Cameron Gutman 25720d75f4 Create a branch for work on porting an alternate TCP library with the main focus on stability
svn path=/branches/tcp-rewrite-branch/; revision=48714
2010-09-07 03:33:36 +00:00

559 lines
17 KiB

* COPYRIGHT: See COPYING in the top level directory
* PROJECT: ReactOS system libraries
* PURPOSE: Splay-Tree implementation
* FILE: lib/rtl/splaytree.c
* PROGRAMMER: Alex Ionescu (
/* INCLUDES *****************************************************************/
#include <rtl.h>
#define NDEBUG
#include <debug.h>
/* FUNCTIONS ***************************************************************/
SwapSplayLinks(PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS LinkA,
* @implemented
N = Links;
/* Check if we have two children */
if ((RtlLeftChild(N)) && (RtlRightChild(N)))
/* Get the predecessor */
SP = RtlSubtreePredecessor(N);
/* Swap it with N, this will guarantee that N will have only a child */
SwapSplayLinks(SP, N);
/* Check if we have no children */
if (!(RtlLeftChild(N)) && !(RtlRightChild(N)))
/* If we are also the root, then the tree is gone */
if (RtlIsRoot(N)) return NULL;
/* Get our parent */
P = RtlParent(N);
/* Find out who is referencing us and delete the reference */
if (RtlIsLeftChild(N))
/* N was a left child, so erase its parent's left child link */
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(N)) = NULL;
/* N was a right child, so erase its parent's right child link */
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(N)) = NULL;
/* And finally splay the parent */
return RtlSplay(P);
/* If we got here, we have a child (not two: we swapped above!) */
if (RtlLeftChild(N))
/* We have a left child, so get it */
C = RtlLeftChild(N);
/* We have a right child, get him instead */
C = RtlRightChild(N);
/* Check if we are the root entry */
if (RtlIsRoot(N))
/* Our child is now root, return him */
C->Parent = C;
return C;
/* Find out who is referencing us and link to our child instead */
if (RtlIsLeftChild(N))
/* N was a left child, so set its parent's left child as our child */
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(N)) = C;
/* N was a right child, so set its parent's right child as our child */
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(N)) = C;
/* Finally, inherit our parent and splay the parent */
C->Parent = N->Parent;
return RtlSplay(RtlParent(C));
* @unimplemented
RtlDeleteNoSplay(PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS Links,
* @implemented
RtlRealPredecessor(PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS Links)
/* Get the left child */
Child = RtlLeftChild(Links);
if (Child)
/* Get right-most child */
while (RtlRightChild(Child)) Child = RtlRightChild(Child);
return Child;
/* We don't have a left child, keep looping until we find our parent */
Child = Links;
while (RtlIsLeftChild(Child)) Child = RtlParent(Child);
/* The parent should be a right child, return the real predecessor */
if (RtlIsRightChild(Child)) return RtlParent(Child);
/* The parent isn't a right child, so no real precessor for us */
return NULL;
* @implemented
RtlRealSuccessor(PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS Links)
/* Get the right child */
Child = RtlRightChild(Links);
if (Child)
/* Get left-most child */
while (RtlLeftChild(Child)) Child = RtlLeftChild(Child);
return Child;
/* We don't have a right child, keep looping until we find our parent */
Child = Links;
while (RtlIsRightChild(Child)) Child = RtlParent(Child);
/* The parent should be a left child, return the real successor */
if (RtlIsLeftChild(Child)) return RtlParent(Child);
/* The parent isn't a right child, so no real successor for us */
return NULL;
* @implemented
* Implementation Notes (
* To do a splay, we carry out a sequence of rotations,
* each of which moves the target node N closer to the root.
* Each particular step depends on only two factors:
* - Whether N is the left or right child of its parent node, P,
* - Whether P is the left or right child of its parent, G (for grandparent node).
* Thus, there are four cases:
* - Case 1: N is the left child of P and P is the left child of G.
