2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00
package com.earth2me.essentials.signs;
2011-11-18 17:42:26 +00:00
import com.earth2me.essentials.*;
2013-06-08 21:31:19 +00:00
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.NumberUtil;
2013-10-11 02:44:41 +00:00
import net.ess3.api.IEssentials;
2014-02-02 16:07:32 +00:00
import net.ess3.api.MaxMoneyException;
2013-12-31 17:18:04 +00:00
import net.ess3.api.events.SignBreakEvent;
import net.ess3.api.events.SignCreateEvent;
import net.ess3.api.events.SignInteractEvent;
2011-06-26 13:31:13 +00:00
import org.bukkit.Material;
2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00
import org.bukkit.block.Block;
2011-06-26 13:31:13 +00:00
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00
import org.bukkit.block.Sign;
2011-06-26 13:31:13 +00:00
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00
import org.bukkit.event.block.SignChangeEvent;
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.earth2me.essentials.I18n.tl;
2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
public class EssentialsSign {
private static final Set<Material> EMPTY_SET = new HashSet<Material>();
protected static final BigDecimal MINTRANSACTION = new BigDecimal("0.01");
protected transient final String signName;
public EssentialsSign(final String signName) {
this.signName = signName;
protected final boolean onSignCreate(final SignChangeEvent event, final IEssentials ess) {
final ISign sign = new EventSign(event);
final User user = ess.getUser(event.getPlayer());
if (!(user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".create") || user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs.create." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))) {
// Return true, so other plugins can use the same sign title, just hope
// they won't change it to §1[Signname]
return true;
sign.setLine(0, tl("signFormatFail", this.signName));
final SignCreateEvent signEvent = new SignCreateEvent(sign, this, user);
if (signEvent.isCancelled()) {
2016-06-27 20:46:32 +00:00
if (ess.getSettings().isDebug()) {
ess.getLogger().info("SignCreateEvent cancelled for sign " + signEvent.getEssentialsSign().getName());
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
return false;
try {
final boolean ret = onSignCreate(sign, user, getUsername(user), ess);
if (ret) {
2017-06-19 04:18:33 +00:00
sign.setLine(0, getSuccessName(ess));
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
return ret;
} catch (ChargeException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
} catch (SignException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
// Return true, so the player sees the wrong sign.
return true;
2017-06-19 04:18:33 +00:00
public String getSuccessName(IEssentials ess) {
String successName = getSuccessName();
if (successName == null) {
ess.getLogger().severe("signFormatSuccess message must use the {0} argument.");
return successName;
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
public String getSuccessName() {
2017-06-19 04:18:33 +00:00
String successName = tl("signFormatSuccess", this.signName);
if (successName.isEmpty() || !successName.contains(this.signName)) {
// Set to null to cause an error in place of no functionality. This makes an error obvious as opposed to leaving users baffled by lack of
// functionality.
successName = null;
return successName;
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
public String getTemplateName() {
return tl("signFormatTemplate", this.signName);
public String getName() {
return this.signName;
public String getUsername(final User user) {
return user.getName().substring(0, user.getName().length() > 13 ? 13 : user.getName().length());
protected final boolean onSignInteract(final Block block, final Player player, final IEssentials ess) {
final ISign sign = new BlockSign(block);
final User user = ess.getUser(player);
if (user.checkSignThrottle()) {
return false;
try {
if (user.getBase().isDead() || !(user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".use") || user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs.use." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))) {
return false;
final SignInteractEvent signEvent = new SignInteractEvent(sign, this, user);
if (signEvent.isCancelled()) {
return false;
return onSignInteract(sign, user, getUsername(user), ess);
} catch (ChargeException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
} catch (Exception ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
protected final boolean onSignBreak(final Block block, final Player player, final IEssentials ess) throws MaxMoneyException {
final ISign sign = new BlockSign(block);
final User user = ess.getUser(player);
try {
if (!(user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + ".break") || user.isAuthorized("essentials.signs.break." + signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH)))) {
return false;
final SignBreakEvent signEvent = new SignBreakEvent(sign, this, user);
if (signEvent.isCancelled()) {
return false;
return onSignBreak(sign, user, getUsername(user), ess);
} catch (SignException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
protected boolean onSignCreate(final ISign sign, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException {
return true;
protected boolean onSignInteract(final ISign sign, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException, MaxMoneyException {
return true;
