Going forward, the primary file uploaded to Bukkit will probably be the smaller build made with the `recent` profile, supporting only the last 2 versions. The uberjar created by the `all` will be provided as an additional download. OpenInv v3.1.3-SNAPSHOT `all` uberjar currently is 276KB. The `recent` jar is only 81KB. It's getting silly, and will only continue to get worse.
This allows API users to prevent issues caused by multiple different copies of the Player being loaded, such as #49. Multiple instances of the same player could be obtained by calling IOpenInv#loadPlayer, waiting for OpenInv to remove it from the cache, then calling the method again.
The project was very messy and due to older Bukkit packaging conventions, 1_4_5 and 1_4_6 were sorted away from the rest of the versioned code. All of the versioned internals are now submodules of the internal module.
Rather than use the hackish existing method of abusing the shade plugin to combine "dependencies" for a dummy assembly project, we're actually using the assembly plugin.
Profiles are still split up between the parent pom and the internal module pom, but they're much more clean.
The API is now its own module and can be compiled and released as a separate file for developers. Soon, Bukkit ticket 20, you'll be closed.