\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
godDisabledFor=\u00a74deaktiviert\u00a76 f\u00fcr\u00a7c {0}
godEnabledFor=\u00a7aaktiviert\u00a76 f\u00fcr\u00a7c {0}
godMode=\u00a76Unsterblichkeit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Kein Mitglied dieser Gruppe ist online\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, f\u00fcr die ganze Liste\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a74Du kannst diesen Gegenstand nicht als Hut nutzen\!
hatEmpty=\u00a74Du tr\u00e4gst keinen Hut.
hatFail=\u00a74Du musst einen Gegenstand in der Hand halten.
hatPlaced=\u00a76Viel Spa\u00df mit deinem neuen Hut\!
hatRemoved=\u00a76Dein Hut wurde entfernt.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a76Du wurdest frei gelassen.
heal=\u00a76Du wurdest geheilt.
healDead=\u00a74Du kannst Tote nicht heilen\!
healOther=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 geheilt.
helpConsole=Um die Hilfe der Konsole zu sehen, schreibe ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Commands from {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Commands matching "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[Hilfe]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
holdPotion=\u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holeInFloor=Loch im Boden
homeSet=\u00a77Zuhause gesetzt.
homes=Heime\: {0}
helpFrom=\u00a76Befehle von {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a76Befehle \u00e4hnlich zu "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76"\:
helpOp=\u00a74[Hilfe]\u00a7r \u00a76{0}\:\u00a7r {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Plugin-Hilfe\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74Du hast kein beschreibbares Buch in deiner Hand.
holdFirework=\u00a74Du musst Feuerwerk in deiner Hand halten um einen Effekt hinzuzuf\u00fcgen.
holdPotion=\u00a74Du musst einen Trank in der Hand haben, um ihm Effekte zu geben.
holeInFloor=\u00a74Loch im Boden\!
homeSet=\u00a76Zuhause gesetzt.
homes=\u00a76Heime\:\u00a7r {0}
ignorePlayer=Du ignorierst ab jetzt Spieler {0}.
ignorePlayer=\u00a76Du ignorierst ab jetzt Spieler\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
illegalDate=Ung\u00fcltiges Datumsformat.
infoChapter=W\u00e4hle Kapitel\:
infoChapterPages=Kapitel {0}, Seite \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f von \u00a7c{2}\u00a7f\:
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Seite \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a74{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Unbekanntes Kapitel\:
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge=\u00a7cUng\u00fcltige Verf\u00fcgung.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
invalidHome=Home {0} doesn''t exist
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name
invalidMob=Ung\u00fcltiger Monstername.
invalidNumber=Invalid Number.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=Die Zeile {0} auf dem Schild ist falsch.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name
invalidWorld=\u00a7cUng\u00fcltige Welt.
infoChapterPages=\u00a76Kapitel {0}, Seite \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 von \u00a7c{2}\u00a76\:
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Seite \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/\u00a7c{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Unbekanntes Kapitel.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Nicht genug Guthaben.
invalidCharge=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Kosten.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76Die Option \u00a74{0} \u00a76ist kein g\u00fcltiger Wert f\u00fcr \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=\u00a74Zuhause\u00a7c {0} \u00a74existiert nicht\!
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltiger Name\!
invalidMob=Ung\u00fcltiger Monstertyp.
invalidNumber=Ung\u00fcltige Nummer.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltiger Zaubertrank.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Zaubertrank-Eigenschaft\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=\u00a74Die Zeile\u00a7c {0} \u00a74auf dem Schild ist ung\u00fcltig.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltiger Warp-Punkt-Name\!
invalidWorld=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Welt.
itemCannotBeSold=Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht verkauft werden.
itemMustBeStacked=Gegenstand muss als Stapel verkauft werden. Eine Anzahl von 2s verkauft 2 Stapel usw.
itemNames=Item short names\: {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a7cDu hast nicht genug Gegenst\u00e4nde zum Verkaufen.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a77Wenn du alles verkaufen willst, nutze /sell itemname
itemNotEnough3=\u00a77/sell itemname -1 verkauft alles bis auf eins usw.
itemCannotBeSold=\u00a74Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht verkauft werden.
itemMustBeStacked=\u00a74Gegenstand muss als Stapel verkauft werden. Eine Anzahl von 2s verkauft 2 Stapel, usw.
itemNames=\u00a76Kurze Gegenstandsnamen\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a74Du hast nicht genug Gegenst\u00e4nde zum Verkaufen.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a76Wenn du alles von dieser Art verkaufen m\u00f6chtest, nutze /sell itemname.
itemNotEnough3=\u00a76/sell itemname -1 verkauft alles bis auf eins, usw.
itemSellAir=Du versuchst Luft zu verkaufen? Nimm einen Gegenstand in die Hand.
itemSold=\u00a77Verkauft f\u00fcr \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 ({1} {2} Einheiten je {3})
itemSoldConsole={0} verkauft {1} f\u00fcr \u00a77{2}\u00a77 ({3} Einheiten je {4})
itemSpawn=\u00a77Gebe {0}x {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Konnte items.csv nicht laden.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cPerson is already in jail\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cDu hast ein Verbrechen begangen, also hast du Zeit.
jailNotExist=Dieses Gef\u00e4ngnis existiert nicht.
jailReleased=\u00a77Spieler \u00a7e{0}\u00a77 wurde freigelassen.
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a77Du wurdest freigelassen\!
jailSentenceExtended=Gef\u00e4ngnisszeit erweitert auf\: {0}
jailSet=\u00a77Gef\u00e4ngnis {0} wurde erstellt.
jumpError=Das w\u00fcrde deinen Computer \u00fcberlasten.
kickDefault=Vom Server geworfen
kickExempt=\u00a7cDu kannst diesen Spieler nicht rauswerfen.
kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kill=\u00a77{0} get\u00f6tet.
killExempt=\u00a74You can not kill {0}
itemSold=\u00a7aVerkauft f\u00fcr \u00a7c{0}\u00a7a ({1} {2} Einheiten je {3})
itemSoldConsole=\u00a7a{0} $averkauft {1} f\u00fcr \u00a7a{2} \u00a7a({3} Einheiten je {4})
itemSpawn=\u00a76Gebe\u00a7c {0}\u00a76x\u00a7c {1}
itemType=\u00a76Gegenstand\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Konnte items.csv nicht laden\!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a74Spieler ist bereits im Gef\u00e4ngnis\:\u00a7c {0}
jailMessage=\u00a74Du hast ein Verbrechen begangen, also musst du deine Zeit absitzen.
jailNotExist=\u00a74Dieses Gef\u00e4ngnis existiert nicht.
jailReleased=\u00a76Spieler \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 wurde freigelassen.
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a76Du wurdest freigelassen\!
jailSentenceExtended=\u00a76Gef\u00e4ngniszeit erweitert auf\: {0}
jailSet=\u00a76Gef\u00e4ngnis\u00a7c {0} \u00a76wurde erstellt.
jumpError=\u00a74Das w\u00fcrde deinen Computer \u00fcberlasten.
kickDefault=Vom Server geworfen.
kickExempt=\u00a74Du kannst diesen Spieler nicht rauswerfen.
kickedAll=\u00a74Alle Spieler vom Server geworfen.
kill=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76get\u00f6tet.
killExempt=\u00a74Du kannst {0}\u00a74 nicht t\u00f6ten
kitCost=\ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
kitError2=\u00a74That kit is improperly defined. Contact an administrator.
kitError=\u00a7cEs gibt keine g\u00fcltigen Ausr\u00fcstungen.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Giving kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 to {1}\u00a7.
kitInvFull=\u00a7cDein Inventar ist voll, lege Ausr\u00fcstung auf den Boden
kitNotFound=\u00a74That kit does not exist.
kitOnce=\u00a74You can''t use that kit again.
kitReceive=\u00a76Received kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a7cDu kannst diese Ausr\u00fcstung nicht innerhalb von {0} anfordern.
kits=\u00a77Ausr\u00fcstungen\: {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leather Color Syntax\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a77Du wurdest gepeinigt.
lightningUse=\u00a77Peinige {0}
listAmount=\u00a79Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 von maximal \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 Spielern online.
listAmountHidden=\u00a79Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 von maximal \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 Spielern online.
kitError2=\u00a74Diese Ausr\u00fcstung ist nicht korrekt definiert. Kontaktiere einen Administrator.
kitError=\u00a74Es gibt keine g\u00fcltigen Ausr\u00fcstungen.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Gebe {1}\u00a76 die\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-Ausr\u00fcstung.
kitInvFull=\u00a74Dein Inventar ist voll, lege Ausr\u00fcstung auf den Boden.
kitNotFound=\u00a74Diese Ausr\u00fcstung gibt es nicht.
kitOnce=\u00a74Du kannst diese Ausr\u00fcstung nicht nochmals bekommen.
kitReceive=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76-Ausr\u00fcstung erhalten.
kitTimed=\u00a74Du kannst diese Ausr\u00fcstung nicht innerhalb von\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 anfordern.
kits=\u00a76Ausr\u00fcstungen\: \u00a7r{0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Leder-Farbdefinition\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> z.B.\: color\:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a76Du wurdest gepeinigt.
lightningUse=\u00a76Peinige {0}
listAmount=\u00a76Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 von maximal \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 Spielern online.
listAmountHidden=\u00a76Es sind \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/{1}\u00a76 von maximal \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 Spielern online.
loadWarpError=Fehler beim Laden von Warp-Punkt {0}
loadWarpError=\u00a74Fehler beim Laden von Warp-Punkt {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
mailClear=\u00a7cUm deine Nachrichten zu l\u00f6schen, schreibe /mail clear
mailCleared=\u00a77Nachrichten gel\u00f6scht\!
mailSent=\u00a77Nachricht gesendet\!
markMailAsRead=\u00a7cUm deine Nachrichten zu l\u00f6schen, schreibe /mail clear
markedAsAway=\u00a77Du wirst als abwesend angezeigt.
markedAsNotAway=\u00a77Du wirst nicht mehr als abwesend angezeigt.
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76The following players previously logged in from that IP address\:
maxHomes=Du kannst nicht mehr als {0} Zuhause setzen.
mayNotJail=\u00a7cDu kannst diese Person nicht einsperren.
mailClear=\u00a76Um deine Nachrichten zu l\u00f6schen, schreibe\u00a7c /mail clear
mailCleared=\u00a76Nachrichten gel\u00f6scht\!
mailSent=\u00a76Nachricht gesendet\!
markMailAsRead=\u00a76Um deine Nachrichten zu l\u00f6schen, schreibe\u00a7c /mail clear
markedAsAway=\u00a76Du wirst als abwesend angezeigt.
markedAsNotAway=\u00a76Du wirst nicht mehr als abwesend angezeigt.
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76Die folgenden Spieler haben sich vorher schonmal mit der IP-Adresse eingeloggt\:
maxHomes=\u00a74Du kannst nicht mehr als\u00a7c {0} \u00a74Heime setzen.
mayNotJail=\u00a74Du kannst diese Person nicht einsperren.
missingItems=Du ben\u00f6tigst {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=Fehler beim \u00e4ndern des Monster-Spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Anzahl an Monster auf Serverlimit beschr\u00e4nkt
mobSpawnTarget=Zielblock, muss ein Monster-Spawner sein.
mobsAvailable=\u00a77Mobs\: {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{1} hat dir {0} gegeben.
moneySentTo=\u00a7aDu hast {1} {0} gegeben.
missingItems=\u00a74Du ben\u00f6tigst {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=\u00a74Fehler beim \u00c4ndern des Monster-Spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Anzahl an Monster auf Serverlimit beschr\u00e4nkt.
mobSpawnTarget=\u00a74Zielblock muss ein Monster-Spawner sein.
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{1} \u00a7ahat dir {0} gegeben.
moneySentTo=\u00a7aDu hast {1}\u00a7a {0} gegeben.
moreThanZero=Anzahl muss gr\u00f6sser als 0 sein.
moveSpeed=\u00a77Set {0} speed to {1} for {2}.
moreThanZero=\u00a74Anzahl muss gr\u00f6sser als 0 sein.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Setze {0}-Geschwindigkeit f\u00fcr {2} \u00a76auf \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteExempt=\u00a7cDu darfst diesen Spieler nicht stumm machen.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
mutedPlayer=Player {0} ist nun stumm.
mutedPlayerFor=Player {0} ist nun stumm f\u00fcr {1}.
multipleCharges=\u00a74Du kannst einem Feuerwerk nur einen Feuerwerksstern geben.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74Du kannst diesem Trank nur einen Effekt geben.
muteExempt=\u00a74Du darfst diesen Spieler nicht stumm machen.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76hat \u00a74{1}\u00a76 stumm gemacht.
mutedPlayer=\u00a76Spieler {0} \u00a76ist nun stumm.
mutedPlayerFor=\u00a76Player {0} \u00a76ist nun stumm f\u00fcr {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} versuchte zu sprechen, aber ist stumm geschaltet.
nearbyPlayers=Players nearby\: {0}
negativeBalanceError=Spieler darf keine Schulden machen.
nickChanged=Nickname ge\u00e4ndert.
nickDisplayName=\u00a77Du musst \u00a7fchange-displayname\u00a7c in der Essentials-Config aktivieren.
nickInUse=\u00a7cDieser Name wird bereits verwendet.
nickNamesAlpha=\u00a7cNicknamen d\u00fcrfen nur alphanumerische Zeichen enthalten.
nickNoMore=\u00a7cDu hast keinen Nicknamen mehr.
nickOthersPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte um den Nicknamen von anderen zu \u00e4ndern.
nickSet=\u00a77Dein Nickname ist nun \u00a7c{0}
nickTooLong=\u00a74That nickname is too long.
noAccessCommand=\u00a7cDu hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu \u00f6ffnen.
noBreakBedrock=You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu zerst\u00f6ren.
noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cWarning\! God mode in this world disabled.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cKeine \u00fcbereinstimmenden Kommandos.
noHomeSetPlayer=Spieler hat kein Zuhause gesetzt.
noKitPermission=\u00a7cDu brauchst die Berechtigung \u00a7c{0}\u00a7c um diese Ausr\u00fcstung anzufordern.
noKits=\u00a77Es sind keine Ausr\u00fcstungen verf\u00fcgbar.
noMail=Du hast keine Nachrichten
noMatchingPlayers=\u00a76No matching players found.
noMetaFirework=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply firework meta.
noMetaPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 meta to this item.
noNewMail=\u00a77Du hast keine Nachrichten.
noPendingRequest=Du hast keine Teleportierungsanfragen.
noPerm=\u00a7cDu hast die Rechte \u00a7f{0}\u00a7c nicht.
noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a7cYou don''t have permission to spawn this mob.
nearbyPlayers=\u00a76Spieler in der N\u00e4he\:\u00a7r {0}
negativeBalanceError=\u00a74Spieler darf keine Schulden machen.
nickChanged=\u00a76Spitzname ge\u00e4ndert.
nickDisplayName=\u00a74Du musst change-displayname in der Essentials-Konfiguration aktivieren.
nickInUse=\u00a74Dieser Name wird bereits verwendet.
nickNamesAlpha=\u00a74Nicknamen d\u00fcrfen nur alphanumerische Zeichen enthalten.
nickNoMore=\u00a76Du hast keinen Spitznamen mehr.
nickOthersPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte um den Nicknamen von anderen zu \u00e4ndern.
nickSet=\u00a76Dein Nickname ist nun \u00a7c{0}
nickTooLong=\u00a74Dieser Spitzname ist zu lang.
noAccessCommand=\u00a74Du hast keinen Zugriff auf diesen Befehl.
noAccessPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu \u00f6ffnen.
noBreakBedrock=\u00a74Du darfst Grundgestein nicht zerst\u00f6ren.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte, den Block {0} zu zerst\u00f6ren.
noDurability=\u00a74Dieser Gegenstand hat keine Haltbarkeit.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a74Warnung\! Unsterblichkeitsmodus ist in dieser Welt deaktiviert.
noHelpFound=\u00a74Keine \u00fcbereinstimmenden Kommandos.
noHomeSetPlayer=\u00a76Spieler hat kein Zuhause gesetzt.
noKitPermission=\u00a7cDu brauchst die Berechtigung \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 um diese Ausr\u00fcstung anzufordern.
noKits=\u00a76Es sind keine Ausr\u00fcstungen verf\u00fcgbar.
noMail=\u00a76Du hast keine Nachrichten.
noMatchingPlayers=\u00a76Keine \u00fcbereinstimmenden Spieler gefunden.
noMetaFirework=\u00a74Du darfst keine Feuerwerk-Metadaten bearbeiten.
noMetaPerm=\u00a74Du darfst dem Gegenstand \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 keine Metadaten geben.
noNewMail=\u00a76Du hast keine Nachrichten.
noPendingRequest=\u00a74Du hast keine Teleportierungsanfragen.
noPerm=\u00a74Du hast die Berechtigung \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 nicht.
noPermToSpawnMob=\u00a74Du hast die Berechtigung nicht, diesen Mob zu spawnen.
noPlacePermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte, einen Block in der N\u00e4he des Schildes zu platzieren.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
noPowerTools=Du hast keine Powertools zugewiesen.
noWarpsDefined=Keine Warp-Punkte erstellt.
noPotionEffectPerm=\u00a74Du darfst den Zaubertrankeffekt \u00a7c{0} \u00a74diesem Trank nicht hinzuf\u00fcgen.
noPowerTools=\u00a76Du hast keine Powertools zugewiesen.
noWarpsDefined=\u00a76Keine Warp-Punkte erstellt.
notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a7cDu bist nicht berechtigt zu fragen.
notAllowedToShout=\u00a7cDu bist nicht berechtigt zu schreien.
notEnoughExperience=You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughMoney=Du hast nicht genug Geld.
notFlying=not flying
notRecommendedBukkit=* \! * Die verwendete Bukkit-Version ist nicht f\u00fcr Essentials empfohlen.
notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a74Du bist nicht berechtigt zu fragen.
notAllowedToShout=\u00a74Du bist nicht berechtigt zu schreien.
notEnoughExperience=\u00a74Du hast nicht genug Erfahrung.
notEnoughMoney=\u00a74Du hast nicht genug Geld.
notFlying=fliegt nicht
notRecommendedBukkit=\u00a74* \! * Die verwendete Bukkit-Version ist nicht f\u00fcr Essentials empfohlen.
notSupportedYet=Noch nicht verf\u00fcgbar.
nothingInHand=\u00a7cYou have nothing in your hand.
nothingInHand=\u00a74Du hast nichts in der Hand.
nuke=May death rain upon them
nuke=\u00a75M\u00f6ge der Tod auf Sie hernieder prasseln\!
numberRequired=Ein Zahl wird ben\u00f6tigt.
onlyDayNight=/time unterst\u00fctzt nur day und night.
