Commit Graph

  • 50ee0e2677
    Add clearinventory command + reflections master Telesphoreo 2022-04-27 18:44:25 -0500
  • 6e30af29f8 add /spawn add /setspawn add worldsettings for spawn locations add global spawning Taah 2022-04-24 20:02:39 -0700
  • 3d850d3698 display a properly parsed nickname with the hover events removed Taah 2022-04-24 16:34:42 -0700
  • 2a94bd8c6c add /god Taah 2022-04-24 07:56:27 -0700
  • b31d335b84 add messaging and replying Taah 2022-04-24 07:43:55 -0700
  • efe60c7976 modify the API a bit so an API user can access and set fields in the object holder Taah 2022-04-24 07:23:59 -0700
  • 15bad44300 finish /nickname add license fix up api a bit add reloading sunburst config load players if they're online update on disable Taah 2022-04-24 06:51:12 -0700
  • fa3af16358 Setup workspace and begin API implementations Taah 2022-04-24 05:15:45 -0700