mirror of
synced 2025-02-11 03:29:53 +00:00
Lang file comments
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 362 additions and 201 deletions
@ -192,10 +192,12 @@ public class CommentedFileConfigurationHelper {
forceCompact = true;
if (!compactLines && !forceCompact && ((lastLineSpacing != -1 && lineSpacing != lastLineSpacing)
if (!compactLines && !forceCompact && (
(lastLineSpacing != -1 && lineSpacing != lastLineSpacing)
|| (commentSpacing != -1 && commentSpacing < lastCommentSpacing)
|| (lastLineHadContent && lineHadContent)
|| (lineWasComment && lastLineHadContent))) {
|| (lineWasComment && lastLineHadContent))
&& !(lastLineHadContent && !lineWasComment)) {
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// Command Errors
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&cYou must have access to effects to use this command!");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&cUnknown command, use &b/pp help &cfor a list of commands.");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "&eThe following commands are available:");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "Display the plugin version and author");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "Find out what worlds particles are disabled in");
// Sub-Command Usage
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create <<x> <y> <z>|<looking>> <effect> <style> [data] - Creates a new fixed effect");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <effect|style|data> <args> - Edit part of a fixed effect by its ID");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - Removes a fixed effect by its ID");
@ -63,31 +61,29 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <name> - List all particle groups you have saved");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <name> - List the particles saved in the group");
// Command ID Lookup
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&cThe ID you entered is invalid, it must be a positive whole number!");
this.put("id-unknown", "&cYou do not have a particle applied with the ID &b%id%&c!");
// Other Command
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to execute PlayerParticles commands for other players!");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&cYou are missing some arguments. &b/ppo <player> <command>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&cThe player &b%player% &cwas not found. They must be online.");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&cThe command &b/pp %cmd% &cdoes not exist.");
this.put("other-success", "&eExecuted /pp command for &b%player%&e. Output:");
// Add Command
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "&cUnable to apply particle, you have reached the maximum amount of &b%amount% &callowed!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&aA new particle has been applied with the effect &b%effect%&a, style &b%style%&a, and data &b%data%&a!");
// Data Command
this.put("data-no-args", "&cMissing argument for effect! Command usage: &b/pp data <effect>");
// Edit Command
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "&cAn invalid property &b%prop% &cwas provided. Valid properties: &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, &bdata");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aYour particle with an ID of &b%id% &ahas had its effect changed to &b%effect%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aYour particle with an ID of &b%id% &ahas had its style changed to &b%style%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aYour particle with an ID of &b%id% &ahas had its data changed to &b%data%&a!");
// Group Command
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&cA saved group or preset group does not exist with the name &b%name%&c!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&cYou are missing permission for an effect or style to use the group &b%group%&c!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&cYou are missing permission for an effect or style to use the preset group &b%group%&c!");
@ -106,11 +102,11 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&eYou have the following groups saved: &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&eThe following preset groups are available: &b%info%");
// Reload Command
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&aThe plugin has been reloaded!");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to reload the plugin settings!");
// Remove Command
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&cYou did not specify an ID to remove! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&aYour particle with the ID &b%id% &ahas been removed!");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&aRemoved &b%amount% &aof your particles with the effect of &b%effect%&a!");
@ -119,34 +115,32 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&cYou do not have any particles applied with the style &b%style%&c!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&cAn effect or style with the name of &b%name% &cdoes not exist!");
// List Command
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&eYou do not have any active particles!");
this.put("list-you-have", "&eYou have the following particles applied:");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &eEffect: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eData: &b%data%");
// Toggle Command
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&eParticles have been toggled &aON&e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&eParticles have been toggled &cOFF&e!");
// Rainbow
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&cR&6a&ei&an&bb&9o&dw");
// Random
this.put("random", "Random");
// Effects
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to use the effect &b%effect%&c!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&cThe effect &b%effect% &cdoes not exist! Use &b/pp effects &cfor a list of effects you can use.");
this.put("effect-list", "&eYou can use the following effects: &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&cYou do not have permission to use any effects!");
// Styles
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to use the style &b%style%&c!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&eNote: The style &b%style% &espawns particles based on an event.");
this.put("style-invalid", "&cThe style &b%style% &cdoes not exist! Use &b/pp styles &cfor a list of styles you can use.");
this.put("style-list", "&eYou can use the following styles: &b%styles%");
// Data
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&eThe effect &b%effect% &edoes not use any data!");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&eThe effect &b%effect% &erequires &bblock &edata! &bFormat: <blockName>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&eThe effect &b%effect% &erequires &bitem &edata! &bFormat: <itemName>");
@ -161,14 +155,14 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&cThe &bitem &cmaterial &b%material% you entered does not exist!");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&cThe &bblock &cmaterial &b%material% you entered does not exist!");
// Worlds
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&eParticles are disabled in these worlds: &b%worlds%");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&eParticles are not disabled in any worlds.");
// Reset
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&aRemoved &b%amount% &aactive particle(s)!");
// Fixed Effects
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&cUnable to create fixed effect, you are missing &b%amount% &crequired arguments!");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&cUnable to create fixed effect, one or more coordinates you entered is invalid!");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&cUnable to create fixed effect, you must be within &b%range% &cblocks of your desired location!");
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&cUnable to create fixed effect, the data provided is not correct! Use &b/pp data <effect> &cto find the correct data format!");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&aYour fixed effect has been created!");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&cUnable to edit fixed effect, you are missing some arguments!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&cUnable to edit fixed effect, the ID specified is invalid or does not exist!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&cUnable to edit fixed effect, an invalid property was specified! Only &blocation&c, &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, and &bdata &care valid.");
@ -196,37 +191,46 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&cUnable to edit fixed effect, the effect does not require any data!");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&aUpdated the &b%prop% &aof the fixed effect with an ID of &b%id%&a!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&cUnable to remove fixed effect, you do not have a fixed effect with the ID of &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&cYou did not specify an ID to remove!");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&cUnable to remove, the ID specified must be a number!");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&aYour fixed effect with the ID &b%id% &ahas been removed!");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&eYou do not have any fixed effects!");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&eYou have fixed effects with these IDs: &b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&cUnable to get info, you do not have a fixed effect with the ID of &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&cYou did not specify an ID to display info for!");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&cUnable to get info, the ID specified must be a number!");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &eWorld: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: &b%z% &eEffect: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eData: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to clear nearby fixed effects!");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&cYou did not provide a radius to clear fixed effects for!");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&cThe radius you provided is invalid, it must be a positive whole number!");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&aCleared &b%amount% &afixed effects within &b%range% &ablocks of your location!");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&cYou do not have permission to use fixed effects!");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&cYou have reached the maximum allowed fixed effects!");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&cInvalid sub-command for &b/pp fixed&c!");
// Update Available
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&eAn update (&b%new%&e) is available! You are running &bv%current%&e. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&cThe server administrator has disabled the GUI!");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "Find info about commands with &b/pp help");
this.put("gui-back-button", "Go Back");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "Next Page (%start%/%end%)");
