~ TheRed.SH ~
This is a personal website made by TheRed, all of the source code is available! ## All PRs are welcome! Thanks for the nice people who make them. - ### [
This website is licensed under AGPLv3!
](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html) ## Authors: - [
TheRed (Creator and Lead Developer of the project)
](https://thered.sh/) ### Some of the icons are provided by FontAwesome! [Go check them out.](https://fontawesome.com/) This website uses `Next.JS`. You can run the website in dev mode using: - `yarn dev` or `npm dev` And you can compile it using: - `yarn build` or `npm build` Then run it using: - `yarn start` or `npm start` Pretty simple. ~ Now in BETA!