name: TotalFreedomMod main: me.StevenLawson.TotalFreedomMod.TotalFreedomMod version: 4.3 description: Plugin for the Total Freedom server. softdepend: [ BukkitTelnet, WorldEdit, Essentials ] authors: [ Madgeek1450, Prozza, business-goose, Luna ] commands: setl: description: 'Sets everyone''s Worldedit block modification limit to 500.' usage: '/' radar: description: 'Shows nearby people sorted by distance.' usage: '/ [range]' tfm: description: 'Shows information about TotalFreedomMod or reloads it' usage: '/ [reload]' mp: description: 'Purge all mobs in all worlds.' usage: '/' jumppads: description: 'Manage jumppads' usage: '/ | strength >' aliases: [ launchpads, jp ] qop: description: 'Quick Op - op someone based on a partial name.' usage: '/ ' doom: description: 'For the bad Super Admins' usage: '/ ' fuckoff: description: 'You''ll never even see it coming.' usage: '/' wipeuserdata: description: 'Removes essentials playerdata' usage: '/' wildcard: description: 'Run any command on all users, username placeholder = ?.' usage: '/ [fluff] ? [fluff] ?' nf: description: 'NickFilter: Prefix any command with this command to replace nicknames in that command with real names. Nicknames should be prefixed with a !.' usage: '/ !' landmine: description: 'Set a landmine trap.' usage: '/' moblimiter: description: 'Control mob rezzing parameters.' usage: '/ |dragon|giant|ghast|slime>' flatlands: description: 'Goto the flatlands.' usage: '/' findip: description: 'Shows all IPs registered to a player' usage: '/ ' cage: description: 'Place a cage around someone.' usage: '/ [outermaterial] [innermaterial]>' expel: description: 'Push people away from you.' usage: '/ [radius] [strength]' list: description: 'Lists the real names of all online players.' usage: '/ [-a | -i]' aliases: 'who' invis: description: 'Shows (optionally smites) invisisible players' usage: '/ (smite)' onlinemode: description: 'Switch server online-mode on and off.' usage: '/ ' gcmd: description: 'Send a command as someone else.' usage: '/ ' spectator: description: 'Quickly change your own gamemode to spectator, or define someone''s username to change theirs.' usage: '/ [partialname]' aliases: 'gmsp' potion: description: 'Manipulate potion effects. Duration is measured in server ticks (~20 ticks per second).' usage: '/ [target name]>' deop: description: 'Deop a player.' usage: '/ ' nicknyan: description: 'Essentials Interface Command - Nyanify your nickname.' usage: '/ < | off>' rank: description: 'Shows your rank.' usage: '/' nether: description: 'Goto the nether.' usage: '/' ops: description: 'Manager operators' usage: '/ ' setlevel: description: 'Sets your expierence level.' usage: '/ [level]' trail: description: 'Pretty rainbow trails.' usage: '/ [off]' opme: description: 'Automatically ops user.' usage: '/' adminworld: description: 'Go to the AdminWorld.' usage: '/ [guest < list | purge | add | remove > | time | weather ]' health: description: 'View ticks-per-second' usage: '/' plugincontrol: description: 'Manage plugins' usage: '/ < > | list>' aliases: 'plc' deafen: description: 'Make some noise.' usage: '/' tossmob: description: 'Throw a mob in the direction you are facing when you left click with a stick.' usage: '/ ' cmdspy: description: 'Spy on commands' usage: '/' aliases: 'commandspy' tempban: description: 'Temporarily ban someone.' usage: '/ [playername] [duration] [reason]' glist: description: 'Ban/Unban any player, even those who are not logged in anymore.' usage: '/ >' gtfo: description: 'Makes someone GTFO (deop and ip ban by username).' usage: '/ ' rd: description: 'Remove various server entities that may cause lag, such as dropped items, minecarts, and boats.' usage: '/ ' setlever: description: 'Set the on/off state of the lever at position x, y, z in world ''worldname''.' usage: '/ ' localspawn: description: 'Teleport to the spawn point for the current world.' usage: '/' aliases: [ worldspawn, gotospawn ] tag: description: 'Sets yourself a prefix' usage: '/ | off | clear | clearall>' ender: description: 'Goto the ender / \' usage: '/' purgeall: description: 'Superadmin command - Purge everything! (except for bans).' usage: '/' colorme: description: 'Essentials Interface Command - Color your current nickname.' usage: '/ ' setspawnworld: description: 'Set world spawnpoint.' usage: '/' warn: description: 'Warns a player.' usage: '/ ' report: description: 'Report a player for admins to see.' usage: '/ ' toggle: description: 'Toggles TotalFreedomMod settings' usage: '/ [option] [value] [value]' o: description: 'AdminChat - Talk privately with other admins. Using itself will toggle AdminChat on and off for all messages.' usage: '/ [message...]' aliases: 'adminchat' creative: description: 'Quickly change your own gamemode to creative, or define someone''s username to change theirs.' usage: '/ [partialname]' aliases: 'gmc' rawsay: description: 'Broadcasts the given message. Supports colors.' usage: '/ ' overlord: description: 'Overlord - control this server in-game' usage: 'access' aliases: 'ov' uuid: description: 'Calculate yourself or someone else''s UUID' usage: '/ ' logs: description: 'Register your connection with the TFM logviewer.' usage: '/ [off]' smite: description: 'Someone being a little bitch? Smite them down...' usage: '/ [playername]' cartsit: description: 'Sit in nearest minecart. If target is in a minecart already, they will disembark.' usage: '/ [partialname]' debug: description: 'For developers only - debug things via reflection.' usage: '/' stop: description: 'Kicks everyone and stops the server.' usage: '/' whitelist: description: 'Manage the whitelist.' usage: '/ | remove | addall | purge>' tban: description: 'Temporarily bans a player for five minutes.' usage: '/ ' aliases: 'noob' deopall: description: 'Deop everyone on the server.' usage: '/' saconfig: description: 'Manage superadmins.' usage: '/ >' say: description: 'Broadcasts the given message as the console, includes sender name.' usage: '/ ' halt: description: 'Halts a player' usage: '/ < | all | purge | list>' protectarea: description: 'Protect areas so that only superadmins can directly modify blocks in those areas. WorldEdit and other such plugins might bypass this.' usage: '/ | add