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you.com api (gpt 3.5 + internet)

This commit is contained in:
t.me/xtekky 2023-04-10 01:03:55 +02:00
parent 5ec02f8a00
commit 633bcd81d7
3 changed files with 153 additions and 4 deletions

View file

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This repository provides reverse-engineered language models from various sources
- [ ] implement poe.com create bot feature (4)
- [ ] poe.com chat history management (3)
- [ ] renaming the 'poe' module to 'quora' (2)
- [ ] add you.com api (1)
- [x] add you.com api (1)
## Table of Contents
@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ This repository provides reverse-engineered language models from various sources
- [`t3nsor`](#example-t3nsor)
- [`ora`](#example-ora)
- [`writesonic`](#example-writesonic)
- [`you`](#example-you)
## Current Sites <a name="current-sites"></a>
@ -30,7 +31,8 @@ This repository provides reverse-engineered language models from various sources
| [nat.dev](https://nat.dev) | GPT-4/3.5 (paid now, looking for bypass)|
| [poe.com](https://poe.com) | GPT-4/3.5 |
| [writesonic.com](https://writesonic.com)|GPT-3.5 / Internet|
| [t3nsor.com](https://t3nsor.com)|GPT-3.5|
| [you.com](https://you.com)|GPT-3.5 / Internet / good search|
## Sites with Authentication <a name="sites-with-authentication"></a>
@ -221,6 +223,43 @@ response = writesonic.Completion.create(
print(response.completion.choices[0].text) # Argentina won the 2022 FIFA World Cup tournament held in Qatar ...
### Example: `you` (use like openai pypi package) <a name="example-you"></a>
import you
# simple request with links and details
response = you.Completion.create(
prompt = "hello world",
detailed = True,
includelinks = True,)
# {
# "response": "...",
# "links": [...],
# "extra": {...},
# "slots": {...}
# }
# }
chat = []
while True:
prompt = input("You: ")
response = you.Completion.create(
prompt = prompt,
chat = chat)
print("Bot:", response["response"])
chat.append({"question": prompt, "answer": response["response"]})
## Dependencies
The repository is written in Python and requires the following packages:
@ -232,11 +271,12 @@ The repository is written in Python and requires the following packages:
You can install these packages using the provided `requirements.txt` file.
## Repository structure:
├── ora/
├── poe/
├── t3nsor/
├── testing/
├── writesonic/
├── you/
├── README.md <-- this file.
└── requirements.txt

testing/you_test.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
import you
# simple request with links and details
response = you.Completion.create(
prompt = "hello world",
detailed = True,
includelinks = True,)
# {
# "response": "...",
# "links": [...],
# "extra": {...},
# "slots": {...}
# }
# }
chat = []
while True:
prompt = input("You: ")
response = you.Completion.create(
prompt = prompt,
chat = chat)
print("Bot:", response["response"])
chat.append({"question": prompt, "answer": response["response"]})

you/__init__.py Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
from tls_client import Session
from re import findall
from json import loads, dumps
from uuid import uuid4
class Completion:
def create(
prompt : str,
page : int = 1,
count : int = 10,
safeSearch : str = "Moderate",
onShoppingpage : bool = False,
mkt : str = "",
responseFilter : str = "WebPages,Translations,TimeZone,Computation,RelatedSearches",
domain : str = "youchat",
queryTraceId : str = None,
chat : list = [],
includelinks : bool = False,
detailed : bool = False,
debug : bool = False ) -> dict:
client = Session(client_identifier="chrome_108")
client.headers = {
"authority" : "you.com",
"accept" : "text/event-stream",
"accept-language" : "en,fr-FR;q=0.9,fr;q=0.8,es-ES;q=0.7,es;q=0.6,en-US;q=0.5,am;q=0.4,de;q=0.3",
"cache-control" : "no-cache",
"referer" : "https://you.com/search?q=who+are+you&tbm=youchat",
"sec-ch-ua" : '"Not_A Brand";v="99", "Google Chrome";v="109", "Chromium";v="109"',
"sec-ch-ua-mobile" : "?0",
"sec-ch-ua-platform": '"Windows"',
"sec-fetch-dest" : "empty",
"sec-fetch-mode" : "cors",
"sec-fetch-site" : "same-origin",
'cookie' : f'safesearch_guest=Moderate; uuid_guest={str(uuid4())}',
"user-agent" : "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36",
response = client.get(f"https://you.com/api/streamingSearch", params = {
"q" : prompt,
"page" : page,
"count" : count,
"safeSearch" : safeSearch,
"onShoppingPage" : onShoppingpage,
"mkt" : mkt,
"responseFilter" : responseFilter,
"domain" : domain,
"queryTraceId" : str(uuid4()) if queryTraceId is None else queryTraceId,
"chat" : str(chat), # {"question":"","answer":" '"}
if debug:
youChatSerpResults = findall(r'youChatSerpResults\ndata: (.*)\n\nevent', response.text)[0]
thirdPartySearchResults = findall(r"thirdPartySearchResults\ndata: (.*)\n\nevent", response.text)[0]
slots = findall(r"slots\ndata: (.*)\n\nevent", response.text)[0]
text = response.text.split('}]}\n\nevent: youChatToken\ndata: {"youChatToken": "')[-1]
text = text.replace('"}\n\nevent: youChatToken\ndata: {"youChatToken": "', '')
text = text.replace('event: done\ndata: I\'m Mr. Meeseeks. Look at me.\n\n', '')
extra = {
'youChatSerpResults' : loads(youChatSerpResults),
'slots' : loads(slots)
return {
'response': text,
'links' : loads(thirdPartySearchResults)['search']["third_party_search_results"] if includelinks else None,
'extra' : extra if detailed else None,