🎆 Commenting

Add comments to all methods and variables to explain what the heck is
going on
This commit is contained in:
Esophose 2016-05-11 19:45:33 -06:00
parent 3a730281f9
commit 98c964fd58
8 changed files with 303 additions and 60 deletions

View file

@ -10,37 +10,53 @@ package com.esophose.playerparticles;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.Statement;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Scanner;
import org.bukkit.configuration.InvalidConfigurationException;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.FileConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.configuration.file.YamlConfiguration;
import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
import org.bukkit.plugin.java.JavaPlugin;
import com.esophose.playerparticles.libraries.particles.ParticleEffect.ParticleType;
public class ConfigManager {
* The instance of the ConfigManager used for effect data
private static ConfigManager instance = new ConfigManager("effectData");
* The instance of the ConfigManager used for style data
private static ConfigManager styleInstance = new ConfigManager("styleData");
* The file the data is located in for the instance
private File file;
* The configuration used to edit the .yaml file
private FileConfiguration config;
* @return The instance of the config for effects
public static ConfigManager getInstance() {
return instance;
* @return The instance of the config for styles
public static ConfigManager getStyleInstance() {
return styleInstance;
* @param fileName Will either be "effectData" or "styleData"
private ConfigManager(String fileName) {
if (!PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getDataFolder().exists()) PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getDataFolder().mkdir();
@ -54,6 +70,10 @@ public class ConfigManager {
config = YamlConfiguration.loadConfiguration(file);
* Removes any data contained within the current config instance
* Never used
public void flushData() {
for(String key : config.getKeys(false)) {
config.set(key, null);
@ -62,6 +82,10 @@ public class ConfigManager {
catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}
* Removes all the player, effect, and style data from the connected database
* Never used
public static void flushDatabase() {
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -74,6 +98,13 @@ public class ConfigManager {
* Saves the particle effect to the player's name in either the database or config
* Should only be called from the effectData instance
* @param type The type of the particle
* @param player The player to save the particle to
public void setParticle(ParticleType type, Player player){
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -90,6 +121,12 @@ public class ConfigManager {
* Removes the particle effect from the player's name in either the database or config
* Should only be called from the effectData instance
* @param player The player to clear the particle effect from
public void resetParticle(Player player){
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -106,6 +143,12 @@ public class ConfigManager {
* Gets the particle effect saved in either the database or config for the player
* @param player The player to get the particle effect data for
* @return The particle effect for the player
public ParticleType getParticle(Player player){
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -124,6 +167,13 @@ public class ConfigManager {
return null;
* Saves the style effect to the player's name in either the database or config
* Should only be called from the effectData instance
* @param style The style to save for the player
* @param player The player to save the style to
public void setStyle(ParticleStyle style, Player player) {
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -140,6 +190,12 @@ public class ConfigManager {
* Removes the particle effect from the player's name in either the database or config
* Should only be called from the effectData instance
* @param player The player to reset the style for
public void resetStyle(Player player) {
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -156,6 +212,12 @@ public class ConfigManager {
* Gets the particle effect saved in either the database or config for the player
* @param player The player to get the particle style for
* @return The particle style for the player
public ParticleStyle getStyle(Player player) {
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
Statement statement;
@ -174,6 +236,12 @@ public class ConfigManager {
return ParticleStyle.NONE;
* Checks if a world is disabled for particles to spawn in
* @param world The world name to check
* @return True if the world is disabled
public boolean isWorldDisabled(String world) {
if(PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getConfig().get("disabled-worlds") != null && ((ArrayList<String>) PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getConfig().get("disabled-worlds")).contains(world)) {
@ -181,6 +249,11 @@ public class ConfigManager {
}else return false;
* Gets all the worlds that are disabled
* @return All world names that are disabled
public ArrayList<String> getDisabledWorlds() {
if(PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getConfig().get("disabled-worlds") != null) {
@ -188,51 +261,4 @@ public class ConfigManager {
}else return null;
public void updateConfig(JavaPlugin plugin) {
HashMap<String, Object> newConfig = getConfigVals();
FileConfiguration c = plugin.getConfig();
for (String var : c.getKeys(false)) {
if (newConfig.size() != 0) {
for (String key : newConfig.keySet()) {
c.set(key, newConfig.get(key));
try {
c.set("version", getVersion());
c.save(new File(plugin.getDataFolder(), "config.yml"));
} catch (IOException e) {}
public HashMap<String, Object> getConfigVals() {
HashMap<String, Object> var = new HashMap<>();
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
try {
} catch (InvalidConfigurationException e) {}
for (String key : config.getKeys(false)) {
var.put(key, config.get(key));
return var;
public double getVersion() {
double version = -1;
try {
YamlConfiguration config = new YamlConfiguration();
version = config.getDouble("version");
}catch(InvalidConfigurationException e) { }
return version;
public String stringFromInputStream(InputStream in) {
Scanner scanner = new Scanner(in);
String string = scanner.useDelimiter("\\A").next();
return string;

