package com.moandjiezana.toml; import; import; import; import; import org.junit.*; import; import; import; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class BurntSushiValidEncoderTest { @Test public void array_empty() throws Exception { runEncoder("array-empty"); } @Test public void arrays_hetergeneous() throws Exception { runEncoder("arrays-hetergeneous"); } @Test public void arrays_nested() throws Exception { runEncoder("arrays-nested"); } @Test public void datetime() throws Exception { runEncoder("datetime"); } @Test public void empty() throws Exception { runEncoder("empty"); } @Test public void example() throws Exception { runEncoder("example"); } @Test public void float_() throws Exception { runEncoder("float"); } @Test public void implicit_and_explicit_before() throws Exception { runEncoder("implicit-and-explicit-before"); } @Test public void implicit_groups() throws Exception { runEncoder("implicit-groups"); } @Test public void long_float() throws Exception { runEncoder("long-float"); } @Test public void long_integer() throws Exception { runEncoder("long-integer"); } @Test public void key_special_chars_modified() throws Exception { runEncoder("key-special-chars-modified"); } @Test public void integer() throws Exception { runEncoder("integer"); } @Test public void string_empty() throws Exception { runEncoder("string-empty"); } @Test public void string_escapes_modified() throws Exception { runEncoder("string-escapes-modified"); } @Test public void string_simple() throws Exception { runEncoder("string-simple"); } @Test public void table_array_implicit() throws Exception { runEncoder("table-array-implicit"); } @Test public void table_array_many() throws Exception { runEncoder("table-array-many"); } @Test public void table_array_nest_modified() throws Exception { // Modified to remove stray spaces in the expected TOML runEncoder("table-array-nest-modified", new TomlWriter.Builder().indentTablesBy(2).build()); } @Test public void table_array_one() throws Exception { runEncoder("table-array-one"); } private static final Gson GSON = new Gson(); private void runEncoder(String testName) { runEncoder(testName, new TomlWriter()); } private void runEncoder(String testName, TomlWriter tomlWriter) { InputStream inputTomlStream = getClass().getResourceAsStream("burntsushi/valid/" + testName + ".toml"); String expectedToml = convertStreamToString(inputTomlStream).replaceAll("\r\n", "\n"); Reader inputJsonReader = new InputStreamReader(getClass().getResourceAsStream("burntsushi/valid/" + testName + ".json")); JsonElement jsonInput = GSON.fromJson(inputJsonReader, JsonElement.class); Map enriched = enrichJson(jsonInput.getAsJsonObject()); String encoded = tomlWriter.write(enriched); assertEquals(expectedToml, encoded); } // Enrich toml-test JSON trees into native Java types, suiteable // for consumption by TomlWriter. private Map enrichJson(JsonObject jsonObject) { Map enriched = new LinkedHashMap(); for (Map.Entry entry : jsonObject.entrySet()) { enriched.put(entry.getKey(), enrichJsonElement(entry.getValue())); } return enriched; } Object enrichJsonElement(JsonElement jsonElement) { if (jsonElement.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jsonObject = jsonElement.getAsJsonObject(); if (jsonObject.has("type") && jsonObject.has("value")) { return enrichPrimitive(jsonObject); } return enrichJson(jsonElement.getAsJsonObject()); } else if (jsonElement.isJsonArray()) { List tables = new LinkedList(); for (JsonElement arrayElement : jsonElement.getAsJsonArray()) { tables.add(enrichJsonElement(arrayElement)); } return tables; } throw new AssertionError("received unexpected JsonElement: " + jsonElement); } private Object enrichPrimitive(JsonObject jsonObject) { String type = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("type").getAsString(); if ("bool".equals(type)) { return jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsBoolean(); } else if ("integer".equals(type)) { return jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsBigInteger(); } else if ("float".equals(type)) { return jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsDouble(); } else if ("string".equals(type)) { return jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); } else if ("datetime".equals(type)) { DateFormat iso8601Format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", Locale.US); iso8601Format.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC")); String dateString = jsonObject.getAsJsonPrimitive("value").getAsString(); try { return iso8601Format.parse(dateString); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AssertionError("failed to parse datetime '" + dateString + "': " + e.getMessage()); } } else if ("array".equals(type)) { JsonArray jsonArray = jsonObject.getAsJsonArray("value"); List enriched = new LinkedList(); for (JsonElement arrayElement : jsonArray) { enriched.add(enrichJsonElement(arrayElement)); } return enriched; } throw new AssertionError("enrichPrimitive: received unknown type " + type); } static String convertStreamToString( is) { java.util.Scanner s = new java.util.Scanner(is).useDelimiter("\\A"); return s.hasNext() ? : ""; } }