2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
#X-Generator: crowdin.net
#version: TeamCity
# Single quotes have to be doubled: ''
# Translations start here
# by:
action = \u00a75* {0} \u00a75{1}
addedToAccount = \u00a7a{0} hozz\u00e1adva az egyenlegedhez.
addedToOthersAccount = \u00a7a{0} hozz\u00e1dva {1}\u00a7a egyenleg\u00e9hez. \u00daj egyenlege\: {2}
adventure = kaland
alertBroke = t\u00f6r\:
alertFormat = \u00a73[{0}] \u00a7r {1} \u00a76 {2} at\: {3}
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
alertPlaced = letett\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
alertUsed = haszn\u00e1lt\:
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
antiBuildBreak = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy ki\u00fcss egy\u00a7c {0} \u00a74blokkot itt.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
antiBuildCraft = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151t k\u00e9sz\u00edtsd\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
antiBuildDrop = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy eldobd a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151t\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
antiBuildInteract = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy interakci\u00f3ba l\u00e9pj a\u00a7c {0}\u00a74-val/vel.
antiBuildPlace = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy lehelyezed\u00a7c {0} \u00a74ide.
antiBuildUse = \u00a74NIncs jogod, hogy haszn\u00e1ld a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151t\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
autoAfkKickReason = Kickelve lett\u00e9l {0} perc AFK miatt\!
backAfterDeath = \u00a76Meghalt\u00e1l\! A \u00a74/back\u00a76 parancssal visszajuthatsz hal\u00e1lod sz\u00ednhely\u00e9re.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
backUsageMsg = \u00a76Visszat\u00e9r\u00e9s az el\u0151z\u0151 helyre.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
backupDisabled = \u00a74A ment\u00e9s nincs k\u00e9sz
backupFinished = \u00a76Biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s k\u00e9sz.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
backupStarted = \u00a76Biztons\u00e1gi ment\u00e9s elkezdve.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
balance = \u00a7aEgyenleged\:\u00a7c {0}
balanceOther = {0}\u00a7a egyenlege\:\u00a7c {1}
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
balanceTop = \u00a76Legmagasabb egyenlegek ({0})
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
banExempt = \u00a74Nem tilthatod ki ezt a j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
banFormat = \u00a74Kitiltva\:\n\u00a7r{0}
2017-08-12 12:46:27 +00:00
banIpJoin = Your IP address is banned from this server. Reason: {0}
banJoin = You are banned from this server. Reason: {0}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
bed = \u00a7o\u00e1gy\u00a7r
bedMissing = \u00a74Az \u00e1gyad nincs be\u00e1ll\u00edtva vagy eltorlaszolt\u00e1k.
bedNull = \u00a7m\u00e1gy\u00a7r
bedSet = \u00a76\u00c1gyi kezd\u00f5hely be\u00e1ll\u00edtva\!
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
bigTreeFailure = \u00a74Nagy fa gener\u00e1l\u00e1si hiba\! Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld \u00fajra f\u00fcv\u00f6n vagy f\u00f6ld\u00f6n.
bigTreeSuccess = \u00a76Nagy fa legener\u00e1lva.
blockList = \u00a76Az Essentials \u00e1tengedte a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 parancsokat egy m\u00e1sik pluginnak\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
bookAuthorSet = \u00a76Mostant\u00f3l a k\u00f6nyv \u00edr\u00f3ja\: {0}.
bookLocked = \u00a76K\u00f6nyv lez\u00e1rva.
bookTitleSet = \u00a76A k\u00f6nyv c\u00edme mostant\u00f3l\: {0}.
broadcast = \u00a7r\u00a76[\u00a74K\u00f6zvet\u00edt\u00e9s\u00a76]\u00a7a {0}
buildAlert = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy \u00e9p\u00edts.
bukkitFormatChanged = Bukkit version format changed. Version not checked.
burnMsg = \u00a76Be\u00e1ll\u00edtottad\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-nak/nek a t\u00fczet\u00a7c {1} m\u00e1sodpercre\u00a76.
canTalkAgain = \u00a76Besz\u00e9lhetsz \u00fajra.
cannotStackMob = \u00a74You do not have permission to stack multiple mobs.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
cantFindGeoIpDB = A GeoIP adatb\u00e1zisa nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
cantReadGeoIpDB = Nem tudom beolvasni a GeoIP adatb\u00e1zist\!
cantSpawnItem = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy lek\u00e9rd a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 cuccot\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
chatTypeAdmin = [A]
chatTypeLocal = [L]
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
chatTypeSpy = \u00a72[K\u00e9m]\u00a7r
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
cleaned = J\u00e1t\u00e9kos f\u00e1jlok t\u00f6r\u00f6lve.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
cleaning = J\u00e1t\u00e9kos f\u00e1jlok tiszt\u00edt\u00e1sa.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
commandFailed = Parancs {0} sikertelen\:
commandHelpFailedForPlugin = Hiba a seg\u00edts\u00e9g lek\u00e9r\u00e9sben a(z) {0} pluginban
commandNotLoaded = \u00a74Parancs {0} nincs bet\u00f6ltve.
compassBearing = \u00a76Ir\u00e1ny\: {0} ({1} fok).
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
configFileMoveError = Failed to move config.yml to backup location.
configFileRenameError = Failed to rename temp file to config.yml.
2016-12-18 15:03:03 +00:00
confirmPayment = \u00a77To \u00a7lCONFIRM\u00a77 payment of \u00a76{0}\u00a77, please repeat command: \u00a76{1}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
connectedPlayers = \u00a76Csatlakozott j\u00e1t\u00e9kosok\u00a7r
connectionFailed = Failed to open connection.
cooldownWithMessage = \u00a74Cooldown\: {0}
corruptNodeInConfig = \u00a74Notice\: Your configuration file has a corrupt {0} node.
couldNotFindTemplate = \u00a74Could not find template {0}
creatingConfigFromTemplate = Creating config from template\: {0}
creatingEmptyConfig = Creating empty config\: {0}
creative = kreat\u00edv
currency = {0}{1}
currentWorld = \u00a76Current World\:\u00a7c {0}
day = nap
days = nap
defaultBanReason = Ki lett\u00e9l tiltva\!
deleteFileError = Could not delete file\: {0}
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
deleteHome = \u00a76Otthon\u00a7c {0} \u00a76sikeresen elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva.
deleteJail = \u00a76B\u00f6rt\u00f6n\u00a7c {0} \u00a76sikeresen elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva.
deleteWarp = \u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76sikeresen elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
deniedAccessCommand = \u00a7c{0} \u00a74was denied access to command.
denyBookEdit = \u00a74You cannot unlock this book.
denyChangeAuthor = \u00a74You cannot change the author of this book.
denyChangeTitle = \u00a74You cannot change the title of this book.
depth = \u00a76You are at sea level.
depthAboveSea = \u00a76You are\u00a7c {0} \u00a76block(s) above sea level.
depthBelowSea = \u00a76You are\u00a7c {0} \u00a76block(s) below sea level.
destinationNotSet = Destination not set\!
disableUnlimited = \u00a76Disabled unlimited placing of\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1}.
disabled = letiltva
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
disabledToSpawnMob = \u00a74Ennek a l\u00e9nynek a leh\u00edv\u00e1sa jelenleg le van tiltva a config f\u00e1jlban.
distance = \u00a76T\u00e1vols\u00e1g\: {0}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
dontMoveMessage = \u00a76A teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s elkezd\u00f5dik\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 bel\u00fcl. Ne mozogj\!