View file

@ -13,10 +13,22 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class MessageManager {
* The instance of the MessageManager, we only need one of these
private static MessageManager instance = new MessageManager();
* Values contained in the config used for custom messages
private boolean messagesEnabled, prefix;
* The prefix to place before all sent messages contained in the config
private String messagePrefix;
* Sets up all the above variables with values from the plugin config
private MessageManager() {
messagesEnabled = PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getConfig().getBoolean("messages-enabled");
prefix = PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getConfig().getBoolean("use-message-prefix");
@ -24,10 +36,22 @@ public class MessageManager {
messagePrefix = messagePrefix.replace("&", "§");
* Gets the instance of the MessageManager
* @return The instance of the MessageManager
public static MessageManager getInstance() {
return instance;
* Sends a message to a player
* @param player The player to send the message to
* @param message The message to send to the player
* @param color The chat color to put before the message
public void sendMessage(Player player, String message, ChatColor color) {
if(!messagesEnabled) return;

View file

@ -17,7 +17,15 @@ import org.bukkit.entity.Player;
public class ParticleCommandCompleter implements TabCompleter {
* Activated when a user pushes tab in chat prefixed with /pp
* @param sender The sender that hit tab, should always be a player
* @param cmd The command the player is executing
* @param alias The possible alias for the command
* @param args All arguments following the command
* @return A list of commands available to the sender
public List<String> onTabComplete(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String alias, String[] args) {
if(cmd.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("pp")) {
if(args.length == 1) {

