mirror of
synced 2025-02-12 04:20:41 +00:00
15 changed files with 272 additions and 14 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
package com.earth2me.essentials.commands;
import com.earth2me.essentials.User;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n._;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.bukkit.Color;
import org.bukkit.DyeColor;
import org.bukkit.FireworkEffect;
import org.bukkit.Material;
import org.bukkit.Server;
import org.bukkit.entity.EntityType;
import org.bukkit.entity.Firework;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
import org.bukkit.inventory.meta.FireworkMeta;
public class Commandfirework extends EssentialsCommand
private final transient Pattern splitPattern = Pattern.compile("[:+',;.]");
private final static Map<String, DyeColor> colorMap = new HashMap<String, DyeColor>();
private final static Map<String, FireworkEffect.Type> fireworkShape = new HashMap<String, FireworkEffect.Type>();
for (DyeColor color : DyeColor.values())
colorMap.put(color.name(), color);
for (FireworkEffect.Type type : FireworkEffect.Type.values())
fireworkShape.put(type.name(), type);
public Commandfirework()
protected void run(final Server server, final User user, final String commandLabel, final String[] args) throws Exception
if (args.length > 0)
ItemStack stack = user.getItemInHand();
if (stack.getType() == Material.FIREWORK)
FireworkEffect.Builder builder = FireworkEffect.builder();
FireworkMeta fmeta = (FireworkMeta)stack.getItemMeta();
if (args.length > 0)
if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("clear"))
List<Color> primaryColors = new ArrayList<Color>();
List<Color> fadeColors = new ArrayList<Color>();
FireworkEffect.Type finalEffect = null;
boolean valid = false;
boolean fire = false;
int amount = 1;
for (String arg : args)
final String[] split = splitPattern.split(arg, 2);
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("color") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("colour") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("c"))
String[] colors = split[1].split(",");
for (String color : colors)
if (colorMap.containsKey(color.toUpperCase()))
valid = true;
user.sendMessage(_("invalidFireworkFormat", split[1], split[0]));
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("shape") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("s") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("type") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("t"))
split[1] = (split[1].equalsIgnoreCase("large") ? "BALL_LARGE" : split[1]);
if (fireworkShape.containsKey(split[1].toUpperCase()))
finalEffect = fireworkShape.get(split[1].toUpperCase());
user.sendMessage(_("invalidFireworkFormat", split[1], split[0]));
if (finalEffect != null)
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("fade") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("f"))
String[] colors = split[1].split(",");
for (String color : colors)
if (colorMap.containsKey(color.toUpperCase()))
user.sendMessage(_("invalidFireworkFormat", split[1], split[0]));
if (!fadeColors.isEmpty())
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("effect") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("e"))
String[] effects = split[1].split(",");
for (String effect : effects)
if (effect.equalsIgnoreCase("twinkle"))
else if (effect.equalsIgnoreCase("trail"))
user.sendMessage(_("invalidFireworkFormat", split[1], split[0]));
if (split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("power") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("p"))
catch (NumberFormatException e)
user.sendMessage(_("invalidFireworkFormat", split[1], split[0]));
if ((split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("fire") || split[0].equalsIgnoreCase("f")) && user.isAuthorized("essentials.firework.fire"))
fire = true;
amount = Integer.parseInt(split[1]);
int serverLimit = ess.getSettings().getSpawnMobLimit();
if(amount > serverLimit)
amount = serverLimit;
catch (NumberFormatException e)
amount = 1;
if (valid)
if (fire)
for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++ )
Firework firework = (Firework)user.getWorld().spawnEntity(user.getLocation(), EntityType.FIREWORK);
FireworkMeta ffmeta = firework.getFireworkMeta();
final FireworkEffect effect = builder.build();
throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException();
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -489,3 +489,7 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -486,3 +486,6 @@ denyChangeTitle=\u00a74You cannot change the title of this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
denyBookEdit=\u00a74You cannot unlock this book
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
bookLocked=\u00a7cThis book is now locked
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
holdBook=\u00a74You are not holding a writable book
fireworkColor=\u00a74You must apply a color to the firework to add an effect
holdFirework=\u00a74You must be holding a firework to add effects
invalidFireworkFormat=\u00a76The option \u00a74{0} \u00a76is not a valid value for \u00a74{1}
@ -119,6 +119,10 @@ commands:
description: Throw a fireball.
description: Throw a fireball.
usage: /<command> [small|skull]
usage: /<command> [small|skull]
aliases: [efireball,fireskull,efireskull,fireentity,efireentity]
aliases: [efireball,fireskull,efireskull,fireentity,efireentity]
description: Add or clears effects to a firework
usage: /<command> [clear|params]
aliases: [efirework]
description: Change player gamemode.
description: Change player gamemode.
usage: /<command> <survival|creative|adventure> [player]
usage: /<command> <survival|creative|adventure> [player]
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