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
downloadingGeoIp = GeoIP adatb\u00e1zis let\u00f6lt\u00e9se folyamatban... eltarthat egy kis ideig (country\: 0.6 MB, city\: 20MB)
duplicatedUserdata = Duplik\u00e1lt felhaszn\u00e1l\u00f3i adatok\: {0} \u00e9s {1}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
durability = \u00a76This tool has \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 uses left
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
editBookContents = \u00a76Mostant\u00f3l tudod szerkeszteni ezt a k\u00f6nyvet.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
enableUnlimited = \u00a76Lek\u00e9rve v\u00e9gtelen mennyis\u00e9g\u0171 \u00a7c {0} \u00a76\u00a7c{1}\u00a76-nak/nek.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
enabled = bekapcsolva
enchantmentApplied = \u00a76A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 enchant\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76sikeresen r\u00e1 lett rakva a kezedbe l\u00e9v\u0151 dologra.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
enchantmentNotFound = \u00a74Enchant nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3\!
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
enchantmentPerm = \u00a74Nincs jogod a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 enchanthoz\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a74.
enchantmentRemoved = \u00a76A k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 enchant\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76sikeresen le lett v\u00e9ve a kezedbe l\u00e9v\u0151 dologr\u00f3l.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
enchantments = \u00a76Enchantok\:\u00a7r {0}
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
errorCallingCommand = Hiba a parancs h\u00edv\u00e1s\u00e1ban /{0}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
errorWithMessage = \u00a7cHiba\:\u00a74 {0}
essentialsHelp1 = The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, go to http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
essentialsHelp2 = The file is broken and Essentials can''t open it. Essentials is now disabled. If you can''t fix the file yourself, either type /essentialshelp in game or go to http\://tiny.cc/EssentialsChat
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
essentialsReload = \u00a76Essentials \u00fajrat\u00f6ltve\u00a7c {0}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
exp = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp (level\u00a7c {2}\u00a76) and needs\u00a7c {3} \u00a76more exp to level up.
expSet = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76now has\u00a7c {1} \u00a76exp.
extinguish = \u00a76You extinguished yourself.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
extinguishOthers = \u00a76Eloltottad {0}\u00a76-t.
failedToCloseConfig = Nem siker\u00fclt bez\u00e1rni a config f\u00e1jlt {0}.
failedToCreateConfig = Nem siker\u00fclt a config f\u00e1ljt l\u00e1trehozni {0}.
failedToWriteConfig = Nem siker\u00fclt a config f\u00e1jlba \u00edrni {0}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
false = \u00a74hamis\u00a7r
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
feed = \u00a76Meg lett\u00e9l etetve.
feedOther = \u00a76Megetetted {0}\u00a76-t.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
fileRenameError = A(z) {0} f\u00e1jlt nem siker\u00fclt \u00e1tnevezni\!
fireworkColor = \u00a74Nem val\u00f3s param\u00e9rtert adt\u00e1l meg a t\u00f6ltetnek, el\u0151sz\u00f6r a sz\u00edn kell.
fireworkEffectsCleared = \u00a76Az \u00f6sszes effekt elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva.
fireworkSyntax = \u00a76T\u00fczij\u00e1t\u00e9k param\u00e9terek\:\u00a7c color\:<color> [fade\:<color>] [shape\:<shape>] [effect\:<effect>]\n\u00a76Ahhoz, hogy t\u00f6bb adatot adj meg, vessz\u0151vel kell elv\u00e1lasztanod. pl\: \u00a7cred,blue,pink\n\u00a76Alakzatok\:\u00a7c star, ball, large, creeper, burst \u00a76Effektek\:\u00a7c trail, twinkle.
flyMode = \u00a76Rep\u00fcl\u0151 m\u00f3d\u00a7c {0} \u00a76{1} \u00a76j\u00e1t\u00e9kosnak.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
flying = rep\u00fcl
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
foreverAlone = \u00a74Nincs senki, akinek v\u00e1laszolhatn\u00e1l.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
fullStack = \u00a74M\u00e1r teljes a stack.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
gameMode = {1} \u00a76\u00faj j\u00e1t\u00e9km\u00f3dja\: \u00a7e{0}\u00a76.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
gcWorld = \u00a76{0} "\u00a7c{1}\u00a76"\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 chunk, \u00a7c{3}\u00a76 entit\u00e1s, \u00a7c{4}\u00a76 blokkok.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
gcfree = \u00a76Szabad mem\u00f3ria\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
gcmax = \u00a76Maximum mem\u00f3ria\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
gctotal = \u00a76Lefoglalt mem\u00f3ria\:\u00a7c {0} MB.
geoIpUrlEmpty = GeoIP let\u00f6lt\u00e9si URL hi\u00e1nyzik.
geoIpUrlInvalid = GeoIP let\u00f6lt\u00e9si URL \u00e9rv\u00e9nytelen.
geoipJoinFormat = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76\u00a7c{1}\u00a76-b\u00f3l/b\u0151l csatlakozott.
giveSpawn = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76darab\u00a7c {1} adva\u00a7c {2}\u00a76 j\u00e1t\u00e9kosnak.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
godDisabledFor = \u00a7cletiltva\u00a76\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-nak/nek
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
godEnabledFor = \u00a74enged\u00e9lyezve\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-nak/nek
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
godMode = \u00a76Isten m\u00f3d\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
groupDoesNotExist = \u00a74Ebb\u0151l a csapatb\u00f3l senki sincs fent.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
groupNumber = \u00a7c{0}\u00a7f van fent, teljes lista\:\u00a7c /{1} {2}
hatArmor = \u00a74Ezt nem veheted fel kalapk\u00e9nt\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
hatEmpty = \u00a74Nem viselsz kalapot.
hatFail = \u00a74Nincs semmi a kezedben amit felvehetn\u00e9l.
hatPlaced = \u00a76\u00c9lvezd az \u00faj kalapod\!
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
hatRemoved = \u00a76Kalapod elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva.
haveBeenReleased = \u00a76Ki engedtek a b\u00f6rt\u00f6nb\u0151l.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
heal = \u00a76\u00c9leted felt\u00f6ltve.
healDead = \u00a74Nem t\u00f6lthed fel olyannak az \u00e9let\u00e9t aki halott\!