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74You can only set the owner of player skulls (397\:3).
onlyPlayers=Nur Spieler k\u00f6nnen {0} benutzen.
onlySunStorm=/weather unterst\u00fctzt nur sun und storm.
orderBalances=Ordering balances of {0} users, please wait ...
oversizedTempban=\u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
pTimeCurrent=\u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f Zeit wurde zu {1} gesetzt.
pTimeNormal=\u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f Zeit ist normal und entspricht der Serverzeit.
pTimeOthersPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit von anderen Spielern zu \u00e4ndern.
pTimePlayers=Diese Spieler haben ihre eigene Zeit\:
pTimeReset=Zeit wurde zur\u00fcgesetzt f\u00fcr\: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet=Zeit wurde f\u00fcr \u00a7e{1}\u00a7f zu \u00a73{0}\u00a7f gesetzt.
pTimeSetFixed=Spielerzeit ist festgesetzt zu \u00a73{0}\u00a7f f\u00fcr\: \u00a7e{1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a7cLaufende Teleportierung abgebrochen.
playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address {1}\u00a76.
playerBanned=\u00a7cSpieler {0} gesperrt\: {1}
playerInJail=\u00a7cSpieler ist bereits in Gef\u00e4ngnis {0}.
playerJailed=\u00a77Spieler {0} eingesperrt.
playerJailedFor=\u00a77Spieler {0} eingesperrt f\u00fcr {1}.
playerKicked=\u00a7cSpieler {0} rausgeworfen\: {1}
playerMuted=\u00a77Du bist jetzt stumm.
playerMutedFor=\u00a77Du bist jetzt stumm f\u00fcr {0}.
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a7cSpieler {0} war niemals auf diesem Server.
playerNotFound=\u00a7cSpieler nicht gefunden.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76unbanned IP\: {1}.
playerUnbanned=\u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76unbanned {1}.
playerUnmuted=\u00a77Du bist nicht mehr stumm.
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74Du kannst den Besitzer nur bei Spieler-Sch\u00e4deln (397\:3) \u00e4ndern.
onlyPlayers=\u00a74Nur Spieler k\u00f6nnen {0} benutzen.
onlySunStorm=\u00a74/weather unterst\u00fctzt nur sun und storm.
orderBalances=\u00a76Ordne die Kontost\u00e4nde von\u00a7c {0} \u00a76Benutzern, bitte warten ...
oversizedTempban=\u00a74Du darfst einen Spieler nicht f\u00fcr so eine lange Zeit bannen.
pTimeCurrent=\u00a76Die Zeit f\u00fcr\u00a7c {0} \u00a76ist\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a76Die Zeit f\u00fcr \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 wurde auf \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 gesetzt.
pTimeNormal=\u00a76Die Zeit f\u00fcr \u00a7c{0}''\u00a76 ist normal und entspricht der Serverzeit.
pTimeOthersPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit von anderen Spielern zu \u00e4ndern.
pTimePlayers=\u00a76Diese Spieler haben ihre eigene Zeit\:\u00a7r
pTimeReset=\u00a76Zeit wurde zur\u00fcgesetzt f\u00fcr\: \u00a7c{0}
pTimeSet=\u00a76Zeit wurde f\u00fcr \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 auf \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 gesetzt.
pTimeSetFixed=\u00a76Spielerzeit ist festgesetzt auf \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 f\u00fcr\: \u00a7c{1}
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a76Das Wetter bei\u00a7c {0} \u00a76ist\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltiger Wettertyp
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7cDas Wetter bei \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ist normal, wie auf dem Server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74Du darfst keinem Spieler das Wetter ver\u00e4ndern.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76Diese Spieler haben ihr eigenes Wetter\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Das Spielerwetter wurde zur\u00fcckgesetzt f\u00fcr\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Spielerwetter gesetzt auf \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 f\u00fcr\: \u00a7c{1}.
pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a74Laufende Teleportierung abgebrochen.
playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76hat die IP Adresse {1} \u00a76gebannt.
playerBanned=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76hat {1} \u00a76gebannt f\u00fcr {2}
playerInJail=\u00a74Spieler ist bereits in Gef\u00e4ngnis\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
playerJailed=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76eingesperrt.
playerJailedFor=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76eingesperrt f\u00fcr {1}.
playerKicked=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76rausgeworfen\: {1} f\u00fcr {2}.
playerMuted=\u00a76Du bist jetzt stumm\!
playerMutedFor=\u00a76Du bist jetzt stumm f\u00fcr\u00a7c {0}.
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a74Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a74war niemals auf diesem Server.
playerNotFound=\u00a74Spieler nicht gefunden.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76hat die IP Adresse {1} \u00a76entbannt.
playerUnbanned=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76hat {1}\u00a76 entbannt.
playerUnmuted=\u00a76Du bist nicht mehr stumm.
posPitch=\u00a76Pitch\: {0} (Head angle)
posX=\u00a76X\: {0} (+East <-> -West)
posY=\u00a76Y\: {0} (+Up <-> -Down)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw\: {0} (Rotation)
posZ=\u00a76Z\: {0} (+South <-> -North)
possibleWorlds=\u00a77M\u00f6gliche Welten sind nummeriet von 0 bis {0}.
potions=\u00a76Potions\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
powerToolAir=Befehl kann nicht mit Luft verbunden werden.
powerToolAlreadySet=Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f ist bereits zu {1} hinzugef\u00fcgt.
powerToolAttach=Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f erfolgreich zu {1} hinzugef\u00fcgt.
powerToolClearAll=Alle Powertoolkommandos wurden entfernt.
powerToolList={1} hat die folgenden Befehle\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f.
powerToolListEmpty={0} hat keinen Befehl.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f wurde nicht zu {1} hinzugef\u00fcgt.
powerToolRemove=Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f erfolgreich von {1} entfernt.
powerToolRemoveAll=Alle Befehle von {0} entfernt.
powerToolsDisabled=Alle deine Powertools wurden deaktiviert.
powerToolsEnabled=Alle deine Powertools wurden aktiviert.
questionFormat=\u00a77[Frage]\u00a7f {0}
readNextPage=Type /{0} {1} to read the next page
recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
posPitch=\u00a76Pitch\: {0} (Nick-Winkel)
posX=\u00a76X\: {0} (+Ost <-> -West)
posY=\u00a76Y\: {0} (+Hoch <-> -Runter)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw\: {0} (Ausrichtung)
posZ=\u00a76Z\: {0} (+S\u00fcd <-> -Nord)
possibleWorlds=\u00a76M\u00f6gliche Welten sind nummeriert von 0 bis {0}.
potions=\u00a76Zaubertr\u00e4nke\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
powerToolAir=\u00a74Befehl kann nicht mit Luft verbunden werden.
powerToolAlreadySet=\u00a74Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 ist bereits an {1} gebunden.
powerToolAttach=\u00a76Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f erfolgreich an {1} gebunden.
powerToolClearAll=\u00a76Alle Powertoolkommandos wurden entfernt.
powerToolList=\u00a76Gegenstand \u00a7c{1} \u00a76hat die folgenden Befehle\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
powerToolListEmpty=\u00a74Gegenstand \u00a7c{0} $4hat keinen Befehl.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=\u00a74Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 wurde nicht an {1} gebunden.
powerToolRemove=\u00a76Befehl \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 erfolgreich von {1} entfernt.
powerToolRemoveAll=\u00a76Alle Befehle von {0} entfernt.
powerToolsDisabled=\u00a76Alle deine Powertools wurden deaktiviert.
powerToolsEnabled=\u00a76Alle deine Powertools wurden aktiviert.
questionFormat=\u00a72[Frage]\u00a7r {0}
readNextPage=\u00a76Tippe\u00a7c /{0} {1} \u00a76f\u00fcr die n\u00e4chste Seite.
recipe=\u00a76Rezept f\u00fcr \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} von {2})
recipeBadIndex=Es gibt kein Rezept mit dieser Nummer.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Schmelze \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Where\: {0}
removed=\u00a77Removed {0} entities.
repair=Du hast erfolgreich deine {0} repariert.
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a77Dieser Gegenstand ben\u00f6tigt keine Reparatur.
repairEnchanted=\u00a77You are not allowed to repair enchanted items.
repairInvalidType=\u00a7cDieser Gegenstand kann nicht repariert werden.
repairNone=Es sind keine Gegenst\u00e4nde vorhanden, die repariert werden k\u00f6nnen.
recipeGridItem=\u00a0\u00a7{0}X \u00a76ist \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Tippe /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <Nummer> um andere Rezepte f\u00fcr \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 anzuschauen.
recipeNone=Keine Rezepte f\u00fcr {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Verbinde \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Wo\: {0}
removed=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76Dinge entfernt.
repair=\u00a76Du hast erfolgreich deine\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 repariert.
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a74Dieser Gegenstand ben\u00f6tigt keine Reparatur.
repairEnchanted=\u00a74Du darfst keine verzauberten Gegenst\u00e4nde reparieren.
repairInvalidType=\u00a74Dieser Gegenstand kann nicht repariert werden.
repairNone=\u00a74Es sind keine Gegenst\u00e4nde vorhanden, die repariert werden k\u00f6nnen.
requestAccepted=\u00a77Teleportierungsanfrage akzeptiert.
requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a77{0} hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.
requestDenied=\u00a77Teleportierungsanfrage verweigert.
requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage abgelehnt.
requestSent=\u00a77Anfrage gesendet an {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cTeleport request has timed out
requiredBukkit=* \! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
returnPlayerToJailError=Error occurred when trying to return player {0} to jail\: {1}
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
requestAcceptedFrom=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage angenommen.
requestDenied=\u00a76Teleportierungsanfrage verweigert.
requestDeniedFrom=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76hat deine Teleportierungsanfrage abgelehnt.
requestSent=\u00a76Anfrage gesendet an\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
requestTimedOut=\u00a74Teleport-Anforderung ist abgelaufen.
requiredBukkit=\u00a76* \! * Du brauchst mindestens CraftBukkit \#{0}, lade es von http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/ herunter
resetBal=\u00a76Kontostand aller Spieler auf dem Server auf \u00a7a{0} \u00a76gesetzt.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Kontostand aller Spieler auf \u00a7a{0} \u00a76gesetzt.
returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a74Fehler beim Zur\u00fcckversetzen von\u00a7c {0} \u00a74in''s Gef\u00e4ngis\: {1}\!
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Suche nach Spielern mit ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' im Namen (das kann etwas dauern)
seenOffline=Spieler {0} ist offline seit {1}
seenOnline=Spieler {0} ist online seit {1}
seenOffline=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76ist \u00a74offline\u00a76 seit {1}
seenOnline=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76ist \u00a7aonline\u00a76 seit {1}
serverFull=Server ist voll
serverTotal=Server Total\: {0}
setBal=\u00a7aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aYou set {0}\u00a7a''s balance to {1}.
setSpawner=\u00c4ndere Mob-Spawner zu {0}
sheepMalformedColor=Ung\u00fcltige Farbe.
shoutFormat=\u00a77[Schrei]\u00a7f {0}
serverTotal=\u00a76Server insgesamt\:\u00a7c {0}
setBal=\u00a7aDein Kontostand wurde auf {0} gesetzt.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aDu hast den Kontostand von {0}\u00a7a auf {1} gesetzt.
setSpawner=\u00a76Mob-Spawner-Typ zu \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ge\u00e4ndert
sheepMalformedColor=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Farbe.
shoutFormat=\u00a76[Schrei]\u00a7r {0}
signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a74Du bist nicht befugt ein Schild hierhin zu setzen.
similarWarpExist=Ein Warp-Punkt mit einem \u00e4hnlichen Namen existiert bereits.
slimeMalformedSize=Ung\u00fcltige Gr\u00f6sse.
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=Das Monster m\u00f6chte allein sein.
spawnSet=\u00a77Spawn-Punkt gesetzt f\u00fcr Gruppe {0}.
similarWarpExist=\u00a74Ein Warp-Punkt mit einem \u00e4hnlichen Namen existiert bereits.
slimeMalformedSize=\u00a74Ung\u00fcltige Gr\u00f6sse.
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy f\u00fcr {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=\u00a74Das Monster m\u00f6chte allein sein.
spawnSet=\u00a76Spawn-Punkt gesetzt f\u00fcr Gruppe \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
sudoExempt=You cannot sudo this user
sudoRun=Forcing {0} to run\: /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a77Lebewohl grausame Welt...
suicideSuccess=\u00a77{0} hat sich das Leben genommen.
takenFromAccount=\u00a7c{0} wurden aus deiner Geldb\u00f6rse genommen.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7c{0} taken from {1}\u00a7c account. New balance\: {2}
teleportAAll=\u00a77Teleportierungsanfrage zu allen Spielern gesendet...
teleportAll=\u00a77Teleportiere alle Spieler...
teleportAtoB=\u00a77{0}\u00a77 teleportiert dich zu {1}\u00a77.
teleportDisabled={0} verweigert die Teleportierung.
teleportHereRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7c fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.
teleportNewPlayerError=Fehler beim Teleportieren eines neuen Spielers
teleportRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7c fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a77This request will timeout after {0} seconds.
teleportTop=\u00a77Teleportiere nach oben.
teleportationCommencing=\u00a77Teleportierung gestartet...
teleportationDisabled=\u00a77Teleportierung deaktiviert.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}
teleportationEnabled=\u00a77Teleportierung aktiviert.
sudoExempt=\u00a74Du kannst f\u00fcr diesen Spieler kein sudo-Kommando ausf\u00fchren.
sudoRun=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 benutzt via sudo das Kommando\:\u00a7r /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a76Ad\u00e9, du schn\u00f6de Welt...
suicideSuccess=\u00a76{0} \u00a76hat sich das Leben genommen.
takenFromAccount=\u00a7a{0} wurden von deinem Konto abgezogen.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} genommen von {1}\u00a7a. Neuer Kontostand\: {2}.
teleportAAll=\u00a76Teleportierungsanfrage zu allen Spielern gesendet...
teleportAll=\u00a76Teleportiere alle Spieler...
teleportAtoB=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 teleportiert dich zu {1}\u00a76.
teleportDisabled=\u00a7c{0} \u00a74verweigert die Teleportierung.
teleportHereRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 fragt, ob du dich zu ihm teleportierst.
teleportNewPlayerError=\u00a74Fehler beim Teleportieren eines neuen Spielers\!
teleportRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 fragt, ob er sich zu dir teleportieren darf.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a76Diese Anfrage wird nach\u00a7c {0} Sekunden\u00a76 ung\u00fcltig.
teleportTop=\u00a76Teleportiere nach oben.
teleportationCommencing=\u00a76Teleportierung gestartet...
teleportationDisabled=\u00a76Teleportierung deaktiviert.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation deaktiviert f\u00fcr {0}.
teleportationEnabled=\u00a76Teleportierung aktiviert.
teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}
tempBanned=Zeitlich gesperrt vom Server f\u00fcr {0}
tempbanExempt=\u00a77Du kannst diesen Spieler nicht zeitlich sperren.
thunder=Es donnert nun in deiner Welt {0}.
thunderDuration=Es donnert nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden in deiner Welt {0}.
timeBeforeHeal=Zeit bis zur n\u00e4chsten Heilung\: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport=Zeit bis zum n\u00e4chsten Teleport\: {0}
timeFormat=\u00a73{0}\u00a7f oder \u00a73{1}\u00a7f oder \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timeSetPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit zu \u00e4ndern.
timeWorldCurrent=Die momentane Zeit in {0} ist \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=Die Zeit in \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f wurde zu {0} gesetzt.