@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "Active Particles: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "Saved Groups: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "Fixed Effects: &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "Edit Primary Effect");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "Edit the effect of your primary particle");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "Edit Primary Style");
@ -247,22 +253,34 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "You must select an effect first");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "Your primary effect does not use any data");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "Edit the data of your primary particle");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "Manage Your Particles");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "Create, edit, and delete your particles");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "Manage Your Groups");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "Create, delete, and load your particle groups");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "Load A Preset Group");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "Load a premade particle group");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "Save New Group");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "Click to save a new group. You will be prompted\nto enter the new group name in chat.");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "You have reached the max number of groups");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "You do not have any particles applied");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&eType &b1 &eword in chat for the new group name. Type &ccancel&e to cancel. (&b%seconds%&es left)");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "Reset Your Particles");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "Deletes all your active particles");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "Particle #%id%");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "Click to edit the effect, style, or data of this particle");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "Editing Particle #%id%");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "Edit Effect");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "Click to edit the effect of this particle");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "Edit Style");
@ -271,9 +289,13 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "Click to edit the data of this particle");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "The effect of this particle does not use any data");
this.put("gui-data-none", "none");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "Create A New Particle");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "Create a new particle with an effect, style, and data");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "You have reached the maximum amount of particles you can create");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "Select Particle Effect");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "Sets the particle effect to &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "Select Particle Style");
@ -281,6 +303,8 @@ public class EnglishLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "Select Particle Data");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "Sets the particle data to &b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "note #%note%");
this.put("#38", "GUI Color Name Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "&cred");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "&6orange");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "&eyellow");
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// Command Errors
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission d'utiliser cette commande.");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&cCommande inconnue, utilisez &b/pp help &cpour afficher la liste des commandes disponibles pour ce plugin.");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "&eLes commandes suivantes sont disponibles :");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "Affichez la version du plugin et son créateur");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "Voir les mondes où ce plugin n'est pas autorisé");
// Sub-Command Usage
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create <<x> <y> <z>|<looking>> <effect> <style> [data] - Créez une particule fixe");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <effect|style|data> <args> - Modifiez une partie d'une particule fixe par son ID");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - Supprimez une particule fixe par son ID");
@ -63,31 +61,29 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <name> - Voir toutes les particules sauvegardées d'un groupe que vous avez créé");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <name> - Voir toutes les particules sauvegardées du groupe");
// Command ID Lookup
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&cL'ID rentrée n'est pas valide, il doit être un nombre entier positif");
this.put("id-unknown", "&cVous n'avez pas de particules appliquées avec : &b%id% &c!");
// Other Command
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour exécuter une commande /pp en tant qu'un autre joueur.");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&cVous oubliez des arguments dans votre commande. &b/ppo <player> <command>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&cLe joueur &b%player% &cn'a pas été trouvé. Il doit être en ligne.");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&cLa commande &b/pp %cmd% &cn existe pas.");
this.put("other-success", "&Commande /pp exécutée. &b%player%&e. Retour de la commande :");
// Add Command
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "Impossible d'appliquer la particule, vous avez atteint la limite de particules qui est de &b%amount% &c!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&aUne nouvelle particule est appliquée avec l'effet &b%effect%&a, le style &b%style%&a, et les paramètres &b%data% &a!");
// Data Command
this.put("data-no-args", "&cVous oubliez des arguments dans l'effet. Utilisation de la commande: &b/pp data <effect>");
// Edit Command
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "cLa propriété &b%prop% &cest interdite. Propriétés valides : &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, &bdata");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aVotre particule avec l'ID de &b%id% &aa son effet changé à &b%effect% &a!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aVotre particule avec l'ID de &b%id% &aa son style changé à &b%style% &a!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aVotre particule avec l'ID de &b%id% &aa ses paramètres changés à &b%data% &a!");
// Group Command
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&cUn groupe ou un preset de groupe sauvegardé n'existe pas avec le nom &b%name% &c!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&cVous oubliez une permission pour un style ou un effet afin d'utiliser les groupe &b%group% &c!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&cVous oubliez une permission pour un style ou un effet afin d'utiliser les presets du groupe &b%group% &c!");
@ -106,11 +102,11 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&eVous avez ces groupes suivants sauvegardés : &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&eCes presets de groupes suivants sont disponibles : &b%info%");
// Reload Command
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&aLe plugin a été rechargé...");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour recharger la configuration de ce plugin !");
// Remove Command
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&cVous n'avez pas rentrer d'ID à supprimer ! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&aVotre particule avec l'ID &b%id% &aa été supprimée !");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&aSuppression de &b%amount% &ade votre particule avec l'effet &b%effect% &a!");
@ -119,34 +115,32 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&cVous n'avez pas de particules appliquées avec le style &b%style% &c!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&cL'effect avec le nom ou le style &b%name% &cn'existe pas !");
// List Command
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&eVous n'avez pas de particules actives.");
this.put("list-you-have", "&eVous avez les particules suivantes appliquées :");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &eEffet: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eParamètre: &b%data%");
// Toggle Command
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&eLes particules sont maintenant en mode &aON &e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&eLes particules sont maintenant en mode &cOFF &e!");
// Rainbow
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&cr&6a&ei&an&bb&9o&dw");
// Random
this.put("random", "aléatoire");
// Effects
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour utiliser la particule &b%effect% &c!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&cL'effet &b%effect% &cn existe pas ! Utilisez &b/pp effects &cpour afficher les effets disponibles.");
this.put("effect-list", "&eVous pouvez utiliser les effets suivants : &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour utiliser des effets !");
// Styles
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission pour utiliser le style &b%style% &c!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&eNote: Le style &b%style% &efait apparaitre des particules seulement lors d'évènements spécifiques.");
this.put("style-invalid", "&cLe style &b%style% &cn'existe pas ! Utilisez &b/pp styles &cpour afficher les styles disponibles.");
this.put("style-list", "&eVous pouvez utiliser les styles suivants : &b%styles%");
// Data
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&eL'effet &b%effect% &en'est pas paramétrable.");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&eL'effet &b%effect% &erequière l'ID du bloc ! &bFormat: <blockName>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&eL'effet &b%effect% &erequière l'ID de l'item ! &bFormat: <itemName>");
@ -161,14 +155,14 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&cL'ID &b%material% n'existe pas !");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&cL'ID&b%material% n'existe pas !");
// Worlds
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&eLes particules sont désactivées dans ces mondes : &b%worlds%");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&Les particules sont désactivées dans aucuns mondes.");
// Reset
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&b%amount% &aparticule(s) actives supprimées !");
// Fixed Effects
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&cImpossible de créer un effet fixe, vous oubliez des arguments : &b%amount%");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&cImpossible de créer un effet fixe, coordonnées invalides !");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&cImpossible de créer un effet fixe, Vous devez être à &b%range% &cblocs de la position rentrée !");