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
healOther = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 \u00e9lete felt\u00f6ltve.
helpConsole = Hogy seg\u00edts\u00e9get k\u00e9rj konzolb\u00f3l, \u00edrd be\: ?.
helpFrom = \u00a76Parancsok {0}-b\u00f3l/b\u0151l\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
helpLine = \u00a76/{0}\u00a7r\: {1}
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
helpMatching = \u00a76Egyez\u0151 parancsok "\u00a7c{0}\u00a76"\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
helpOp = \u00a74[Seg\u00edts\u00e9g]\u00a7r \u00a76{0}\:\u00a7r {1}
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
helpPlugin = \u00a74{0}\u00a7r\: Plugin seg\u00edts\u00e9g\: /help {1}
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
holdBook = \u00a74Nincs a kezedben \u00edrhat\u00f3 k\u00f6nyv.
holdFirework = \u00a74A kezedben kell tartanod a t\u00fczij\u00e1t\u00e9kot, hogy hozz\u00e1add az effekteket.
holdPotion = \u00a74Egy b\u00e1jitalt kell a kezedben tartanod, hogy effekteket adhass hozz\u00e1.
holeInFloor = \u00a74Lyuk a padl\u00f3ban\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
homeSet = \u00a76Otthon be\u00e1ll\u00edtva.
homes = \u00a76Otthonok\:\u00a7r {0}
hour = \u00f3ra
hours = \u00f3ra
ignoredList = \u00a76Mell\u0151zve\:\u00a7r {0}
ignorePlayer = \u00a76You ignore player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76from now on.
illegalDate = Illegal date format.
infoChapter = \u00a76V\u00e1lassz fejezetet\:
infoChapterPages = \u00a7e ---- \u00a76{0} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Oldal \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 \u00a7c{2}-b\u00f3l/b\u0151l \u00a7e----
infoPages = \u00a7e ---- \u00a76{2} \u00a7e--\u00a76 Oldal \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/\u00a7c{1} \u00a7e----
infoUnknownChapter = \u00a74Ismeretlen fejezet.
insufficientFunds = \u00a74Insufficient funds available.
invalidCharge = \u00a74Invalid charge.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
invalidFireworkFormat = \u00a76Ez az opci\u00f3\: \u00a74{0} \u00a76nem \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes \u00a74{1}\u00a76-ra/re.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
invalidHome = \u00a74Home\u00a7c {0} \u00a74doesn''t exist\!
invalidHomeName = \u00a74Invalid home name\!
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
invalidMob = \u00a74Hat\u00e1rozatlan mob t\u00edpus
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
invalidNumber = Invalid Number.
invalidPotion = \u00a74Invalid Potion.
invalidPotionMeta = \u00a74Invalid potion meta\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
invalidSignLine = \u00a74Line\u00a7c {0} \u00a74on sign is invalid.
invalidWarpName = \u00a74Nincs ilyen warp\!
invalidWorld = \u00a74Invalid world.
is = is
itemCannotBeSold = \u00a74Ezt nem adhatod el a szerveren.
itemMustBeStacked = \u00a74Item must be traded in stacks. A quantity of 2s would be two stacks, etc.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
itemNames = \u00a76T\u00e1rgy r\u00f6vid nevei\:\u00a7r {0}
itemNotEnough1 = \u00a74Nincs el\u00e9g eladni val\u00f3 t\u00e1rgyad.
itemNotEnough2 = \u00a76Ha elakarod adni az \u00f6sszes ilyen t\u00e1rgyat \u00edrd be /sell t\u00e1rgyn\u00e9v.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
itemNotEnough3 = \u00a76/sell itemname -1 will sell all but one item, etc.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
itemSellAir = T\u00e9nyleg elakartad adni a Leveg\u00f5t? Vegy\u00e9l a kezedbe valami t\u00e1rgyat.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
itemSold = \u00a7aSold for \u00a7c{0} \u00a7a({1} {2} at {3} each).
itemSoldConsole = \u00a7a{0} \u00a7asold {1} for \u00a7a{2} \u00a7a({3} items at {4} each).
itemSpawn = \u00a76Lek\u00e9rt\u00e9l\u00a7c {0} \u00a76db \u00a7c {1}-t
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
itemType = \u00a76T\u00e1rgy\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76-\u00a7c {1}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
itemsCsvNotLoaded = Could not load items.csv\!
jailAlreadyIncarcerated = \u00a74Person is already in jail\:\u00a7c {0}
jailMessage = \u00a74You do the crime, you do the time.
jailNotExist = \u00a74Nincs ilyen b\u00f6rt\u00f6n.
jailReleased = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 kiengedve a b\u00f6rt\u00f6nb\u00f5l.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
jailReleasedPlayerNotify = \u00a76Kiengedtek a b\u00f6rt\u00f6nb\u0151l\!
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
jailSentenceExtended = \u00a76B\u00f6rt\u00f6n ideje mostant\u00f3l\: {0}
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
jailSet = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76 b\u00f6rt\u00f6n be\u00e1ll\u00edtva.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
jumpError = \u00a74That would hurt your computer''s brain.
kickDefault = Ki lett\u00e9l kickelve.
kickExempt = \u00a74\u00d5t nem kickelheted.
kickedAll = \u00a74\u00d6sszes j\u00e1t\u00e9kos kickelve a szerverr\u00f5l.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
kill = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 meg\u00f6lve.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
killExempt = \u00a74Nem \u00f6lheted meg \u00a7c{0}\u00a74-t.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
kitCost = \ \u00a77\u00a7o({0})\u00a7r
kitError2 = \u00a74That kit is improperly defined. Contact an administrator.
kitError = \u00a74There are no valid kits.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
kitGiveTo = \u00a76A(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 csomag lek\u00e9rve \u00a7c{1}\u00a76-nak/nek.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
kitInvFull = \u00a74Az eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1rad televan, \u00edgy a f\u00f6ldre kapod meg a csomagot.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
kitNotFound = \u00a74Nincs ilyen csomag.
kitOnce = \u00a74You can''t use that kit again.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
kitReceive = \u00a76Megkaptad a(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 csomagot.
kitTimed = \u00a74Ezt a csomagot nem haszn\u00e1hatod m\u00e9g\u00a7c {0}\u00a74-ig.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
kits = \u00a76Csomagok\:\u00a7r {0}
leatherSyntax = \u00a76Leather Color Syntax\: color\:<red>,<green>,<blue> eg\: color\:255,0,0.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
lightningSmited = \u00a76A vill\u00e1m les\u00fajtott r\u00e1d\!
lightningUse = \u00a76Vill\u00e1m lesujt\u00e1sa\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-ra/re
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
listAfkTag = \u00a77[AFK]\u00a7r
listAmount = \u00a76Jelenleg \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 j\u00e1t\u00e9kos van fent a maxim\u00e1lis \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 j\u00e1t\u00e9kosb\u00f3l.
listAmountHidden = \u00a76Jelenleg \u00a7c{0}\u00a76/{1}\u00a76 j\u00e1t\u00e9kos van fent a maxim\u00e1lis \u00a7c{2}\u00a76 j\u00e1t\u00e9kosb\u00f3l.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
listGroupTag = {0}\u00a7r\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
listHiddenTag = \u00a77[REJTETT]\u00a7r
loadWarpError = \u00a74Failed to load warp {0}.
localFormat = [L]<{0}> {1}
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
mailClear = \u00a76Hogy megjel\u00f6ld olvasottk\u00e9nt \u00edrd be a\u00a7c /mail clear \u00a76parancsot.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
mailCleared = \u00a76\u00dczenetek t\u00f6r\u00f6lve\!
mailSent = \u00a76Lev\u00e9l elk\u00fcldve\!
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
markMailAsRead = \u00a76Hogy megjel\u00f6ld olvasottk\u00e9nt \u00edrd be a\u00a7c /mail clear \u00a76parancsot.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
markedAsAway = \u00a76You are now marked as away.
markedAsNotAway = \u00a76You are no longer marked as away.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
matchingIPAddress = \u00a76Az al\u00e1bbi j\u00e1t\u00e9kosok csatlakoztak utolj\u00e1ra err\u0151l az IP c\u00edmr\u0151l\:
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
maxHomes = \u00a74You cannot set more than\u00a7c {0} \u00a74homes.
mayNotJail = \u00a74\u00d5t nem rakhatod b\u00f6rt\u00f6nbe\!
me = \u00e9n
minute = perc
minutes = perc
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
missingItems = \u00a74Nincs \u00a7c{0} db {1}\u00a74-od.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
mobSpawnError = \u00a74Error while changing mob spawner.
mobSpawnLimit = Mob quantity limited to server limit.
mobSpawnTarget = \u00a74Target block must be a mob spawner.
mobsAvailable = \u00a76Mobok\:\u00a7r {0}
moneyRecievedFrom = \u00a7a{0}-t kapt\u00e1l {1}\u00a7a-t\u00f3l/t\u00f5l.
moneySentTo = \u00a7a{0}-t k\u00fcldt\u00e9l {1}\u00a7a-nak/nek.
month = h\u00f3nap
months = h\u00f3nap
moreThanZero = \u00a74Quantities must be greater than 0.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
moveSpeed = \u00a76Sebess\u00e9g tipus\: {0}, Sebess\u00e9g\:\u00a7c {1}\u00a76-re/ra {2}\u00a76-nak/nek.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
msgFormat = \u00a76[\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 -> \u00a7c{1}\u00a76] \u00a7r{2}
multipleCharges = \u00a74Nem alkalmazhatsz t\u00f6bb t\u00f6ltetet enn\u00e9l a t\u00fczij\u00e1t\u00e9kn\u00e1l.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
multiplePotionEffects = \u00a74You cannot apply more than one effect to this potion.
muteExempt = \u00a74Nem n\u00e9m\u00edthatod \u00f5t.
muteNotify = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76len\u00e9m\u00edtotta \u00a7c{1}\u00a76-t.
mutedPlayer = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76len\u00e9m\u00edtva.
mutedPlayerFor = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76len\u00e9m\u00edtva\u00a7c {1}\u00a76-ra/re.
mutedUserSpeaks = {0} tried to speak, but is muted.
nearbyPlayers = \u00a76J\u00e1t\u00e9kosok k\u00f6zelbe\:\u00a7r {0}
negativeBalanceError = \u00a74User is not allowed to have a negative balance.
nickChanged = \u00a76Nick megv\u00e1ltoztatva.
nickDisplayName = \u00a74You have to enable change-displayname in Essentials config.
nickInUse = \u00a74Ez a n\u00e9v m\u00e1r haszn\u00e1ltban van.
nickNamesAlpha = \u00a74Nicknames must be alphanumeric.
nickNoMore = \u00a76Nincs t\u00f6bb\u00e9 nicked.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
nickSet = \u00a76A nicked mostant\u00f3l\: \u00a7c{0}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
nickTooLong = \u00a76Ez a Nickn\u00e9v t\u00fal hossz\u00fa.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
noAccessCommand = \u00a74Nincs jogod ehhez\!.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
noAccessPermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151h\u00f6z\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noBreakBedrock = \u00a74You are not allowed to destroy bedrock.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
noDestroyPermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy ki\u00fcsd ezt\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noDurability = \u00a74This item does not have a durability.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
noGodWorldWarning = \u00a74Vigy\u00e1zat\! Az Isten m\u00f3d ebben a vil\u00e1gba le van tiltva\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noHelpFound = \u00a74No matching commands.
noHomeSetPlayer = \u00a76Player has not set a home.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
noIgnored = \u00a76Nem hagysz figyelmen k\u00edv\u00fcl senkit.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noKitPermission = \u00a74You need the \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 permission to use that kit.
noKits = \u00a76There are no kits available yet.
noMail = \u00a76Nincs leveled.
noMatchingPlayers = \u00a76No matching players found.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
noMetaFirework = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy alkalmazd ezt a t\u00fczij\u00e1t\u00e9k adatot.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noMetaPerm = \u00a74You do not have permission to apply \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 meta to this item.
noNewMail = \u00a76Nincs \u00faj leveled.
noPendingRequest = \u00a74You do not have a pending request.
noPerm = \u00a74You do not have the \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 permission.
2016-07-10 19:27:48 +00:00
noPermToAFKMessage = \u00a74You don''t have permission to set an AFK message.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
noPermToSpawnMob = \u00a74You don''t have permission to spawn this mob.
noPlacePermission = \u00a74You do not have permission to place a block near that sign.
noPotionEffectPerm = \u00a74You do not have permission to apply potion effect \u00a7c{0} \u00a74to this potion.
noPowerTools = \u00a76You have no power tools assigned.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
noWarpsDefined = \u00a76Nincs m\u00e9g egy warp se.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
none = none
2016-07-26 15:23:34 +00:00
notAcceptingPay = \u00a74{0} \u00a74is not accepting payment.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
notAllowedToQuestion = \u00a74You are not authorized to use question.
notAllowedToShout = \u00a74You are not authorized to shout.
notEnoughExperience = \u00a74You do not have enough experience.
notEnoughMoney = \u00a74Erre nincs p\u00e9nzed.
notFlying = nem rep\u00fcl
notRecommendedBukkit = \u00a74* \! * Bukkit version is not the recommended build for Essentials.
notSupportedYet = Not supported yet.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
nothingInHand = \u00a74Nincs semmi a kezedben.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
now = most
nuke = \u00a75May death rain upon them.
numberRequired = A number goes there, silly.
onlyDayNight = /time only supports day/night.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
onlyPlayerSkulls = \u00a74Csak j\u00e1t\u00e9kos fejnek tudod be\u00e1ll\u00edtani a tulajdonos\u00e1t (\u00a7c397\:3\u00a74).
onlyPlayers = \u00a74Csak j\u00e1t\u00e9kon bel\u00fcl haszn\u00e1lhat\u00f3 a \u00a7c{0}\u00a74 parancs.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
onlySunStorm = \u00a74/weather only supports sun/storm.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
orderBalances = \u00a76Egyenlegek \u00f6sszegy\u00fcjt\u00e9se\u00a7c {0} \u00a76j\u00e1t\u00e9kost\u00f3l, k\u00e9rlek v\u00e1rj...
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
oversizedTempban = \u00a74You may not ban a player for this period of time.
2016-07-26 15:23:34 +00:00
payToggleOn = \u00a76You are now accepting payments.
payToggleOff = \u00a76You are no longer accepting payments.