protected boolean onSignBreak(final ISign sign, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, MaxMoneyException {
return true;
protected final boolean onBlockPlace(final Block block, final Player player, final IEssentials ess) {
User user = ess.getUser(player);
try {
return onBlockPlace(block, user, getUsername(user), ess);
} catch (ChargeException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
} catch (SignException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
protected final boolean onBlockInteract(final Block block, final Player player, final IEssentials ess) {
User user = ess.getUser(player);
try {
return onBlockInteract(block, user, getUsername(user), ess);
} catch (ChargeException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
} catch (SignException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
protected final boolean onBlockBreak(final Block block, final Player player, final IEssentials ess) throws MaxMoneyException {
User user = ess.getUser(player);
try {
return onBlockBreak(block, user, getUsername(user), ess);
} catch (SignException ex) {
showError(ess, user.getSource(), ex, signName);
return false;
protected boolean onBlockBreak(final Block block, final IEssentials ess) {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockExplode(final Block block, final IEssentials ess) {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockBurn(final Block block, final IEssentials ess) {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockIgnite(final Block block, final IEssentials ess) {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockPush(final Block block, final IEssentials ess) {
return true;
protected static boolean checkIfBlockBreaksSigns(final Block block) {
final Block sign = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP);
if (sign.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST && isValidSign(new BlockSign(sign))) {
return true;
final BlockFace[] directions = new BlockFace[]{BlockFace.NORTH, BlockFace.EAST, BlockFace.SOUTH, BlockFace.WEST};
for (BlockFace blockFace : directions) {
final Block signblock = block.getRelative(blockFace);
if (signblock.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN) {
try {
final org.bukkit.material.Sign signMat = (org.bukkit.material.Sign) signblock.getState().getData();
if (signMat != null && signMat.getFacing() == blockFace && isValidSign(new BlockSign(signblock))) {
return true;
} catch (NullPointerException ex) {
// Sometimes signs enter a state of being semi broken, having no text or state data, usually while burning.
return false;
public static boolean isValidSign(final ISign sign) {
return sign.getLine(0).matches("§1\\[.*\\]");
protected boolean onBlockPlace(final Block block, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockInteract(final Block block, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, ChargeException {
return true;
protected boolean onBlockBreak(final Block block, final User player, final String username, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException, MaxMoneyException {
return true;
public Set<Material> getBlocks() {
return EMPTY_SET;
public boolean areHeavyEventRequired() {
return false;
private String getSignText(final ISign sign, final int lineNumber) {
return sign.getLine(lineNumber).trim();
protected final void validateTrade(final ISign sign, final int index, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
final String line = getSignText(sign, index);
if (line.isEmpty()) {
final Trade trade = getTrade(sign, index, 0, ess);
final BigDecimal money = trade.getMoney();
if (money != null) {
sign.setLine(index, NumberUtil.shortCurrency(money, ess));
protected final void validateTrade(final ISign sign, final int amountIndex, final int itemIndex, final User player, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
final String itemType = getSignText(sign, itemIndex);
if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) {
int amount = getIntegerPositive(getSignText(sign, amountIndex));
sign.setLine(amountIndex, Integer.toString(amount));
sign.setLine(itemIndex, "exp");
final Trade trade = getTrade(sign, amountIndex, itemIndex, player, ess);
final ItemStack item = trade.getItemStack();
sign.setLine(amountIndex, Integer.toString(item.getAmount()));
sign.setLine(itemIndex, itemType);
protected final Trade getTrade(final ISign sign, final int amountIndex, final int itemIndex, final User player, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
final String itemType = getSignText(sign, itemIndex);
if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) {
final int amount = getIntegerPositive(getSignText(sign, amountIndex));
return new Trade(amount, ess);
final ItemStack item = getItemStack(itemType, 1, ess);
final int amount = Math.min(getIntegerPositive(getSignText(sign, amountIndex)), item.getType().getMaxStackSize() * player.getBase().getInventory().getSize());
if (item.getType() == Material.AIR || amount < 1) {
throw new SignException(tl("moreThanZero"));
return new Trade(item, ess);
protected final void validateInteger(final ISign sign, final int index) throws SignException {
final String line = getSignText(sign, index);
if (line.isEmpty()) {
throw new SignException("Empty line " + index);
final int quantity = getIntegerPositive(line);
sign.setLine(index, Integer.toString(quantity));
protected final int getIntegerPositive(final String line) throws SignException {
