#This is the main configuration file for Capatchafy 1.0, a plugin by James Depp. #Authorized-IPs are located in ips.yml. If you want to wipe them, delete ips.yml, WHILE THE SERVER IS STOPPED. It will reverse your actions if the server is alive. #If you would like Capatchafy to be enabled all the time, you can specify that here. always-on: false #This is the default security level. This value should be an integer between 1 and 3. #Any security level can be selected with the /capatchafy command. #1 - Friendly. One time verification, ips will be stored in config. #2 - Moderate (Recommended). You must verify each time the server restarts/reloads. #3 - Strict. You must verify each time you join. security-level: 2 #Hostname - The ip that you want Capatchafy to listen on goes here. #You don't HAVE to change this, but leaving it will cause problems when a player tries to find the link to the capatcha. hostname: #Port - The port that you want Capatchafy to run on goes here. #Use port 80 if you don't want your players to have to type a port in the address bar. On some machines, port 80 may already be in use. #If you're not sure about which port to use, just pick a random one. If you're running a VPS, be sure to open the port in the firewall. port: 8080 #Whitelisted IPs - IPs that will never have to go through the capatcha verification process. whitelisted-ips: - #This is the tricky part. You will need to obtain api keys for reCapatcha. #To obtain a reCapatcha key, click on https://www.google.com/recaptcha/intro/index.html and click "Get Started." #Enter in a name for your 'site', it can be anything. Then, give the hostname you put here as the url to your capatcha. #Your site key goes in the 'recapatcha-key' section, your secret key (which you should never give out) goes in the 'recapatcha-secret' section. recapatcha-key: recapatcha-secret: