# PlayerParticles A Spigot particles plugin with more customizability than any other. Create particles around players or blocks with any particle effect in the game with a plethora of skillfully crafted styles. ### Wiki For information about how to use the plugin or API within the plugin, please refer to the [Wiki](https://github.com/Esophose/PlayerParticles/wiki) ### Server Compatibility This plugin is compatible with [Spigot](https://www.spigotmc.org/) and any forks, I recommend using [Paper](https://papermc.io/). Using CraftBukkit will not work. The versions of Minecraft that are currently supported are `1.16.2-1.7.10`. ### Compilation PlayerParticles uses Gradle to compile and build the plugin. Run `./gradlew build` in the project's root directory to build the jar. The plugin jar will be located in `./build/libs` when finished.