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&cImpossible de créer un effet fixe, l'ID rentrée n'est pas valide ! Utilisez &b/pp data <effect> &cpour afficher les IDs valides.");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&aL'effet fixe à été créer.");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&cImpossible de modifier l'effet fixe, vous oubliez des arguments !");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&cImpossible de modifier l'effet fixe, ID incorrecte !");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&cImpossible de modifier l'effet fixe, argument incorrect ! Seuls localisation, effet, style, et paramètre sont valides.");
@ -196,37 +191,46 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&cImpossible de modifier l'effet fixe, l'effet ne requière pas de paramètres !");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&aMise à jour de &b%prop% &ade l'effet fixe avec l'ID &b%id% &a!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&cImpossible de supprimer l'effet fixe, vous n'avez pas d effets fixes avec l'ID &b%id% &c!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&cVous n'avez pas rentrer d'ID à supprimer !");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&cImpossible de supprimer, l'ID doit être un nombre !");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&aTous vos effets fixes avec l'ID &b%id% &aont été supprimés !");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&eVous n'avez pas d'effets fixes !");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&eVous avez des effets fixes avec ces IDs :&b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&cImpossible d'obtenir l'information, vous n'avez pas de particules fixes avec l'ID &b%id%& c!");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&cVous n'avez pas rentrée d'ID pour obtenir d'infomations !");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&cImpossible d'obtenir l'information, vous n'avez pas de particules fixes avec l'ID, l'ID spécifiée doit être un nombre !");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &eWorld: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: &b%z% &eEffect: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eData: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez la permission pour supprimer les effets proches !");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&cVous n'avez pas rentré de rayon !");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&cLe rayon rentré n'est pas valide, il doit être un nombre rond !");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&b%amount% &aeffets ont été supprimés dans un rayon &b%range% &cblocs !");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&cVous n'avez pas la permission d'ajouter des effets fixes !");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&cVous avez atteint le nombre maximum de particules fixes !");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&cArguments invalides pour la commande &b/pp fixed&c!");
// Update Available
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&eLa version (&b%new%&e) est disponible ! vous utilisez la version &bv%current%&d. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&cL'interface du plugin à été désactivée !");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "Affichez des informations avec &b/pp help");
this.put("gui-back-button", "Retour en arrière");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "Page Suivante (%start%/%end%)");
@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "Particules actives: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "Groupes sauvegardés: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "Effets fixes: &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "Editez l'effet primaire");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "Editez l effet d une de vos particules primaire");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "Editez le style primaire");
@ -247,22 +253,34 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "Vous devez d'abord sélectionner un effet");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "Votre effet primaire n'est pas paramétrable");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "Editer les paramères de votre effet primaire");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "Gérez vos particules");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "Créez, éditez, et supprimez vos particules");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "Gérez vos groupes");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "Créez, éditez, et supprimez vos groupes particules");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "Chargez un groupe de presets");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "Chargez un groupe de particules déjà fait");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "Sauvegardez un nouveau groupe");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "Cliquez pour sauvegardez un nouveau groupe. Vous allez être invité\nà écrire un nouveau nom dans le tchat.");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximal de groupe !");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "Vous avez aucunes particules appliquées");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&eTapez &b1 &enom dans le tchat pour le nouveau nom du groupe. Tapez &ccancel&e pour annuler. (&b%seconds%&es restants)");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "Réinitialisez vos particules");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "Supprimez vos particules actives");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "Particule #%id%");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "Cliquez pour éditer cette particule");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "Edition particule #%id%");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "Editez l'effet");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "Cliquez pour éditer l'effet de cette particule");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "Editez le style");
@ -271,9 +289,13 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "Cliquez pour éditer les paramètres de la particule");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "Cliquez pour éditer les paramères de cette particule");
this.put("gui-data-none", "aucuns");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "Créez une nouvelle particule");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "Créez une nouvelle particule");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "Vous avez atteint le nombre maximum de particules que vous pouvez créer");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "Sélectionnez les effets");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "Mettez les effets de la particules à &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "Sélectionnez le style");
@ -281,6 +303,8 @@ public class FrenchLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "Sélectionnez les paramètres");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "Mets les paramètres de la particule à &b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "note #%note%");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "&crouge");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "&6orange");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "&ejaune");
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// Command Errors
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&cSie müssen Zugriff auf Effekte haben, um diesen Befehl verwenden zu können!");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&cUnbekannter Befehl. Verwenden Sie &b/pp help &c, um eine Liste der Befehle anzuzeigen.");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "Die folgenden Befehle stehen zur Auswahl:");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "Zeigen Sie die Plugin-Version und den Autor an");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "Finde heraus, in welchen Welten Partikel deaktiviert sind");
// Sub-Command Usage
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create <<x> <y> <z>|<looking>> <effect> <style> [data] - Erstellt einen neun fixen Effekt");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <effect|style|data> <args> - Bearbeiten Sie einen Teil eines festen Effekts anhand seiner ID");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - Entfernt einen festen Effekt anhand seiner ID");
@ -63,31 +61,29 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <name> - Listen Sie alle Partikelgruppen auf, die Sie gespeichert haben");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <name> - Listen Sie die in der Gruppe gespeicherten Partikel auf");
// Command ID Lookup
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&cDie eingegebene ID ist ungültig, es muss eine positive ganze Zahl sein!");
this.put("id-unknown", "&cSie haben kein Partikel mit der ID &b%id%&cangelegt!");
// Other Command
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, PlayerParticles-Befehle für andere Spieler auszuführen!");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&cEs fehlen einige Argumente. &b/ppo <player> <command>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&cDer Spieler &b%player% &cwurde nicht gefunden. Der Spieler mussen online sein.");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&cDer Befehl &b/pp %cmd% &cexistiert nicht.");
this.put("other-success", "&eBefehl /pp command für &b%player%&eausgeführt. Ausgabe:");
// Add Command
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "&cPartikel kann nicht angewendet werden, Sie haben die maximal zulässige Menge von &b%amount% &cerreicht!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&aEs wurde ein neues Partikel mit dem Effekt &b%effect%&a, dem Stil &b%style%&aund den Daten &b%data%&aangewendet!");
// Data Command
this.put("data-no-args", "&cFehlendes Argument für die Wirkung! Befehlsverwendung: &b/pp data <effect>");
// Edit Command
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "&cEine ungültige Eigenschaft &b%prop% &cwurde angegeben. Gültige Eigenschaften: &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, &bdata");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aDer Effekt Ihres Partikels mit der ID &b%id% &awurde in &b%effect%&ageändert!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aDer Stil Ihres Partikels mit der ID &b%id% &awurde in &b%style%&ageändert!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aDie Daten Ihres Partikels mit der ID &b%id% &awurden in &b%data%&ageändert!");
// Group Command
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&cEs existiert keine gespeicherte Gruppe oder Voreinstellungsgruppe mit dem Namen &b%name%&c!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung für einen Effekt oder Stil, um die Gruppe &b%group%&czu verwenden!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&cEs fehlt die Berechtigung für einen Effekt oder Stil, um die voreingestellte Gruppe &b%group%&czu verwenden!");
@ -106,11 +102,11 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&eFolgende Gruppen wurden gespeichert: &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&eDie folgenden voreingestellten Gruppen sind verfügbar: &b%info%");
// Reload Command
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&aDas Plugin wurde neu geladen!");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, die Plugin-Einstellungen neu zu laden!");
// Remove Command