View file

@ -28,16 +28,43 @@ import com.esophose.playerparticles.libraries.particles.ParticleEffect.ParticleT
public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* The map containing all the effects for players
private static HashMap<String, ParticleType> map = new HashMap<String, ParticleType>();
* The map containing all the styles for players
private static HashMap<String, ParticleStyle> styleMap = new HashMap<String, ParticleStyle>();
* The timing system used for the styles HALO and SPIRAL
private double step = 0;
* The timing system used for the styles QUAD_HELIX and ORB
private double helixStep = 0;
private double helixYStep = 0;
private boolean reverse = false;
* Used to check for the database timing out
private double mysqltimer = 0;
* First checks if the player is in the database (if it is enabled), if they are not then add them to the database
* Checks to see if that player has any effects or styles saved in either the database or config
* If so add the values to the map and/or styleMap
* Problematically clears the map and style map every time a player joins and refills the values
* Why does it do this?
* Figure out why or remove updateMap() and updateStyleMap()
* @param e The event
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e){
if(PlayerParticles.useMySQL) {
@ -50,7 +77,7 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
if(!res.next()) {
statement = PlayerParticles.c.createStatement();
statement.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO playerparticles SET player_name = '" + e.getPlayer().getName() + "', particle = NULL, style = 'none';");
System.out.println("New player added to PlayerParticles database: " + e.getPlayer().getName());
PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] New player added to database: " + e.getPlayer().getName());
} catch (SQLException e2) {
@ -67,6 +94,12 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* Removes the player from the map and styleMap if they have any values in them
* Prevents spawning particles at a null location
* @param e The event
public void onPlayerQuit(PlayerQuitEvent e){
@ -77,6 +110,11 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* A somewhat costly solution to updating the MOVE style and displaying the appropriate particles
* @param e The event
public void onPlayerMove(PlayerMoveEvent e) {
if(map.containsKey(e.getPlayer().getName()) && styleMap.get(e.getPlayer().getName()) == ParticleStyle.MOVE) {
@ -88,15 +126,30 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* Adds the player with the given effect to the map
* @param player The player to add the effect to
* @param effect The effect
public static void addMap(Player player, ParticleType effect){
map.put(player.getName(), effect);
* Removes the player from the map
* @param player The player to remove
public static void removeMap(Player player){
* Clears the map then adds everybody on the server if they have effects saved
* Used for when the server reloads and we can't rely on players rejoining
public static void updateMap(){
for(Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
@ -105,15 +158,30 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* Adds the player with the given style to the styleMap
* @param player The player to add the style to
* @param style The style
public static void addStyleMap(Player player, ParticleStyle style) {
styleMap.put(player.getName(), style);
* Removes the player from the styleMap
* @param player The player to remove
public static void removeStyleMap(Player player){
* Clears the styleMap then adds everybody on the server if they have effects saved
* Used for when the server reloads and we can't rely on the players rejoining
public static void updateStyleMap(){
for(Player player : Bukkit.getOnlinePlayers()){
@ -121,14 +189,25 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
public static ParticleType particleFromString(String particle){
* Gets a particle type from a string, used for getting ParticleType's from the saved data
* @param particle The name of the particle to check for
* @return The ParticleType with the given name, will be null if name was not found
public static ParticleType particleFromString(String particle) {
for(ParticleType effect : ParticleType.values()){
if(effect.toString().toLowerCase().replace("_", "").equals(particle)) return effect;
return null;
* The main loop to display all the particles
* Updates all the timing variables
* Refreshes the database connection if it is enabled and it has been 30 seconds since last refresh
* Displays the particles for all players on the server
public void run() {
if(step > 30) {
@ -152,7 +231,7 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
if(PlayerParticles.c != null && PlayerParticles.c.isClosed()) {
PlayerParticles.c = PlayerParticles.mySQL.openConnection();
if(PlayerParticles.c.isClosed()) {
System.out.println("[PlayerParticles] Cannot connect to database! Is the database available and is your connection information correct?");
PlayerParticles.getPlugin().getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] Cannot connect to database! Is the database available and is your connection information correct?");
} catch (SQLException | ClassNotFoundException e) {
@ -172,6 +251,14 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* Displays particles at the given player location with the effect and style given
* Checks all the effects and styles to make sure we display what is requested
* @param effect The effect to display
* @param style The style to display
* @param location The location to display at
private void displayParticle(ParticleType effect, ParticleStyle style, Location location){
if(style == null || style == ParticleStyle.NONE) {
handleStyleNone(effect, location);
@ -246,6 +333,13 @@ public class ParticleCreator extends BukkitRunnable implements Listener {
* Displays particles at the given location with the default spread out style, NONE
* Only check against every type to make sure they look nice, it isn't completely required
* @param effect The effect to display as
* @param location The locatio to display at
public void handleStyleNone(ParticleType effect, Location location) {
if(effect == null || location == null) return;

View file

@ -19,6 +19,12 @@ public enum ParticleStyle {
* Gets the ParticleStyle with the name given, returns null if not found
* @param particle The string of the style to search for
* @return The ParticleStyle with the name requested
public static ParticleStyle styleFromString(String particle){
for(ParticleStyle style : ParticleStyle.values()){
if(style.toString().toLowerCase().replace("_", "").equals(particle)) return style;

View file

@ -17,6 +17,13 @@ import com.esophose.playerparticles.libraries.particles.ParticleEffect.ParticleT
public class PermissionHandler {
* Checks if a player has permission to use an effect
* @param player The player to check the permission for
* @param effect The effect to check
* @return True if the player has permission to use the effect
public static boolean hasPermission(Player player, ParticleType effect) {
if(player.hasPermission("playerparticles.*") || player.hasPermission("playerparticles.particles.*")) return true;
if(effect.equals(ParticleType.RED_DUST) && player.hasPermission("playerparticles.reddust")) {
@ -33,12 +40,25 @@ public class PermissionHandler {
return false;
* Checks if a player has permission to use a style
* @param player The player to check the permission for
* @param effect The style to check
* @return True if the player has permission to use the style
public static boolean hasStylePermission(Player player, ParticleStyle style) {
if(player.hasPermission("playerparticles.*") || player.hasPermission("playerparticles.styles.*") || style == ParticleStyle.NONE) return true;
if(player.hasPermission("playerparticles.style." + style.toString().toLowerCase().replace("_", ""))) return true;
return false;
* Gets a List<String> of all effect names a player has permission for
* @param p The player to get names for
* @return A List<String> of all effect names the given player has permission for
public static List<String> getParticlesUserHasPermissionFor(Player p) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
if(p.hasPermission("playerparticles.*") || p.hasPermission("playerparticles.particles.*")) {
@ -53,6 +73,12 @@ public class PermissionHandler {
return list;
* Gets a List<String> of all style names a player has permission for
* @param p The player to get names for
* @return A List<String> of all style names the given player has permission for
public static List<String> getStylesUserHasPermissionFor(Player p) {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
if(p.hasPermission("playerparticles.*") || p.hasPermission("playerparticles.styles.*")) {

