# v1.17 (work in progress, no ETA at the moment) # v1.16 (ETA: 1 days) # v1.15 (Released 08/09/2021) # v1.14 (Released 08/07/2021) v1.14 will unfortunately be incompatible with v1.13, as I have dropped Poly1305 in favour of an HMAC. Because I have appended the encryptor version to the encrypted data in v1.13, however, v1.14 and on will be able to tell you which version your data was encrypted with so that you can fetch the correct verion of Picocrypt. There are no security issues in any previous versions of Picocrypt as long as you use a strong password. # v1.13 (Released 5/29/2021) Note: v1.13 will be INCOMPATIBLE with all previous releases! This will likely be the last change in the header format, meaning that all future releases _should_ be compatible with v1.13 and on. # v1.12.1 (Bug fix patch, released 04/11/2021) There was a major bug in v1.12 that caused the "Secure wipe" feature to show "Unknown error" when done. This wasn't anything serious security-wise and v1.12.1 has the fix for this bug. Also, a bug that causes "Secure wipe" to hang has been fixed. # v1.12 (Released 04/07/2021) Note: v1.12 will be INCOMPATIBLE with all previous releases! # v1.11 (released 03/23/2021)