2016-11-21 18:05:17 +00:00
payMustBePositive = \u00a74Amount to pay must be positive.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
pTimeCurrent = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeCurrentFixed = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is fixed to\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pTimeNormal = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s time is normal and matches the server.
pTimeOthersPermission = \u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' time.
pTimePlayers = \u00a76These players have their own time\:\u00a7r
pTimeReset = \u00a76Player time has been reset for\: \u00a7c{0}
pTimeSet = \u00a76Player time is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
pTimeSetFixed = \u00a76Player time is fixed to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
pWeatherCurrent = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is\u00a7c {1}\u00a76.
pWeatherInvalidAlias = \u00a74Invalid weather type
pWeatherNormal = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76''s weather is normal and matches the server.
pWeatherOthersPermission = \u00a74You are not authorized to set other players'' weather.
pWeatherPlayers = \u00a76These players have their own weather\:\u00a7r
pWeatherReset = \u00a76Player weather has been reset for\: \u00a7c{0}
pWeatherSet = \u00a76Player weather is set to \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 for\: \u00a7c{1}.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
pendingTeleportCancelled = \u00a74Folyamatban l\u00e9v\u0151 teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s megszak\u00edtva.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
playerBanIpAddress = \u00a76Player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76banned IP address\u00a7c {1} \u00a76for\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
playerBanned = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76kitiltotta\u00a7c {1}\u00a76-t Indok\: \u00a7c{2}\u00a76.
playerInJail = \u00a74M\u00e1r bent van a(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 b\u00f6rt\u00f6nbe.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
playerJailed = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76beb\u00f6tr\u00f6n\u00f6zve.
playerJailedFor = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76beb\u00f6rt\u00f6n\u00f6zve {1}-re/ra.
playerKicked = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76 kickelte {1}-t. Indok\: {2}.
playerMuted = \u00a76Ellett\u00e9l n\u00e9m\u00edtva\!
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
playerMutedFor = \u00a76Le lett\u00e9l n\u00e9m\u00edtva\u00a7c {0}-ra/re.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
playerNeverOnServer = \u00a7c{0} \u00a74 m\u00e9g sose j\u00e1rt a szerveren.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
playerNotFound = \u00a74Nincs ilyen nev\u00fb j\u00e1t\u00e9kos.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
playerUnbanIpAddress = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76feloldotta a k\u00f6vetkez\u00f5 IP c\u00edmet\: {1}.
playerUnbanned = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} \u00a76feloldotta {1}\u00a76-t.
playerUnmuted = \u00a76Fel lett oldva a n\u00e9m\u00edt\u00e1sod.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
pong = Pong\!
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
posPitch = \u00a76Sz\u00f6g\: {0} (Fej sz\u00f6ge)
posX = \u00a76X\: {0} (+Kelet <-> -Nyugat)
posY = \u00a76Y\: {0} (+Fel <-> -Le)
posYaw = \u00a76Fordul\u00e1s\: {0} (Forg\u00e1s)
posZ = \u00a76Z\: {0} (+D\u00e9l <-> -\u00c9szak)
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
possibleWorlds = \u00a76Lehets\u00e9ges vil\u00e1gok a sz\u00e1ma \u00a7c0\u00a76 kereszt\u00fcl \u00a76\u00a7c{0}.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
potions = \u00a76Var\u00e1zsitalok\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a76.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
powerToolAir = \u00a74Nem csatolhatsz parancsot a leveg\u00f5h\u00f6z.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
powerToolAlreadySet = \u00a74A(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 parancs m\u00e1r bevan \u00e1ll\u00edtva \u00a7c{1}\u00a74-hoz/hez.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
powerToolAttach = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 berakva PowerToolnak a(z) {1}-ra/re.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
powerToolClearAll = \u00a76\u00d6sszes PowerTool parancs ki\u00fcr\u00edtve.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
powerToolList = \u00a76\u00a7c{1}\u00a76-n a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 parancsok vannak\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76.
powerToolListEmpty = \u00a74\u00a7c{0}\u00a74-hoz egy parancs sincs csatolva.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
powerToolNoSuchCommandAssigned = \u00a74A(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 parancs nincs be\u00e1ll\u00edtva \u00a7c{1}\u00a74-hoz/hez.
powerToolRemove = \u00a74A(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a74 parancs lelett szedve \u00a7c{1}\u00a74-r\u00f3l/r\u0151l.
powerToolRemoveAll = \u00a76\u00d6sszes parancs elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva \u00a7c{0}\u00a76-r\u00f3l/r\u0151l.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
powerToolsDisabled = \u00a76Az \u00f6sszes power tool-os eszk\u00f6z\u00f6d letiltva.
powerToolsEnabled = \u00a76Az \u00f6sszes power tool-os eszk\u00f6z\u00f6d enged\u00e9lyezve.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
questionFormat = \u00a72[K\u00e9rd\u00e9s]\u00a7r {0}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
readNextPage = \u00a76\u00cdrd be a\u00a7c /{0} {1} \u00a76 parancsot a k\u00f6vetkez\u00f5 oldal elolvas\u00e1s\u00e1hoz.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
recipe = \u00a76\u00a7c{0}\u00a76 receptje (\u00a7c{1}\u00a76 az \u00a7c{2}\u00a76-b\u00f3l/b\u0151l)
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
recipeBadIndex = Nincs recept ennyihez.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
recipeFurnace = \u00a76\u00c9gess\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a76-t.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
recipeGrid = \u00a7c{0}X \u00a76| \u00a7{1}X \u00a76| \u00a7{2}X
recipeGridItem = \u00a7c{0}X \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}
recipeMore = \u00a76\u00cdrd be a /{0} \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 <sz\u00e1m> parancsot, hogy t\u00f6bb receptet l\u00e1thass \u00a7c{2}\u00a76-hoz.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
recipeNone = {0}-nak/nek nincs receptje.
recipeNothing = semmi
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
recipeShapeless = \u00a76Egyes\u00edts \u00a7c{0}
recipeWhere = \u00a76Hol\: {0}
removed = \u00a76Elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva\u00a7c {0} \u00a76entit\u00e1s.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
repair = \u00a76Sikeresen megjav\u00edtottad a az al\u00e1bbi dolgaidat\: \u00a7c{0}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
repairAlreadyFixed = \u00a74Ezt a t\u00e1rgyat m\u00e9g nem kell jav\u00edtanod.
repairEnchanted = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy enchantolt t\u00e1rgyakat jav\u00edts.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
repairInvalidType = \u00a74Ez a t\u00e1rgy nem jav\u00edthat\u00f3.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
repairNone = \u00a74Nincs olyan eszk\u00f6z\u00f6d/felszerel\u00e9sed amit jav\u00edtani k\u00e9ne.
requestAccepted = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1si k\u00e9relem elfogadva.
requestAcceptedFrom = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76elfogadta a k\u00e9relmed.
requestDenied = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1si k\u00e9relem elutas\u00edtva.
requestDeniedFrom = \u00a7c{0} \u00a76elutas\u00edtotta a k\u00e9relmed.
requestSent = \u00a76K\u00e9r\u00e9s elk\u00fcldve\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-nak/nek.