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSold all blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
tps=Current TPS \= {0}
tradeSignEmpty=Der Bestand des Trade-Schild ist aufgebraucht.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Es gibt nichts mehr zu Sammeln von diesem Trade-Schild.
treeFailure=\u00a7cBaumpflanzung gescheitert. Versuche es auf Gras oder Dreck.
treeSpawned=\u00a77Baum gepflanzt.
typeTpaccept=\u00a77Um zu teleportieren, schreibe \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a77.
typeTpdeny=\u00a77Um diese Anfrage abzulehnen, schreibe \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a77.
typeWorldName=\u00a77Du kannst auch den Namen der Welt eingeben.
unableToSpawnMob=Fehler beim Erzeugen eines Monster.
unignorePlayer=Du ignorierst Spieler {0} nicht mehr.
unknownItemId=Unbekannte Item-Id\: {0}
unknownItemInList=Unbekannter Gegenstand {0} in Liste {1}.
unknownItemName=Unbekannter Gegenstand\: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Rechte f\u00fcr {0}.
unlimitedItems=Unendliche Objekte\:
unmutedPlayer=Spieler {0} ist nicht mehr stumm.
unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
tempbanExempt=\u00a74Du kannst diesen Spieler nicht zeitlich sperren.
thunder=\u00a76Es donnert nun in deiner Welt \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
thunderDuration=\u00a76Es donnert nun f\u00fcr\u00a7c {1} \u00a76Sekunden in deiner Welt\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeHeal=\u00a74Zeit bis zur n\u00e4chsten Heilung\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeTeleport=\u00a74Zeit bis zum n\u00e4chsten Teleport\:\u00a7c {0}
timeFormat=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 oder \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 oder \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
timeSetPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Berechtigung die Zeit zu \u00e4ndern.
timeWorldCurrent=\u00a76Die aktuelle Zeit in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76ist \u00a7c{1}
timeWorldSet=\u00a76Die Zeit in \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 wurde zu \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 gesetzt.
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aAlle Gegenst\u00e4nde und Bl\u00f6cke f\u00fcr einen Gesamtwert von \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a verkauft.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aAlle Bl\u00f6cke f\u00fcr einen Gesamtwert von \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a verkauft.
tps=\u00a76Aktuelle TPS \= {0}
tradeSignEmpty=\u00a74Der Bestand des Trade-Schild ist aufgebraucht.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=\u00a74Es gibt nichts mehr von diesem Trade-Schild zu Sammeln.
treeFailure=\u00a74Baumpflanzung gescheitert. Versuche es nochmal auf Gras oder Erde.
treeSpawned=\u00a76Baum gepflanzt.
typeTpaccept=\u00a76Um zu teleportieren, schreibe \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a76.
typeTpdeny=\u00a76Um diese Anfrage abzulehnen, schreibe \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a76.
typeWorldName=\u00a76Du kannst auch den Namen der Welt eingeben.
unableToSpawnMob=\u00a74Fehler beim Erzeugen eines Monster.
unignorePlayer=\u00a76Du ignorierst Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a76nicht mehr.
unknownItemId=\u00a74Unbekannte Gegenstandsnummer\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
unknownItemInList=\u00a74Unbekannter Gegenstand {0} in Liste {1}.
unknownItemName=\u00a74Unbekannter Gegenstand\: {0}.
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Rechte f\u00fcr unendlich {0}.
unlimitedItems=\u00a76Unendliche Objekte\:\u00a7r
unmutedPlayer=\u00a76Spieler\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 ist nicht mehr stumm.
unvanished=\u00a76Du bist wieder sichtbar.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74Ein Neuladen des Servers hat dich sichtbar gemacht.
upgradingFilesError=Fehler beim Aktualisieren der Dateien
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
userDoesNotExist=Spieler {0} existiert nicht.
userIsAway={0} ist abwesend.
userIsNotAway={0} ist wieder da.
userJailed=\u00a77Du wurdest eingesperrt.
userUnknown=\u00a74Warning\: The user ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' has never joined this server.
uptime=\u00a76Laufzeit\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75ist gerade nicht da und antwortet wahrscheinlich nicht.
userDoesNotExist=\u00a74Spieler\u00a7c {0} \u00a74existiert nicht.
userIsAway=\u00a77* {0} \u00a77ist nun abwesend.
userIsNotAway=\u00a77* {0} \u00a77ist wieder da.
userJailed=\u00a76Du wurdest eingesperrt.
userUnknown=\u00a74Warnung\: Der Spieler ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' war nie auf diesem Server.
userdataMoveBackError=Verschieben von userdata/{0}.tmp nach userdata/{1} gescheitert.
userdataMoveError=Verschieben von userdata/{0} nach userdata/{1}.tmp gescheitert.
usingTempFolderForTesting=Benutze tempor\u00e4ren Ordner zum Testen\:
vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
versionMismatch=Versionen nicht identisch\! Bitte aktualisiere {0}.
versionMismatchAll=Versionen ungleich\! Bitte aktualisiere alle Essentials jars auf die gleiche Version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77Du bist stumm
warpDeleteError=Fehler beim L\u00f6schen der Warp-Datei.
vanished=\u00a76Du bist nun vollst\u00e4ndig unsichtbar f\u00fcr normale Benutzer, auch f\u00fcr deren Kommandos.
versionMismatch=\u00a74Versionen nicht identisch\! Bitte aktualisiere {0}.
versionMismatchAll=\u00a74Versionen ungleich\! Bitte aktualisiere alle Essentials jars auf die gleiche Version.
voiceSilenced=\u00a76Du bist nun stumm\!
warpDeleteError=\u00a74Fehler beim L\u00f6schen der Warp-Datei.
warpListPermission=\u00a7cDu hast keine Berechtigung, die Warp-Punkte anzuzeigen.
warpNotExist=Warp-Punkt existiert nicht.
warpOverwrite=\u00a7cYou cannot overwrite that warp.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp-Punkt {0} wurde erstellt.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cDu hast keinen Zugriff f\u00fcr diesen Warp-Punkt.
warpingTo=\u00a77Teleportiere zu Warp-Punkt {0}.
warps=Warps\: {0}
warpsCount=\u00a77Es gibt {0} Warp-Punkte. Zeige Seite {1} von {2}.
warpListPermission=\u00a74Du hast keine Berechtigung, die Warp-Punkte anzuzeigen.
warpNotExist=\u00a74Warp-Punkt existiert nicht.
warpOverwrite=\u00a74Du kannst diesen Warp-Punkt nicht ersetzen.
warpSet=\u00a76Warp-Punkt\u00a7c {0} \u00a76wurde erstellt.
warpUsePermission=\u00a74Du hast keinen Zugriff f\u00fcr diesen Warp-Punkt.
warpingTo=\u00a76Teleportiere zu Warp-Punkt\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
warps=\u00a76Warp-Punkte\:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a76Es gibt\u00a7c {0} \u00a76Warp-Punkte. Zeige Seite {1} von {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77In {0} st\u00fcrmt es nun.
weatherStormFor=\u00a77In {0} st\u00fcrmt es nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden.
weatherSun=\u00a77In {0} scheint nun die Sonne.
weatherSunFor=\u00a77In {0} scheint nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden die Sonne.
whoisAFK=\u00a76 - AFK\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Banned\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp\:\u00a7f {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Fly mode\:\u00a7f {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode=\u00a76 - Gamemode\:\u00a7f {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a76In \u00a7c{0} \u00a76st\u00fcrmt es nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden.
weatherSun=\u00a76In \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 scheint nun die \u00a7cSonne\u00a76.
weatherSunFor=\u00a76In \u00a7c{0} \u00a76scheint nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden die \u00a7cSonne\u00a76.
whoisAFK=\u00a76 - Abwesend\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Gebannt\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp\:\u00a7r {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Flugmodus\:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode=\u00a76 - Spielmodus\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a76 - Herkunft\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisGod=\u00a76 - God mode\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisGod=\u00a76 - Unsterblichkeitsmodus\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a76 - Gesundheit\:\u00a7f {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a76 - IP-Adresse\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisJail=\u00a76 - Jail\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisLocation=\u00a76 - Position\:\u00a7f ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Geldb\u00f6rse\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muted\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Stack of {0} worth \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
worthMeta=\u00a77Ein Stapel von {0} mit Metadaten {1} ist \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 wert. ({3} Einheiten je {4})
worthSet=Wert des Gegenstands gesetzt.
whoisIPAddress=\u00a76 - IP-Adresse\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisJail=\u00a76 - Gef\u00e4ngnis\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisLocation=\u00a76 - Position\:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Kontostand\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Stumm\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Spitzname\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a7aEin Stapel {0} ist \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a wert ({2} Einheiten je {3})
worthMeta=\u00a7aEin Stapel von {0} mit Metadaten {1} ist \u00a7c{2}\u00a7a wert. ({3} Einheiten je {4})
worthSet=\u00a76Wert des Gegenstands gesetzt.
youAreHealed=\u00a77Du wurdest geheilt.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a7cDu hast {0} Nachrichten\!\u00a7f Schreibe \u00a77/mail read\u00a7f um deine Nachrichten anzuzeigen.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
youAreHealed=\u00a76Du wurdest geheilt.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a76Du hast \u00a7c{0} \u00a76Nachrichten\! Schreibe \u00a7c/mail read\u00a76 um deine Nachrichten anzuzeigen.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} S\u00e4ttigung)
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Not enough space, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74was lost.
noKitGroup=\u00a74You do not have access to this kit.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a76Clearing the inventory of all users...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items and armor from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Nicht genug Platz, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74verloren.
noKitGroup=\u00a74Du hast auf diese Ausr\u00fcstung keinen Zugriff.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a76Leere das Inventar aller Spieler...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a76Alle Gegenst\u00e4nde im Inventar von {0} \u00a76entfernt.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Alle Gegenst\u00e4nde im Inventar und R\u00fcstung von {0} \u00a76entfernt.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Alle\u00a7c {0} \u00a76von {1} \u00a76entfernt.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a7c {0} {1} \u00a76von {2} \u00a76entfernt.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Spieler {0} \u00a74hat keine\u00a7c {1} {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ balance=\u00a77Cantidad\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Ranking de cantidades ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cNo puedes bannear a ese jugador.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ buildAlert=\u00a7cNo tienes permisos para construir.
bukkitFormatChanged=Version de formato de Bukkit cambiado. Version no comprobada.
burnMsg=\u00a77Has puesto {0} en fuego durante {1} segundos.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Ya puedes hablar de nuevo.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=No se puede encontrar la base de datos del Geo IP.
cantReadGeoIpDB=Error al intentar leer la base de datos del Geo IP.
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cNo tienes acceso para producir este objeto {0}
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teletransporte comenzara en {0}. No te muevas.
downloadingGeoIp=Descargando base de datos de GeoIP ... puede llevar un tiempo (pais\: 0.6 MB, ciudad\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Datos de usuario duplicados\: {0} y {1}
durability=\u00a77Esta herramienta tiene \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 usos restantes.
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Dando cantidad ilimitada de {0} a {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77El encantamiento {0} fue aplicado al item en tu mano.
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=\u00a77Has curado a {0}.
helpConsole=Para obtener ayuda de la consola, escribe ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Comandos de {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Comandos que coinciden con "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[AyudaOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Ayuda con los plugins\: /help {1}
@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} ha denegado tu peticion de teletransporte.
requestSent=\u00a77Peticion enviada a {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cA la solicitud de teletransporte se le ha acabado el tiempo.
requiredBukkit=* \! * Necesitas al menos el build {0} de CraftBukkit, descargalo de http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
returnPlayerToJailError=Error al intentar regresar a un jugador {0} a la carcel\: {1}
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
@ -386,7 +386,7 @@ seconds=segundos
seenOffline=El jugador {0} esta desconectado desde {1}
seenOnline=El jugador {0} esta conectado desde {1}
serverFull=Servidor lleno.
serverTotal=Server Total\: {0}
serverTotal=\u00a76Server Total\:\u00a7c {0}
setBal=\u00a7aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aYou set {0}\u00a7a''s balance to {1}.
setSpawner=Cambiado tipo de spawner a {0}
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ unvanished=\u00a7aEres visible nuevamente.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cUn reinicio te ha forzado a ser visible.
upgradingFilesError=Error mientras se actualizaban los archivos
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userDoesNotExist=El usuario {0} no existe
userIsAway={0} esta ahora ausente\!
userIsNotAway={0} ya no esta ausente\!
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ alertBroke=rikkoi\:
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} sijainnissa\: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break {0} blocks here.
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place {0} here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use {0}.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place\u00a7c {0} \u00a74here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
autoAfkKickReason=Sinut on potkittu, koska olit tekem\u00e4tt\u00e4 mit\u00e4\u00e4n {0} minuuttia.
backAfterDeath=\u00a77K\u00e4yt\u00e4 /back komentoa p\u00e4\u00e4st\u00e4ksesi takaisin sijaintiin, jossa kuolit.
backUsageMsg=\u00a77Palautetaan \u00e4skeiseen sijaintiin.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ balance=\u00a77Rahatilanne\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Top rahatilanteet ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cEt voi bannia pelaajaa.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ bedSet=\u00a76Bed spawn set\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7cIson puun luominen ep\u00e4onnistui. Yrit\u00e4 uudelleen nurmikolla tai mullalla.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Iso puu luotu.
blockList=Essentials siirsi seuraavat komennot muihin plugineihin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a76This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}.
broadcast=[\u00a7cIlmoitus\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a7cSinulla ei ole oikeuksia rakentaa
bukkitFormatChanged=Bukkitin versiomuoto muuttui. Versiota ei ole tarkistettu.
burnMsg=\u00a77Asetit pelaajan {0} tuleen {1} sekunniksi.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Voit taas puhua
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Ei l\u00f6ydetty GeoIP tietokantaa\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Ei pystytty lukemaan GeoIP tietokantaa\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cSinulla ei ole oikeutta luoda tavaraa {0}
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ deleteHome=\u00a77Koti {0} on poistettu.
deleteJail=\u00a77Vankila {0} on poistettu.
deleteWarp=\u00a77Warp {0} on poistettu.
deniedAccessCommand={0} p\u00e4\u00e4sy komentoon ev\u00e4ttiin.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
depth=\u00a77Olet merenpinnan tasolla.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Olet {0} palikkaa meritason yl\u00e4puolella.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Olet {0} palikkaa meritason alapuolella.
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportataan {0} kuluttua. \u00c4l\u00e4 liiku.
downloadingGeoIp=Ladataan GeoIP tietokantaa ... t\u00e4m\u00e4 voi vied\u00e4 hetken (maa\: 0.6 MB, kaupunki\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Kopioitu k\u00e4ytt\u00e4j\u00e4n tiedot\: {0} ja {1}
durability=\u00a77T\u00e4ll\u00e4 ty\u00f6kalulla on \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 k\u00e4ytt\u00f6kertaa j\u00e4ljell\u00e4
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Annetaan loputon m\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 tavaraa "{0}" pelaajalle {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77Parannus "{0}" on lis\u00e4tty tavaraan k\u00e4dess\u00e4si.
@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ false=v\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4
feed=\u00a77Ruokahalusi on tyydytetty.
feedOther=\u00a77Tyydytit ruokahalun pelaajalta {0}.
fileRenameError={0} uudelleen nime\u00e4minen ep\u00e4onnistui
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
fireworkColor=\u00a74Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a77Lento {0} pelaajalla {1}.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cSinulla ei ole ket\u00e4\u00e4n kenelle vastata.
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack.
gameMode=\u00a77Asetit pelimuodon "{0}" pelaajalle {1}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities
gcfree=Vapaa muisti\: {0} MB
@ -135,24 +135,24 @@ godDisabledFor=poistettu pelaajalta {0}
godEnabledFor=laitettu pelaajalle {0}
godMode=\u00a77God muoto {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber={0} online, for the full list type /{1} {2}
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, for the full list\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cVirhe, et voi k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 t\u00e4t\u00e4 tavaraa hattuna\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cYou are not wearing a hat.
hatFail=\u00a7cSinulla tulee olla jotain k\u00e4dess\u00e4si, mit\u00e4 k\u00e4ytt\u00e4\u00e4 hattuna.
hatPlaced=\u00a7eNauti uudesta hatustasi\!
hatRemoved=\u00a7eYour hat has been removed.
hatRemoved=\u00a76Your hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Sinut on vapautettu
heal=\u00a77Sinut on parannettu.
healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=\u00a77Paransit pelaajan {0}.
helpConsole=Katsoaksesi apua konsolista, kirjoita ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Komennot {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Komennot "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[HelpOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Plugin apu\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
holdPotion=\u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holeInFloor=Reik\u00e4 lattiassa
homeSet=\u00a77Koti asetettu.
