package dev.plex.toml; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable; import static dev.plex.toml.ValueWriters.WRITERS; /** *

Converts Objects to TOML

* *

An input Object can comprise arbitrarily nested combinations of Java primitive types, * other {@link Object}s, {@link Map}s, {@link List}s, and Arrays. {@link Object}s and {@link Map}s * are output to TOML tables, and {@link List}s and Array to TOML arrays.

* *

Example usage:


 * class AClass {
 *   int anInt = 1;
 *   int[] anArray = { 2, 3 };
 * }
 * String tomlString = new TomlWriter().write(new AClass());
*/ public class TomlWriter { public static class Builder { private int keyIndentation; private int tableIndentation; private int arrayDelimiterPadding = 0; private TimeZone timeZone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"); private boolean showFractionalSeconds = false; public Builder indentValuesBy(int spaces) { this.keyIndentation = spaces; return this; } public Builder indentTablesBy(int spaces) { this.tableIndentation = spaces; return this; } public Builder timeZone(TimeZone timeZone) { this.timeZone = timeZone; return this; } /** * @param spaces number of spaces to put between opening square bracket and first item and between closing square bracket and last item * @return this TomlWriter.Builder instance */ public Builder padArrayDelimitersBy(int spaces) { this.arrayDelimiterPadding = spaces; return this; } public TomlWriter build() { return new TomlWriter(keyIndentation, tableIndentation, arrayDelimiterPadding, timeZone, showFractionalSeconds); } public Builder showFractionalSeconds() { this.showFractionalSeconds = true; return this; } } private final IndentationPolicy indentationPolicy; private final dev.plex.toml.DatePolicy datePolicy; /** * Creates a TomlWriter instance. */ public TomlWriter() { this(0, 0, 0, TimeZone.getTimeZone("UTC"), false); } private TomlWriter(int keyIndentation, int tableIndentation, int arrayDelimiterPadding, TimeZone timeZone, boolean showFractionalSeconds) { this.indentationPolicy = new IndentationPolicy(keyIndentation, tableIndentation, arrayDelimiterPadding); this.datePolicy = new dev.plex.toml.DatePolicy(timeZone, showFractionalSeconds); } /** * Write an Object into TOML String. * * @param from the object to be written * @return a string containing the TOML representation of the given Object */ public String write(Object from) { try { StringWriter output = new StringWriter(); write(from, output, null); return output.toString(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } /** * Write an Object in TOML to a {@link File}. Output is encoded as UTF-8. * * @param from the object to be written * @param target the File to which the TOML will be written * @throws IOException if any file operations fail */ public void write(Object from, File target) throws IOException { OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(target, true); try { write(from, outputStream, target); } finally { outputStream.close(); } } /** * Write an Object in TOML to a {@link OutputStream}. Output is encoded as UTF-8. * * @param from the object to be written * @param target the OutputStream to which the TOML will be written. The stream is NOT closed after being written to. * @throws IOException if target.write() fails */ public void write(Object from, OutputStream target, @Nullable File file) throws IOException { OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(target, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); write(from, writer, file); writer.flush(); } /** * Write an Object in TOML to a {@link Writer}. You MUST ensure that the {@link Writer}s's encoding is set to UTF-8 for the TOML to be valid. * * @param from the object to be written. Can be a Map or a custom type. Must not be null. * @param target the Writer to which TOML will be written. The Writer is not closed. * @throws IOException if target.write() fails * @throws IllegalArgumentException if from is of an invalid type */ public void write(Object from, Writer target, @Nullable File file) throws IOException { dev.plex.toml.ValueWriter valueWriter = WRITERS.findWriterFor(from); if (valueWriter == MapValueWriter.MAP_VALUE_WRITER || valueWriter == dev.plex.toml.ObjectValueWriter.OBJECT_VALUE_WRITER) { WriterContext context = new WriterContext(indentationPolicy, datePolicy, target); if (file != null && file.exists()) { context.file = file; } valueWriter.write(from, context); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An object of class " + from.getClass().getSimpleName() + " cannot produce valid TOML. Please pass in a Map or a custom type."); } } }