* In this case we perform a double right rotation, so that
* P becomes N's right child, and G becomes P's right child.
* - Case 2: N is the right child of P and P is the right child of G.
* In this case we perform a double left rotation, so that
* P becomes N's left child, and G becomes P's left child.
* - Case 3: N is the left child of P and P is the right child of G.
* In this case we perform a rotation so that
* G becomes N's left child, and P becomes N's right child.
* - Case 4: N is the right child of P and P is the left child of G.
* In this case we perform a rotation so that
* P becomes N's left child, and G becomes N's right child.
* Finally, if N doesn't have a grandparent node, we simply perform a
* left or right rotation to move it to the root.
* By performing a splay on the node of interest after every operation,
* we keep recently accessed nodes near the root and keep the tree
* roughly balanced, so that we achieve the desired amortized time bounds.
/* N is the item we'll be playing with */
N = Links;
/* Let the algorithm run until N becomes the root entry */
while (!RtlIsRoot(N))
/* Now get the parent and grand-parent */
P = RtlParent(N);
G = RtlParent(P);
/* Case 1 & 3: N is left child of P */
if (RtlIsLeftChild(N))
/* Case 1: P is the left child of G */
if (RtlIsLeftChild(P))
* N's right-child becomes P's left child and
* P's right-child becomes G's left child.
RtlLeftChild(P) = RtlRightChild(N);
RtlLeftChild(G) = RtlRightChild(P);
* If they exist, update their parent pointers too,
* since they've changed trees.
if (RtlLeftChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlLeftChild(P)) = P;
if (RtlLeftChild(G)) RtlParent(RtlLeftChild(G)) = G;
* Now we'll shove N all the way to the top.
* Check if G is the root first.
if (RtlIsRoot(G))
/* G doesn't have a parent, so N will become the root! */
RtlParent(N) = N;
/* G has a parent, so inherit it since we take G's place */
RtlParent(N) = RtlParent(G);
* Now find out who was referencing G and have it reference
* N instead, since we're taking G's place.
if (RtlIsLeftChild(G))
* G was a left child, so change its parent's left
* child link to point to N now.
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
* G was a right child, so change its parent's right
* child link to point to N now.
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
/* Now N is on top, so P has become its child. */
RtlRightChild(N) = P;
RtlParent(P) = N;
/* N is on top, P is its child, so G is grandchild. */
RtlRightChild(P) = G;
RtlParent(G) = P;
/* Case 3: P is the right child of G */
else if (RtlIsRightChild(P))
* N's left-child becomes G's right child and
* N's right-child becomes P's left child.
RtlRightChild(G) = RtlLeftChild(N);
RtlLeftChild(P) = RtlRightChild(N);
* If they exist, update their parent pointers too,
* since they've changed trees.
if (RtlRightChild(G)) RtlParent(RtlRightChild(G)) = G;
if (RtlLeftChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlLeftChild(P)) = P;
* Now we'll shove N all the way to the top.
* Check if G is the root first.
if (RtlIsRoot(G))
/* G doesn't have a parent, so N will become the root! */
RtlParent(N) = N;
/* G has a parent, so inherit it since we take G's place */
RtlParent(N) = RtlParent(G);
* Now find out who was referencing G and have it reference
* N instead, since we're taking G's place.
if (RtlIsLeftChild(G))
* G was a left child, so change its parent's left
* child link to point to N now.
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
* G was a right child, so change its parent's right
* child link to point to N now.
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
/* Now N is on top, so G has become its left child. */
RtlLeftChild(N) = G;
RtlParent(G) = N;
/* N is on top, G is its left child, so P is right child. */
RtlRightChild(N) = P;
RtlParent(P) = N;
/* "Finally" case: N doesn't have a grandparent => P is root */
/* P's left-child becomes N's right child */
RtlLeftChild(P) = RtlRightChild(N);
/* If it exists, update its parent pointer too */
if (RtlLeftChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlLeftChild(P)) = P;
/* Now make N the root, no need to worry about references */
N->Parent = N;
/* And make P its right child */
N->RightChild = P;
P->Parent = N;
/* Case 2 & 4: N is right child of P */
/* Case 2: P is the right child of G */
if (RtlIsRightChild(P))
* P's left-child becomes G's right child and
* N's left-child becomes P's right child.