@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Sivu \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a7
infoUnknownChapter=Tuntematon luku.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge=\u00a7cMit\u00e4t\u00f6n m\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4ys.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=Kotia {0} ei ole olemassa
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name\!
invalidMob=Kelvoton mobin tyyppi.
invalidNumber=Invalid Number.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=Kyltin rivi {0} on viallinen.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name\!
invalidWorld=\u00a7cKelvoton maailma.
itemCannotBeSold=Tuota tavaraa ei voi myyd\u00e4 t\u00e4ll\u00e4 palvelimella.
itemMustBeStacked=Tavara pit\u00e4\u00e4 vaihtaa pakattuina. M\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4 2s olisi kaksi pakettia, jne.
itemNames=Item short names\: {0}
itemNames=\u00a76Item short names\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a7cSinulla ei ole tarpeeksi tavaraa jota myyd\u00e4.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a77Jos haluat myyd\u00e4 kaikki tuon tyypin tavarat, k\u00e4yt\u00e4 /sell tavarannimi
itemNotEnough3=\u00a77/sell itemname -1 myy kaiken paitsi yhden, jne.
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ itemSellAir=Yritit myyd\u00e4 ilmaa? Laita tavara k\u00e4teesi ja yrit\u00e4 uud
itemSold=\u00a77Myy \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} hintaan {3} kpl)
itemSoldConsole={0} sold {1} for \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} items at {4} each)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Annetaan {0} kpl {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Ei voida ladata tiedostoa items.csv.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cPelaaja on jo vankilassa\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cSin\u00e4 teet rikoksen, istut my\u00f6s sen mukaan.
@ -222,7 +222,7 @@ listAmountHidden=\u00a79Pelaajia palvelimella \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 / \u0
loadWarpError=Virhe ladattaessa warppia {0}
localFormat=Paikallinen\: <{0}> {1}
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
mailClear=\u00a7cPoistaaksesi viestisi, kirjoita /mail clear
mailCleared=\u00a77Viestit poistettu\!
mailSent=\u00a77Viesti l\u00e4hetetty\!
@ -245,12 +245,12 @@ moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} on l\u00e4hetetty pelaajalle {1}
moreThanZero=M\u00e4\u00e4r\u00e4n pit\u00e4\u00e4 olla enemm\u00e4n kuin 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a77Set {0} speed to {1} for {2}.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Set {0} speed to\u00a7c {1} \u00a76for {2}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteExempt=\u00a7cEt voi hiljent\u00e4\u00e4 tuota pelaajaa.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
mutedPlayer=Pelaaja {0} hiljennetty.
mutedPlayerFor=Pelaaja {0} hiljennetty, koska {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} yritti puhua, mutta oli hiljennetty.
@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ powerToolsEnabled=Kaikki voimaty\u00f6alut on otettu k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n.
questionFormat=\u00a77[Question]\u00a7f {0}
readNextPage=Kirjoita /{0} {1} lukeaksesi seuraavan sivun
recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} kielt\u00e4ytyi sinun teleportti pyynn\u00f6st\u00e
requestSent=\u00a77Pyynt\u00f6 l\u00e4hetetty pelaajalle {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cTeleportti pyynt\u00f6 aikakatkaistiin
requiredBukkit=* \! * Tarvitset v\u00e4hint\u00e4\u00e4n {0} version CraftBukkitista, lataa se osoitteesta http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
returnPlayerToJailError=Virhe laitettaessa pelaaja {0} takaisin vankilaan\: {1}
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a77T\u00e4m\u00e4 pyynt\u00f6 aikakatkaistaan {0}
teleportTop=\u00a77Teleportataan p\u00e4\u00e4lle.
teleportationDisabled=\u00a77Teleporttaus poistettu k\u00e4yt\u00f6st\u00e4.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}.
teleportationEnabled=\u00a77Teleportation otettu k\u00e4ytt\u00f6\u00f6n.
teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}
@ -457,7 +457,7 @@ unvanished=\u00a7aOlet taas n\u00e4kyvill\u00e4.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cSinut on pakotettu taas n\u00e4kyv\u00e4ksi uudelleen latauksen vuoksi.
upgradingFilesError=Virhe p\u00e4ivitett\u00e4ess\u00e4 tiedostoja
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userDoesNotExist=Pelaajaa {0} ei ole olemassa.
userIsAway={0} on nyt AFK
userIsNotAway={0} ei ole en\u00e4\u00e4 AFK
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Money\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muted\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Pino tavaraa "{0}" on arvoltaan \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} tavara(a) \= {3} kappale)
worthMeta=\u00a77Pino tavaraa "{0}" metadatan kanssa {1} on arvoltaan \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({3} tavara(a) \= {4} kappale)
worthSet=Arvo asetettu
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -4,24 +4,24 @@
# Translations start here
# by: L\u00e9a Gris
action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9 \u00e0 votre compte.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} ajout\u00e9s au compte de {1}\u00a7a. Nouvelle solde \: {2}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} ont \u00e9t\u00e9 ajout\u00e9s \u00e0 votre compte.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} ajout\u00e9s au compte de {1}\u00a7a. Nouveau solde \: {2}
alertBroke=a cass\u00e9 \:
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} \u00e0\:{3}
alertPlaced=a plac\u00e9 \:
alertUsed=a utilis\u00e9 \:
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 casser des blocs de {0} ici.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 cr\u00e9er\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 jeter\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 interagir avec {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 placer {0} ici.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9s \u00e0 utliser {0}.
autoAfkKickReason=Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9connect\u00e9 pour inactivit\u00e9e sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 {0} minutes.
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 casser des blocs de {0} ici.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 cr\u00e9er\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 jeter\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 interagir avec {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 placer {0} ici.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74Vous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 utiliser {0}.
autoAfkKickReason=Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9connect\u00e9 pour inactivit\u00e9 sup\u00e9rieure \u00e0 {0} minutes.
backAfterDeath=\u00a77Utilisez la commande /back pour retourner \u00e0 l''endroit ou vous \u00eates mort.
backUsageMsg=\u00a77Retour \u00e0 votre emplacement pr\u00e9c\u00e9dent.
backupDisabled=Aucun script de backup externe n''a \u00e9t\u00e9 configur\u00e9.
backupFinished=Sauvegarde termin\u00e9
backupFinished=Sauvegarde termin\u00e9e.
backupStarted=D\u00e9but de la sauvegarde...
balance=\u00a77Solde \: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aSolde de {0}\u00a7a \:\u00a7c {1}
@ -29,13 +29,13 @@ balanceTop=\u00a77Meilleurs soldes au ({0})
banExempt=\u00a77Vous ne pouvez pas bannir ce joueur.
banFormat=Banni \: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Votre lit est soi non-d\u00e9fini, manquant ou bloqu\u00e9.
bedMissing=\u00a74Votre lit est soit non-d\u00e9fini, soit manquant, soit bloqu\u00e9.
bedSet=\u00a76Spawn de lit d\u00e9fini \!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7c\u00c9chec de la g\u00e9n\u00e9ration du gros arbre. Essayez de nouveau sur de la terre ou de l''herbe.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Gros arbre cr\u00e9e.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Gros arbre cr\u00e9\u00e9.
blockList=Essentials a relay\u00e9 les commandes suivantes \u00e0 un autre plugin \:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76L''auteur du livre a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 \u00c3\u00a0 {0}.
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76L''auteur du livre a \u00e9t\u00e9 modifi\u00e9 \u00e0 {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a7cCe livre est maintenant sign\u00e9.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Le titre du livre est maintenant {0}.
broadcast=[\u00a7cMessage\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
@ -45,11 +45,11 @@ burnMsg=\u00a77Vous avez enflamm\u00e9 {0} pour {1} seconde(s).
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Vous pouvez de nouveau parler.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74Vous n''avez pas la permission d''empiler plusieurs mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Essentials n''arrive pas \u00e0 trouver la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP \!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Echec de la lecture de la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas le droit de faire appara\u00eetre {0}
cantReadGeoIpDB=\u00c9chec de la lecture de la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP \!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas le droit de faire appara\u00eetre {0}.
cleaned=Fichiers joueurs nettoy\u00e9s.
cleaning=Nettoyage des fichiers joueurs...
commandFailed=\u00c9chec de la commande {0} \:
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Erreur d''obtention d''aide pour \: {0}
commandNotLoaded=\u00a7cLa commande {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 mal charg\u00e9e.
compassBearing=\u00a77Orientation \: {0} ({1} degr\u00e9s).
configFileMoveError=\u00c9chec du d\u00e9placement de config.yml vers l''emplacement de sauvegarde.
configFileRenameError=\u00c9chec du changement de nom du fichier temporaire de config.yml
configFileRenameError=\u00c9chec du changement de nom du fichier temporaire de config.yml.
connectedPlayers=\u00a77Joueurs connect\u00e9s\u00a7r
connectionFailed=\u00c9chec de la connexion.
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a7cR\u00e9utilisation \: {0}
@ -82,20 +82,20 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74Vous ne pouvez pas changer le titre de ce livre.
depth=\u00a77Vous \u00eates au niveau de la mer.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Vous \u00eates \u00e0 {0} bloc(s) au dessus du niveau de la mer.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Vous \u00eates \u00e0 {0} bloc(s) en dessous du niveau de la mer.
destinationNotSet=Destination non d\u00e9finie
destinationNotSet=Destination non d\u00e9finie \!
disableUnlimited=\u00a77D\u00e9sactivation du placement illimit\u00e9 de {0} pour {1}.
disabledToSpawnMob=L''invocation de ce monstre a \u00e9t\u00e9 d\u00e9sactiv\u00e9e dans le fichier de configuration.
distance=\u00a76Distance \: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77La t\u00e9l\u00e9portation commence dans {0}. Ne bougez pas.
downloadingGeoIp=T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement de la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP... Cela peut prendre un moment (Pays \: 0.6 Mo, villes \: 20 Mo)
downloadingGeoIp=T\u00e9l\u00e9chargement de la base de donn\u00e9es GeoIP... Cela peut prendre un moment (pays \: 0.6 Mo, villes \: 20 Mo)
duplicatedUserdata=Donn\u00e9es utilisateurs dupliqu\u00e9es \: {0} et {1}
durability=\u00a77Cet outil a \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 usage(s) restant(s).
editBookContents=\u00a7eVous pouvez maintenant \u00e9diter le contenu de ce livre.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Quantit\u00e9 illimit\u00e9e de {0} \u00e0 {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77L''enchantement {0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 appliqu\u00e9 \u00e0 l''objet dans votre main.
enchantmentNotFound=\u00a7cEnchantement non trouv\u00e9
enchantmentNotFound=\u00a7cEnchantement non trouv\u00e9 \!
enchantmentPerm=\u00a7cVous n''avez pas les droits pour {0}.
enchantmentRemoved=\u00a77L''enchantement {0} de l''item dans votre main a \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9.
enchantments=\u00a76Enchantements \:\u00a7r {0}
@ -114,13 +114,13 @@ failedToWriteConfig=\u00c9chec de l''\u00e9criture de la configuration {0}.
feed=\u00a77Vous avez \u00e9t\u00e9 rassasi\u00e9.
feedOther=\u00a77{0} est rassasi\u00e9.
fileRenameError=Echec du changement de nom de {0}.
fileRenameError=\u00c9chec du changement de nom de {0}.
fireworkColor=\u00a74Vous devez ajouter une couleur au feu d''artifice pour pouvoir lui ajouter un effet.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Les effets ont \u00e9t\u00e9 retir\u00e9s.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Param\u00e8tres du feu d''artifice \:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76Pour utiliser plusieurs couleurs/effets, s\u00e9parez les valeurs avec des virgules \: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes \:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects \:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
flyMode=\u00a77Fly mode {0} pour {1} d\u00e9fini.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cVous n''avez personne \u00e0 qui r\u00e9pondre
foreverAlone=\u00a7cVous n''avez personne \u00e0 qui r\u00e9pondre.
fullStack=\u00a74Vous avez d\u00e9j\u00e0 un stack complet.
gameMode=\u00a77Mode de jeu {0} pour {1}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 portions, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entit\u00e9s
@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ godEnabledFor=activ\u00e9 pour {0}
godMode=\u00a77Mode Dieu {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Il n''y a personne en ligne dans ce groupe \!
groupNumber={0} en ligne, pour la liste compl\u00e8te, tapez /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cErreur, vous ne pouvez pas utliser cet item comme chapeau \!
hatArmor=\u00a7cErreur, vous ne pouvez pas utiliser cet item comme chapeau \!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cVous ne portez pas de chapeau.
hatFail=\u00a7cVous devez avoir quelque chose \u00e0 porter dans votre main.
hatPlaced=\u00a7eProfitez bien de votre nouveau chapeau \!
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ healDead=\u00a74Vous ne pouvez pas soigner quelqu''un qui est mort \!
healOther=\u00a77{0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 soign\u00e9.
helpConsole=Pour voir l''aide tapez ?
helpFrom=\u00a77Commandes de {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Commandes correspondant \u00e0 "{0}" \:
helpOp=\u00a7c[Aide Admin]\u00a7f \u00a77{0} \: \u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f \: Aide Plugin \: /help {1}
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ homes=R\u00e9sidences \: {0}
ignorePlayer=Vous ignorez d\u00e9sormais {0}.
illegalDate=Format de date ill\u00e9gal.
illegalDate=Format de date invalide.
infoChapter=S\u00e9lectionnez le chapitre \:
infoChapterPages=Chapitre {0}, page \u00a7c{1}\u00a7f sur \u00a7c{2}\u00a7f\:
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Page \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00a74{1} \u00a7e----
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ itemSellAir=Vouliez-vous vraiment vendre de l''air ? Mettez un objet dans votre
itemSold=\u00a77Vendu pour \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} \u00e0 {3} chacun)
itemSoldConsole={0} vendu {1} pour \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} objet(s) \u00e0 {4} chacun)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Donne {0} de {1}
itemType=Item \: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item \:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Essentials n''a pas pu charger items.csv.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cJoueur d\u00e9j\u00e0 emprisonn\u00e9 \: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cVous avez commis un crime, vous en payez le prix.
@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ kitTimed=\u00a7cVous ne pouvez pas utiliser ce kit pendant encore {0}.
kits=\u00a76Kits \:\u00a7r {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Syntaxe de la couleur du cuir \: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> exemple \: color\:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a77Vous venez d''\u00eatre foudroy\u00e9.
lightningUse=\u00a77{0} a \u00e9t\u00e9 foudroy\u00e9.
lightningUse=\u00a77{0} \u00a76a \u00e9t\u00e9 foudroy\u00e9.
listAmount=\u00a79Il y a \u00a7c{0}\u00a79 joueurs en ligne sur \u00a7c{1}\u00a79 au total.
listAmountHidden=\u00a79Il y a \u00a7c{0}\u00a77/{1}\u00a79 sur un maximum de \u00a7c{2}\u00a79 joueurs en ligne.
@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ listGroupTag=\u00a76{0}\u00a7r\:
loadWarpError=\u00c9chec du chargement du warp {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
mailClear=\u00a7cPour marquer votre courrier comme lu, entrez /mail clear
mailClear=\u00a7cPour marquer votre courrier comme lu, entrez /mail clear.
mailCleared=\u00a77Courrier supprim\u00e9 \!
mailSent=\u00a77Courrier envoy\u00e9 \!
markMailAsRead=\u00a7cPour marquer votre courrier comme lu, entrez /mail clear
markMailAsRead=\u00a7cPour marquer votre courrier comme lu, entrez /mail clear.
markedAsAway=\u00a77Vous \u00eates d\u00e9sormais absent/AFK.
markedAsNotAway=\u00a77Vous n''\u00eates plus absent/AFK.
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76Les joueurs suivant ce sont d\u00e9j\u00e0 connect\u00e9s avec cette adresse \:
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ notAllowedToQuestion=\u00a7cVous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 poser des
notAllowedToShout=\u00a7cVous n''\u00eates pas autoris\u00e9 \u00e0 crier.
notEnoughExperience=Vous n''avez pas assez d''exp\u00e9rience.
notEnoughMoney=Vous n''avez pas les fonds n\u00e9cessaires.
notFlying=not flying
notFlying=ne volant pas
notRecommendedBukkit=* \! * Cette version de Bukkit n''est pas recommand\u00e9 pour cette version de Essentials.
notSupportedYet=Pas encore pris en charge.
nothingInHand=\u00a7cVous n''avez rien en main.
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Argent \:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muet \:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Surnom \:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP \:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Un stack de {0} vaut \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} objet(s) \u00e0 {3} chacun)
worthMeta=\u00a77Un stack de {0} de type {1} vaut \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({3} objet(s) \u00e0 {4} chacun)
worthSet=Valeur cr\u00e9\u00e9e.
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Tous les\u00a7c {0} \u00a76de l''inventaire de
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a7c{0} \u00a7c {1} \u00a76ont \u00e9t\u00e9 supprim\u00e9s de l''inventaire de {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Le joueur {0} \u00a74n''a pas\u00a7c {1}\u00a7c {2}\u00a74 sur lui.

View file

@ -11,12 +11,12 @@ alertBroke=fallito\:
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7f {1} \u00a76 {2} a\: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break {0} blocks here.
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74You are not permitted to break\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocks here.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74You are not permitted to create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74You are not permitted to drop\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with {0}.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place {0} here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use {0}.
antiBuildInteract=\u00a74You are not permitted to interact with\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildPlace=\u00a74You are not permitted to place\u00a7c {0} \u00a74here.
antiBuildUse=\u00a74You are not permitted to use\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
autoAfkKickReason=Sei stato kickato per inattivita'' oltre i {0} minuti.
backAfterDeath=\u00a77Digita il comando /back per tornare al punto dove sei morto.
backUsageMsg=\u00a77Ritorna alla posizione precedente.
