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package com.earth2me.essentials;
2013-06-08 21:31:19 +00:00
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.DateUtil;
import com.earth2me.essentials.utils.LocationUtil;
2013-10-11 02:44:41 +00:00
import net.ess3.api.IEssentials;
import net.ess3.api.IUser;
import org.bukkit.Location;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent;
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause;
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import static;
2015-04-15 04:06:16 +00:00
public class Teleport implements net.ess3.api.ITeleport {
private final IUser teleportOwner;
private final IEssentials ess;
private TimedTeleport timedTeleport;
public Teleport(IUser user, IEssentials ess) {
this.teleportOwner = user;
this.ess = ess;
public void cooldown(boolean check) throws Exception {
final Calendar time = new GregorianCalendar();
if (teleportOwner.getLastTeleportTimestamp() > 0) {
// Take the current time, and remove the delay from it.
final double cooldown = ess.getSettings().getTeleportCooldown();
final Calendar earliestTime = new GregorianCalendar();
earliestTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, -(int) cooldown);
earliestTime.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, -(int) ((cooldown * 1000.0) % 1000.0));
// This value contains the most recent time a teleportPlayer could have been used that would allow another use.
final long earliestLong = earliestTime.getTimeInMillis();
// When was the last teleportPlayer used?
final Long lastTime = teleportOwner.getLastTeleportTimestamp();
if (lastTime > time.getTimeInMillis()) {
// This is to make sure time didn't get messed up on last teleportPlayer use.
// If this happens, let's give the user the benifit of the doubt.
} else if (lastTime > earliestLong && !teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.cooldown.bypass")) {
time.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int) cooldown);
time.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) ((cooldown * 1000.0) % 1000.0));
throw new Exception(tl("timeBeforeTeleport", DateUtil.formatDateDiff(time.getTimeInMillis())));
// if justCheck is set, don't update lastTeleport; we're just checking
if (!check) {
private void warnUser(final IUser user, final double delay) {
Calendar c = new GregorianCalendar();
c.add(Calendar.SECOND, (int) delay);
c.add(Calendar.MILLISECOND, (int) ((delay * 1000.0) % 1000.0));
user.sendMessage(tl("dontMoveMessage", DateUtil.formatDateDiff(c.getTimeInMillis())));
//The now function is used when you want to skip tp delay when teleporting someone to a location or player.
public void now(Location loc, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
if (cooldown) {
final ITarget target = new LocationTarget(loc);
now(teleportOwner, target, cause);
public void now(Player entity, boolean cooldown, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
if (cooldown) {
final ITarget target = new PlayerTarget(entity);
now(teleportOwner, target, cause);
teleportOwner.sendMessage(tl("teleporting", target.getLocation().getWorld().getName(), target.getLocation().getBlockX(), target.getLocation().getBlockY(), target.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
protected void now(IUser teleportee, ITarget target, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
final Location loc = target.getLocation();
if (LocationUtil.isBlockUnsafeForUser(teleportee, loc.getWorld(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ())) {
if (ess.getSettings().isTeleportSafetyEnabled()) {
if (teleportee.getBase().isInsideVehicle()) {
teleportee.getBase().teleport(LocationUtil.getSafeDestination(teleportee, loc), cause);
} else {
throw new Exception(tl("unsafeTeleportDestination", loc.getWorld().getName(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
} else {
if (teleportee.getBase().isInsideVehicle()) {
teleportee.getBase().teleport(LocationUtil.getRoundedDestination(loc), cause);
//The teleportPlayer function is used when you want to normally teleportPlayer someone to a location or player.
//This method is nolonger used internally and will be removed.
