* The config will no longer reset for each and every update
+ Added settings for each effect located in the /effects folder
+ Added settings for each style located in the /styles folder
+ All command and parameter names can now be edited in the new commands.yml file
+ Added support for what I'm calling language packs
- Language packs have the ability to overwrite any message in the plugin
+ Added language settings for all material names which can be changed in a languge pack
* The command '/pp fixed clear <radius>' now accepts an optional location/world as '/pp fixed clear <radius> [<x> <y> <z> [world]]'
+ Added support for 1.15 particles, the future is now
+ Added support for 1.8.8 for those who refuse to accept the future (this is the only version of 1.8.x that will be supported, I will eventually drop support for it again in the future)
* Fix a console error that occured when trying to remove a group that doesn't exist
* Fix a console error that occured when a player logs off with the 'celebration' style applied and they have at least 1 fixed effect created
* Fix a console error "[PlayerParticles] An error occurred retrieving an SQLite database connection: [SQLITE_BUSY] The database file is locked (database is locked)"
* Compatible with Minecraft 1.9-1.13, you MUST use a Spigot .jar file, not CraftBukkit
* All PlayerParticles data (including player particles and fixed effects) will be deleted upon updating. This will never happen again in the future.
+ Players can now have 3 particles active at the same time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Particle Groups, each player can save up to 10 sets of a particles and load them at a later time (can be increased/decreased in the config.yml)
+ Added Preset Particle Groups, these can be configured by the server in the groups.yml file and are available to all players who have permission for the correct effects/styles
* Changed some of the wildcard permissions work, PLEASE make sure you get these updated if you were using them
+ Removed the commands '/pp effect' and '/pp style'
* Changed command '/pp data' to '/pp data <effect>'
+ Added the commands '/pp add', '/pp edit', '/pp remove', '/pp group' for managing particles and groups
+ Added the command '/pp toggle' to toggle rendering ALL PlayerParticles particles on/off
+ Added the command '/pp reload', reloads all settings from the config.yml, groups.yml, and target lang file
+ Added sub-command '/pp fixed edit'
* Modified sub-command '/pp fixed create' to accept the word 'looking' instead of coordinates, 'looking' will set the location to the block you are looking at
+ Added more advanced tab/auto completion for all commands
* Still compatible with Minecraft 1.9 through Minecraft 1.12!
* Renamed a bunch of effects to their internal names, you will have to update your user permissions
* All saved player data on file and in the database (if enabled) will be deleted, it isn't backwards compatible with PlayerParticles v5.1 due to "the flattening"
* Permission checks are now only performed on command execution for efficiency
* Block/Item data in the GUI are now randomized
* Removed the 'data' tag from block/item data, it was removed in 1.13
* Added full tab-completion support
* Added all new 1.13 particle effects
* Alphabatized effects and styles in their respective info lists
* Fixed /pp data throwing an internal error on rare occasions
* Removed excessive console logging when database-enable is set to true
* Fix issue with the style 'halo' that caused 10 errors per second to be printed to the config. These were listed as "java.lang.NullPointerException" or "Task #### for PlayerParticles generated an exception". Thanks to everybody who helped find this error. (It's been in the plugin for over 6 months somehow)
* Fix a rare issue with the update checker that would cause the plugin to fail loading if there was no internet connection or the Curse API servers were down. It will now fail without an error and a notice will be printed to the console.
* Fix effects and styles not defaulting to 'none' if the player no longer has permission
* Fix errors printing to console resulting from offline players trying to spawn particles
* Fix arrow style particles staying after an arrow is considered dead (in rare cases this occurred)
* Fix SQL queries getting logged to console when database-enable is set to true
* Fix tab completion, it stopped working at one point and I didn't notice until now
* Fix style 'arrows' not working with tipped/spectral arrows
* Fix 1.7 support being broken. It is now supported again!
* The style 'beam' now moves up and down rather than just up
* Added fixed particle effects, see how to use them on the main plugin page
* Requires permission playerparticles.fixed or playerparticles.*
* Infinite fixed effects with permission playerparticles.fixed.unlimited (playerparticles.* does not grant this permission)
* Ability to remove all fixed effects of any player within a given radius with /pp fixed clear <radius> and the permission playerparticles.fixed.clear (playerparticles.* does not grant this permission)
* Added new style 'thick'
* Added ability to force reset a player's particle effect, style, and data using /pp reset <playerName>