RtlRightChild(G) = RtlLeftChild(P);
RtlRightChild(P) = RtlLeftChild(N);
* If they exist, update their parent pointers too,
* since they've changed trees.
if (RtlRightChild(G)) RtlParent(RtlRightChild(G)) = G;
if (RtlRightChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlRightChild(P)) = P;
* Now we'll shove N all the way to the top.
* Check if G is the root first.
if (RtlIsRoot(G))
/* G doesn't have a parent, so N will become the root! */
RtlParent(N) = N;
/* G has a parent, so inherit it since we take G's place */
RtlParent(N) = RtlParent(G);
* Now find out who was referencing G and have it reference
* N instead, since we're taking G's place.
if (RtlIsLeftChild(G))
* G was a left child, so change its parent's left
* child link to point to N now.
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
* G was a right child, so change its parent's right
* child link to point to N now.
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
/* Now N is on top, so P has become its child. */
RtlLeftChild(N) = P;
RtlParent(P) = N;
/* N is on top, P is its child, so G is grandchild. */
RtlLeftChild(P) = G;
RtlParent(G) = P;
/* Case 4: P is the left child of G */
else if (RtlIsLeftChild(P))
* N's left-child becomes G's right child and
* N's right-child becomes P's left child.
RtlRightChild(P) = RtlLeftChild(N);
RtlLeftChild(G) = RtlRightChild(N);
* If they exist, update their parent pointers too,
* since they've changed trees.
if (RtlRightChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlRightChild(P)) = P;
if (RtlLeftChild(G)) RtlParent(RtlLeftChild(G)) = G;
* Now we'll shove N all the way to the top.
* Check if G is the root first.
if (RtlIsRoot(G))
/* G doesn't have a parent, so N will become the root! */
RtlParent(N) = N;
/* G has a parent, so inherit it since we take G's place */
RtlParent(N) = RtlParent(G);
* Now find out who was referencing G and have it reference
* N instead, since we're taking G's place.
if (RtlIsLeftChild(G))
* G was a left child, so change its parent's left
* child link to point to N now.
RtlLeftChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
* G was a right child, so change its parent's right
* child link to point to N now.
RtlRightChild(RtlParent(G)) = N;
/* Now N is on top, so P has become its left child. */
RtlLeftChild(N) = P;
RtlParent(G) = N;
/* N is on top, P is its left child, so G is right child. */
RtlRightChild(N) = G;
RtlParent(P) = N;
/* "Finally" case: N doesn't have a grandparent => P is root */
/* P's right-child becomes N's left child */
RtlRightChild(P) = RtlLeftChild(N);
/* If it exists, update its parent pointer too */
if (RtlRightChild(P)) RtlParent(RtlRightChild(P)) = P;
/* Now make N the root, no need to worry about references */
N->Parent = N;
/* And make P its left child */
N->LeftChild = P;
P->Parent = N;
/* Return the root entry */
return N;
* @implemented
RtlSubtreePredecessor(IN PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS Links)
/* Get the left child */
Child = RtlLeftChild(Links);
if (!Child) return NULL;
/* Get right-most child */
while (RtlRightChild(Child)) Child = RtlRightChild(Child);
/* Return it */
return Child;
* @implemented
RtlSubtreeSuccessor(IN PRTL_SPLAY_LINKS Links)
/* Get the right child */
Child = RtlRightChild(Links);
if (!Child) return NULL;
/* Get left-most child */
while (RtlLeftChild(Child)) Child = RtlLeftChild(Child);
/* Return it */
return Child;
/* EOF */