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&cSie haben keine ID zum Entfernen angegeben! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&aDein Partikel mit der ID &b%id% &awurde entfernt!");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&aEntferne &b%amount% &adeiner Partikel mit dem Effekt von &b%effect%&a!");
@ -119,34 +115,32 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&cSie haben keine Partikel mit dem Stil &b%style%&cangelegt!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&cEs existiert kein Effekt oder Stil mit dem Namen &b%name%&c!");
// List Command
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&eSie haben keine aktiven Partikel!");
this.put("list-you-have", "&eSie haben die folgenden Partikel angewendet:");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &eEffekt: &b%effect% &eStil: &b%style% &eDaten: &b%data%");
// Toggle Command
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&ePartikel wurden umgeschaltet &aAN&e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&ePartikel wurden umgeschaltet &cAUS&e!");
// Rainbow
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&cR&6e&eg&ae&bn&9b&do&cg&4e&2n");
// Random
this.put("random", "Zufällig");
// Effects
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, den Effekt &b%effect% &czu verwenden!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&cDer Effekt &b%effect% &cexistiert nicht! Verwenden Sie &b/pp effects &c, um eine Liste der Effekte anzuzeigen, die Sie verwenden können.");
this.put("effect-list", "&eSie können die folgenden Effekte verwenden: &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, Effekte zu verwenden!");
// Styles
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, den Stil &b%style% &czu verwenden!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&eHinweis: Der Stil &b%style% &eerzeugt Partikel basierend auf einem Ereignis.");
this.put("style-invalid", "&cDer Stil &b%style% &cexistiert nicht! Verwenden Sie &b/pp styles &cfür eine Liste der Stile, die Sie verwenden können.");
this.put("style-list", "&eSie können die folgenden Stile verwenden: &b%styles%");
// Data
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&eDer Effekt &b%effect% &everwendet keine Daten!");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&eFür den Effekt &b%effect% &ewerden &bBlockdaten &ebenötigt! &bFormat: <blockName>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&eFür den Effekt &b%effect% &esind &bItem &eDaten erforderlich! &bFormat: <itemName>");
@ -161,14 +155,14 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&cDas von Ihnen eingegebene &bItem &cMaterial &b%material% &cexistiert nicht!");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&cDas von Ihnen eingegebene &bBlock &cMaterial &b%material% &cexistiert nicht!");
// Worlds
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&ePartikel sind in diesen Welten deaktiviert: &b%worlds%");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&ePartikel sind in keiner Welt deaktiviert.");
// Reset
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&b%amount% &aaktive Partikel entfernt!");
// Fixed Effects
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&cFixer Effekt kann nicht erstellt werden, es fehlen &b%amount% &cerforderliche Argumente!");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&cEin fester Effekt kann nicht erstellt werden, eine oder mehrere von Ihnen eingegebene Koordinaten sind ungültig!");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&cSie können keinen festen Effekt erstellen. Sie müssen sich innerhalb von &b%range% &cBlöcken von Ihrem gewünschten Standort befinden.");
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&cEs kann kein fester Effekt erstellt werden, die angegebenen Daten sind nicht korrekt! Verwenden Sie &b/pp data <effect> &c, um das richtige Datenformat zu finden!");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&aDein fester Effekt wurde erstellt!");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&cFixer Effekt kann nicht bearbeitet werden, es fehlen einige Argumente!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&cDer festgelegte Effekt kann nicht bearbeitet werden, die angegebene ID ist ungültig oder existiert nicht!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&cFixeffekt kann nicht bearbeitet werden, es wurde eine ungültige Eigenschaft angegeben! Es sind nur &bPositionsdaten&c, &bEffektdaten&c, &bStildaten&cund &bDaten &cgültig.");
@ -196,37 +191,45 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&cFixierter Effekt kann nicht bearbeitet werden, für den Effekt sind keine Daten erforderlich!");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&aAktualisiert die &b%prop% &ades festen Effekts mit einer ID von &b%id%&a!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&cFixierter Effekt kann nicht entfernt werden, Sie haben keinen Fixierten Effekt mit der ID &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&cSie haben keine ID zum Entfernen angegeben!");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&cKann nicht entfernt werden, die angegebene ID muss eine Zahl sein!");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&aDein fester Effekt mit der ID &b%id% &awurde entfernt!");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&eDu hast keine festen Effekte!");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&eSie haben feste Effekte mit der ID: &b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&cInformationen können nicht abgerufen werden. Sie haben keinen festen Effekt mit der ID &b%id%&c.");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&cSie haben keine ID angegeben, für die Informationen angezeigt werden sollen!");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&cInformationen können nicht abgerufen werden, die angegebene ID muss eine Zahl sein!");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &eWelt: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: %z% &b &eEffekt: &b%effect% &eStil: &b%style% &eDaten: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, in der Nähe befindliche Fixeffekte zu löschen!");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&cSie haben keinen Radius zum Löschen fester Effekte für angegeben!");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&cDer von Ihnen angegebene Radius ist ungültig. Es muss sich um eine positive ganze Zahl handeln.");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&aEntfernte &b%amount% &aEffekte in &b%range% &aBlöcken von Ihrem Standort entfernt!");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&cSie haben keine Berechtigung, Fixeffekte zu verwenden!");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&cSie haben die maximal zulässigen festen Effekte erreicht!");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&cUngültiger Parameter für &b/pp fixed&c!");
// Update Available
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&eEin Update (&b%new%&e) ist verfügbar! Aktuelle Version: &bv%current%&e. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&cDer Serveradministrator hat die GUI deaktiviert!");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "Informationen zu Befehlen finden Sie mit Hilfe von &b/pp help");
this.put("gui-back-button", "Zurück");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "Nächste Seite (%start%/%end%)");
@ -238,6 +241,8 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "Aktive Partikel: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "Gespeicherte Gruppen: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "feste Effekte: &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "Primäreffekt bearbeiten");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "Bearbeiten Sie den Effekt Ihres Primärpartikel");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "Primärer Stil");
@ -247,22 +252,34 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "Sie müssen zuerst einen Effekt auswählen");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "Ihr primärer Effekt verwendet keine Daten");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "Bearbeiten Sie die Daten Ihres Primärpartikel");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "Verwalten Sie Ihre Partikel");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "Erstellen, bearbeiten und löschen Sie Ihre Partikel");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "Verwalten Sie Ihre Gruppen");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "Erstellen, löschen und laden Sie Ihre Partikelgruppen");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "Laden Sie eine vorgefertigte Gruppe");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "Laden Sie eine vorgefertigte Partikelgruppe");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "Neue Gruppe");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "Klicken Sie hier, um eine neue Gruppe zu speichern. Sie werden aufgefordert, den neuen Gruppennamen im Chat einzugeben.");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "Sie haben die maximale Anzahl von Gruppen erreicht");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "Sie haben keine Partikel");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&eGeben Sie im Chat &b1 &eWort für den neuen Gruppennamen ein. Geben Sie &ccancel&e ein, um den Vorgang abzubrechen. (Noch&b%seconds%&e)");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "Setzen Sie Ihre Partikel zurück");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "Löscht alle Ihre aktiven Partikel");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "Partikel");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "Klicken Sie hier, um den Effekt, den Stil oder die Daten dieses Partikels zu bearbeiten");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "Partikel #%id% bearbeiten");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "Effekt bearbeiten");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "Klicken Sie, um den Effekt dieses Partikels zu bearbeiten");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "Stil bearbeiten");
@ -271,9 +288,13 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "Klicken Sie, um die Daten dieses Partikels zu bearbeiten");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "Für die Wirkung dieses Partikels werden keine Daten verwendet");
this.put("gui-data-none", "kein");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "Erstellen Sie einen neuen Partikel");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "Erstellen Sie ein neues Partikel mit einem Effekt, einem Stil und Daten");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "Sie haben die maximale Partikelmenge erreicht, die Sie erstellen können");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "Wählen Sie Partikeleffekt");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "Setzt den Partikeleffekt auf &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "Wählen Sie Partikelstil");
@ -281,6 +302,8 @@ public class GermanLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "Wählen Sie Partikeldaten");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "Setzt die Partikeldaten auf &b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "Hinweis #%note%");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "Rot");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "Orange");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "Gelb");
