import os import logging from discord.ext import commands from utils.config import Config from utils import amp from utils import checks config = Config() desc = "Server control bot for {}".format( bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix=config.command_prefix, description=desc, pm_help=False) def init_console_logger(): logger = logging.getLogger("consolelogger") format = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s %(message)s") fileHandler = logging.FileHandler("commands.log") fileHandler.setFormatter(format) streamHandler = logging.StreamHandler() streamHandler.setFormatter(format) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) logger.addHandler(fileHandler) logger.addHandler(streamHandler) init_console_logger() console_logger = logging.getLogger("consolelogger") class Server(): def __init__(self, bot): = bot @commands.command() async def state(self): """Gets the server's current state""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() await"The server is **{}**".format(state)) @checks.is_senior_admin() @commands.command() async def start(self): """Starts the server""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "online": await"The server is already running") return elif state == "starting": await"The server is already starting") return else: amp.control_power(amp.Power.START) await"Starting the server...") @checks.is_senior_admin() @commands.command() async def restart(self): """Restarts the server""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "starting": await"The server is already starting") return elif state == "shutting down": await"The server is already shutting down") return else: amp.control_power(amp.Power.RESTART) await"Restarting the server...") @checks.is_senior_admin() @commands.command() async def stop(self): """Stops the server""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "offline": await"The server is already stopped") return elif state == "shutting down": await"The server is already shutting down") return else: amp.control_power(amp.Power.STOP) await"Stopping the server...") @checks.is_senior_admin() @commands.command() async def kill(self): """Kills the server (useful if it isn't responding)""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "offline": await"The server is already stopped") return else: amp.control_power(amp.Power.KILL) await"Killing the server...") @commands.command() async def list(self): """Gets the list of online players""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "offline": await"The server is offline") return await @checks.is_senior_admin() @commands.command(pass_context=True) async def sendcommand(self, ctx, *, command:str): """Send a console command""" try: state = amp.get_server_state() except KeyError: amp.get_session_id() state = amp.get_server_state() if state == "offline": await"The server is offline") return amp.send_console_command(command)"[Console Command] {}: {}".format(, ctx.message.content.replace("{}{} ".format(config.command_prefix, ctx.command), ""))) await"Command sent!") bot.add_cog(Server(bot)) @bot.event async def on_command_error(error, ctx): if isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound): return if isinstance(error, commands.DisabledCommand): await bot.send_message(, "This command has been disabled") return if isinstance(error, checks.dev_only): await bot.send_message(, "This command can only be ran by the server developers") return if isinstance(error, checks.admin_only): await bot.send_message(, "This command can only be ran by the discord admins") return if isinstance(error, checks.senior_admin_only): await bot.send_message(, "This command can only be ran by the server senior admins") return # In case the bot failed to send a message to the channel, the try except pass statement is to prevent another error try: await bot.send_message(, error) except: pass print("An error occured while executing the command named {}: {}".format(ctx.command.qualified_name, error)) @bot.event async def on_ready(): print("Connected! Logged in as {}/{}".format(bot.user, amp.get_session_id() @checks.is_dev() @bot.command(hidden=True, pass_context=True) async def debug(ctx, *, shit:str): import asyncio import requests import random py = "```py\n{}```" """This is the part where I make 20,000 typos before I get it right""" # "what the fuck is with your variable naming" - EJH2 # seth seriously what the fuck - Robin try: rebug = eval(shit) if asyncio.iscoroutine(rebug): rebug = await rebug await bot.say(py.format(rebug)) except Exception as damnit: await bot.say(py.format("{}: {}".format(type(damnit).__name__, damnit))) @checks.is_dev() @bot.command(hidden=True, pass_context=True) async def terminal(ctx, *, command:str): """Runs terminal commands and shows the output via a message. Oooh spoopy!""" xl = "```xl\n{}```" try: await bot.send_typing( await bot.say(xl.format(os.popen(command).read())) except: await bot.say("Error, couldn't send command") @checks.is_dev() @bot.command(hidden=True) async def shutdown(): """Shuts down the bot""" await bot.say("Shutting down...") amp.logout() await bot.logout() print("Connecting...")