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135 lines
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* PROJECT: ReactOS crt library
* LICENSE: GPLv2+ - See COPYING in the top level directory
* PURPOSE: Compiler support for COM
* PROGRAMMER: Thomas Faber (thomas.faber@reactos.org)
#include <stdarg.h>
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#define _INC_WINDOWS
#include <windef.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include <comdef.h>
/* comdef.h */
static COM_ERROR_HANDLER *com_error_handler;
void WINAPI _com_raise_error(HRESULT hr, IErrorInfo *perrinfo)
throw _com_error(hr, perrinfo);
void WINAPI _set_com_error_handler(COM_ERROR_HANDLER *phandler)
com_error_handler = phandler;
void WINAPI _com_issue_error(HRESULT hr)
com_error_handler(hr, NULL);
void WINAPI _com_issue_errorex(HRESULT hr, IUnknown *punk, REFIID riid)
void *pv;
IErrorInfo *perrinfo = NULL;
if (SUCCEEDED(punk->QueryInterface(riid, &pv)))
ISupportErrorInfo *pserrinfo = static_cast<ISupportErrorInfo *>(pv);
if (pserrinfo->InterfaceSupportsErrorInfo(riid) == S_OK)
(void)GetErrorInfo(0, &perrinfo);
com_error_handler(hr, perrinfo);
/* comutil.h */
_variant_t vtMissing(DISP_E_PARAMNOTFOUND, VT_ERROR);
namespace _com_util
BSTR WINAPI ConvertStringToBSTR(const char *pSrc)
DWORD cwch;
if (!pSrc) return NULL;
/* Compute the needed size with the NULL terminator */
cwch = ::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pSrc, -1, NULL, 0);
if (cwch == 0) return NULL;
/* Allocate the BSTR (without the NULL terminator) */
wsOut = ::SysAllocStringLen(NULL, cwch - 1);
if (!wsOut)
return NULL;
/* Convert the string */
if (::MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, pSrc, -1, wsOut, cwch) == 0)
/* We failed, clean everything up */
cwch = ::GetLastError();
wsOut = NULL;
::_com_issue_error(!IS_ERROR(cwch) ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(cwch) : cwch);
return wsOut;
char* WINAPI ConvertBSTRToString(BSTR pSrc)
DWORD cb, cwch;
char *szOut = NULL;
if (!pSrc) return NULL;
/* Retrieve the size of the BSTR with the NULL terminator */
cwch = ::SysStringLen(pSrc) + 1;
/* Compute the needed size with the NULL terminator */
cb = ::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pSrc, cwch, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (cb == 0)
cwch = ::GetLastError();
::_com_issue_error(!IS_ERROR(cwch) ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(cwch) : cwch);
return NULL;
/* Allocate the string */
szOut = (char*)::operator new(cb * sizeof(char));
if (!szOut)
return NULL;
/* Convert the string and NULL-terminate */
szOut[cb - 1] = '\0';
if (::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, pSrc, cwch, szOut, cb, NULL, NULL) == 0)
/* We failed, clean everything up */
cwch = ::GetLastError();
::operator delete(szOut);
szOut = NULL;
::_com_issue_error(!IS_ERROR(cwch) ? HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(cwch) : cwch);
return szOut;