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// Command Errors
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&cВы должны иметь доступ к эффектам чтобы использовать эту команду!");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&cНеизвестная команда, напишите &b/pp help &c, чтобы узнать команды.");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "&eВам доступны команды ниже:");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "Показать версию и создателя плагина.");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "Узнать, в каком мире Ваши частицы отключены.");
// Sub-Command Usage
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create «x> <y> <z>|<looking» <Эффект> <Стиль> [данные] - Создаёт новый эффект.");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <Эффект|Стиль|Данные> <аргумент> - Изменяет чать эффекта по его ID.");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - Удаляет эффект по его ID.");
@ -63,32 +61,29 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <name> - Список всех групп частиц, которые Вы сохранили.");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <name> - Показывает частицы, сохранённые в группе.");
// Command ID Lookup
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&cID, который Вы ввели, недействительный, это должно быть целое число!");
this.put("id-unknown", "&cВы не имеете частиц с ID &b%id%&c!");
// Other Command
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&cВы не имеете права, чтобы выполнять команды от других игроков!");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&cВы не ввели некоторые аргументы. &b/ppo <Игрок> <Команда>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&cИгрок &b%player% &cwas не найден. Скорее всего игрок оффлайн.");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&cКоманды &b/pp %cmd% &cне существует.");
this.put("other-success", "&eВыполнена команда /pp от лица &b%player%&e. Результат:");
// Add Command
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "&cНевозможно применить частицу, Вы использовали &b%amount% &c, максимум допустимых!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&aНовая частица была приложена к эффекту &b%effect%&a, стилю &b%style%&a и данным &b%data%&a!");
// Data Command
this.put("data-no-args", "&cВы не ввели аргумент для эффекта! Используйте &b/pp data <Эффект>");
// Edit Command
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "&cНедействительное свойство &b%prop% &cпредусмотрено. Действительные свойства: &bЭффект&c, &bСтиль&c, &bДанные.");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aЭффект Ваших частиц под ID &b%id% &aбыл изменён на &b%effect%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aСтиль Ваших частиц под ID &b%id% &aбыл изменён на &b%style%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aДанные Ваших частиц под ID &b%id% &aбыли изменены на &b%data%&a!");
// Group Command
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&cСохранённая или заданная группа под названием &b%name%&cне существует!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&cВы потеряли право использовать эффект или стиль в группе &b%group%&c!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&cВы потеряли право использовать эффект или стиль в заданной группе &b%group%&c!");
@ -107,11 +102,11 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&eУ Вас есть следующие сохранённые группы: &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&eДоступны следующие заданные группы: &b%info%");
// Reload Command
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&aКонфигурация перезагружена!");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&cВы не имеете права, чтобы перезагружать параметры плагина!");
// Remove Command
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&cВы не ввели ID для удаления! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&aВаши частицы под ID &b%id% &aбыли успешно удалены!");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&aКоличество удалённых частиц - &b%amount% &a, эффектов - &b%effect%&a!");
@ -120,34 +115,32 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&cУ Вас нет каких-либо частиц со стилем &b%style%&c!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&cЭффект или стиль под названием &b%name% &cне существует!");
// List Command
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&eУ вас нет каких-либо активных частиц!");
this.put("list-you-have", "&eУ Вас есть следующие частицы:");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &eЭффект: &b%effect% &eСтиль: &b%style% &eДанные: &b%data%");
// Toggle Command
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&eЧастицы были &aВКЛЮЧЕНЫ&e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&eЧастицы были &cВЫКЛЮЧЕНЫ&e!");
// Rainbow
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&cР&6а&eд&aу&bг&9а&d!");
// Random
this.put("random", "Random");
// Effects
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&cУ Вас нет прав использовать эффект &b%effect% &c!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&cЭффект &b%effect% &cне существует! Введите &b/pp effects, &cчтобы узнать доступные Вам эффекты.");
this.put("effect-list", "&eВы можете использовать следующие эффекты: &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&cУ Вас нет права использовать какие-либо эффекты!");
// Styles
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&cУ Вас нет прав использовать стиль &b%style% &c!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&eЗаписка: стиль &b%style% &eспавнит частицы во время Ивента.");
this.put("style-invalid", "&cСтиль &b%style% &cне существует! Введите &b/pp styles &cчтобы узнать доступные Вам стили.");
this.put("style-list", "&eВы можете использовать следующие стили: &b%styles%");
// Data
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&eЭффект &b%effect% &eне использует какие-либо данные!");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&eЭффект &b%effect% &eзапрашивает &bблок &eданных! &bФормат: <названиеБлока>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&eЭффект &b%effect% &eзапрашивает &bпредмет &eданных! &bФормат: <названиеПредмета>");
@ -162,14 +155,14 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&bМатериал &cпредмета&b%material%, который Вы ввели, не существует!");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&bМатериал &cблока&b%material%, который Вы ввели, не существует!");
// Worlds
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&b%worlds% &eне поддерживает данные частицы.");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&eЧастицы не поддерживаются ни в каком мире.");
// Reset
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&aУдалено &aактивных частиц - &b%amount%!");
// Fixed Effects
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&cНевозможно создать эффект, не введено запрашиваемых аргументов - &b%amount%!");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&cНевозможно создать эффект, одни или несколько координат, которые Вы ввели, неверны!");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&cНевозможно создать эффект, Вы должны быть в &b%range% &cблоках от желаемой локации!");
@ -182,6 +175,7 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&cНевозможно создать эффект, введённые данные неверны! Введите &b/pp data <Эффект>&c, чтобы найти правильный формат данных!");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&aВаш эффект был создан!");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&cНевозможно изменить эффект, Вы не ввели некоторые аргументы!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&cНевозможно изменить эффект, введённый ID недействителен или не существует!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&cНевозможно изменить эффект, указано недействительное свойство! Только &bлокация&c, &bэффект&c, &bстиль&c, и &bданные &cдействительны.");
@ -197,37 +191,46 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&cНевозможно изменить эффект, эффект не запрашивает какие-либо данные!");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&aОбновлено эффектов под ID &b%id%&a - &b%prop%&a!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&cНевозможно удалить эффект, у Вас нет эффекта под ID &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&cYou did not specify an ID to remove!");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&cНевозможно удалить, введённый ID должен состоять из чисел!");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&aВаш эффект под ID &b%id% &aбыл удалён!");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&eУ Вас нет каких-либо эффектов!");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&eУ Вас есть эффекты с этими ID: &b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&cНевозможно получить информацию, у Вас нет эффекта под ID &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&cВы не ввели ID, по которому нужно узнать информацию!");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&cНевозможно получить информацию, введённый ID должен состоять из чисел!");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &eМир: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: &b%z% &eЭффект: &b%effect% &eСтиль: &b%style% &eДанные: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&cУ Вас нет права, чтобы убрать ближайшие эффекты!");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&cВы не ввели радиус, на котором необходимо убрать эффекты!");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&cВведённый радиус недействителен, это должно быть целое число!");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&aУбрано эффектов - &b%amount%&a!");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&cУ Вас нет права, чтобы использовать этот эффект!");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&cВы достигли максимального количества эффектов!");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&cНедействительная команда для &b/pp fixed&c!");
// Update Available
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&eОбновление (&b%new%&e) доступно! Ваша версия - &bv%current%&e. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&cАдминистратор отключил интерфейс!");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "Узнать подробнее о командах - &b/pp help");
this.put("gui-back-button", "Назад");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "Следующая страница (%start%/%end%)");
@ -239,6 +242,8 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "Активные частицы - &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "Сохранённые группы - &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "Эффекты - &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "Изменить эффект");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "Изменение эффекта Ваших частиц");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "Изменить стиль");
