Jerom van der Sar aca3398d21 TotalFreedomMod Electrum
Version 5.0

This TotalFreedomMod release implements many changes. Most notably, the
internals have been completely revamped. TotalFreedomMod now relies on the
Aero library for core mechanics such as command handling and services.

Another important change is the UUID system. In TotalFreedomMod Electrum,
it has been completely removed. The core reason for this is that the
system as a whole was very bugged. Additionally, it did not solve the
primary reason for its conception: preserving player data when the player
changes their username. This is because TotalFreedomMod servers usually
run in offline-mode. This meaning that some of the players joining do not
have a registerd Mojang UUID whatsoever. All in all, the UUID system was
buggy, and it did not fix the reason it was implemented, so it has been
completely removed. The admin list and the ban list now use usernames and
IPs again.

Lastly, many smaller changes have been implemented. Due to the amount of
changes, they have not been named individualy. Please refer to the issues
below for more details.

Fixes #342
Fixes #350
Fixes #380
Fixes #684
Fixes #704
Fixes #716
Fixes #735
Fixes #745
Fixes #784
Fixes #765
Fixes #791
Fixes #805
Fixes #826
Fixes #883
Fixes #1524
Fixes #1534
Fixes #1536
Fixes #1538
Fixes #1545
Fixes #1546
Fixes #1568
Fixes #1627
Resolves #403
Resolves #435
Resolves #597
Resolves #603
Resolves #628
Resolves #690
Resolves #708
Resolves #747
Resolves #748
Resolves #749
Resolves #764
Resolves #767
Resolves #782
Resolves #809
Resolves #803
Resolves #811
Resolves #813
Resolves #830
Resolves #848
Resolves #856
Resolves #876
Resolves #908
Resolves #992
Resolves #1018
Resolves #1432
Resolves #1446
Resolves #1494
Resolves #1501
Resolves #1526
Resolves #1540
Resolves #1550
Resolves #1560
Resolves #1561
Resolves #1578
Resolves #1613
2016-05-12 21:51:58 +02:00