@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ balance=\u00a77Bilancio\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aBalance of {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Top bilanci ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cNon puoi bannare questo player.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Your bed is either unset, missing or blocked.
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ bedSet=\u00a76Bed spawn set\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a7cCreazione del grande albero fallita. Riprova sull''erba o sul terreno.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a77Grande albero creato.
blockList=Essentials ha trasmesso i seguenti comandi ad un altro plugin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Author of the book set to {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a76This book is now locked.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76Title of the book set to {0}.
broadcast=[\u00a7cBroadcast\u00a7f]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert=\u00a7cNon hai i permessi per costruire
bukkitFormatChanged=Il formato della versione Bukkit e'' cambiato. Versione non controllata.
burnMsg=\u00a77Hai impostato{0} infuocato per {1} secondi.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Ora puoi parlare di nuovo
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Non trovo il database GeoIP\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Lettura fallita del database GeoIP\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cNon sei abilitato a generare l''oggetto {0}
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ creatingConfigFromTemplate=Configurazione dal template\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Configurazione vuota creata\: {0}
currentWorld=Current World\: {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Current World\:\u00a7c {0}
defaultBanReason=Sei stato bannato\!
@ -76,9 +76,9 @@ deleteHome=\u00a77La home {0} e'' stata rimossa.
deleteJail=\u00a77La prigione {0} e'' stata rimossa.
deleteWarp=\u00a77Il Warp {0} e'' stato rimosso.
deniedAccessCommand={0} Accesso negato al comando.
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor=\u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
depth=\u00a77Sei al livello del mare.
depthAboveSea=\u00a77Sei {0} blocco(i) sopra il livello del mare.
depthBelowSea=\u00a77Sei {0} blocco(i) sotto il livello del mare.
@ -90,8 +90,8 @@ distance=\u00a76Distance\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Il teletrasporto iniziera'' tra {0}. Attendi.
downloadingGeoIp=Download del database GeoIP... potrebbe richiedere del tempo (nazione\: 0.6 MB, citta''\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Dati dell''utente duplicati\: {0} e {1}
durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book
durability=\u00a76This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eYou may now edit the contents of this book.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Sto inviando una quantita'' illimitata di {0} a {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a77L''incantesimo {0} e'' stato applicato all''oggetto nelle tue mani.
@ -104,8 +104,8 @@ errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErrore\: {0}
essentialsHelp1=File corrotto.. Essentials non riesce ad aprirlo. Essentials ora e'' disabilitato. Se non riesci a riparare il file, vai su http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=File corrotto.. Essentials non riesce ad aprirlo. Essentials ora e'' disabilitato. Se non riesci a riparare il file, digita il comando /essentialshelp o vai su http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a77Essentials Ricaricato {0}
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a77) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a77more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a77now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a77exp.
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a76more exp to level up.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp.
extinguish=\u00a77Hai spento le fiamme.
extinguishOthers=\u00a77Hai spento le fiamme di {0}.
failedToCloseConfig=Chiusura fallita del config {0}
@ -115,13 +115,13 @@ false=\u00a74false\u00a7f
feed=\u00a77Ora sei sazio.
feedOther=\u00a77{0} e''stato nutrito.
fileRenameError=Rinomina del file {0} fallita
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
fireworkColor=\u00a74Invalid firework charge parameters inserted, must set a color first.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Removed all effects from held stack.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a77Modalita'' volo impostata {0} per {1}.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cNon c''e'' nessuno a cui rispondere.
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack
fullStack=\u00a74You already have a full stack.
gameMode=\u00a77Modalita''di gioco {0} impostata per {1}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities
gcfree=Memoria libera\: {0} MB
@ -135,24 +135,24 @@ godDisabledFor=God disabilitato per {0}
godEnabledFor=God abilitato per {0}
godMode=\u00a77Modalita'' God {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74There''s no one online in this group\!
groupNumber={0} online, for the full list type /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cError, you cannot use this item as a hat\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, for the full list\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a74You cannot use this item as a hat\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cYou are not wearing a hat.
hatFail=\u00a7cYou must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a7eEnjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=\u00a7eYour hat has been removed.
hatFail=\u00a74You must have something to wear in your hand.
hatPlaced=\u00a76Enjoy your new hat\!
hatRemoved=\u00a76Your hat has been removed.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a77Sei stato scarcerato.
heal=\u00a77Sei stato curato.
healDead=\u00a74You cannot heal someone who is dead\!
healOther=\u00a77{0} e'' stato curato.
helpConsole=Digitare ? per la guida.
helpFrom=\u00a77Comandi da {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Corrispondenza comandi "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[HelpOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book.
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects.
holdPotion=\u00a74You must be holding a potion to apply effects to it.
holeInFloor=Buco nel terreno
homeSet=\u00a77Home impostata.
@ -167,20 +167,20 @@ infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Pagina \u00a74{0}\u00a76/\u00
infoUnknownChapter=Capitolo sconosciuto.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge=\u00a7cIIstruzione non corretta.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=La home {0} non esiste
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Invalid home name\!
invalidMob=Tipo mob non valido.
invalidNumber=Invalid Number.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=Riga {0} non corretta.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Invalid warp name\!
invalidWorld=\u00a7cMondo incorretto.
itemCannotBeSold=L''oggetto non puo'' essere venduto.
itemMustBeStacked=L''oggetto deve essere commerciato in pile. 2 quantita'' equivalgono a 2 pile, etc.
itemNames=Item short names\: {0}
itemNames=\u00a76Item short names\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a7cNon hai abbastanza quantita'' di questo oggetto per venderlo.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a77Se vuoi vendere tutti gli oggetti di quel tipo, digita /sell nomeoggetto
itemNotEnough3=\u00a77/sell nomeoggetto -1 vende tutto tranne quell''oggetto, etc.
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ itemSellAir=Stai cercando di vendere l''aria? Metti un oggetto nella tua mano.
itemSold=\u00a77Venduto per \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} a {3} l''uno)
itemSoldConsole={0} venduto {1} per \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} oggetti a {4} l''uno)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Inviati {0} di {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Impossibile caricare items.csv.
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cPlayer gia'' in prigione\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cAvrai tempo per riflettere..in prigione.
@ -200,7 +200,7 @@ jailSet=\u00a77{0} e'' ora una prigione.
jumpError=Cosi'' facendo danneggerai la cpu.
kickDefault=Kickato dal server
kickExempt=\u00a7cNon puoi kickare questo player.
kickedAll=\u00a7cKicked all players from server
kickedAll=\u00a74Kicked all players from server.
kill=\u00a77Ucciso {0}.
killExempt=\u00a74You can not kill {0}
kitCost=\ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
@ -239,18 +239,18 @@ missingItems=Non hai {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=Errore durante il cambiamento del generatore di mob.
mobSpawnLimit=Quantita'' Mob limitata dal server
mobSpawnTarget=Il blocco designato deve essere un generatore di mob.
mobsAvailable=\u00a77Mobs\: {0}
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{0} sono stati ricevuti da {1}
moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} sono stati inviati a {1}
moreThanZero=La quantita'' deve essere maggiore di 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a77Set {0} speed to {1} for {2}.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Set {0} speed to\u00a7c {1} \u00a76for {2}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one charge to this firework.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteExempt=\u00a7cNon puoi mutare questo player.
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}
muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76has muted \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
mutedPlayer=Player {0} mutato.
mutedPlayerFor=Player {0} mutato per {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} ha provato a parlare, ma e'' mutato.
@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ noAccessCommand=\u00a7cNon hai accesso a questo comando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cNon hai i permessi di accesso per {0}.
noBreakBedrock=Non sei abilitato a distruggere la bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a7cNon hai i permessi per distruggere {0}.
noDurability=\u00a7cThis item does not have a durability.
noDurability=\u00a74This item does not have a durability.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a7cAttenzione\! Modalita'' God disabilitata in questo mondo.
noHelpFound=\u00a7cComandi non trovati.
noHomeSetPlayer=Il Player non ha stabilito una home.
@ -355,11 +355,11 @@ powerToolsEnabled=Tutti i tuoi attrezzi sono stati abilitati.
questionFormat=\u00a77[Domanda]\u00a7f {0}
readNextPage=Digita /{0} {1} per la pagina successiva
recipe=\u00a76Recipe for \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number
recipeBadIndex=There is no recipe by that number.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <number> to see other recipes for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
recipeNone=No recipes exist for {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ requestDeniedFrom=\u00a77{0} ha rifiutato la tua richiesta di teletrasporto.
requestSent=\u00a77Richiesta inviata a {0}\u00a77.
requestTimedOut=\u00a7cRichiesta di teletrasporto scaduta.
requiredBukkit=* \! * e'' necessaria la versione {0} o superiore di CraftBukkit, scaricabile da http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all online players
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76 for all players
resetBal=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all online players.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Balance has been reset to \u00a7a{0} \u00a76for all players.
returnPlayerToJailError=Riscontrato errore nell''invio del player {0} alla prigione\: {1}
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
@ -420,7 +420,7 @@ teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a77Questa richiesta scadra'' tra {0} secondi.
teleportTop=\u00a77Teletrasporto in cima.
teleportationCommencing=\u00a77Inizio teletrasporto...
teleportationDisabled=\u00a77Teletrasporto disabilitato.
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}
teleportationDisabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation disabled for {0}.
teleportationEnabled=\u00a77Teletrasporto abilitato.
teleportationEnabledFor=\u00a76Teleportation enabled for {0}
teleporting=\u00a77Teletrasporto in corso...
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ timeWorldCurrent=L''orario attuale in {0} e'' \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet=L''orario e'' stato regolato alle {0} in\: \u00a7c{1}
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aSold all blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
tps=Current TPS \= {0}
tps=\u00a76Current TPS \= {0}
tradeSignEmpty=L''insegna non dispone di forniture sufficienti.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=Non c''e'' niente da raccogliare da quest''insegna.
treeFailure=\u00a7cCreazione dell''albero fallita. Riprova sull''erba o sul terreno.
@ -453,11 +453,11 @@ unknownItemName=Nome oggetto sconosciuto\: {0}
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a7cNessun permesso per l''oggetto {0} illimitato.
unlimitedItems=Oggetti illimitati\:
unmutedPlayer=Player {0} smutato.
unvanished=\u00a7aYou are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cA reload has forced you to become visible.
unvanished=\u00a76You are once again visible.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74A reload has forced you to become visible.
upgradingFilesError=Errore durante l''aggiornamento dei file
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond
userAFK=\u00a77{0} \u00a75is currently AFK and may not respond.
userDoesNotExist=L''utente {0} non esiste.
userIsAway={0} e'' AFK
userIsNotAway={0} non e'' piu'' AFK
@ -466,7 +466,7 @@ userUnknown=\u00a74Warning\: The user ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' has never joined thi
userdataMoveBackError=Errore durante lo spostamento di userdata/{0}.tmp a userdata/{1}
userdataMoveError=Errore durante lo spostamento di userdata/{0} a userdata/{1}.tmp
usingTempFolderForTesting=Sto usando la cartella temporale per il test\:
vanished=\u00a7aYou have now been vanished.
vanished=\u00a76You are now completely invisible to normal users, and hidden from in-game commands.
versionMismatch=Versione incorretta\! Aggiornare {0} alla stessa versione.
versionMismatchAll=Versione incorretta\! Aggiornare tutti i jar Essentials alla stessa versione.
voiceSilenced=\u00a77La tua voce e'' stata silenziata
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ warpOverwrite=\u00a7cNon puoi sovrascrivere il warp.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} definito.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cNon hai i permessi per usare questo warp.
warpingTo=\u00a77Warping a {0}.
warps=Warps\: {0}
warps=\u00a76Warps\:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a77Ci sono {0} warps. Pagina {1} of {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77Hai regolato il tempo in tempesta in {0}
weatherStormFor=\u00a77Hai cambiato il tempo in tempesta in {0} per {1} secondi
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Denaro\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Muted\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Pila di {0} valore \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({2} oggetto(i) a {3} l''uno)
worthMeta=\u00a77Pila di {0} con metadati di {1} valore \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({3} oggetto(i) a {4} l''uno)
worthSet=Valore definito
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ cantReadGeoIpDB=Fout bij het lezen van de GeoIP database\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cU bent niet bevoegd om {0} te spawnen.
cleaned=Gebruikersbestanden opgeschoont.
cleaning=Opschonen van gebruikersbestanden.
commandFailed=Opdracht {0} is mislukt\:
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ flying=vliegen
foreverAlone=\u00a7cU heeft niemand naar wie U kan reageren.
fullStack=\u00a74U heeft al een volledige stapel.
gameMode=\u00a77De spelmodus van {1} is veranderd naar {0}.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entities.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entiteiten.
gcfree=Vrij geheugen\: {0} MB
gcmax=Maximaal geheugen\: {0} MB
gctotal=Toegewezen geheugen\: {0} MB
@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ healDead=\u00a74U kunt niet iemand genezen die dood is\!
healOther=\u00a77U heeft {0} genezen.
helpConsole=typ ? om de consolehulp weer te geven.
helpFrom=\u00a77Commando''s van {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7f\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Commandos die overeenkomen met "{0}"\:
helpOp=\u00a7c[HelpOp]\u00a7f \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7f {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7f\: Plugin Hulp\: /help {1}
@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ itemSellAir=U wilde serieus lucht verkopen? Plaats een voorwerp in uw hand.
itemSold=\u00a77Verkocht voor \u00a7c{0} \u00a77({1} {2} voorwerpen voor {3} per stuk)
itemSoldConsole={0} verkocht {1} voor \u00a77{2} \u00a77({3} voorwerpen voor {4} per stuk)
itemSpawn=\u00a77Geeft {0} {1}
itemType=Item\: {0} - {1}
itemType=\u00a76Voorwerp\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Kon items.csv niet laden\!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a7cDeze persoon zit al in de gevangenis\: {0}
jailMessage=\u00a7cU begaat een misdrijf, U zit uw tijd uit.
@ -232,14 +232,14 @@ markedAsNotAway=\u00a77U staat niet meer als afwezig gemarkeerd.
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76De volgende spelers logden eerder in op dat IP adres\:
maxHomes=U kunt niet meer dan {0} huizen zetten.
mayNotJail=\u00a7cU mag die speler niet in de gevangenis zetten.
missingItems=U heeft geen {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=Fout bij het veranderen van de mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Grootte van het aantal mobs dat U kunt spawnen hangt af van het server limiet.
mobSpawnTarget=Target blok moet een mob spawner zijn.
mobsAvailable=\u00a77Mobs\: {0}
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{0} is ontvangen van {1}.
moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} is verzonden naar {1}.
@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ nickNamesAlpha=\u00a7cBijnamen moeten alfanumeriek zijn.
nickNoMore=\u00a7U heeft geen bijnaam meer.
nickOthersPermission=\u00a7cU herft geen toestemming om de bijnaam van anderen te veranderen.
nickSet=\u00a77Uw bijnaam is nu \u00a7c{0}
nickTooLong=\u00a74That nickname is too long.
nickTooLong=\u00a74Die bijnaam is te lang.
noAccessCommand=\u00a7cU heeft geen toegang tot dat commando.
noAccessPermission=\u00a7cU heeft hier geen toestemming voor {0}.
noBreakBedrock=U heeft geen toestemming om bodemgesteente te breken.
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ recipe=\u00a76Recept voor \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ({1} of {2})
recipeBadIndex=Er is geen recept met dat nummer.
recipeFurnace=\u00a76Smelt \u00a7c{0}
recipeGrid=\u00a7{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem=\ \u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeGridItem=\u00a0\u00a7{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore=\u00a76Type /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <nummer> om andere recepten te zien van \u00a7c{2}
recipeNone=Er bestaan geen recepten voor {0}.
@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ signFormatTemplate=[{0}]
signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a74U bent niet bevoegd om hier een bord te plaatsen.
similarWarpExist=Er bestaat al een warp met dezelfde naam.
slimeMalformedSize=Misvormde grootte.
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76\: {1}
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialeSpion voor {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=Die mob is liever in zijn eentje.
spawnSet=\u00a77Spawn locatie voor de groep {0} ingesteld.
@ -456,7 +456,7 @@ unmutedPlayer=Speler {0} mag weer spreken.
unvanished=\u00a7aU bent weer zichtbaar.
unvanishedReload=\u00a7cEen herlading heeft je geforceerd om zichtbaar te worden.
upgradingFilesError=Fout tijdens het upgraden van de bestanden.
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
uptime=\u00a76Tijd dat de server aanstaat\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75is AFK,en zal mogelijk niet reageren.
userDoesNotExist=Speler {0} bestaat niet.
userIsAway={0} is nu afwezig.
@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ warpOverwrite=\u00a7cU kunt deze warp niet overschrijven.
warpSet=\u00a77Warp {0} ingesteld.
warpUsePermission=\u00a7cOnbevoegd om die warp te gebruiken.
warpingTo=\u00a77Aan het warpen naar {0}.
warps=Warps\: {0}
warps=\u00a76Warps\:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a77Er zijn {0} warps. Weergegeven pagina {1} van de {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a77U heeft het weer naar stormachtig gezet in {0}.
weatherStormFor=\u00a77U heeft het weer in de {0} naar stormachtig gezet voor {1} seconde(n).