@ -248,22 +253,34 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "Для начала выберите эффект");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "Ваш эффект не использует какие-либо данные");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "Изменение данных Ваших частиц");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "Создать свой эффект");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "Создание, изменение и удаление Ваших частиц");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "Управление группами");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "Создание, изменение и удаление Ваших групп");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "Установить группу");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "Установка готовой группы частиц");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "Сохранить новую группу");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "Нажмите, чтобы сохранить группу. Вам нужно будет ввести новое название группы в чат.");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "Вы достигли максимального числа групп!");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "У Вас нет каких-либо активных частиц!");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&eВведите &b1 &eслово в чат, которое будет названием группы. Введите &cотмена&e для отмены.");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "Удалить ваши частицы");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "Убирает все Ваши активные частицы");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "Частицы #%id%");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "Нажмите, чтобы изменить эффект, стиль или данные частиц");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "Изменение частиц #%id%");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "Изменить эффект");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "Нажмите, чтобы изменить эффект частиц");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "Изменить стиль");
@ -272,9 +289,13 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "Нажмите, чтобы изменить данные частиц");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "Эффект этих частиц не использует каких-либо данных");
this.put("gui-data-none", "пусто");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "Создать новые частицы");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "Создать новые частицы с эффектом, стилем и данными");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "Вы достигли максимального числа частиц, которые можно создать");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "Выбор эффекта частиц");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "Выбрать эффект для частиц &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "Выбор стиля частиц");
@ -282,6 +303,24 @@ public class RussianLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "Выбор данных частиц");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "Выбрать данные для частиц &b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "записка #%note%");
this.put("#38", "GUI Color Name Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "&cкрасный");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "&6оранжевый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "&eжелтый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-lime-green", "&aзеленый лайм");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-green", "&2зеленый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-blue", "&1синий");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-cyan", "&3циан");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-light-blue", "&bсветло-синий");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-purple", "&5фиолетовый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-magenta", "&dфуксин");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-pink", "&dрозовый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-brown", "&6коричневый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-black", "&8черный");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-gray", "&8серый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-light-gray", "&7светло-серый");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-white", "&fбелый");
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// 指令出错
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&c你必须有权限使用特效才能使用这个指令!");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&c未知的指令, 请使用 &b/pp help &c查看指令列表。");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "&e你可以使用以下指令:");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "显示插件版本和作者");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "查看禁用粒子特效的世界");
// 子指令用法
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create <<x> <y> <z>|<looking>> <特效名> <风格名> [数据名] - 创建新的定点特效");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <特效名|风格名|数据名> <参数> - 根据ID编辑定点特效");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - 根据ID删除定点特效");
@ -63,31 +61,29 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <组名> - 列出所有你保存的特效组");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <组名> - 列出组内的特效信息");
// 查询ID指令
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&c你输入的ID无效, 必须是正整数!");
this.put("id-unknown", "&c你没有ID为&b%id%&c的特效!");
// 其他指令
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&c你没有权限对其他玩家使用PlayerParticles的指令!");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&c缺少参数。 &b/ppo <player> <command>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&c找不到玩家&b%player%&c。玩家必须在线。");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&c指令&b/pp %cmd% &c不存在。");
this.put("other-success", "&e已为&b%player%&e执行指令 /pp 。 输出:");
// 添加指令
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "&c无法使用粒子效果,你已达到上限:&b%amount%&c!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&a成功添加新的粒子特效: &b%effect%&a, 风格: &b%style%&a,数据: &b%data%&a!");
// 数据指令
this.put("data-no-args", "&c该特效缺失参数! 指令用法: &b/pp data <effect>");
// 编辑指令
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "&c您输入的参数&b%prop%&c无效。 有效参数为: &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, &bdata");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aID为&b%id%&a的粒子的特效已更改为&b%effect%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aID为&b%id%&a的粒子的风格已更改为&b%style%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aID为&b%id%&a的粒子的数据已更改为&b%data%&a!");
// 粒子组指令
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&c名为&b%name%&c的粒子组不存在!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&c你没有使用&b%group%&c的权限!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&c你没有使用预设粒子组&b%group%&c的权限!");
@ -106,11 +102,11 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&e你已成功保存以下粒子组: &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&e可使用以下预设粒子组: &b%info%");
// 重载指令
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&a插件已重载!");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&c你没有重载插件配置的指令!");
// 删除指令
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&c你没有指定要删除的ID! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&a你已成功删除ID为&b%id%&a的粒子特效!");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&a成功删除&b%amount%&a个&b%effect%&a特效的粒子!");
@ -119,34 +115,32 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&c你没有已使用风格&b%style%&c的粒子!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&c名为&b%name%&c的特效或风格不存在!");
// 列白指令
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&e你没有任何激活的特效!");
this.put("list-you-have", "&e你使用了以下粒子特效:");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &e特效: &b%effect% &e风格: &b%style% &e数据: &b%data%");
// 开关指令
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&e粒子特效已&a开启&e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&e粒子特效已&c关闭&e!");
// 彩虹
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&c彩&6虹");
// 随机
this.put("random", "随机");
// 特效
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&c你没有使用特效&b%effect%的权限&c!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&c特效&b%effect% &c不存在! 请输入&b/pp effects &c查看你可以使用的特效。");
this.put("effect-list", "&e你可以使用以下特效: &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&c你没有使用任何特效的权限!");
// 风格
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&c你没有权限使用&b%style%这一风格&c!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&e提醒: 风格&b%style%&e基于事件生成。");
this.put("style-invalid", "&c风格&b%style%&c不存在! 请输入&b/pp styles &c查看你可以使用的风格。");
this.put("style-list", "&e你可以使用以下风格: &b%styles%");
// 数据
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&e粒子特效&b%effect%&e不使用任何数据!");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&e粒子特效&b%effect%&e需要设置&b方块&e数据! &b格式: <方块ID>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&e粒子特效&b%effect%&e需要设置&b物品&e数据! &b格式: <物品ID>");
@ -161,14 +155,14 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&c你输入的&b物品&c材料&b%material%不存在!");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&c你输入的&b方块&c材料&b%material%!");
// 世界
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&e这些世界禁用粒子特效: &b%worlds%");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&e所有世界都禁用粒子特效。");
// 删除
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&a已删除&b%amount%个&a激活的粒子特效!");
// 定点特效
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&c无法创建定点特效, 缺少 &b%amount% &c必要参数!");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&c无法创建定点特效, 你输入的坐标无效!");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&c无法创建定点特效,你必须在目标地点&b%range%&c格内!");
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&c无法创建定点特效, 你所给出的数据有误! 请输入 &b/pp data <effect> &c查看正确的数据格式!");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&a成功创建定点特效!");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&c无法编辑定点特效, 缺失参数!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&c无法编辑定点特效, ID无效或不存在!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&c无法编辑定点特效, 参数无效! 只有&blocation&c、&beffect&c、&bstyle&c和&bdata &c才有效。");
@ -196,37 +191,46 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&c无法编辑定点特效, 该特效无需数据!");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&a已更新&b%prop%&a个ID为&b%id%&a的定点特效!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&c无法删除定点特效, 你没有ID为&b%id%&c的定点特效!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&c你没有指定要删除的ID!");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&c无法删除,ID必须是数字!");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&a已删除ID为&b%id%&a的定点特效!");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&e你没有定点特效!");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&e你的定点特效ID为: &b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&c无法获取信息, 你没有ID为&b%id%&c的定点特效!");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&c你未指定ID!");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&c无法获取信息, ID必须是数字!");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &e世界: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: &b%z% &e特效: &b%effect% &e风格: &b%style% &e数据: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&c你没有清空附近定点特效的权限!");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&c你没有给出清空定点特效的范围!");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&c你输入的范围无效,范围必须是正整数!");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&a已清除&b%amount%&a个&b%range%&a格内的定点特效!");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&c你没有使用定点特效的权限!");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&c你已达到可使用定点特效的数量上限!");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&c你输入了无效的子指令!");
// 更新提醒
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&e有新版本更新:(&b%new%&e)!你使用的版本为&bv%current%&e。 https://songoda.com/marketplace/product/32");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&c服务器管理员已关闭菜单!");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "商人 &b/pp help 查看指令帮助");
this.put("gui-back-button", "返回");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "下一页 (%start%/%end%)");