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor) throws Exception {
teleport(loc, chargeFor, TeleportCause.PLUGIN);
public void teleport(Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
teleport(teleportOwner, new LocationTarget(loc), chargeFor, cause);
//This is used when teleporting to a player
public void teleport(Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
ITarget target = new PlayerTarget(entity);
teleportOwner.sendMessage(tl("teleportToPlayer", entity.getDisplayName()));
teleport(teleportOwner, target, chargeFor, cause);
//This is used when teleporting to stored location
public void teleportPlayer(IUser teleportee, Location loc, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
teleport(teleportee, new LocationTarget(loc), chargeFor, cause);
//This is used on /tphere
public void teleportPlayer(IUser teleportee, Player entity, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
ITarget target = new PlayerTarget(entity);
teleport(teleportee, target, chargeFor, cause);
teleportee.sendMessage(tl("teleporting", target.getLocation().getWorld().getName(), target.getLocation().getBlockX(), target.getLocation().getBlockY(), target.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
teleportOwner.sendMessage(tl("teleporting", target.getLocation().getWorld().getName(), target.getLocation().getBlockX(), target.getLocation().getBlockY(), target.getLocation().getBlockZ()));
private void teleport(IUser teleportee, ITarget target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
Trade cashCharge = chargeFor;
if (chargeFor != null) {
//This code is to make sure that commandcosts are checked in the initial world, and not in the resulting world.
if (!chargeFor.getCommandCost(teleportOwner).equals(BigDecimal.ZERO)) {
//By converting a command cost to a regular cost, the command cost permission isn't checked when executing the charge after teleport.
cashCharge = new Trade(chargeFor.getCommandCost(teleportOwner), ess);
if (delay <= 0 || teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass") || teleportee.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass")) {
now(teleportee, target, cause);
if (cashCharge != null) {
warnUser(teleportee, delay);
initTimer((long) (delay * 1000.0), teleportee, target, cashCharge, cause, false);
//The respawn function is a wrapper used to handle tp fallback, on /jail and /home
public void respawn(final Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
double delay = ess.getSettings().getTeleportDelay();
if (chargeFor != null) {
if (delay <= 0 || teleportOwner.isAuthorized("essentials.teleport.timer.bypass")) {
respawnNow(teleportOwner, cause);
if (chargeFor != null) {
warnUser(teleportOwner, delay);
initTimer((long) (delay * 1000.0), teleportOwner, null, chargeFor, cause, true);
protected void respawnNow(IUser teleportee, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
final Player player = teleportee.getBase();
Location bed = player.getBedSpawnLocation();
if (bed != null) {
now(teleportee, new LocationTarget(bed), cause);
} else {
if (ess.getSettings().isDebug()) {
ess.getLogger().info("Could not find bed spawn, forcing respawn event.");
final PlayerRespawnEvent pre = new PlayerRespawnEvent(player, player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation(), false);
now(teleportee, new LocationTarget(pre.getRespawnLocation()), cause);
//The warp function is a wrapper used to teleportPlayer a player to a /warp
public void warp(IUser teleportee, String warp, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause) throws Exception {
Location loc = ess.getWarps().getWarp(warp);
teleportee.sendMessage(tl("warpingTo", warp, loc.getWorld().getName(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
if (!teleportee.equals(teleportOwner)) {
teleportOwner.sendMessage(tl("warpingTo", warp, loc.getWorld().getName(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
teleport(teleportee, new LocationTarget(loc), chargeFor, cause);
//The back function is a wrapper used to teleportPlayer a player /back to their previous location.
public void back(Trade chargeFor) throws Exception {
final Location loc = teleportOwner.getLastLocation();
teleportOwner.sendMessage(tl("backUsageMsg", loc.getWorld().getName(), loc.getBlockX(), loc.getBlockY(), loc.getBlockZ()));
teleport(teleportOwner, new LocationTarget(loc), chargeFor, TeleportCause.COMMAND);
//This function is used to throw a user back after a jail sentence
public void back() throws Exception {
now(teleportOwner, new LocationTarget(teleportOwner.getLastLocation()), TeleportCause.COMMAND);
//If we need to cancelTimer a pending teleportPlayer call this method
private void cancel(boolean notifyUser) {
if (timedTeleport != null) {
timedTeleport = null;
private void initTimer(long delay, IUser teleportUser, ITarget target, Trade chargeFor, TeleportCause cause, boolean respawn) {
timedTeleport = new TimedTeleport(teleportOwner, ess, this, delay, teleportUser, target, chargeFor, cause, respawn);