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Alle\u00a7c {0} \u00a76van {1}\u00a76 is verwij
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76\u00a7c {0} \u00a76stuks\u00a7c {1} \u00a76zijn verwijderd uit de inventaris van {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74heeft geen\u00a7c {1} \u00a74stuks\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ distance=\u00a77Odleglosc\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a77Teleportacja nastapi za\u00a7c {0}\u00a77. Prosze sie nie ruszac.
downloadingGeoIp=Pobieranie bazy danych GeoIP... To moze zajac chwile (kraj\: 0.6 MB, miasto\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Kopiowanie danych uzytkownika\: {0} i {1}
durability=\u00a77This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a77 uses left
durability=\u00a76This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 uses left
editBookContents=\u00a7eNie mozesz teraz edytowac tej ksiazki.
enableUnlimited=\u00a77Przyznano nielimitowane zasoby\u00a7c {0} \u00a77dla {1}.
@ -147,10 +147,10 @@ healDead=\u00a74Nie mozesz uleczyc kogos kto nie zyje\!
healOther=\u00a77Uleczono gracza {0}.
helpConsole=Aby uzyskac pomoc z konsoli, wpisz ?.
helpFrom=\u00a77Komendy od {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a77/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a77Komendy odpowiadajace "\u00a7c{0}\u00a77"\:
helpOp=\u00a74[HelpOp]\u00a7r \u00a77{0}\:\u00a7r {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Plugin Help\: /help {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74 {0} \u00a7r\: Pomoc Pluginu\: / help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74Nie trzymasz napisanej ksiazki.
holdFirework=\u00a74Musisz trzymac fajerwerke by dodac efekt.
holdPotion=\u00a74Musisz trzymac miksture by dodac do niej efekt.
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a77 - Pieniadze\:\u00a7r {0}.
whoisMuted=\u00a77 - Wyciszony\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick=\u00a77 - Nick\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp=\u00a77 - OP\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisTop=\u00a77 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a77\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a7aStack {0} jest warty \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a ({2}rzedmiot(y) po {3} kazdy)
worthMeta=\u00a7aStack {0} z metadata {1} jest warty \u00a7c{2}\u00a7a ({3} przedmiot(y) po {4} kazdy)
worthSet=\u00a77Cena przedmiotu ustawiona.
@ -508,14 +508,15 @@ year=rok
youAreHealed=\u00a77Zostales uleczony.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a77Masz\u00a7c {0} \u00a77wiadomosci\! Wpisz \u00a7c/mail read\u00a77 aby je przeczytac.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
whoisHunger=\u00a77 - Glod\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1})
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Not enough space, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74was lost.
noKitGroup=\u00a74You do not have access to this kit.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a76Clearing the inventory of all users...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items and armor from {0}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Brak wolnego miejsca, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74utracono.
noKitGroup=\u00a74Nie masz dostepu do tego zestawu.
inventoryClearingFromAll=\u00a77Czyszczenie ekwipunku wszystkim graczom...
inventoryClearingAllItems=\u00a77Wyczyszczono caly ekwipunek gracza {0}\u00a77.
inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a77Wyczyszczono caly ekwipunek i zbroje gracza {0}\u00a77.
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a77Wyczyszczono wszystko\u00a7c {0} \u00a77od {1}\u00a77.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
#version: Pre2.11.1.2
#X-Generator: crowdin.net
#version: TeamCity
# Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
# Translations start here
# by:
action=\u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi adicionado em sua conta.
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi adicionado na conta de {1}\u00a7a. Novo saldo: {2}
addedToOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi adicionado na conta de {1}\u00a7a. Novo saldo\: {2}
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} em: {3}
alertFormat=\u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} em\: {3}
antiBuildBreak=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para quebrar\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blocos aqui.
antiBuildCraft=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para create\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para dropar\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
@ -22,18 +23,18 @@ backUsageMsg=\u00a76Voltando ao local anterior.
backupDisabled=\u00a74Um script externo nao foi configurado.
backupFinished=\u00a76Backup acabou.
backupStarted=\u00a76Backup come\u00c3\u00a7ou.
balance=\u00a7aSaldo:\u00a7c {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aSaldo de {0}\u00a7a:\u00a7c {1}
balance=\u00a7aSaldo\:\u00a7c {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aSaldo de {0}\u00a7a\:\u00a7c {1}
balanceTop=\u00a76Mais ricos ({0})
banExempt=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode banir este jogador.
banFormat=\u00a74Banido por:\n\u00a7r{0}
banFormat=\u00a74Banido por\:\n\u00a7r{0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Sua cama nao foi definida, est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompida ou est\u00c3\u00a1 bloqueada.
bedSet=\u00a76Cama definida!
bedSet=\u00a76Cama definida\!
bigTreeFailure=\u00a74Falha ao gerar uma \u00c3\u00a1rvore grande. Tente novamente na grama ou na terra.
bigTreeSuccess=\u00a76Arvore grande gerada.
blockList=\u00a76Essentials passou os seguintes comandos para outro plugin:
blockList=\u00a76Essentials passou os seguintes comandos para outro plugin\:
bookAuthorSet=\u00a76Autor do livro definido para {0}.
bookLocked=\u00a76O livro est\u00c3\u00a1 agora trancado.
bookTitleSet=\u00a76T\u00c3\u00adtulo do livro definido para {0}.
@ -43,34 +44,34 @@ bukkitFormatChanged=Formato da versao do Bukkit alterada. Versao nao verificada.
burnMsg=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa colocou fogo em\u00a7c {0} \u00a76por\u00a7c {1} segundos\u00a76.
canTalkAgain=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa pode falar novamente.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de encontrar o banco de dados do GeoIP!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Falha ao ler o banco de dados do GeoIP!
cantFindGeoIpDB=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de encontrar o banco de dados do GeoIP\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Falha ao ler o banco de dados do GeoIP\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para spawnar o item\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
cleaned=Dados dos usu\u00c3\u00a1rios foram limpados.
cleaning=Limpando dados dos usu\u00c3\u00a1rios.
commandFailed=Comando {0} falhou:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Erro ao adquirir ajuda do plugin: {0}
commandFailed=Comando {0} falhou\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin=Erro ao adquirir ajuda do plugin\: {0}
commandNotLoaded=\u00a74Comando {0} est\u00c3\u00a1 carregado impropriamente.
compassBearing=\u00a76Apontado para: {0} ({1} graus).
compassBearing=\u00a76Apontado para\: {0} ({1} graus).
configFileMoveError=Falha ao mover a config.yml para o local do backup.
configFileRenameError=Falha ao renomear o arquivo tempor\u00c3\u00a1rio para config.yml.
connectedPlayers=\u00a76Jogadores conectados\u00a7r
connectionFailed=Falha ao conectar.
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a74Cooldown: {0}
corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a74Not\u00c3\u00adcia: Seu arquivo de configura\u00c3\u00a7ao est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido ({0}).
cooldownWithMessage=\u00a74Cooldown\: {0}
corruptNodeInConfig=\u00a74Not\u00c3\u00adcia\: Seu arquivo de configura\u00c3\u00a7ao est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido ({0}).
couldNotFindTemplate=\u00a74Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de encontrar o modelo {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Criando configura\u00c3\u00a7ao baseado no modelo: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Criando configura\u00c3\u00a7ao vazia: {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate=Criando configura\u00c3\u00a7ao baseado no modelo\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig=Criando configura\u00c3\u00a7ao vazia\: {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Mundo Atual:\u00a7c {0}
currentWorld=\u00a76Mundo Atual\:\u00a7c {0}
defaultBanReason=O Martelo Proibi\u00c3\u00a7ao falou!
deleteFileError=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de deletar o arquivo: {0}
defaultBanReason=O Martelo Proibi\u00c3\u00a7ao falou\!
deleteFileError=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de deletar o arquivo\: {0}
deleteHome=\u00a76Casa\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi removida.
deleteJail=\u00a76Cadeia\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi removida.
deleteWarp=\u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi removido.
@ -81,27 +82,27 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode mudar o t\u00c3\u00adtulo deste
depth=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 no n\u00c3\u00advel do mar.
depthAboveSea=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 a\u00a7c {0} \u00a76bloco(s) acima do n\u00c3\u00advel do mar.
depthBelowSea=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 a\u00a7c {0} \u00a76bloco(s) abaixo do n\u00c3\u00advel do mar.
destinationNotSet=Destino nao definido!
destinationNotSet=Destino nao definido\!
disableUnlimited=\u00a76Permissao de colocar coisas ilimitadas desativada para\u00a7c {0} \u00a76por {1}.
disabledToSpawnMob=\u00a74Spawnar este mob foi desativado na configura\u00c3\u00a7ao.
distance=\u00a76Dist\u00c3\u00a2ncia: {0}
distance=\u00a76Dist\u00c3\u00a2ncia\: {0}
dontMoveMessage=\u00a76Teleporte ir\u00c3\u00a1 come\u00c3\u00a7ar em\u00a7c {0}\u00a76. Nao se mova.
downloadingGeoIp=Baixando o banco de dados GeoIP... isso pode levar um tempo (pa\u00c3\u00ads: 0.6 MB, cidade: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Dados do usu\u00c3\u00a1rio dupliacado: {0} e {1}.
downloadingGeoIp=Baixando o banco de dados GeoIP... isso pode levar um tempo (pa\u00c3\u00ads\: 0.6 MB, cidade\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata=Dados do usu\u00c3\u00a1rio dupliacado\: {0} e {1}.
durability=\u00a76Esse ferramenta ainda pode ser usada mais \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 vezes
editBookContents=\u00a7eVoc\u00c3\u00aa pode agora editar o conte\u00c3\u00bado deste livro.
enableUnlimited=\u00a76Dando quantidade ilimitada de\u00a7c {0} \u00a76para {1}.
enchantmentApplied=\u00a76O encantamento\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi aplicado ao item em sua mao.
enchantmentNotFound= \u00a74Encantamento nao encontrado!
enchantmentNotFound=\u00a74Encantamento nao encontrado\!
enchantmentPerm=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
enchantmentRemoved=\u00a76O encantamento\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi removido do item em sua mao.
enchantments= \u00a76Encantamentos:\u00a7r {0}
enchantments=\u00a76Encantamentos\:\u00a7r {0}
errorCallingCommand=Erro ao usar o comando /{0}
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErro:\u00a74 {0}
essentialsHelp1=O arquivo est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido e o Essentials nao consegue abr\u00c3\u00ad-lo. Essentials desativado. Se voc\u00c3\u00aa nao consegue arrumar o arquivo sozinho, acesse http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=O arquivo est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido e o Essentials nao consegue abr\u00c3\u00ad-lo. Essentials desativado. Se voc\u00c3\u00aa nao consegue arrumar o arquivo sozinho, digite /essentialshelp no jogo ou acesse http://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
errorWithMessage=\u00a7cErro\:\u00a74 {0}
essentialsHelp1=O arquivo est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido e o Essentials nao consegue abr\u00c3\u00ad-lo. Essentials desativado. Se voc\u00c3\u00aa nao consegue arrumar o arquivo sozinho, acesse http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2=O arquivo est\u00c3\u00a1 corrompido e o Essentials nao consegue abr\u00c3\u00ad-lo. Essentials desativado. Se voc\u00c3\u00aa nao consegue arrumar o arquivo sozinho, digite /essentialshelp no jogo ou acesse http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsReload=\u00a76Essentials Recarregado\u00a7c {0}
exp=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76tem\u00a7c {1} \u00a76de exp (n\u00c3\u00advel\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) e precisa de\u00a7c {3} \u00a76mais exp para subir de n\u00c3\u00advel.
expSet=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76agora tem\u00a7c {1} \u00a76de exp.
@ -113,19 +114,19 @@ failedToWriteConfig=Falha ao escrever a configura\u00c3\u00a7ao {0}.
feed=\u00a76Seu apetite foi saciado.
feedOther=\u00a76Apetite de {0}\u00a76foi saciado.
fileRenameError=Falha ao renomear o arquivo {0}!
fileRenameError=Falha ao renomear o arquivo {0}\!
fireworkColor=\u00a74Par\u00c3\u00a2metros inseridos para criar um fogo de artif\u00c3\u00adcio inv\u00c3\u00a1lidos. Defina um cor antes.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Todos os efeitos deste pack foram removidos.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Par\u00c3\u00a2metros do fogo de artif\u00c3\u00adcio:\u00a7c color:<cor> [fade:<cor>] [shape:<formato>] [effect:<efeito>]\n\u00a76Para usar m\u00c3\u00baltiplas cores ou efeitos, separe-os entre v\u00c3\u00adrgulas: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Formatos:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Efeitos:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Par\u00c3\u00a2metros do fogo de artif\u00c3\u00adcio\:\u00a7c color\:<cor> [fade\:<cor>] [shape\:<formato>] [effect\:<efeito>]\n\u00a76Para usar m\u00c3\u00baltiplas cores ou efeitos, separe-os entre v\u00c3\u00adrgulas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Formatos\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Efeitos\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a76Modo Voar foi\u00a7c {0} \u00a76para {1}\u00a76.
foreverAlone=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem ningu\u00c3\u00a9m a quem responder.
fullStack=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa j\u00c3\u00a1 tem um pack completo.
gameMode=\u00a76Modo de jogo\u00a7c {0} \u00a76definido para {1}\u00a76.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76": \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entidades.
gcfree=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria livre:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gcmax=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria m\u00c3\u00a1xima:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gctotal=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria alocada:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gcWorld=\u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunks, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entidades.
gcfree=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria livre\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gcmax=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria m\u00c3\u00a1xima\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gctotal=\u00a76Mem\u00c3\u00b3ria alocada\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
geoIpUrlEmpty=URL de download do GeoIP est\u00c3\u00a1 vazio.
geoIpUrlInvalid=URL de download do GeoIP inv\u00c3\u00a1lido.
geoipJoinFormat=\u00a76Jogador \u00a7c{0} \u00a76vem de \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
@ -133,53 +134,53 @@ giveSpawn=\u00a76Dando\u00a7c {0}\u00a7c {1} \u00a76para\u00a7c {2}\u00a76.
godDisabledFor=\u00a74desativado\u00a76 para\u00a7c {0}.
godEnabledFor=\u00a7aativado\u00a76 para\u00a7c {0}.
godMode=\u00a76Modo deus\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Nao h\u00c3\u00a1 ningu\u00c3\u00a9m online nesse grupo!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, para a lista completa:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode usar esse item como chap\u00c3\u00a9u!
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Nao h\u00c3\u00a1 ningu\u00c3\u00a9m online nesse grupo\!
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, para a lista completa\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode usar esse item como chap\u00c3\u00a9u\!
hatEmpty=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao est\u00c3\u00a1 usando chap\u00c3\u00a9u.
hatFail=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa deve ter algo em sua mao para vestir.
hatPlaced=\u00a76Aproveite seu novo chap\u00c3\u00a9u!
hatPlaced=\u00a76Aproveite seu novo chap\u00c3\u00a9u\!
hatRemoved=\u00a76Seu chap\u00c3\u00a9u foi removido.
haveBeenReleased=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi liberado.
heal=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi curado.
healDead=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode curar algu\u00c3\u00a9m que est\u00c3\u00a1 morto!
healDead=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode curar algu\u00c3\u00a9m que est\u00c3\u00a1 morto\!
healOther=\u00a7c {0}\u00a76foi curado.
helpConsole=Para ver ajuda pelo console, digite ?.
helpFrom=\u00a76Comandos de {0}:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a76Comandos correspondidos com "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76":
helpOp=\u00a74[HelpOp]\u00a7r \u00a76{0}:\u00a7r {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r: Ajuda do Plugin: /help {1}
helpFrom=\u00a76Comandos de {0}\:
helpLine=\u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
helpMatching=\u00a76Comandos correspondidos com "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76"\:
helpOp=\u00a74[HelpOp]\u00a7r \u00a76{0}\:\u00a7r {1}
helpPlugin=\u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Ajuda do Plugin\: /help {1}
holdBook=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao est\u00c3\u00a1 segurando um livro que possa escrever.
holdFirework=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa deve estar segurando um fogo de artif\u00c3\u00adcio para adicionar efeitos.
holdPotion=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa deve estar segurando uma po\u00c3\u00a7ao para aplicar efeitos para ela.
holeInFloor=\u00a74Buraco no chao!
holeInFloor=\u00a74Buraco no chao\!
homeSet=\u00a76Casa definida.
homes=\u00a76Casas:\u00a7r {0}
homes=\u00a76Casas\:\u00a7r {0}
ignorePlayer=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 agora ignorando o jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76.
illegalDate=Formate de data ilegal.
infoChapter=Selecionar cap\u00c3\u00adtulo:
infoChapterPages=\u00a76Cap\u00c3\u00adtulo {0}, p\u00c3\u00a1gina \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 de \u00a7c{2}\u00a76:
infoChapter=Selecionar cap\u00c3\u00adtulo\:
infoChapterPages=\u00a76Cap\u00c3\u00adtulo {0}, p\u00c3\u00a1gina \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 de \u00a7c{2}\u00a76\:
infoPages=\u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 P\u00c3\u00a1gina \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/\u00a7c{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter=Cap\u00c3\u00adtulo desconhecido.
insufficientFunds=\u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge=\u00a74Argumento inv\u00c3\u00a1lido.