@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "激活的粒子: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "已保存的粒子组: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "定点特效: &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "编辑之前使用的粒子的特效");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "编辑之前使用的粒子的特效");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "编辑之前使用粒子的风格");
@ -247,22 +253,34 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "你必须先选择一个特效");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "你之前使用的特效没有使用任何数据");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "编辑之前使用的特效的数据");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "管理你的粒子特效");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "创建、编辑和删除你的粒子特效");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "管理你的特效组");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "创建、删除和加载你的粒子组");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "加载预设粒子组");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "加载预设粒子组");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "保存新的粒子组");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "点击保存为新的粒子组。你需要\n在聊天框内输入名称。");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "你已达到粒子组上限");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "你没有使用粒子特效");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&e请在聊天框内输入&b1 &e新的粒子组名。 输入 &ccancel&e 取消。 (剩余&b%seconds%&e秒)");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "重置你的粒子特效");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "删除你激活的所有粒子特效");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "粒子 #%id%");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "点击编辑粒子特效、风格或数据");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "编辑粒子#%id%中");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "编辑特效");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "点击编辑粒子特效");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "编辑风格");
@ -271,9 +289,13 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "点击编辑粒子数据");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "这个粒子特效不使用数据");
this.put("gui-data-none", "无");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "创建新的粒子特效");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "创建新的粒子特效");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "你不能创建更多的粒子特效");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "选择粒子特效");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "将粒子特效设置为 &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "选择粒子风格");
@ -281,6 +303,8 @@ public class SimplifiedChineseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "选择粒子数据");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "将粒子数据设置为&b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "note #%note%");
this.put("#38", "GUI Color Name Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "&c红色");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "&6橙黄");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "&e黄色");
@ -18,14 +18,12 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
public Map<String, String> getDefaultLocaleStrings() {
return new LinkedHashMap<String, String>() {{
// Plugin Prefix
this.put("#0", "Plugin Message Prefix");
this.put("prefix", "&7[&3PlayerParticles&7] ");
// Command Errors
this.put("#1", "Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-error-no-effects", "&cBạn phải có quyền sử dụng hiệu ứng để làm điều này!");
this.put("command-error-unknown", "&cLệnh không đúng, &6/pp help &cđể xem danh sách các câu lệnh.");
// Command Descriptions
this.put("command-descriptions", "&eCác lệnh có sẵn:");
this.put("command-descriptions-usage", "&e/pp %cmd% %args%");
this.put("command-descriptions-help-1", "&7> &b/pp %cmd% &e- %desc%");
@ -50,7 +48,7 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-version", "Hiển thị phiên bản và tác giả của plugins");
this.put("command-description-worlds", "Hiển thị danh sách thế giới bị cấm hiệu ứng");
// Sub-Command Usage
this.put("#2", "Fixed Particle Command Description Messages");
this.put("command-description-fixed-create", "&e/pp fixed create <<x> <y> <z>|<looking>> <effect> <style> [data] - Tạo mới một hiệu ứng cố định");
this.put("command-description-fixed-edit", "&e/pp fixed edit <id> <effect|style|data> <args> - Chỉnh sửa hiệu ứng cố định bằng IDs của nó");
this.put("command-description-fixed-remove", "&e/pp fixed remove <ID> - Xóa hiệu ứng cố định");
@ -63,31 +61,29 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("command-description-group-list", "&e/pp group list <name> - Hiển thị danh sách Group hiệu ứng bạn đã lưu");
this.put("command-description-group-info", "&e/pp group info <name> - Hiển thị danh sách hiệu ứng bạn đang lưu trong group");
// Command ID Lookup
this.put("#3", "ID Messages");
this.put("id-invalid", "&cID bạn nhập không tồn tại, nó phải là một số nguyên dương!");
this.put("id-unknown", "&cBạn không có hiệu ứng nào được áp dụng với ID &b%id%&c!");
// Other Command
this.put("#4", "Other Messages");
this.put("other-no-permission", "&cbạn không có quyền để thi hành lệnh của plugins cho người chơi khác!");
this.put("other-missing-args", "&cBạn đã quên một vài đối số. &b/ppo <player> <command>");
this.put("other-unknown-player", "&cKhông thể tìm thấy người chơi &b%player% &c. Người chơi được chỉ định phải Online.");
this.put("other-unknown-command", "&cLệnh &b/pp %cmd% &ckhông tồn tại.");
this.put("other-success", "&eThi hành lệnh /pp command cho &b%player%&e. Output:");
// Add Command
this.put("#5", "Add Messages");
this.put("add-reached-max", "&Không thể áp dụng hiệu ứng, Bạn đã đạt tới số lượng giới hạn của&b%amount% &cđược cho phép!");
this.put("add-particle-applied", "&aHạt (Particle) mới đã được áp dụng với effect &b%effect%&a, style &b%style%&a, và data &b%data%&a!");
// Data Command
this.put("data-no-args", "&cĐã quên một đối số cho effect! Lệnh đúng: &b/pp data <effect>");
// Edit Command
this.put("#6", "Edit Messages");
this.put("edit-invalid-property", "&cMột property không hợp lệ &b%prop% &cwđã được cung cấp. properties hợp lệ: &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, &bdata");
this.put("edit-success-effect", "&aHạt hiệu ứng của bạn với ID &b%id% &ađã thanh đổi Hiệu ứng thành &b%effect%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-style", "&aHạt hiệu ứng của bạn với ID &b%id% &ađã thanh đổi Kiểu hiệu ứng thành &b%style%&a!");
this.put("edit-success-data", "&aHạt hiệu ứng của bạn với ID &b%id% &ađã thanh đổi Dữ liệu thành &b%data%&a!");
// Group Command
this.put("#7", "Group Messages");
this.put("group-invalid", "&cMột Group đã lưu hoặc Preset Group không được tìm thấy với tên &b%name%&c!");
this.put("group-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền for 1 effect, style để sử dụng nhóm sẵn &b%group%&c!");
this.put("group-preset-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền for 1 effect, style để sử dụng nhóm cài sẵn &b%group%&c!");
@ -106,11 +102,11 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("group-list-output", "&eBạn đã lưu các Group sau: &b%info%");
this.put("group-list-presets", "&eCác preset group có sẵn: &b%info%");
// Reload Command
this.put("#8", "Reload Messages");
this.put("reload-success", "&aĐã tải lại plugins!");
this.put("reload-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền để tải lại plugins!");
// Remove Command
this.put("#9", "Remove Messages");
this.put("remove-no-args", "&cBạn không chỉ định IDs để xóa! &b/pp remove <ID>");
this.put("remove-id-success", "&aHạt hiệu ứng của bạ với IDs &b%id% &ađã bị xóa!");
this.put("remove-effect-success", "&aĐã xóa &b%amount% &ahạt hiệu ứng của bạn với hiệu ứng &b%effect%&a!");
@ -119,34 +115,32 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("remove-style-none", "&cBạn không có bất kì Hạt hiệu ứng nào để áp dụng style &b%style%&c!");
this.put("remove-unknown", "&cEffect hoặc Style với tên &b%name% &ckhông tồn tại!");
// List Command
this.put("#10", "List Messages");
this.put("list-none", "&eBạn không có bất kì Hạt hiệu ứng hoạt động nào!");
this.put("list-you-have", "&eCác hạt hiệu ứng bạn đã áp dụng:");
this.put("list-output", "&eID: &b%id% &eEffect: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eData: &b%data%");
// Toggle Command
this.put("#11", "Toggle Messages");
this.put("toggle-on", "&eHạt hiệu ứng : &aON&e!");
this.put("toggle-off", "&eHạt hiệu ứng : &cOFF&e!");
// Rainbow
this.put("#12", "Color Messages");
this.put("rainbow", "&cR&6a&ei&an&bb&9o&dw");
// Random
this.put("random", "Ngẫu nhiên");
// Effects
this.put("#13", "Effect Messages");
this.put("effect-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền để sử dụng Hiệu ứng &b%effect% &c!");
this.put("effect-invalid", "&cHiệu ứng &b%effect% &ckhông tồn tại! Sử dụng &b/pp effects &cđể hiển thị danh sách hiệu ứng bạn có thể dùng.");
this.put("effect-list", "&eBạn có thể sử dụng các hiệu ứng sau: &b%effects%");
this.put("effect-list-empty", "&cBạn không có quyền để sử dụng bất kì hiệu ứng nào!");
// Styles
this.put("#14", "Style Messages");
this.put("style-no-permission", "&cbạn không có quyền để sử dụng Kiểu hiệu ứng &b%style% &c!");
this.put("style-event-spawning-info", "&eNhắc nhở: Kiểu hiệu ứng &b%style% &esinh ra dựa trên sự kiện nhất định được xảy ra.");
this.put("style-invalid", "&cKiểu hiệu ứng &b%style% &ckhông tồn tại! Use &b/pp styles &cđể hiển thị danh sách Kiểu hiệu ứng bạn có thể dùng.");
this.put("style-list", "&eBạn có thể sử dụng các Kiểu hiệu ứng sau: &b%styles%");
// Data
this.put("#15", "Data Messages");
this.put("data-usage-none", "&eHiệu ứng &b%effect% &ekhông sử dụng bất kì Dữ liệu nào!");
this.put("data-usage-block", "&eHiệu ứng &b%effect% &eyêu cầu dữ liệu &bblock ! &bĐịnh dạng: <blockName>");
this.put("data-usage-item", "&eHiệu ứng &b%effect% &eyêu cầu dữ liệu &bitem! &bĐịnh dạng: <itemName>");
@ -161,14 +155,14 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("data-invalid-material-item", "&cDữ liệu &bitem &c: Vật phẩm &b%material% bạn đã nhập không tồn tại!");
this.put("data-invalid-material-block", "&cDữ liệu &bblock &c: Vật phẩm &b%material% bạn đã nhập không tồn tại!");
// Worlds
this.put("#16", "World Messages");
this.put("disabled-worlds", "&eCác Hạt hiệu ứng bị cấm tại thế giới này: &b%worlds%");
this.put("disabled-worlds-none", "&eKhông có thể giới nào cấm Hạt hiệu ứng.");
// Reset
this.put("#17", "Reset Message");
this.put("reset-success", "&aĐã xóa &b%amount% &aHạt hiệu ứng hoạt động!");
// Fixed Effects
this.put("#18", "Fixed Create Messages");
this.put("fixed-create-missing-args", "&cKhông thể tạo Hiệu ứng cố định, bạn đã quên &b%amount% &cđối số yêu cầu!");
this.put("fixed-create-invalid-coords", "&cKhông thể tạo Hiệu ứng cố định, một hoặc nhiều tọa độ bạn đã nhập không hợp lệ!");
this.put("fixed-create-out-of-range", "&cKhông thể tạo Hiệu ứng cố định, bạn phải ở trong bán kính &b%range% &ckhối tại vị trí mong muốn của bạn!");
@ -181,6 +175,7 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-create-data-error", "&cKhông thể tạo Hiệu ứng cố định, Dữ liệu bạn đã cung cấp không đúng! Sử dụng &b/pp data <effect> &cđể xem định dạng dữ liệu đúng!");
this.put("fixed-create-success", "&aHiệu ứng cố định của bạn đã được tạo!");
this.put("#19", "Fixed Edit Messages");
this.put("fixed-edit-missing-args", "&cKhông thể điều chỉnh Hiệu ứng cố định, bạn chưa nhập một vài đối số!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-id", "&cKhông thể điều chỉnh Hiệu ứng cố định, IDs bạn chỉ định không hợp lệ hoặc không tồn tại!");
this.put("fixed-edit-invalid-property", "&cKhông thể điều chỉnh Hiệu ứng cố định, một property không hợp lệ đã được chỉ định! Chỉ có &blocation&c, &beffect&c, &bstyle&c, và &bdata &là hợp lệ.");
