Reformatted ptime and time messages

fixed typo in plugin
This commit is contained in:
okamosy 2011-08-20 18:09:55 +01:00
parent 8d1262fc91
commit 9791dcc0bc
10 changed files with 116 additions and 102 deletions

View file

@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ public final class DescParseTickFormat
nameToTicks.put("sunrise", 23000);
nameToTicks.put("rise", 23000);
nameToTicks.put("dawn", 23000);
nameToTicks.put("daystart", 0);
@ -49,7 +48,6 @@ public final class DescParseTickFormat
nameToTicks.put("afternoon", 9000);
nameToTicks.put("sunset", 12000);
nameToTicks.put("set", 12000);
nameToTicks.put("dusk", 12000);
nameToTicks.put("sundown", 12000);
nameToTicks.put("nightfall", 12000);
@ -227,18 +225,7 @@ public final class DescParseTickFormat
// --------------------------------------------
public static String format(final long ticks)
final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append(" or ");
msg.append(" or ");
return msg.toString();
return Util.format("timeFormat", format24(ticks), format12(ticks), formatTicks(ticks));
public static String formatTicks(final long ticks)

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import com.earth2me.essentials.DescParseTickFormat;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Util;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashSet;
@ -17,12 +18,6 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand
// TODO: I suggest that the chat colors be centralized in the config file.
public static final ChatColor colorDefault = ChatColor.YELLOW;
public static final ChatColor colorChrome = ChatColor.GOLD;
public static final ChatColor colorLogo = ChatColor.GREEN;
public static final ChatColor colorHighlight1 = ChatColor.AQUA;
public static final ChatColor colorBad = ChatColor.RED;
public static final Set<String> getAliases = new HashSet<String>();
@ -57,10 +52,10 @@ public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand
User user = ess.getUser(sender);
if (user != null && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.ptime.others"))
if ((!users.contains(user) || users.size() > 1) && user != null && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.ptime.others"))
// TODO should not be hardcoded !!
throw new Exception(colorBad + "You are not authorized to set others PlayerTime");
Long ticks;
@ -102,41 +97,29 @@ public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand
private void getUsersTime(final CommandSender sender, final Collection<User> users)
if (users.size() == 1)
if (users.size() > 1)
final User user = users.iterator().next();
if (user.getPlayerTimeOffset() == 0)
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + "'s time is normal. Time is the same as on the server.");
String time = DescParseTickFormat.format(user.getPlayerTime());
if (!user.isPlayerTimeRelative())
time = "fixed to " + time;
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + "'s time is " + time);
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "These players have their own time:");
for (User user : users)
//if (!user.isPlayerTimeRelative())
if (user.getPlayerTimeOffset() != 0)
if(user.getPlayerTimeOffset() == 0)
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeNormal", user.getName()));
else {
String time = DescParseTickFormat.format(user.getPlayerTime());
if (!user.isPlayerTimeRelative())
time = "fixed to " + time;
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeCurrentFixed", user.getName(), time));
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + user.getName() + "'s time is " + time);
else {
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeCurrent", user.getName(), time));
@ -171,44 +154,33 @@ public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand
final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
for (User user : users)
if (msg.length() > 0)
msg.append(", ");
// Inform the sender of the change
final StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
if (ticks == null)
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "The players time was reset for:");
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeReset", msg.toString()));
String time = DescParseTickFormat.format(ticks);
if (!relative)
time = "fixed to " + time;
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeSetFixed", time, msg.toString()));
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "The players time is " + time);
msg.append("For: ");
else {
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("pTimeSet", time, msg.toString()));
boolean first = true;
for (User user : users)
if (!first)
msg.append(", ");
first = false;
@ -258,7 +230,7 @@ public class Commandptime extends EssentialsCommand
// We failed to understand the world target...
throw new Exception("Could not find the player(s) \"" + selector + "\"");
throw new Exception(Util.i18n("playerNotFound"));
return users;