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76A op\u00c3\u00a7ao \u00a74{0} \u00a76nao \u00c3\u00a9 um valor v\u00c3\u00a1lido para \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
invalidHome=\u00a74Casa\u00a7c {0} \u00a74nao existe!
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Nome de casa inv\u00c3\u00a1lido!
invalidHome=\u00a74Casa\u00a7c {0} \u00a74nao existe\!
invalidHomeName=\u00a74Nome de casa inv\u00c3\u00a1lido\!
invalidMob=Tipo de mob inv\u00c3\u00a1lido.
invalidNumber=N\u00c3\u00bamero inv\u00c3\u00a1lido.
invalidPotion=\u00a74Po\u00c3\u00a7ao inv\u00c3\u00a1lida.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Meta inv\u00c3\u00a1lida de po\u00c3\u00a7ao: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidPotionMeta=\u00a74Meta inv\u00c3\u00a1lida de po\u00c3\u00a7ao\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine=\u00a74Linha\u00a7c {0} \u00a74na placa est\u00c3\u00a1 inv\u00c3\u00a1lida.
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Nome de warp inv\u00c3\u00a1lido!
invalidWarpName=\u00a74Nome de warp inv\u00c3\u00a1lido\!
invalidWorld=\u00a74Mundo inv\u00c3\u00a1lido.
itemCannotBeSold=\u00a74Esse item nao pode ser vendido para o servidor.
itemMustBeStacked=\u00a74O item deve ser trocado em packs. A quantidade de 2 deveria ser 2 packs, etc.
itemNames=\u00a76Nomes pequenos para o item:\u00a7r {0}
itemNames=\u00a76Nomes pequenos para o item\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao itens o suficiente para vender.
itemNotEnough2=\u00a76Se voc\u00c3\u00aa quis vender todos os seus itens de um tipo, digite /sell nomedoitem.
itemNotEnough3=\u00a76/sell nomedoitem -1 ir\u00c3\u00a1 vender tudo menos um item, etc.
@ -187,14 +188,14 @@ itemSellAir=Voc\u00c3\u00aa realmente tentou vender Ar? Coloque um item em sua m
itemSold=\u00a7aVendido por \u00a7c{0} \u00a7a({1} {2} a {3} cada).
itemSoldConsole=\u00a7a{0} \u00a7avendeu {1} por \u00a7a{2} \u00a7a({3} itens a {4} each).
itemSpawn=\u00a76Dando\u00a7c {0}\u00a7c {1}
itemType=\u00a76Item:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de carregar o items.csv!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a74Essa pessoa j\u00c3\u00a1 est\u00c3\u00a1 na cadeia:\u00a7c {0}
itemType=\u00a76Item\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
itemsCsvNotLoaded=Nao p\u00c3\u00b4de carregar o items.csv\!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated=\u00a74Essa pessoa j\u00c3\u00a1 est\u00c3\u00a1 na cadeia\:\u00a7c {0}
jailMessage=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi condenado. Pense bem antes de fazer o que fez.
jailNotExist=\u00a74Essa cadeia nao existe.
jailReleased=\u00a76Jogador \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 liberado.
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi liberado!
jailSentenceExtended=\u00a76Tempo na cadeia extendido para: {0}
jailReleasedPlayerNotify=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi liberado\!
jailSentenceExtended=\u00a76Tempo na cadeia extendido para\: {0}
jailSet=\u00a76Cadeia\u00a7c {0} \u00a76foi definida.
jumpError=\u00a74Isso machucaria o c\u00c3\u00a9rebro do computador.
kickDefault=Kickado do servidor.
@ -202,7 +203,7 @@ kickExempt=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode kickar essa pessoa.
kickedAll=\u00a74Todos os jogadores foram kickados.
kill=\u00a76Matou\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
killExempt=\u00a74You can not kill {0}
kitCost=\ ({0})
kitCost=\ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
kitError2=\u00a74Esse kit nao existe ou foi definido impropriamente.
kitError=\u00a74Nao h\u00c3\u00a1 kits v\u00c3\u00a1lidos.
kitGiveTo=\u00a76Dando kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 para {1}\u00a7.
@ -211,26 +212,26 @@ kitNotFound=\u00a74That kit does not exist.
kitOnce=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode usar esse kit novamente.
kitReceive=\u00a76Recebido kit\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
kitTimed=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode usar esse kit novamente por\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
kits=\u00a76Kits:\u00a7r {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Sintaxe das Cores do Couro: color:<red>,<green>,<blue> ex: color:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a76Foste ferido!
kits=\u00a76Kits\:\u00a7r {0}
leatherSyntax=\u00a76Sintaxe das Cores do Couro\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> ex\: color\:255,0,0.
lightningSmited=\u00a76Foste ferido\!
lightningUse=\u00a76Castigando\u00a7c {0}
listAmount=\u00a76H\u00c3\u00a1 \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 de no m\u00c3\u00a1ximo \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 jogadores online.
listAmountHidden=\u00a76H\u00c3\u00a1 \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/{1}\u00a76 de no m\u00c3\u00a1ximo \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 jogadores online.
loadWarpError=\u00a74Falha ao carregar o warp {0}.
localFormat=[L]<{0}> {1}
mailClear=\u00a76Para marcar seus e-mails como lidos, digite\u00a7c /mail clear.
mailCleared=\u00a76E-mails Removidos!
mailSent=\u00a76E-mail enviado!
mailCleared=\u00a76E-mails Removidos\!
mailSent=\u00a76E-mail enviado\!
markMailAsRead=\u00a76Para marcar seu e-mail como lido, digite\u00a7c /mail clear.
markedAsAway=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 agora marcado como ausente.
markedAsNotAway=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao est\u00c3\u00a1 mais marcado como ausente.
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76Os seguintes jogadores logaram com esse endere\u00c3\u00a7o de IP:
matchingIPAddress=\u00a76Os seguintes jogadores logaram com esse endere\u00c3\u00a7o de IP\:
maxHomes=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode definir mais de\u00a7c {0} \u00a74casas.
mayNotJail=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode prender essa pessoa!
mayNotJail=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode prender essa pessoa\!
@ -238,14 +239,14 @@ missingItems=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=\u00a74Erro ao mudar o mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit=Quantidade de mobs aumentada at\u00c3\u00a9 o limite do servidor.
mobSpawnTarget=\u00a74Alvo deve ser um mob spawner.
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs:\u00a7r {0}
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Mobs\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7aVoc\u00c3\u00aa recebeu {0} de {1}.
moneySentTo=\u00a7aVoc\u00c3\u00aa enviou {0} para {1}.
moreThanZero=\u00a74Quantidades devem ser maior que 0.
moveSpeed=\u00a76Velocidade {0} definida para\u00a7c {1} \u00a76por {2}\u00a76.
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a72{2}
msgFormat=\u00a76[{0}\u00a76 -> {1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode aplicar mais de um comando para esse fogo de artif\u00c3\u00adcio.
multiplePotionEffects=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode aplicar mais de um efeito para essa po\u00c3\u00a7ao.
muteExempt=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode silenciar esse jogador.
@ -253,14 +254,14 @@ muteNotify=\u00a74{0} \u00a76silenciou \u00a74{1}\u00a76.
mutedPlayer=\u00a76Jogador {0} \u00a76silenciado.
mutedPlayerFor=\u00a76Jogador {0} \u00a76sileciado por {1}.
mutedUserSpeaks={0} tentou falar, mas est\u00c3\u00a1 silenciado.
nearbyPlayers=\u00a76Jogadores por perto:\u00a7r {0}
nearbyPlayers=\u00a76Jogadores por perto\:\u00a7r {0}
negativeBalanceError=\u00a74Usu\u00c3\u00a1rio nao tem permissao para ter um saldo negativo.
nickChanged=\u00a76Nick alterado.
nickDisplayName=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa precisa ativar o change-displayname na configura\u00c3\u00a7ao do Essentials.
nickInUse=\u00a74Esse nome j\u00c3\u00a1 est\u00c3\u00a1 em uso.
nickNamesAlpha=\u00a74Nicks devem ser alfanum\u00c3\u00a9ricos.
nickNoMore=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem mais um nick.
nickOthersPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para alterar o nick dos outros!
nickOthersPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para alterar o nick dos outros\!
nickSet=\u00a76Seu nick agora \u00c3\u00a9 \u00a7c{0}
nickTooLong=\u00a74That nickname is too long.
noAccessCommand=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem acesso a esse comando.
@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ noAccessPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para acessar esse {0
noBreakBedrock=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para quebrar bedrock.
noDestroyPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para destruir esse {0}.
noDurability=\u00a74Esse item nao tem durabilidade.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a74Cuidado! Modo deus nao est\u00c3\u00a1 desativado nesse mundo.
noGodWorldWarning=\u00a74Cuidado\! Modo deus nao est\u00c3\u00a1 desativado nesse mundo.
noHelpFound=\u00a74Nenhum comando correspondendo.
noHomeSetPlayer=\u00a76Jogador nao definiu uma casa.
noKitPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa precisa da permissao \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 para usar esse kit.
@ -291,14 +292,14 @@ notAllowedToShout=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para gritar.
notEnoughExperience=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem experi\u00c3\u00aancia o suficiente.
notEnoughMoney=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem dinheiro o suficiente.
notFlying=nao est\u00c3\u00a1 voando
notRecommendedBukkit= \u00a74* ! * Versao do Bukkit nao \u00c3\u00a9 recomendada para essa versao do Essentials.
notRecommendedBukkit=\u00a74* \! * Versao do Bukkit nao \u00c3\u00a9 recomendada para essa versao do Essentials.
notSupportedYet=Nao suportado ainda.
nothingInHand=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem nada em sua mao.
nuke=\u00a75Pode chover a morte sobre eles.
numberRequired=Vai um n\u00c3\u00bamero a\u00c3\u00ad, seu bobo.
onlyDayNight=/time suporta apenas day/night.
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa pode apenas definir o dono das cabe\u00c3\u00a7as (397:3).
onlyPlayerSkulls=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa pode apenas definir o dono das cabe\u00c3\u00a7as (397\:3).
onlyPlayers=\u00a74Apenas jogadores in-game pode usar {0}.
onlySunStorm=\u00a74/weather suporta apenas sun/storm.
orderBalances=\u00a76Organizando saldos de\u00a7c {0} \u00a76usu\u00c3\u00a1rios, aguarde...
@ -307,17 +308,17 @@ pTimeCurrent=\u00a76O tempo para \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 \u00c3\u00a9 \u00a7c {1}\u00a
pTimeCurrentFixed=\u00a76O tempo para \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 foi arrumado para\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeNormal=\u00a76O tempo de \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 est\u00c3\u00a1 normal e correspondendo ao do servidor.
pTimeOthersPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para definir o tempo de outros jogadores.
pTimePlayers=\u00a76Esses jogadores tem seus pr\u00c3\u00b3prios tempos:\u00a7r
pTimeReset=\u00a76O tempo do jogador foi resetado para: \u00a7c{0}
pTimeSet=\u00a76Tempo do jogador definido em \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 para: \u00a7c{1}.
pTimeSetFixed=\u00a76Tempo do jogador arrumado em \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 para: \u00a7c{1}.
pTimePlayers=\u00a76Esses jogadores tem seus pr\u00c3\u00b3prios tempos\:\u00a7r
pTimeReset=\u00a76O tempo do jogador foi resetado para\: \u00a7c{0}
pTimeSet=\u00a76Tempo do jogador definido em \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 para\: \u00a7c{1}.
pTimeSetFixed=\u00a76Tempo do jogador arrumado em \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 para\: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherCurrent=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherInvalidAlias=\u00a74Invalid weather type
pWeatherNormal=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherOthersPermission=\u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' weather.
pWeatherPlayers=\u00a76These players have their own weather\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset=\u00a76Player weather has been reset for\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet=\u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
pendingTeleportCancelled=\u00a74Pedido de teleporte cancelado.
playerBanIpAddress=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76baniu o IP {1}\u00a76.
playerBanned=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76baniu {1} \u00a76por {2}.
@ -325,26 +326,26 @@ playerInJail=\u00a74Jogador j\u00c3\u00a1 est\u00c3\u00a1 na cadeia\u00a7c {0}\u
playerJailed=\u00a76JogadorPlayer\u00a7c {0} \u00a76preso.
playerJailedFor=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76preso por {1}.
playerKicked=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76kickou {1} por {2}.
playerMuted=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi silenciado!
playerMuted=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi silenciado\!
playerMutedFor=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi mutado por\u00a7c {0}.
playerNeverOnServer=\u00a74Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a74nunca esteve nesse servidor.
playerNotFound=\u00a74Jogador nao encontrado.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76desbaniu o IP: {1}.
playerUnbanIpAddress=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76desbaniu o IP\: {1}.
playerUnbanned=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76desbaniu {1}.
playerUnmuted=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao est\u00c3\u00a1 mais silenciado.
posPitch=\u00a76Pitch: {0} (Angulo da Cabe\u00c3\u00a7a)
posX=\u00a76X: {0} (+Leste <-> -Oeste)
posY=\u00a76Y: {0} (+Cima <-> -Baixo)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw: {0} (Rota\u00c3\u00a7ao)
posZ=\u00a76Z: {0} (+Sul <-> -Norte)
posPitch=\u00a76Pitch\: {0} (Angulo da Cabe\u00c3\u00a7a)
posX=\u00a76X\: {0} (+Leste <-> -Oeste)
posY=\u00a76Y\: {0} (+Cima <-> -Baixo)
posYaw=\u00a76Yaw\: {0} (Rota\u00c3\u00a7ao)
posZ=\u00a76Z\: {0} (+Sul <-> -Norte)
possibleWorlds=\u00a76Mundos poss\u00c3\u00adveis estao entre os n\u00c3\u00bameros 0 at\u00c3\u00a9 {0}.
potions=\u00a76Po\u00c3\u00a7oes:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
potions=\u00a76Po\u00c3\u00a7oes\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
powerToolAir=\u00a74O comando nao pode ser atribu\u00c3\u00addo ao ar.
powerToolAlreadySet=\u00a74Comando \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 j\u00c3\u00a1 est\u00c3\u00a1 atribu\u00c3\u00addo a {1}.
powerToolAttach=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 comando atribu\u00c3\u00addo a {1}.
powerToolClearAll=\u00a76Todos as ferramentas de poder foram removidas.
powerToolList=\u00a76Item \u00a7c{1} \u00a76tem os seguintes comandos: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
powerToolList=\u00a76Item \u00a7c{1} \u00a76tem os seguintes comandos\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
powerToolListEmpty=\u00a74Item \u00a7c{0} \u00a74nao tem comandos atribu\u00c3\u00addos.
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned=\u00a74Comando \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 nao foi atribu\u00c3\u00addo a {1}.
powerToolRemove=\u00a76Comando \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 removido de {1}.
@ -362,9 +363,9 @@ recipeMore=\u00a76Digite /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <n\u00c3\u00bamero> para ver out
recipeNone=Nao h\u00c3\u00a1 receitas para {0}
recipeShapeless=\u00a76Combine \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Onde: {0}
recipeWhere=\u00a76Onde\: {0}
removed=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76entidades removidas.
repair=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa reparou com sucesso: \u00a7c{0}.
repair=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa reparou com sucesso\: \u00a7c{0}.
repairAlreadyFixed=\u00a74Esse item nao precisa de reparo.
repairEnchanted=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para reparar itens encantados.
repairInvalidType=\u00a74Esse item nao pode ser reparado.
@ -375,17 +376,17 @@ requestDenied=\u00a76Pedido de teleporte negado.
requestDeniedFrom=\u00a7c{0} \u00a76negou seu pedido de teleporte.
requestSent=\u00a76Pedido enviado para\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
requestTimedOut=\u00a74Pedido de teleporte se esgotou.
requiredBukkit= \u00a76* ! * Voc\u00c3\u00aa precisa de pelo menos a constru\u00c3\u00a7ao {0} do CraftBukkit, baixe-a em http://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
requiredBukkit=\u00a76* \! * Voc\u00c3\u00aa precisa de pelo menos a constru\u00c3\u00a7ao {0} do CraftBukkit, baixe-a em http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
resetBal=\u00a76Saldos de todos os jogadores online resetados para \u00a7a{0}\u00a76.
resetBalAll=\u00a76Saldos de todos os jogadores resetados para \u00a7a{0}\u00a76.
returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a74Um erro ocorreu ao tentar retornar o jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a74para a cadeia: {1}!
returnPlayerToJailError=\u00a74Um erro ocorreu ao tentar retornar o jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a74para a cadeia\: {1}\!
runningPlayerMatch=\u00a76Realizando busca por jogadores correspodentes a ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (isso pode levar um tempo)
seenOffline=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76est\u00c3\u00a1 \u00a74offline\u00a76 desde {1}.
seenOnline=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76est\u00c3\u00a1 \u00a7aonline\u00a76 h\u00c3\u00a1 {1}.
serverFull=Servidor cheio!
serverTotal=\u00a76Total do Servidor:\u00a7c {0}
serverFull=Servidor cheio\!
serverTotal=\u00a76Total do Servidor\:\u00a7c {0}
setBal=\u00a7aYour balance was set to {0}.
setBalOthers=\u00a7aYou set {0}\u00a7a''s balance to {1}.
setSpawner=\u00a76Spawner alterado para\u00a7c {0}
@ -397,23 +398,23 @@ signFormatTemplate=[{0}]
signProtectInvalidLocation=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para criar placas aqui.
similarWarpExist=\u00a74Um warp com um nome similar j\u00c3\u00a1 existe.
slimeMalformedSize=\u00a74Tamanho mal especificado.
