package dev.plex.extras; import; import; import dev.plex.command.PlexCommand; import dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandParameters; import dev.plex.command.annotation.CommandPermissions; import dev.plex.config.ModuleConfig; import dev.plex.extras.command.slime.MyWorldCommand; import dev.plex.extras.command.slime.SlimeManagerCommand; import dev.plex.extras.hook.SlimeWorldHook; import dev.plex.extras.jumppads.JumpPads; import dev.plex.listener.PlexListener; import dev.plex.module.PlexModule; import dev.plex.util.PlexLog; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; import lombok.Getter; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.World; public class TFMExtras extends PlexModule { @Getter private static TFMExtras module; public JumpPads jumpPads; @Getter private ModuleConfig config; @Getter private SlimeWorldHook slimeWorldHook; @Override public void load() { module = this; config = new ModuleConfig(this, "tfmextras/config.yml", "config.yml"); config.load(); jumpPads = new JumpPads(); if (swmEnabled()) { slimeWorldHook = new SlimeWorldHook(); } // PlexLog.debug(String.valueOf(config.getInt("server.jumppad_strength"))); // PlexLog.log("Test map: {0}", StringUtils.join(SQLUtil.createTable(Lists.newArrayList(), PlayerWorld.class), "\n")); } @Override public void enable() { if (swmEnabled()) { slimeWorldHook.onEnable(this); registerCommand(new SlimeManagerCommand()); registerCommand(new MyWorldCommand()); } getClassesFrom("dev.plex.extras.command").forEach(aClass -> { if (PlexCommand.class.isAssignableFrom(aClass) && aClass.isAnnotationPresent(CommandParameters.class) && aClass.isAnnotationPresent(CommandPermissions.class)) { try { PlexCommand plexCommand = (PlexCommand)aClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(); registerCommand(plexCommand); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); getClassesFrom("dev.plex.extras.listener").forEach(aClass -> { if (PlexListener.class.isAssignableFrom(aClass)) { try { PlexListener plexListener = (PlexListener)aClass.getConstructors()[0].newInstance(); registerListener(plexListener); } catch (InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); addDefaultMessage("emptyAdminInfo", "The admin information section of the config.yml file has not been configured."); addDefaultMessage("cakeLyrics", "But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake."); addDefaultMessage("areaEffectCloudClear", "{0} - Removing all area effect clouds", "0 - The command sender"); addDefaultMessage("chatCleared", "{0} - Cleared the chat", "0 - The command sender"); addDefaultMessage("attributeList", "All possible attributes: {0}", "0 - The attribute list, each split by a new line"); addDefaultMessage("modifiedAutoClear", "{0} will {1} have their inventory cleared when they join.", "0 - The player who will have their inventory cleared on join", "1 - Whether they had this option toggled (returns: 'no longer', 'now')"); addDefaultMessage("modifiedAutoTeleport", "{0} will {1} be teleported automatically when they join.", "0 - The player to be teleported automatically", "1 - Whether they had this option toggled (returns: 'no longer', 'now')"); addDefaultMessage("createdPlayerWorld", "Welcome to the server! We've created you a new private world where you can invite your friends! View how to use this using /myworld and visit it using /myworld goto!"); addDefaultMessage("playerWorldExists", "Hey! Your world seems to already exist, go to it using /myworld goto"); addDefaultMessage("selfPlayerWorldNotFound", "Hey! You don't seem to own a world yet. Go ahead and run /myworld create and then run /myworld for more help!"); addDefaultMessage("playerWorldNotFound", "Hey! This player's world does not seem to exist. Are they online?"); addDefaultMessage("worldLoadError", "Hey! It looks like something went wrong when this world was being loaded in, please try asking the player (or if it is yours, then rejoin) to rejoin and if not, tell the world owner to contact support on our Discord"); } @Override public void disable() { // Unregistering listeners / commands is handled by Plex if (slimeWorldHook.plugin() != null) { slimeWorldHook.onDisable(this); } } public static Location getRandomLocation(World world) { double x = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(-100000, 100000); double z = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(-100000, 100000); double y = world.getHighestBlockYAt((int)x, (int)z) + 1; return new Location(world, x, y, z); } private Set> getClassesFrom(String packageName) { Set> classes = new HashSet(); try { ClassPath path = ClassPath.from(TFMExtras.class.getClassLoader()); ImmutableSet infoSet = path.getTopLevelClasses(packageName); infoSet.forEach((info) -> { try { Class clazz = Class.forName(info.getName()); classes.add(clazz); } catch (ClassNotFoundException var4) { PlexLog.error("Unable to find class " + info.getName() + " in " + packageName); } }); } catch (IOException var4) { PlexLog.error("Something went wrong while fetching classes from " + packageName); throw new RuntimeException(var4); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(classes); } public boolean swmEnabled() { try { Class.forName("com.infernalsuite.aswm.api.exceptions.UnknownWorldException"); } catch (Exception ignored) { return false; } return true; } }