313 lines
10 KiB

package me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.module;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.TotalFreedomMod;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.admin.Admin;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.HTMLGenerationTools;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.HTTPDPageBuilder;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.HTTPDaemon;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.NanoHTTPD;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.NanoHTTPD.Method;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.httpd.NanoHTTPD.Response;
import me.totalfreedom.totalfreedommod.util.FLog;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
public class Module_schematic extends HTTPDModule
private static final File SCHEMATIC_FOLDER = new File("./plugins/WorldEdit/schematics/");
private static final String REQUEST_FORM_FILE_ELEMENT_NAME = "schematicFile";
private static final Pattern SCHEMATIC_FILENAME_LC = Pattern.compile("^[a-z0-9_'!,\\-]{1,30}\\.schematic$");
private static final String[] SCHEMATIC_FILTER = new String[]
private static final String UPLOAD_FORM = "<form method=\"post\" name=\"schematicForm\" id=\"schematicForm\" action=\"/schematic/upload/\" enctype=\"multipart/form-data\">\n"
+ "<p>Select a schematic file to upload. Filenames must be alphanumeric, between 1 and 30 characters long (inclusive), and have a .schematic extension.</p>\n"
+ "<input type=\"file\" id=\"schematicFile\" name=\"schematicFile\" />\n"
+ "<br />\n"
+ "<button type=\"submit\">Submit</button>\n"
+ "</form>";
public Module_schematic(TotalFreedomMod plugin, NanoHTTPD.HTTPSession session)
super(plugin, session);
public Response getResponse()
return new HTTPDPageBuilder(body(), title(), null, null).getResponse();
catch (ResponseOverrideException ex)
return ex.getResponse();
public String title()
return "TotalFreedomMod :: Schematic Manager";
public String body() throws ResponseOverrideException
if (!SCHEMATIC_FOLDER.exists())
return HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Can't find the WorldEdit schematic folder.");
final StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder();
final String[] args = StringUtils.split(uri, "/");
final ModuleMode mode = ModuleMode.getMode(getArg(args, 1));
switch (mode)
case LIST:
Collection<File> schematics = FileUtils.listFiles(SCHEMATIC_FOLDER, SCHEMATIC_FILTER, false);
final List<String> schematicsFormatted = new ArrayList<>();
for (File schematic : schematics)
String filename = StringEscapeUtils.escapeHtml4(schematic.getName());
if (SCHEMATIC_FILENAME_LC.matcher(filename.trim().toLowerCase()).find())
schematicsFormatted.add("<li><a href=\"/schematic/download?schematicName=" + filename + "\">" + filename + "</a></li>");
schematicsFormatted.add("<li>" + filename + " - (Illegal filename, can't download)</li>");
Collections.sort(schematicsFormatted, new Comparator<String>()
public int compare(String a, String b)
return a.toLowerCase().compareTo(b.toLowerCase());
.append(HTMLGenerationTools.heading("Schematics:", 1))
.append(StringUtils.join(schematicsFormatted, "\r\n"))
throw new ResponseOverrideException(downloadSchematic(params.get("schematicName")));
catch (SchematicTransferException ex)
out.append(HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Error downloading schematic: " + ex.getMessage()));
case UPLOAD:
final String remoteAddress = socket.getInetAddress().getHostAddress();
if (!isAuthorized(remoteAddress))
out.append(HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Schematic upload access denied: Your IP, " + remoteAddress + ", is not registered to a superadmin on this server."));
if (method == Method.POST)
out.append(HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Schematic uploaded successfully."));
catch (SchematicTransferException ex)
out.append(HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Error uploading schematic: " + ex.getMessage()));
out.append(HTMLGenerationTools.paragraph("Invalid request mode."));
return out.toString();
private boolean uploadSchematic() throws SchematicTransferException
Map<String, String> files = getFiles();
final String tempFileName = files.get(REQUEST_FORM_FILE_ELEMENT_NAME);
if (tempFileName == null)
throw new SchematicTransferException("No file transmitted to server.");
final File tempFile = new File(tempFileName);
if (!tempFile.exists())
throw new SchematicTransferException();
String origFileName = params.get(REQUEST_FORM_FILE_ELEMENT_NAME);
if (origFileName == null || (origFileName = origFileName.trim()).isEmpty())
throw new SchematicTransferException("Can't resolve original file name.");
if (tempFile.length() > FileUtils.ONE_KB * 64L)
throw new SchematicTransferException("Schematic is too big (64kb max).");
if (!SCHEMATIC_FILENAME_LC.matcher(origFileName.toLowerCase()).find())
throw new SchematicTransferException("File name must be alphanumeric, between 1 and 30 characters long (inclusive), and have a \".schematic\" extension.");
final File targetFile = new File(SCHEMATIC_FOLDER.getPath(), origFileName);
if (targetFile.exists())
throw new SchematicTransferException("Schematic already exists on the server.");
FileUtils.copyFile(tempFile, targetFile);
catch (IOException ex)
throw new SchematicTransferException();
return true;
private Response downloadSchematic(String schematicName) throws SchematicTransferException
if (schematicName == null || !SCHEMATIC_FILENAME_LC.matcher((schematicName = schematicName.trim()).toLowerCase()).find())
throw new SchematicTransferException("Invalid schematic name requested: " + schematicName);
final File targetFile = new File(SCHEMATIC_FOLDER.getPath(), schematicName);
if (!targetFile.exists())
throw new SchematicTransferException("Schematic not found: " + schematicName);
Response response = HTTPDaemon.serveFileBasic(targetFile);
response.addHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + targetFile.getName() + ";");
return response;
private boolean isAuthorized(String remoteAddress)
Admin entry =;
return entry != null && entry.isActive();
private static class SchematicTransferException extends Exception
public SchematicTransferException()
public SchematicTransferException(String string)
private static class ResponseOverrideException extends Exception
private final Response response;
public ResponseOverrideException(Response response)
this.response = response;
public Response getResponse()
return response;
private static String getArg(String[] args, int index)
String out = (args.length == index + 1 ? args[index] : null);
return (out == null ? null : (out.trim().isEmpty() ? null : out.trim()));
private static enum ModuleMode
private final String modeName;
private ModuleMode(String modeName)
this.modeName = modeName;
public String toString()
return this.modeName;
public static ModuleMode getMode(String needle)
for (ModuleMode mode : values())
final String haystack = mode.toString();
if (haystack != null && haystack.equalsIgnoreCase(needle))
return mode;
return INVALID;