# toml4j toml4j is a [TOML](https://github.com/mojombo/toml) parser that uses the [Parboiled](http://www.parboiled.org) PEG parser. ## Usage ````java Toml toml = new Toml(getTomlFile()); // throws an Exception if the TOML is incorrect String title = toml.getString("title"); // if a key doesn't exist, returns null Boolean enabled = toml.getBoolean("database.enabled"); // gets the key enabled from the key group database Toml servers = toml.getKeyGroup("servers"); // returns a new Toml instance containing only the key group's values ```` ### Defaults The constructor can be given a set of default values that will be used if necessary. ````java Toml toml = new Toml("a = 1", new Toml("a = 2\nb = 3"); Long a = toml.getLong("a"); // returns 1, not 2 Long b = toml.getLong("b"); // returns 3 Long c = toml.getLong("c"); // returns null ````