final int quantity = getInteger(line);
if (quantity < 1) {
throw new SignException(tl("moreThanZero"));
return quantity;
protected final int getInteger(final String line) throws SignException {
try {
final int quantity = Integer.parseInt(line);
return quantity;
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new SignException("Invalid sign", ex);
protected final ItemStack getItemStack(final String itemName, final int quantity, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
try {
final ItemStack item = ess.getItemDb().get(itemName);
return item;
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new SignException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
protected final ItemStack getItemMeta(final ItemStack item, final String meta, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
ItemStack stack = item;
try {
if (!meta.isEmpty()) {
MetaItemStack metaStack = new MetaItemStack(stack);
final boolean allowUnsafe = ess.getSettings().allowUnsafeEnchantments();
metaStack.addStringMeta(null, allowUnsafe, meta, ess);
stack = metaStack.getItemStack();
} catch (Exception ex) {
throw new SignException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
return stack;
protected final BigDecimal getMoney(final String line) throws SignException {
final boolean isMoney = line.matches("^[^0-9-\\.][\\.0-9]+$");
return isMoney ? getBigDecimalPositive(line.substring(1)) : null;
protected final BigDecimal getBigDecimalPositive(final String line) throws SignException {
final BigDecimal quantity = getBigDecimal(line);
if (quantity.compareTo(MINTRANSACTION) < 0) {
throw new SignException(tl("moreThanZero"));
return quantity;
protected final BigDecimal getBigDecimal(final String line) throws SignException {
try {
return new BigDecimal(line);
} catch (ArithmeticException ex) {
throw new SignException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
throw new SignException(ex.getMessage(), ex);
protected final Trade getTrade(final ISign sign, final int index, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
return getTrade(sign, index, 1, ess);
protected final Trade getTrade(final ISign sign, final int index, final int decrement, final IEssentials ess) throws SignException {
final String line = getSignText(sign, index);
if (line.isEmpty()) {
return new Trade(signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "sign", ess);
final BigDecimal money = getMoney(line);
if (money == null) {
final String[] split = line.split("[ :]+", 2);
if (split.length != 2) {
throw new SignException(tl("invalidCharge"));
final int quantity = getIntegerPositive(split[0]);
final String item = split[1].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if (item.equalsIgnoreCase("times")) {
sign.setLine(index, (quantity - decrement) + " times");
return new Trade(signName.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH) + "sign", ess);
} else if (item.equalsIgnoreCase("exp") || item.equalsIgnoreCase("xp")) {
sign.setLine(index, quantity + " exp");
return new Trade(quantity, ess);
} else {
final ItemStack stack = getItemStack(item, quantity, ess);
sign.setLine(index, quantity + " " + item);
return new Trade(stack, ess);
} else {
return new Trade(money, ess);
private void showError(final IEssentials ess, final CommandSource sender, final Throwable exception, final String signName) {
ess.showError(sender, exception, "\\ sign: " + signName);
static class EventSign implements ISign {
private final transient SignChangeEvent event;
private final transient Block block;
private final transient Sign sign;
EventSign(final SignChangeEvent event) {
this.event = event;
this.block = event.getBlock();
this.sign = (Sign) block.getState();
public final String getLine(final int index) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : event.getLine(index).toCharArray()) {
if (c < 0xF700 || c > 0xF747) {
return builder.toString();
//return event.getLine(index); // Above code can be removed and replaced with this line when https://github.com/Bukkit/Bukkit/pull/982 is merged.
public final void setLine(final int index, final String text) {
event.setLine(index, text);
sign.setLine(index, text);
public Block getBlock() {
return block;
public void updateSign() {
static class BlockSign implements ISign {
private final transient Sign sign;
private final transient Block block;
BlockSign(final Block block) {
this.block = block;
this.sign = (Sign) block.getState();
public final String getLine(final int index) {
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
for (char c : sign.getLine(index).toCharArray()) {
if (c < 0xF700 || c > 0xF747) {
return builder.toString();
//return event.getLine(index); // Above code can be removed and replaced with this line when https://github.com/Bukkit/Bukkit/pull/982 is merged.
public final void setLine(final int index, final String text) {
sign.setLine(index, text);
public final Block getBlock() {
return block;
public final void updateSign() {
public interface ISign {
2015-06-03 20:11:56 +00:00
String getLine(final int index);
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
2015-06-03 20:11:56 +00:00
void setLine(final int index, final String text);
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
2015-06-03 20:11:56 +00:00
Block getBlock();
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
2015-06-03 20:11:56 +00:00
void updateSign();
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
2011-06-08 01:18:33 +00:00