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76: {1}
socialSpy=\u00a76SocialSpy for {0}\u00a76\: {1}
soloMob=\u00a74Esse mob gosta de ficar sozinho.
spawnSet=\u00a76Ponto de Spawn definido para o grupo\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
sudoExempt=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode usar sudo nesse usu\u00c3\u00a1rio.
sudoRun=\u00a76For\u00c3\u00a7ando\u00a7c {0} \u00a76a usar:\u00a7r /{1} {2}
sudoRun=\u00a76For\u00c3\u00a7ando\u00a7c {0} \u00a76a usar\:\u00a7r /{1} {2}
suicideMessage=\u00a76Adeus mundo cruel...
suicideSuccess=\u00a76{0} \u00a76se matou.
takenFromAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi removido sua conta.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi removido da conta de {1}\u00a7a. Novo saldo: {2}.
takenFromOthersAccount=\u00a7a{0} foi removido da conta de {1}\u00a7a. Novo saldo\: {2}.
teleportAAll=\u00a76Pedido de teleporte enviado para todos os jogadores...
teleportAll=\u00a76Teleportando todos os jogadores...
teleportAtoB=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 teleportou voc\u00c3\u00aa para {1}\u00a76.
teleportDisabled=\u00a7c{0} \u00a74est\u00c3\u00a1 com teleporte desativado.
teleportHereRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 pediu para que se teleporte at\u00c3\u00a9 ele.
teleportNewPlayerError=\u00a74Falha ao teleportar novo jogador!
teleportNewPlayerError=\u00a74Falha ao teleportar novo jogador\!
teleportRequest=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 pediu para teleportar at\u00c3\u00a9 voc\u00c3\u00aa.
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo=\u00a76Esse pedido ir\u00c3\u00a1 se esgotar depois de\u00a7c {0} segundos\u00a76.
teleportTop=\u00a76Teleportando para o topo.
@ -427,15 +428,15 @@ tempBanned=Temporariamente banido do servidor por {0}.
tempbanExempt=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode banir temporariamente esse jogador.
thunder=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa\u00a7c {0} \u00a76trovoada em seu mundo.
thunderDuration=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa\u00a7c {0} \u00a76trovoada em seu mundo por\u00a7c {1} \u00a76segundos.
timeBeforeHeal=\u00a76Tempo antes da pr\u00c3\u00b3xima cura:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeTeleport=\u00a76Tempo antes do pr\u00c3\u00b3ximo teleporte:\u00a7c {0}
timeBeforeHeal=\u00a76Tempo antes da pr\u00c3\u00b3xima cura\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeTeleport=\u00a76Tempo antes do pr\u00c3\u00b3ximo teleporte\:\u00a7c {0}
timeFormat=\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 ou \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 ou \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
timeSetPermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para definir o tempo.
timeWorldCurrent=\u00a76O tempo atual em\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\u00c3\u00a9 \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
timeWorldSet=\u00a76O tempo foi definido para\u00a7c {0} \u00a76em: \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
timeWorldSet=\u00a76O tempo foi definido para\u00a7c {0} \u00a76em\: \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
totalWorthAll=\u00a7aTodos os itens e blocos foram vendidos por um total de \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
totalWorthBlocks=\u00a7aTodos os blocos foram vendidos por um total de \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
tps=\u00a76TPS Atual = {0}
tps=\u00a76TPS Atual \= {0}
tradeSignEmpty=\u00a74A placa de troca nao tem nada dispon\u00c3\u00advel para voc\u00c3\u00aa.
tradeSignEmptyOwner=\u00a74Nao h\u00c3\u00a1 nada para coletar dessa placa de troca.
treeFailure=\u00a74Erro ao gerar \u00c3\u00a1rvore. Tente novamente na terra ou na grama.
@ -446,29 +447,29 @@ typeTpdeny=\u00a76Para recusar o pedido, digite \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a76.
typeWorldName=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa pode tamb\u00c3\u00a9m digitar o nome de um mundo espec\u00c3\u00adfico.
unableToSpawnMob=\u00a74Incapaz de spawnar o mob.
unignorePlayer=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao est\u00c3\u00a1 mais ignorando o jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76.
unknownItemId=\u00a74ID do item inv\u00c3\u00a1lido: \u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
unknownItemId=\u00a74ID do item inv\u00c3\u00a1lido\: \u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
unknownItemInList=\u00a74Iten desconhecido {0} na lista {1}.
unknownItemName=\u00a74Nome de item desconhecido: {0}.
unknownItemName=\u00a74Nome de item desconhecido\: {0}.
unlimitedItemPermission=\u00a74Nenhuma permissao para itens ilimitados de {0}.
unlimitedItems=\u00a76Itens ilimitados:\u00a7r
unlimitedItems=\u00a76Itens ilimitados\:\u00a7r
unmutedPlayer=\u00a76Jogador\u00a7c {0} \u00a76nao est\u00c3\u00a1 mais silenciado.
unvanished=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 vis\u00c3\u00advel novamente.
unvanishedReload=\u00a74Um reload for\u00c3\u00a7ou-lhe a ficar vis\u00c3\u00advel novamente.
upgradingFilesError=Erro ao aprimorar os arquivos.
uptime=\u00a76Uptime:\u00a7c {0}
uptime=\u00a76Uptime\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK=\u00a75{0} \u00a75est\u00c3\u00a1 atualmente AFK e pode nao responder.
userDoesNotExist=\u00a74O usu\u00c3\u00a1rio\u00a7c {0} \u00a74nao existe.
userIsAway=\u00a75{0} \u00a75est\u00c3\u00a1 agora AFK.
userIsNotAway=\u00a75{0} \u00a75nao est\u00c3\u00a1 mais AFK.
userJailed=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi condenado!
userUnknown=\u00a74Aviso: O usu\u00c3\u00a1rio ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' nunca entrou nesse servidor.
userdataMoveBackError=Falha ao mover o userdata/{0}.tmp para userdata/{1}!
userdataMoveError=Falha ao mover userdata/{0} para userdata/{1}.tmp!
usingTempFolderForTesting=Usando pasta tempor\u00c3\u00a1ria para teste:
userJailed=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi condenado\!
userUnknown=\u00a74Aviso\: O usu\u00c3\u00a1rio ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' nunca entrou nesse servidor.
userdataMoveBackError=Falha ao mover o userdata/{0}.tmp para userdata/{1}\!
userdataMoveError=Falha ao mover userdata/{0} para userdata/{1}.tmp\!
usingTempFolderForTesting=Usando pasta tempor\u00c3\u00a1ria para teste\:
vanished=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa est\u00c3\u00a1 agora completamente invis\u00c3\u00advel para jogadores normais, e escondido de comandos in-game.
versionMismatch=\u00a74Versao nao correspondente! Por favor atualize o {0} para a mesma versao.
versionMismatchAll=\u00a74Versao nao correspondente! Por favor atualize todos os jars do Essentials para a mesma versao.
voiceSilenced=\u00a76Sua voz foi silenciada!
versionMismatch=\u00a74Versao nao correspondente\! Por favor atualize o {0} para a mesma versao.
versionMismatchAll=\u00a74Versao nao correspondente\! Por favor atualize todos os jars do Essentials para a mesma versao.
voiceSilenced=\u00a76Sua voz foi silenciada\!
warpDeleteError=\u00a74Problema ao deletar o arquivo do warp.
@ -478,36 +479,36 @@ warpOverwrite=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao pode sobreescrever esse warp.
warpSet=\u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76definido.
warpUsePermission=\u00a74Voc\u00c3\u00aa nao tem permissao para usar esse warp.
warpingTo=\u00a76Teleportando para\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
warps=\u00a76Warps:\u00a7r {0}
warps=\u00a76Warps\:\u00a7r {0}
warpsCount=\u00a76H\u00c3\u00a1\u00a7c {0} \u00a76warps. Mostrando p\u00c3\u00a1gina {1} de {2}.
weatherStorm=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa definiu o tempo para \u00a7ctempestade\u00a76 em\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
weatherStormFor=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa definiu o tempo para \u00a7ctempestade\u00a76 em\u00a7c {0} \u00a76por {1} segundos.
weatherSun=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa definiu o tempo para \u00a7csol\u00a76 em\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
weatherSunFor=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa definiu o tempo para \u00a7csun\u00a76 em\u00a7c {0} \u00a76por {1} seconds.
whoisAFK=\u00a76 - AFK:\u00a7r {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Banido:\u00a7r {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp:\u00a7r {0} (N\u00c3\u00advel {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Modo Fly:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode=\u00a76 - Gamemode:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a76 - Localiza\u00c3\u00a7ao:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGod=\u00a76 - Modo deus:\u00a7r {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a76 - Vida:\u00a7r {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a76 - Endere\u00c3\u00a7o IP:\u00a7r {0}
whoisJail=\u00a76 - Na cadeia:\u00a7r {0}
whoisLocation=\u00a76 - Localiza\u00c3\u00a7ao:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Dinheiro:\u00a7r {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Silenciado:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP:\u00a7r {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 ====== Quem\u00c3\u0089:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76======
whoisAFK=\u00a76 - AFK\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisBanned=\u00a76 - Banido\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisExp=\u00a76 - Exp\:\u00a7r {0} (N\u00c3\u00advel {1})
whoisFly=\u00a76 - Modo Fly\:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode=\u00a76 - Gamemode\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGeoLocation=\u00a76 - Localiza\u00c3\u00a7ao\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGod=\u00a76 - Modo deus\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisHealth=\u00a76 - Vida\:\u00a7r {0}/20
whoisIPAddress=\u00a76 - Endere\u00c3\u00a7o IP\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisJail=\u00a76 - Na cadeia\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisLocation=\u00a76 - Localiza\u00c3\u00a7ao\:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Dinheiro\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Silenciado\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= Quem\u00c3\u0089\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a7aPack de {0} vale \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a ({2} a {3} cada)
worthMeta=\u00a7aPack de {0} com metadata de {1} vale \u00a7c{2}\u00a7a ({3} a {4} cada)
worthSet=\u00a76Valor definido
youAreHealed=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa foi curado.
youHaveNewMail=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa tem\u00a7c {0} \u00a76mensagens! Digite \u00a7c/mail read\u00a76 para v\u00c3\u00aa-las.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
youHaveNewMail=\u00a76Voc\u00c3\u00aa tem\u00a7c {0} \u00a76mensagens\! Digite \u00a7c/mail read\u00a76 para v\u00c3\u00aa-las.
whoisHunger=\u00a76 - Hunger\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
giveSpawnFailure=\u00a74Not enough space, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74was lost.
noKitGroup=\u00a74You do not have access to this kit.
@ -517,3 +518,5 @@ inventoryClearingAllArmor=\u00a76Cleared all inventory items and armor from {0}\
inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ buildAlert=\u00a74Nu ai permisiunea de a construi.
bukkitFormatChanged=Formatul versiunii Bukkit a fost schimbat. Versiunea nu este verificata.
burnMsg=\u00a76I-ai dat foc lui\u00a7c {0} \u00a76pentru\u00a7c {1} secunde\u00a76.
canTalkAgain=\u00a76Poti vorbi din nou acum.
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Nu se gaseste baza de data GeoIP\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Citirea bazei de date GeoIP a dat gres\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a74Nu ai permisiunea de a genera obiectul\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ balance=\u00a77Balans\: {0}
balanceOther=\u00a7aKonto balans f\u00f6r {0} \u00a7a\u00e4r \u00a7c{1}
balanceTop=\u00a77Topp balans ({0})
banExempt=\u00a7cDu kan inte banna den spelaren.
banFormat=Banned\: {0}
banFormat=\u00a74Bannlyst\: \n\u00a7r{0}
bedMissing=\u00a74Din s\u00e4ng finns ej, \u00e4r blockerad, eller saknas.
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ buildAlert=\u00a7cDu har inte till\u00e5telse att bygga
bukkitFormatChanged=Bukkit versionsformat bytt. Version \u00e4r inte kollad.
burnMsg=\u00a77Du satte eld p\u00e5 {0} i {1} sekunder.
canTalkAgain=\u00a77Du kan nu prata igen\!
cannotStackMob=\u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs
cannotStackMob=\u00a74Du har inte till\u00e5telse att stapla monster.
cantFindGeoIpDB=Kunde inte hitta GeoIP-databasen\!
cantReadGeoIpDB=Kunde inte l\u00e4sa inneh\u00e5ll fr\u00e5n GeoIP-databasen\!
cantSpawnItem=\u00a7cDu har inte beh\u00f6righet att spawna {0}
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ feedOther=\u00a77Matade {0}.
fileRenameError=Namnbytet av filen {0} misslyckades
fireworkColor=\u00a74Inkorrekta fyrverkeri parametrar, du m\u00e5ste ange en f\u00e4rg f\u00f6rst.
fireworkEffectsCleared=\u00a76Tog bort alla effekter fr\u00e5n objektet i din hand.
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Firework parameters\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76To use multiple colors/effects, seperate values with commas\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Shapes\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effects\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle
fireworkSyntax=\u00a76Fyrverkeri parametrar\: \u00a7c f\u00e4rg\: <f\u00e4rg>[fade\: <f\u00e4rg>] [form\: <form>] [effekt\: <effect>] \u00a76F\u00f6r att anv\u00e4nda flera f\u00e4rger/effekter, avgr\u00e4nsar du v\u00e4rdena med kommatecken\: \u00a7cred, blue, pink \u00a76Former\:\u00a7c star, ball, larege, creeper, burst \u00a76Effekter\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode=\u00a77Aktiverade flygl\u00e4ge {0} f\u00f6r {1}.
foreverAlone=\u00a7cDu har ingen att svara.
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ godDisabledFor=inaktiverat f\u00f6r {0}
godEnabledFor=aktiverat f\u00f6r {0}
godMode=\u00a77Od\u00f6dlighet {0}.
groupDoesNotExist=\u00a74Ingen \u00e4r online i denna gruppen\!
groupNumber={0} online, for the full list type /{1} {2}
groupNumber=\u00a7c{0}\u00a7f online, f\u00f6r att se alla skriv\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor=\u00a7cFel, du kan inte anv\u00e4nda den h\u00e4r saken som en hatt\!
hatEmpty=\u00a7cDu har inte p\u00e5 dig en hatt.
hatFail=\u00a7cDu m\u00e5ste ha n\u00e5gonting att b\u00e4ra i din hand.
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ missingItems=Du har inte {0}x {1}.
mobSpawnError=Fel n\u00e4r mob-spawnaren f\u00f6rs\u00f6kte att \u00e4ndras.
mobSpawnLimit=M\u00e4ngden mobs begr\u00e4nsad till serverns maxgr\u00e4ns
mobSpawnTarget=M\u00e5lblocket m\u00e5ste vara en mob-spawnare.
mobsAvailable=\u00a77Mobs\: {0}
mobsAvailable=\u00a76Monster\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom=\u00a7a{0} har tagits emot fr\u00e5n {1}
moneySentTo=\u00a7a{0} har skickats till {1}
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ whoisMoney=\u00a76 - Pengar\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisMuted=\u00a76 - Tystad\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisNick=\u00a76 - Smeknamn\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisOp=\u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7f {0}
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7f {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
whoisTop=\u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= WhoIs\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth=\u00a77Stapeln med {0} ({2} objekt) \u00e4r v\u00e4rd \u00a7c{1}\u00a77 ({3} styck)
worthMeta=\u00a77Stapeln med {0} av typ {1} ({3} objekt) \u00e4r v\u00e4rd \u00a7c{2}\u00a77 ({4} styck)
worthSet=V\u00e4rdet inst\u00e4llt
@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Rensade alla\u00a7c {0} \u00a76fr\u00e5n {1}\u0
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Tog bort \u00a7c {0} \u00a76av\u00a7c {1} \u00a76fr\u00e5n {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Spelaren {0} \u00a74har inte \u00a7c {1} \u00a74av\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.

View file

@ -519,3 +519,4 @@ inventoryClearingAllStack=\u00a76Cleared all\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from {1}\u00a76.
inventoryClearingStack=\u00a76Removed\u00a7c {0} \u00a76of\u00a7c {1} \u00a76from {2}\u00a76.
inventoryClearFail=\u00a74Player {0} \u00a74does not have\u00a7c {1} \u00a74of\u00a7c {2}\u00a74.