name: OpenInv main: com.lishid.openinv.OpenInv version: ${project.version} author: lishid authors: [Jikoo, ShadowRanger] description: > This plugin allows you to open a player's inventory as a chest and interact with it in real time. api-version: "1.16" permissions: OpenInv.any.default: description: Permission for AnyContainer to default on prior to toggling. default: false OpenInv.silent.default: description: Permission for SilentContainer to default on prior to toggling. default: false OpenInv.*: description: Permission for all OpenInv features. default: op children: OpenInv.openinv: true OpenInv.openender: true true OpenInv.silent: true OpenInv.anychest: true OpenInv.searchenchant: true OpenInv.searchcontainer: true OpenInv.openonline: true OpenInv.openoffline: true OpenInv.spectate: true OpenInv.openinv: default: op children: OpenInv.openonline: true OpenInv.openoffline: true OpenInv.openender: default: op children: OpenInv.openonline: true OpenInv.openoffline: true commands: openinv: aliases: [oi, inv, open] description: Open a player's inventory permission: OpenInv.openinv usage: |- / [Player] - Open a player's inventory openender: aliases: [oe] description: Opens the enderchest of a player permission: OpenInv.openender usage: |- / [Player] - Open a player's enderchest searchinv: aliases: [si] description: Search and list players having a specific item permission: usage: |- / [MinAmount] - MinAmount is optional, the minimum amount required searchender: aliases: [se] permission: description: Searches and lists players having a specific item in their ender chest usage: |- / [MinAmount] - MinAmount is optional, the minimum amount required silentcontainer: aliases: [sc, silent, silentchest] description: SilentContainer stops sounds and animations when using containers. permission: OpenInv.silent usage: |- / [check|on|off] - Check, toggle, or set SilentContainer anycontainer: aliases: [ac, anychest] description: AnyContainer allows using blocked containers. permission: OpenInv.anychest usage: |- / [check|on|off] - Check, toggle, or set AnyContainer searchenchant: aliases: [searchenchants] description: Search and list players with a specific enchantment. permission: OpenInv.searchenchant usage: |- / <[Enchantment] [MinLevel]> - Enchantment is the enchantment type, MinLevel is the minimum level. One is optional searchcontainer: aliases: [searchchest] description: Search and list containers with a specific material. permission: OpenInv.searchcontainer usage: / [ChunkRadius] - ChunkRadius is optional, the length that will be searched for matching items. Default 5