2016-07-22 19:51:47 +00:00
requestSentAlready = \u00a74You have already sent {0}\u00a74 a teleport request.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
requestTimedOut = \u00a74Teleport k\u00e9relem kifutott az id\u00f5b\u00f5l.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
requiredBukkit = \u00a76* \! * You need atleast build {0} of CraftBukkit, download it from http\://dl.bukkit.org/downloads/craftbukkit/
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
resetBal = \u00a76Egyenleg vissza \u00e1ll\u00edtva \u00a7a{0}-ra/re \u00a76minden fentl\u00e9v\u0151 j\u00e1t\u00e9kosnak.
resetBalAll = \u00a76Egyenleg vissza\u00e1ll\u00edtva \u00a7a{0}\u00a76-ra/re az \u00f6sszes j\u00e1t\u00e9kosnak.
returnPlayerToJailError = \u00a74Hiba t\u00f6rt\u00e9nt amikor\u00a7c {0} \u00a74visszapr\u00f3b\u00e1lt t\u00e9rni a(z) \u00a7c{1}\u00a74 b\u00f6rt\u00f6nbe\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
runningPlayerMatch = \u00a76Running search for players matching ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a76'' (this could take a little while)
second = m\u00e1sodperc
seconds = m\u00e1sodperc
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
seenOffline = \u00a76A \u00a7c{0} \u00a76nev\u0171 j\u00e1t\u00e9kos \u00a74nem el\u00e9rhet\u0151 \u00a76ennyi ideje\: \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
seenOnline = \u00a76A \u00a7c{0} \u00a76nev\u0171 j\u00e1t\u00e9kos \u00a74el\u00e9rhet\u0151 \u00a76ennyi ideje\: \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
serverFull = A szerver tele van\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
serverTotal = \u00a76Szerver \u00f6sszesen\:\u00a7c {0}
setBal = \u00a7aEgyenleged be\u00e1ll\u00edtva {0}-ra.
setBalOthers = \u00a7aBe\u00e1ll\u00edtottad {0}\u00a7a egyenleg\u00e9t {1}-ra.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
setSpawner = \u00a76Spawner \u00faj tipusa\:\u00a7c {0}.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
sheepMalformedColor = \u00a74Malformed color.
shoutFormat = \u00a76[Ki\u00e1lt]\u00a7r {0}
signFormatFail = \u00a74[{0}]
signFormatSuccess = \u00a71[{0}]
signFormatTemplate = [{0}]
signProtectInvalidLocation = \u00a74You are not allowed to create sign here.
similarWarpExist = \u00a74A warp with a similar name already exists.
slimeMalformedSize = \u00a74Malformed size.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
socialSpy = \u00a76SocialSpy \u00a7c{0}\u00a76-nak/nek\: \u00a7c{1}
2016-07-22 23:30:49 +00:00
socialSpyPrefix = \u00a7f[\u00a76SS\u00a7f] \u00a7r
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
soloMob = \u00a74That mob likes to be alone.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
spawnSet = \u00a76Kezd\u00f5pont be\u00e1ll\u00edtva a \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 csoportnak.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
spawned = spawnolva
sudoExempt = \u00a74Nem k\u00e9nyszer\u00edtheted \u00f5t.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
sudoRun = \u00a76Forcing\u00a7c {0} \u00a76to run\:\u00a7r /{1}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
suicideMessage = \u00a76Viszl\u00e1t sz\u00e9p vil\u00e1g...
suicideSuccess = \u00a76{0} \u00a76feladta az \u00e9let\u00e9t.
survival = t\u00fal\u00e9l\u00f5
takenFromAccount = \u00a7a{0} lev\u00e9ve az egyenlegedr\u00f5l.
takenFromOthersAccount = \u00a7a{0} lev\u00e9ve {1}\u00a7a egyenleg\u00e9r\u00f5l. \u00daj egyenleg\: {2}.
teleportAAll = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1si k\u00e9relem mindenkinek elk\u00fcldve...
teleportAll = \u00a76\u00d6sszes j\u00e1t\u00e9kos teleport\u00e1l\u00e1sa...
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
teleportAtoB = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 elteleport\u00e1lt t\u00e9ged {1}\u00a76-hoz/hez.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
teleportDisabled = \u00a7c{0} \u00a74letiltotta, hogy r\u00e1 teleport\u00e1ljanak.
teleportHereRequest = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 szeretn\u00e9, hogy hozz\u00e1 teleport\u00e1lj.
teleportNewPlayerError = \u00a74Failed to teleport new player\!
teleportRequest = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 hozz\u00e1d szeretne teleport\u00e1lni.
2017-05-31 02:30:05 +00:00
teleportRequestAllCancelled = \u00a76All outstanding teleport requests cancelled.
teleportRequestSpecificCancelled = \u00a76Outstanding teleport request with {0} cancelled.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
teleportRequestTimeoutInfo = \u00a76\u00a7c{0} m\u00e1sodperced\u00a76 van, hogy ezt elfogadd.
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
teleportTop = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s a legmagasabb pontra.
teleportationCommencing = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s megkezd\u00e9se...
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
teleportationDisabled = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00a7cletiltva\u00a76.
teleportationDisabledFor = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00a7cletiltva \u00a7c{0} \u00a76sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra\u00a76.
teleportationEnabled = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00a7cenged\u00e9lyezve\u00a76.
teleportationEnabledFor = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00a7cenged\u00e9lyezve \u00a7c{0} \u00a76sz\u00e1m\u00e1ra\u00a76.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
teleporting = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s...
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
teleportToPlayer = \u00a76Teleport\u00e1l\u00e1s \u00a7c{0}\u00a76-hoz/hez.
tempBanned = \u00a7cYou have been temporarily banned for {0}\:\n\u00a7r{2}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
tempbanExempt = \u00a74Nem tempbannolhatod ezt a szem\u00e9lyt.
thunder = \u00a76You\u00a7c {0} \u00a76thunder in your world.
thunderDuration = \u00a76You\u00a7c {0} \u00a76thunder in your world for\u00a7c {1} \u00a76seconds.
timeBeforeHeal = \u00a74Time before next heal\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
timeBeforeTeleport = \u00a74Time before next teleport\:\u00a7c {0}\u00a76.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
timeFormat = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 vagy \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 vagy \u00a7c{2}\u00a76
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
timeSetPermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy \u00e1ll\u00edtsd az id\u00f5t.
timeWorldCurrent = \u00a76The current time in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76is \u00a7c{1}\u00a76.
timeWorldSet = \u00a76Id\u00f5 be\u00e1ll\u00edtva\u00a7c {0}\u00a76-re a \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 vil\u00e1gban.
totalWorthAll = \u00a7aSold all items and blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
totalWorthBlocks = \u00a7aSold all blocks for a total worth of \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a.
tps = \u00a76Jelenlegi TPS \= {0}
2014-03-09 17:23:38 +00:00
tradeSignEmpty = \u00a74A t\u00e1bla nem tud neked adni \u00e1rut.
tradeSignEmptyOwner = \u00a74A t\u00e1bl\u00e1b\u00f3l m\u00e9g nem v\u00e1s\u00e1rolt senki.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
treeFailure = \u00a74Tree generation failure. Try again on grass or dirt.
treeSpawned = \u00a76Fa spawnolva.
true = \u00a7aigaz\u00a7r
typeTpaccept = \u00a76Hogy elfogadd \u00edrd be \u00a7c/tpaccept\u00a76.