View file

@ -31,13 +31,31 @@ import com.esophose.playerparticles.updater.Updater;
public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
* The version a new update has, will be null if the config has it disabled or if there is no new version
public static String updateVersion = null;
* The MySQL connection
public static MySQL mySQL = null;
public static Connection c = null;
* Whether or not to use MySQL as determined in the config
public static boolean useMySQL = false;
* Saves the default config if it doesn't exist
* Registers the tab completer and the event listeners
* Checks if the config needs to be updated to the new version
* Makes sure the database is accessable
* Updates the map and styleMap @see ParticleCreator
* Starts the particle spawning task
* Checks for any updates if checking is enabled in the config
public void onEnable(){
getCommand("pp").setTabCompleter(new ParticleCommandCompleter());
@ -48,7 +66,7 @@ public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
getLogger().warning("config.yml has been updated!");
getLogger().warning("[PlayerParticles] config.yml has been updated!");
@ -57,22 +75,41 @@ public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
// Check for an update
if(shouldCheckUpdates()) {
getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] Checking for an update...");
Updater updater = new Updater(this, 82823, this.getFile(), Updater.UpdateType.NO_DOWNLOAD, false);
if(Double.parseDouble(updater.getLatestName().replaceAll("PlayerParticles v", "")) > Double.parseDouble(getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion())) {
updateVersion = updater.getLatestName().replaceAll("PlayerParticles v", "");
getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] An update (v" + updateVersion + ") is available! You are running v" + getPlugin().getDescription().getVersion());
} else {
getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] No update was found");
* Gets the instance of the plugin running on the server
* @return The PlayerParticles plugin instance
public static Plugin getPlugin(){
return Bukkit.getPluginManager().getPlugin("PlayerParticles");
* Checks the config if the plugin can look for updates
* @return True if check-updates is set to true in the config
public boolean shouldCheckUpdates() {
return getConfig().getBoolean("check-updates");
* Checks if database-enable is true in the config, if it is then continue
* Gets the database connection information from the config and tries to connect to the server
* Creates a new table if it doesn't exist called playerparticles
* Sets useMySQL to true if it connects successfully, and false if it fails or isn't enabled
private void checkDatabase() {
if(getConfig().getBoolean("database-enable")) {
String hostname = getConfig().getString("database-hostname");
@ -88,7 +125,7 @@ public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
useMySQL = true;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | SQLException e) {
getLogger().info("Failed to connect to MySQL Database! Check to see if your config is correct!");
getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] Failed to connect to MySQL Database! Check to see if your config is correct!");
useMySQL = false;
@ -97,6 +134,10 @@ public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
getLogger().info("[PlayerParticles] Using mySQL for data storage: " + useMySQL);
* Starts the task reponsible for spawning particles
* Starts two with 1 tick delay if ticks-per-particle is set to 0.5
private void startTasks() {
double ticks = getConfig().getDouble("ticks-per-particle");
if(ticks == 0.5){
@ -106,8 +147,21 @@ public class PlayerParticles extends JavaPlugin {
new ParticleCreator().runTaskTimer(this, 20, (long) ticks);
* Called when a player does a command and continues if the command is /pp
* Executes all the commands and methods
* Does some sorcery
* Needs to be rewritten as a separate CommandManager
* @param sender Who executed the command
* @param cmd The command
* @param label The command label
* @param args The arguments following the command
* @return True if everything went as planned (should always be true)
public boolean onCommand(CommandSender sender, Command cmd, String label, String[] args) {
if(!(sender instanceof Player)) return true;
Player p = (Player) sender;
if(args.length == 1 && args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("worlds")) {
String worlds = "";

View file

@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ import com.esophose.playerparticles.PlayerParticles;
public class PluginUpdateListener implements Listener {
* Called when a player joins and notifies ops if an update is available
* @param e The event
public void onPlayerJoin(PlayerJoinEvent e) {
if(e.getPlayer().isOp()) {