View file

@ -5,19 +5,12 @@ import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.World;
import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import com.earth2me.essentials.Util;
import java.util.*;
import org.bukkit.ChatColor;
public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
// TODO: I suggest that the chat colors be centralized in the config file.
public static final ChatColor colorDefault = ChatColor.YELLOW;
public static final ChatColor colorChrome = ChatColor.GOLD;
public static final ChatColor colorLogo = ChatColor.GREEN;
public static final ChatColor colorHighlight1 = ChatColor.AQUA;
public static final ChatColor colorBad = ChatColor.RED;
public Commandtime()
@ -44,8 +37,8 @@ public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
User user = ess.getUser(sender);
if (user != null && !user.isAuthorized("essentials.time.set"))
// TODO should not be hardcoded !!
throw new Exception(colorBad + "You are not authorized to set the time");
// Parse the target time int ticks from args[0]
@ -67,7 +60,6 @@ public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
private void getWorldsTime(CommandSender sender, Collection<World> worlds)
// TODO do we need to check for the essentials.time permission? Or is that tested for us already.
if (worlds.size() == 1)
Iterator<World> iter = worlds.iterator();
@ -77,7 +69,7 @@ public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
for (World world : worlds)
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + world.getName() + ": " + DescParseTickFormat.format(world.getTime()));
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("timeCurrentWorld", world.getName(), DescParseTickFormat.format(world.getTime())));
@ -96,30 +88,21 @@ public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
// Inform the sender of the change
sender.sendMessage(colorDefault + "The time was set to " + DescParseTickFormat.format(ticks));
StringBuilder msg = new StringBuilder();
msg.append("In ");
boolean first = true;
for (World world : worlds)
if (!first)
if (msg.length() > 0)
msg.append(", ");
first = false;
sender.sendMessage(Util.format("timeWorldSet", DescParseTickFormat.format(ticks), msg.toString()));
@ -158,7 +141,7 @@ public class Commandtime extends EssentialsCommand
// We failed to understand the world target...
throw new Exception("Could not find the world(s) \"" + selector + "\"");
throw new Exception(Util.i18n("invalidWorld"));
return worlds;

View file

@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ powerToolAir = Command can''t be attached to air.
powerToolAttach = Command assigned to {0}
powerToolRemove = Command removed from {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Protection owner: {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Question]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Reloaded all plugins.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Teleport request accepted.
@ -271,8 +279,12 @@ thunder = You {0} thunder in your world
thunderDuration = You {0} thunder in your world for {1} seconds.
timeBeforeHeal = Time before next heal: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Time before next teleport: {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\s*y[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*mo[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*w[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*d[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*h[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Time set in all worlds.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Trade completed.
tradeSignEmpty = The trade sign does not have enough supply left.
treeFailure = \u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.

View file

@ -229,6 +229,14 @@ powerToolAir = Kommando kan ikke blive tildelt luft.
powerToolAttach = Kommando tildelt til {0}
powerToolRemove = Kommando fjernet fra {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Beskyttelses ejer: {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Sp\u00f8rgsm\u00e5l]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Genindl\u00e6ste alle tilf\u00f8jelser.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Teleporterings anmodning n\u00e6gtet.
@ -270,8 +278,12 @@ thunder = Du {0} torden i din verden
thunderDuration = Du {0} torden i din verden i {1} sekunder.
timeBeforeHeal = Tid inden n\u00e6ste helbredelse: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Tid f\u00f8r n\u00e6ste teleportering: {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\s*[a\u00e5y][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*mo[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*[wu][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*d[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*[ht][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Tid er sat i alle verdener.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Forhandling fuldf\u00f8rt.
tradeSignEmpty = Forhandlings skiltet har ikke nok forsyning tilbage.
treeFailure = \u00a7cTr\u00e6 genererings fejl. Pr\u00f8v igen p\u00e5 gr\u00e6s eller jord.

View file

@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ powerToolAir = Befehl kann nicht mit Luft verbunden werden.
powerToolAttach = Befehl verbunden mit {0}
powerToolRemove = Befehl entfernt von {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Besitzer dieses Blocks: {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Frage]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Alle plugins neu geladen.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Teleportierungsanfrage akzeptiert.
@ -268,8 +276,12 @@ thunder = Es donnert nun in deiner Welt {0}.
thunderDuration = Es donnert nun f\u00fcr {1} Sekunden in deiner Welt {0}.
timeBeforeHeal = Zeit bis zur n\u00e4chsten Heilung: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Zeit bis zum n\u00e4chsten Teleport: {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\s*[yj][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*mo[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*w[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*[dt][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:h|st)[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Zeit in allen Welten gesetzt.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Handel abgeschlossen.
tradeSignEmpty = Der Bestand des Trade-Schild ist aufgebraucht.
treeFailure = \u00a7cBaumpflanzung gescheitert. Versuche es auf Gras oder Dreck.

