package me.StevenLawson.TotalFreedomMod.Commands; import; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.Command; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; @CommandPermissions(level = AdminLevel.SUPER, source = SourceType.BOTH) @CommandParameters(description = "Run any command on all users, username placeholder = ?.", usage = "/ [fluff] ? [fluff] ?") public class Command_wildcard extends TFM_Command { @Override public boolean run(CommandSender sender, Player sender_p, Command cmd, String commandLabel, String[] args, boolean senderIsConsole) { if (args[0].equals("wildcard")) { playerMsg("What the hell are you trying to do, you stupid idiot...", ChatColor.RED); return true; } if (args[0].equals("gtfo")) { playerMsg("Nice try", ChatColor.RED); return true; } if (args[0].equals("doom")) { playerMsg("Look, we all hate people, but this is not the way to deal with it, doom is evil enough!", ChatColor.RED); return true; } if (args[0].equals("saconfig")) { playerMsg("WOA, WTF are you trying to do???", ChatColor.RED); return true; } String base_command = StringUtils.join(args, " "); for (Player player : server.getOnlinePlayers()) { String out_command = base_command.replaceAll("\\x3f", player.getName()); playerMsg("Running Command: " + out_command); server.dispatchCommand(sender, out_command); } return true; } }