@ -196,37 +191,46 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("fixed-edit-data-none", "&cKhông thể điều chỉnh Hiệu ứng cố định, Hiệu ứng không yêu cầu bất cứ Dữ liệu nào!");
this.put("fixed-edit-success", "&aĐã cập nhật &b%prop% &acủa Hiệu ứng cố định với một ID của &b%id%&a!");
this.put("#20", "Fixed Remove Messages");
this.put("fixed-remove-invalid", "&cKhông thể xóa Hiệu ứng cố định, bạn không có hiệu ứng cố định nào với ID &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-remove-no-args", "&cbạn không chỉ định ID để xóa!");
this.put("fixed-remove-args-invalid", "&cKhông thể xóa, ID được chỉ định phải là số");
this.put("fixed-remove-success", "&aHiệu ứng cố định của bạn với ID &b%id% &ađã bị xóa!");
this.put("#21", "Fixed List Messages");
this.put("fixed-list-none", "&eBạn không có bất kì Hiệu ứng cố định nào!");
this.put("fixed-list-success", "&eBạn có các Hiệu ứng cố định với IDs: &b%ids%");
this.put("#22", "Fixed Info Messages");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid", "&cKhông thể lấy thông tin, bạn không có bất kì Hiệu ứng cố định nào với ID &b%id%&c!");
this.put("fixed-info-no-args", "&cBạn không chỉ định ID để hiển thị thông tin Hiệu ứng có định!");
this.put("fixed-info-invalid-args", "&cKhông thể hiển thị Hiệu ứng cố định, ID được chỉ định phải là một con số!");
this.put("fixed-info-success", "&eID: &b%id% &eWorld: &b%world% &eX: &b%x% &eY: &b%y% &eZ: &b%z% &eEffect: &b%effect% &eStyle: &b%style% &eData: &b%data%");
this.put("#23", "Fixed Clear Messages");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền để làm điều này!");
this.put("fixed-clear-no-args", "&cBạn không cung cấp bán kính để xóa các Hiệu ứng cố định!");
this.put("fixed-clear-invalid-args", "&cbán kính được cung cấp không hợp lệ, nó phải là một số nguyên dương!");
this.put("fixed-clear-success", "&aĐã xóa &b%amount% &aHiệu ứng cố định trong bán kính &b%range% &akhối từ vị trí của bạn!");
this.put("#24", "Fixed Other Messages");
this.put("fixed-no-permission", "&cBạn không có quyền để làm điều này!");
this.put("fixed-max-reached", "&cBạn đã đạt tới giới hạn số Hiệu ứng cố định có thể sử dụng!");
this.put("fixed-invalid-command", "&cLệnh phụ không hợp lệ, &b/pp fixed&c!");
// Update Available
this.put("#25", "Plugin Update Message");
this.put("update-available", "&eĐã có bản cập nhật (&b%new%&e)! bạn đang sử dụng &bv%current%&e. https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/playerparticles.40261/");
// GUI
this.put("#26", "GUI Messages");
this.put("gui-disabled", "&cAmdinistrator đã cấm GUI!");
this.put("#27", "GUI Color Messages");
this.put("gui-color-icon-name", "&a");
this.put("gui-color-info", "&e");
this.put("gui-color-subtext", "&b");
this.put("gui-color-unavailable", "&c");
this.put("#28", "GUI Info Messages");
this.put("gui-commands-info", "Hiển thị thêm các lệnh bằng cách gõ &b/pp help");
this.put("gui-back-button", "Quay trở về");
this.put("gui-next-page-button", "Trang tiếp theo (%start%/%end%)");
@ -238,6 +242,8 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-active-particles", "Hạt hiệu ứng đang hoạt động: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-saved-groups", "Groups đã lưu: &b%amount%");
this.put("gui-fixed-effects", "Hiệu ứng cố định: &b%amount%");
this.put("#29", "GUI Edit Primary Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect", "Chỉnh sửa hiệu ứng chính (primary effect)");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-effect-description", "Chỉnh sửa Hiệu ứng Hạt hiệu ứng chính của bạn");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-style", "Chỉnh sửa Kiểu hiệu ứng chính");
@ -247,22 +253,34 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-missing-effect", "Bạn cần chọn Hiệu ứng trước");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-unavailable", "Hiệu ứng chính của bạn không cần sử dụng bất kì Dữ liệu nào");
this.put("gui-edit-primary-data-description", "Chỉnh sửa Dữ liệu trong Hạt hiệu ứng chính của bạn");
this.put("#30", "GUI Manage Particles Messages");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles", "Quản lí Hạt hiệu ứng của bạn");
this.put("gui-manage-your-particles-description", "Tạo, chỉnh sửa, và xóa Hạt hiệu ứng của bạn");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups", "Quản lí Group của bạn");
this.put("gui-manage-your-groups-description", "Tạo, xóa, và tải Group Hạt hiệu ứng của bạn");
this.put("#31", "GUI Load Messages");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group", "Tải một Preset Group");
this.put("gui-load-a-preset-group-description", "Tải Group Hạt hiệu ứng có sẵn");
this.put("#32", "GUI Save Messages");
this.put("gui-save-group", "Lưu group mới");
this.put("gui-save-group-description", "Nhấn để lưu Group mới. Bạn sẽ nhận được lời nhắc nhập tên Group ở chat.");
this.put("gui-save-group-full", "Bạn đã đạt đến giới hạn số lượng group có thể tạo");
this.put("gui-save-group-no-particles", "Bạn không có bất kì Hhạt hiệu ứng nào được áp dụng");
this.put("gui-save-group-hotbar-message", "&eNhập &b1 &etên group trong chat. Nhập &ccancel&e để hủy. (&b%seconds%&es left)");
this.put("#33", "GUI Reset Messages");
this.put("gui-reset-particles", "Làm mới Hạt hiệu ứng của bạn");
this.put("gui-reset-particles-description", "Xóa tất cả Hạt hiệu ứng đang hoạt động của bạn");
this.put("#34", "GUI Misc Messages");
this.put("gui-particle-name", "Hạt hiệu ứng #%id%");
this.put("gui-click-to-edit-particle", "Nhấn để chỉnh sửa Hiệu ứng, Kiểu hiệu ứng, hoặc Dữ liệu của Hạt hiệu ứng này");
this.put("gui-editing-particle", "Đang chỉnh sửa Hạt hiệu ứng #%id%");
this.put("#35", "GUI Edit Messages");
this.put("gui-edit-effect", "Chỉnh sửa Hiệu ứng");
this.put("gui-edit-effect-description", "Nhấn để chỉnh sửa Hiệu ứng của Hạt hiệu ứng này");
this.put("gui-edit-style", "Chỉnh sửa Kiểu hiệu ứng");
@ -271,9 +289,13 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-edit-data-description", "Nhấn để chỉnh sửa Dữ liệu của Kiểu hiệu ứng này");
this.put("gui-edit-data-unavailable", "Hiệu ứng của Hạt hiệu ứng này không cần sử dụng bất kì Dữ liệu nào");
this.put("gui-data-none", "không ai");
this.put("#36", "GUI Create Messages");
this.put("gui-create-particle", "Tạo mới một Hạt hiệu ứng");
this.put("gui-create-particle-description", "Tạo mới một Hạt hiệu ứng với Hiệu ứng, Kiểu hiệu ứng, và Dữ liệu");
this.put("gui-create-particle-unavailable", "bạn đã đạt giới hạn số lượng Hạt hiệu ứng có thể tạo");
this.put("#37", "GUI Select Messages");
this.put("gui-select-effect", "Chọn Hạt hiệu ứng");
this.put("gui-select-effect-description", "Thiết lập hiệu ứng của Hạt thành &b%effect%");
this.put("gui-select-style", "Chọn Kiểu hiệu ứng của Hạt");
@ -281,6 +303,8 @@ public class VietnameseLocale implements Locale {
this.put("gui-select-data", "Chọn Dữ liệu của Hạt");
this.put("gui-select-data-description", "Thiết lập DỮ liệu của Hạt thành &b%data%");
this.put("gui-select-data-note", "note #%note%");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-red", "&cĐỏ mạnh mẽ");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-orange", "&6Cam dịu dàng");
this.put("gui-edit-data-color-yellow", "&eVàng yêu thương");
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ package dev.esophose.playerparticles.manager;
import dev.esophose.playerparticles.PlayerParticles;
import dev.esophose.playerparticles.config.CommentedFileConfiguration;
import dev.esophose.playerparticles.particles.ParticleEffect;
import dev.esophose.playerparticles.util.ParticleUtils;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.Arrays;
@ -56,20 +55,20 @@ public class ConfigurationManager extends Manager {
MYSQL_USER_PASSWORD("mysql-settings.user-password", "", "MySQL Database User Password"),
MYSQL_USE_SSL("mysql-settings.use-ssl", false, "If the database connection should use SSL", "You should enable this if your database supports SSL"),
GUI_ICON("gui-icon", null, "# =================================================================== #",
"# This configuration option allows you to change any of the GUI #",
"# icons to whatever block/item you want. #",
"# #",
"# Important Notes: #",
"# * If any of the block/item names are invalid the icon in the GUI #",
"# will be the barrier icon to show that it failed to load. #",
"# * Do NOT change the particle/style name #",
"# * You MUST use the Spigot-given name for it to work. You can see #",
"# all the Spigot-given names at the link below: #",
"# https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html #",
"# * If two icons are listed, the second one is used for below MC 1.13 #",
"# =================================================================== #"),
GUI_ICON("gui-icon", null, "=================================================================== #",
"This configuration option allows you to change any of the GUI #",
"icons to whatever block/item you want. #",
" #",
"Important Notes: #",
"* If any of the block/item names are invalid the icon in the GUI #",
" will be the barrier icon to show that it failed to load. #",
"* Do NOT change the particle/style name #",
"* You MUST use the Spigot-given name for it to work. You can see #",
" all the Spigot-given names at the link below: #",
" https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/Material.html #",
"* If two icons are listed, the second one is used for below MC 1.13 #",
"=================================================================== #"),
GUI_ICON_MISC("gui-icon.misc", null),
GUI_ICON_MISC_PARTICLES("gui-icon.misc.particles", Collections.singletonList("BLAZE_POWDER")),
GUI_ICON_MISC_GROUPS("gui-icon.misc.groups", Collections.singletonList("CHEST")),
@ -404,18 +403,10 @@ public class ConfigurationManager extends Manager {
List<String> materials = configurationManager.getConfig().getStringList(configPath);
try {
if (materials.size() == 1) {
material = ParticleUtils.closestMatch(materials.get(0));
} else {
if (ParticleEffect.VERSION_13) {
material = ParticleUtils.closestMatch(materials.get(0));
} else {
material = ParticleUtils.closestMatch(materials.get(1));
} catch (Exception e) {
PlayerParticles.getInstance().getLogger().severe("Missing GUI icon for '" + this.name().toLowerCase() + "'");
for (String name : materials) {
material = ParticleUtils.closestMatch(name);
if (material != null)
if (material == null)
@ -45,17 +45,27 @@ public class LocaleManager extends Manager {
CommentedFileConfiguration configuration = CommentedFileConfiguration.loadConfiguration(this.playerParticles, file);
if (newFile)
if (newFile) {
configuration.addComments(locale.getLocaleName() + " translation by " + locale.getTranslatorName());
Map<String, String> defaultLocaleStrings = locale.getDefaultLocaleStrings();
for (String key : defaultLocaleStrings.keySet()) {
String value = defaultLocaleStrings.get(key);
if (!configuration.contains(key))
configuration.set(key, value);
Map<String, String> defaultLocaleStrings = locale.getDefaultLocaleStrings();
for (String key : defaultLocaleStrings.keySet()) {
String value = defaultLocaleStrings.get(key);
if (key.startsWith("#")) {
} else {
configuration.set(key, value);
} else {
Map<String, String> defaultLocaleStrings = locale.getDefaultLocaleStrings();
for (String key : defaultLocaleStrings.keySet()) {
String value = defaultLocaleStrings.get(key);
if (!configuration.contains(key))
configuration.set(key, value);
Reference in a new issue