View file

@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ powerToolAir = Command can''t be attached to air.
powerToolAttach = Command assigned to {0}
powerToolRemove = Command removed from {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Protection owner: {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Question]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Reloaded all plugins.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Teleport request accepted.
@ -270,8 +278,12 @@ thunder = You {0} thunder in your world
thunderDuration = You {0} thunder in your world for {1} seconds.
timeBeforeHeal = Time before next heal: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Time before next teleport: {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\s*y[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*mo[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*w[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*d[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*h[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Time set in all worlds.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Trade completed.
tradeSignEmpty = The trade sign does not have enough supply left.
treeFailure = \u00a7cTree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.

View file

@ -227,6 +227,14 @@ powerToolAir = La commande ne peut pas \u00eatre attach\u00e9e \u00e0 l''air.
powerToolAttach = Commande assign\u00e9e \u00e0 {0}
powerToolRemove = Commande enlev\u00e9e \u00e0 {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Propri\u00e9taire de la protection : {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Question]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Tous les plugins ont \u00e9t\u00e9 recharg\u00e9s.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Demande de t\u00e9l\u00e9portation accept\u00e9e.
@ -268,8 +276,12 @@ thunder = Vous avez {0} la foudre dans votre monde.
thunderDuration = Vous avez {0} la foudre dans le serveur {1} secondes.
timeBeforeHeal = Temps avant le prochain soin : {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Temps avant prochaine t\u00e9l\u00e9portation {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*[ya][a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*mo[a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*(?:sem|w)[a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*[dj][a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*h[a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Heure modifi\u00e9e dans tous les mondes.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77\u00c9change termin\u00e9.
tradeSignEmpty = Le panneau de vente n''as pas encore assez de stock.
treeFailure = \u00a7cEchec de la g\u00e9n\u00e9ration de l''arbre. Essayez de nouveau sur de l''herbe ou de la terre.

View file

@ -228,6 +228,14 @@ powerToolAir = Command kan niet worden bevestigd aan lucht.
powerToolAttach = Command toegewezen aan {0}
powerToolRemove = Command verwijderd van {0}
protectionOwner = \u00a76[EssentialsProtect] Beschermingeigenaar: {0}
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is {1}.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is fixed to {1}.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7e{0}''s\u00a7f time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = These players have their own time:
pTimeReset = Player time has been reset for: \u00a7e{0}
pTimeSet = Player time is set to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
pTimeSetFixed = Player time is fixed to \u00a73{0}\u00a7f for: \u00a7e{1}
questionFormat = \u00a77[Vraag]\u00a7f {0}
reloadAllPlugins = \u00a77Alle plugins zijn herladen.
requestAccepted = \u00a77Teleporteer aanvraag geaccepteerd.
@ -269,8 +277,12 @@ thunder = Je {0} onweert de wereld
thunderDuration = Je {0} onweert de wereld voor {1} seconde.
timeBeforeHeal = Afkoeltijd tot de volgende heal: {0}
timeBeforeTeleport = Afkoeltijd tot de volgende teleport: {0}
timeFormat = \u00a73{0}\u00a7f or \u00a73{1}\u00a7f or \u00a73{2}\u00a7f
timePattern = (?:([0-9]+)\\s*[yj][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[oa][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*w[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*d[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*[hu][a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*m[a-z]*[,\\s]*)?(?:([0-9]+)\\s*(?:s[a-z]*)?)?
timeSet = Tijd ingesteld in alle werelden.
timeSetPermission = \u00a7cYou are not authorized to set the time.
timeWorldCurrent = The current time in {0} is \u00a73{1}
timeWorldSet = The time was set to {0} in: \u00a7c{1}
tradeCompleted = \u00a77Ruil verricht.
tradeSignEmpty = Het handelsbordje heeft een te kleine voorraad.
treeFailure = \u00a7cFout bij het genereren van boom. Pobeer het opnieuw op gras of dirt.

View file

@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ commands:
usage: /<command> <true/false> [duration]
aliases: [ethunder]
description: Change the world time. Defaults tos current world.
description: Change the world time. Defaults to current world.
usage: /<command> [day|night|dawn|17:30|4pm|4000ticks] [worldname|all]
aliases: [etime, day, night]