2017-05-31 02:30:05 +00:00
typeTpacancel = \u00a76To cancel this request, type \u00a7c/tpacancel\u00a76.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
typeTpdeny = \u00a76Hogy elutas\u00edtsd \u00edrd be \u00a7c/tpdeny\u00a76.
typeWorldName = \u00a76You can also type the name of a specific world.
unableToSpawnMob = \u00a74Unable to spawn mob.
unignorePlayer = \u00a76You are not ignoring player\u00a7c {0} \u00a76anymore.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
unknownItemId = \u00a74Ismeretlen t\u00e1rgy ID\:\u00a7r {0}\u00a74.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
unknownItemInList = \u00a74Unknown item {0} in {1} list.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
unknownItemName = \u00a74Ismeretlen t\u00e1rgy n\u00e9v\: {0}.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
unlimitedItemPermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod a v\u00e9gtelens\u00e9gre a k\u00f6vetkez\u0151 t\u00e1rgyn\u00e1l\: \u00a7c{0}\u00a74.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
unlimitedItems = \u00a76V\u00e9gtelen t\u00e1rgyak\:\u00a7r
unmutedPlayer = \u00a7c {0}\u00a76-r\u00f3l fellett oldva a n\u00e9m\u00edt\u00e1s.
unvanishedReload = \u00a74A reload k\u00f6vetkezt\u00e9ben mindenki l\u00e1tni fog.
upgradingFilesError = Error while upgrading the files.
uptime = \u00a76M\u00fbk\u00f6d\u00e9si id\u00f5\:\u00a7c {0}
userAFK = \u00a75{0} \u00a75most AFK \u00e9s nem bisztos hogy fog v\u00e1laszolni.
2016-06-18 16:54:21 +00:00
userAFKWithMessage = \u00a75{0} \u00a75most AFK \u00e9s nem bisztos hogy fog v\u00e1laszolni. {1}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
userDoesNotExist = \u00a74The user\u00a7c {0} \u00a74does not exist.
userIsAway = \u00a77* \u00a75{0}\u00a77 elment a g\u00e9pt\u0151l...
2016-06-18 16:54:21 +00:00
userIsAwayWithMessage = \u00a77* \u00a75{0}\u00a77 elment a g\u00e9pt\u0151l...
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
userIsNotAway = \u00a77* \u00a75{0} \u00a77visszaj\u00f6tt...
userJailed = \u00a76Beb\u00f6rt\u00f6n\u00f6ztek\!
userUnknown = \u00a74Figyelem\: ''\u00a7c{0}\u00a74'' m\u00e9g sose j\u00e1rt a szerveren.
userdataMoveBackError = Failed to move userdata/{0}.tmp to userdata/{1}\!
userdataMoveError = Failed to move userdata/{0} to userdata/{1}.tmp\!
usingTempFolderForTesting = Using temp folder for testing\:
vanished = \u00a76Sikeresen elt\u00fcnt\u00e9l a norm\u00e1lis j\u00e1t\u00e9kosok el\u00f5l \u00e9s a j\u00e1t\u00e9kbeli parancsokb\u00f3l.
versionMismatch = \u00a74Version mismatch\! Please update {0} to the same version.
versionMismatchAll = \u00a74Version mismatch\! Please update all Essentials jars to the same version.
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
voiceSilenced = \u00a76El vagy n\u00e9m\u00edtva\!
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
walking = s\u00e9ta
warpDeleteError = \u00a74Problem deleting the warp file.
warpList = {0}
warpListPermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod, hogy ki list\u00e1zd a Warpokat.
warpNotExist = \u00a74Nincs ilyen warp.
warpOverwrite = \u00a74You cannot overwrite that warp.
warpSet = \u00a76Warp\u00a7c {0} \u00a76be\u00e1ll\u00edtva.
warpUsePermission = \u00a74Nincs jogod oda Warpolni.
warpingTo = \u00a76Warpol\u00e1s a(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 helyre.
warps = \u00a76Teleportok\:\u00a7r {0}
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
warpsCount = \u00a76Van\u00a7c {0} \u00a76warp. Ez az \u00a7c{1}.\u00a76 oldal a \u00a7c{2}\u00a76-b\u00f3l/b\u0151l.
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
weatherStorm = \u00a76Be\u00e1ll\u00edtottad az id\u00f5t \u00a7ces\u00f5sre\u00a76 a(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 vil\u00e1gban.
weatherStormFor = \u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7cstorm\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1} seconds.
weatherSun = \u00a76Be\u00e1ll\u00edtottad az id\u00f5t \u00a7cnaposra\u00a76 a(z)\u00a7c {0}\u00a76 vil\u00e1gban.
weatherSunFor = \u00a76You set the weather to \u00a7csun\u00a76 in\u00a7c {0} \u00a76for {1} seconds.
whoisAFK = \u00a76 - AFK\:\u00a7r {0}
2016-07-26 00:36:29 +00:00
whoisAFKSince = \u00a76 - AFK\:\u00a7r {0} (Since {1})
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
whoisBanned = \u00a76 - Bannolva\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisExp = \u00a76 - Exp\:\u00a7r {0} (Level {1})
whoisFly = \u00a76 - Rep\u00fcl\u00e9s\:\u00a7r {0} ({1})
whoisGamemode = \u00a76 - J\u00e1t\u00e9km\u00f3d\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGeoLocation = \u00a76 - Helyezked\u00e9s\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisGod = \u00a76 - Isten m\u00f3d\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisHealth = \u00a76 - \u00c9let\:\u00a7r {0}/20
whoisIPAddress = \u00a76 - IP C\u00edm\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisJail = \u00a76 - B\u00f6rt\u00f6n\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisLocation = \u00a76 - Helye\:\u00a7r ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3})
whoisMoney = \u00a76 - P\u00e9nz\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisMuted = \u00a76 - N\u00e9m\u00edtva\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisNick = \u00a76 - Nick\:\u00a7r {0}
whoisOp = \u00a76 - OP\:\u00a7r {0}
2017-06-03 08:31:53 +00:00
whoisPlaytime = \u00a76 - Playtime\:\u00a7r {0}
2013-10-28 00:21:41 +00:00
whoisTop = \u00a76 \=\=\=\=\=\= KiIs\u00d6\:\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\=\=\=\=\=\=
worth = \u00a7aStack of {0} worth \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a ({2} item(s) at {3} each)
worthMeta = \u00a7aStack of {0} with metadata of {1} worth \u00a7c{2}\u00a7a ({3} item(s) at {4} each)
worthSet = \u00a76\u00c1r be\u00e1ll\u00edtva
year = \u00e9v
years = \u00e9v
youAreHealed = \u00a76\u00c9leted felt\u00f6ltve.
youHaveNewMail = \u00a76Van\u00a7c {0} \u00a76\u00fczeneted\! \u00cdrd be a \u00a7c/mail read\u00a76 parancsot, hogy elolvasd \u00f5ket.
whoisHunger = \u00a76 - \u00c9hs\u00e9g\:\u00a7r {0}/20 (+{1} saturation)
kitDelay = \u00a7m{0}\u00a7r
giveSpawnFailure = \u00a74Not enough space, \u00a7c{0} \u00a7c{1} \u00a74was lost.
noKitGroup = \u00a74Nincs jogod ehhez a csomaghoz.
inventoryClearingFromAll = \u00a76\u00d6sszes ember eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1r\u00e1nak \u00fcr\u00edt\u00e9se...
inventoryClearingAllItems = \u00a76Az \u00f6sszes dolog t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lett {0} \u00a76eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1r\u00e1b\u00f3l.
inventoryClearingAllArmor = \u00a76Az \u00f6sszes cucc \u00e9s felszerel\u00e9s t\u00f6r\u00f6lve lett {0}\u00a76 eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1r\u00e1b\u00f3l.
inventoryClearingAllStack = \u00a76T\u00f6r\u00f6lve minden \u00a7c{0} {1}\u00a76 eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1r\u00e1b\u00f3l.
inventoryClearingStack = \u00a76Elt\u00e1vol\u00edtva \u00a7c{0} \u00a76db \u00a7c{1} \u00a76{2}\u00a76 eszk\u00f6zt\u00e1r\u00e1b\u00f3l.
inventoryClearFail = \u00a74{0}-nak/nek nincs \u00a7c{1} \u00a74db \u00a7c{2}\u00a74-ja/je.
localNoOne =
totalSellableAll = \u00a7aAz \u00f6sszes eladhat\u00f3 dolgod\u00e9rt \u00e9s blockjaid\u00e9rt \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a-t kapsz.
totalSellableBlocks = \u00a7aAz \u00f6sszes eladhat\u00f3 blockjaid\u00e9rt \u00a7c{1}\u00a7a-t kapsz.
radiusTooBig = \u00a74Ez a sug\u00e1r t\u00fal nagy\! A maximum\: {0}.
isIpBanned = \u00a76IP \u00a7c{0} \u00a76m\u00e1r ki van bannolva.
mobDataList = \u00a76\u00c9rv\u00e9nyes adatok\:\u00a7r {0}
vanish = \u00a76L\u00e1thatatlans\u00e1g {0}\u00a76-nak/nek\: {1}
noLocationFound = \u00a74Nincs ilyen \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes hely.
coordsKeyword = {0}, {1}, {2}
2013-12-02 03:04:50 +00:00
banExemptOffline = \u00a74Nem bannolhatsz Offline j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
tempbanExemptOffline = \u00a74Nem tempbannolhatsz Offline j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
mayNotJailOffline = \u00a74Nem b\u00f6rt\u00f6n\u00f6zhetsz be Offline j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
muteExemptOffline = \u00a74Nem n\u00e9m\u00edthatsz le Offline j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
ignoreExempt = \u00a74Nem hagyhatod figyelmen k\u00edv\u0171l ezt a j\u00e1t\u00e9kost.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
unsafeTeleportDestination = \u00a74Ahova teleport\u00e1lni szeretn\u00e9l nem biztons\u00e1gos \u00e9s a bisztons\u00e1gos teleport kikapcsolva.
noMetaJson = JSON Metadata nem t\u00e1mogatott a Bukkit ezen verzi\u00f3j\u00e1ban.
maxMoney = \u00a74Ez a tranzakci\u00f3 meghaladja a be\u00e1ll\u00edtott maxim\u00e1lis tranzakci\u00f3 hat\u00e1r\u00e9rt\u00e9k\u00e9t.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
skullChanged = \u00a76Fej megv\u00e1ltoztatva \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 fej\u00e9re.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
alphaNames = \u00a74A j\u00e1t\u00e9kosok nevei csak bet\u0171ket, sz\u00e1mokat \u00e9s al\u00e1h\u00faz\u00e1st tartalmazhat.
givenSkull = \u00a76Megkaptad \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 fej\u00e9t.
noPermissionSkull = \u00a74Nincs jogod megv\u00e1ltoztatni ezt a fejet.
teleportInvalidLocation = A koordin\u00e1t\u00e1k \u00e9rt\u00e9ke nem lehet t\u00f6bb 30000000-n\u00e9l
invalidSkull = \u00a74K\u00e9rlek j\u00e1t\u00e9kos fejet tarts a kezedben.
weatherInvalidWorld = A vil\u00e1g {0} nem tal\u00e1lhat\u00f3\!
gameModeInvalid = \u00a74Meg kell adnod egy \u00e9rv\u00e9nyes j\u00e1t\u00e9kost/m\u00f3dot.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
mailTooLong = \u00a74Az \u00fczeneted t\u00fal hossz\u00fa. Pr\u00f3b\u00e1ld 1000 karakter alatt.
2014-05-10 15:11:03 +00:00
mailDelay = T\u00fal sok lev\u00e9l lett elk\u00fcldve az utols\u00f3 percben. Maximum\: {0}
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
seenAccounts = \u00a76J\u00e1t\u00e9kos ismerhet\u0151\u00a7c {0} \u00a76n\u00e9ven is
unableToSpawnItem = \u00a74Nem lehetett lespawnolni \u00a7c{0}\u00a74-t, mert ez nem spawnolhat\u00f3 t\u00e1rgy.
2014-05-16 19:30:26 +00:00
itemsConverted = \u00a76Converted all items into blocks.
itemsNotConverted = \u00a74You have no items that can be converted into blocks.
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
mailSentTo = \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 has been sent the following mail\:
2014-06-04 23:07:27 +00:00
mailMessage = {0}
2014-07-12 21:12:51 +00:00
2014-07-14 20:23:56 +00:00
whoisTempBanned = \u00a76 - Ban expires:\u00a7r {0}
playerTempBanned = \u00a76Player \u00a7c{0}\u00a76 temporarily banned \u00a7c{1}\u00a76 for \u00a7c{2}\u00a76: \u00a7c{3}\u00a76.
2014-08-11 17:40:24 +00:00
mailFormat = \u00a76[\u00a7r{0}\u00a76] \u00a7r{1}
2015-04-20 15:56:45 +00:00
cantGamemode = \u00a74You do not have permission to change to gamemode {0}
2016-07-13 22:25:20 +00:00
createdKit = \u00a76Created kit \u00a7c{0} \u00a76with \u00a7c{1} \u00a76entries and delay \u00a7c{2}
2015-04-20 19:33:36 +00:00
spectator = spectator
kitContains = \u00a76Kit \u00a7c{0} \u00a76contains:
2015-04-20 23:04:09 +00:00
kitItem = \u00a76- \u00a7f{0}
2016-06-18 16:54:21 +00:00
invalidBanner = \u00a74Invalid banner syntax.
2016-06-28 02:40:47 +00:00
commandCooldown = \u00a7cYou cannot type that command for {0}.
2016-07-13 21:36:04 +00:00
createKitFailed = \u00a74Error occurred whilst creating kit {0}.
createKitSeparator = \u00a7m-----------------------
createKitSuccess = \u00a76Created Kit: \u00a7f{0}\n\u00a76Delay: \u00a7f{1}\n\u00a76Link: \u00a7f{2}\n\u00a76Copy contents in the link above into your config.yml.
2017-07-15 17:38:09 +00:00
whoisUuid = \u00a76 - UUID\:\u00a7r {0}