Timo Kreuzer 175abab7ad [IPHLPAPI] Simplify spec file
Also move the exports where they are on Windows. This was already handled correctly by MSVC and still doesn't fix the order on GCC builds, but that is a different story and shall be addressed at a different time.
2019-09-08 16:23:46 +02:00

158 lines
5.8 KiB

@ stdcall AddIPAddress( long long long ptr ptr )
@ stub AllocateAndGetArpEntTableFromStack
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIfTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpForwardTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpExTable2FromStack( ptr long long long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack( ptr long long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpExTable2FromStack( ptr long long long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack( ptr long long long long )
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpTableFromStack( ptr long long long )
@ stdcall CancelIPChangeNotify(ptr)
@ stub CancelSecurityHealthChangeNotify
@ stdcall CreateIpForwardEntry( ptr )
@ stdcall CreateIpNetEntry( ptr )
@ stdcall CreateProxyArpEntry( long long long )
@ stdcall DeleteIPAddress( long )
@ stdcall DeleteIpForwardEntry( ptr )
@ stdcall DeleteIpNetEntry( ptr )
@ stdcall DeleteProxyArpEntry( long long long )
@ stdcall DisableMediaSense(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall EnableRouter( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall FlushIpNetTable( long )
@ stub FlushIpNetTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetAdapterIndex( wstr ptr )
@ stdcall GetAdapterOrderMap()
@ stdcall GetAdaptersAddresses( long long ptr ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetAdaptersInfo( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetBestInterface( long ptr )
@ stdcall GetBestInterfaceEx(ptr ptr)
@ stub GetBestInterfaceFromStack
@ stdcall GetBestRoute( long long long )
@ stub GetBestRouteFromStack
@ stdcall GetExtendedTcpTable( ptr ptr long long long long )
@ stdcall GetExtendedUdpTable( ptr ptr long long long long )
@ stdcall GetFriendlyIfIndex( long )
@ stdcall GetIcmpStatistics( ptr )
@ stdcall GetIcmpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetIcmpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetIcmpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetIfEntry( ptr )
@ stub GetIfEntryFromStack
@ stdcall GetIfTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetIfTableFromStack
@ stub GetIgmpList
@ stdcall GetInterfaceInfo( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetIpAddrTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetIpAddrTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpErrorString(long ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetIpForwardTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetIpForwardTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpNetTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetIpNetTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpStatistics( ptr )
@ stdcall GetIpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetIpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetIpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetNetworkParams( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetNumberOfInterfaces( ptr )
@ stub GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry
@ stdcall GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry ( ptr long ptr ptr )
@ stub GetOwnerModuleFromUdp6Entry
@ stdcall GetOwnerModuleFromUdpEntry ( ptr long ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetPerAdapterInfo( long ptr ptr )
@ stdcall GetRTTAndHopCount( long ptr long ptr )
@ stub GetTcpExTable2FromStack
@ stdcall GetTcpStatistics( ptr )
@ stdcall GetTcpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetTcpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetTcpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetTcpTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetTcpTableFromStack
@ stub GetUdpExTable2FromStack
@ stdcall GetUdpStatistics( ptr )
@ stdcall GetUdpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetUdpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetUdpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetUdpTable( ptr ptr long )
@ stub GetUdpTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall Icmp6CreateFile()
@ stdcall -stub Icmp6ParseReplies(ptr long)
@ stdcall Icmp6SendEcho2(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall IcmpCloseHandle(ptr)
@ stdcall IcmpCreateFile()
@ stdcall -stub IcmpParseReplies(ptr long)
@ stdcall IcmpSendEcho2(ptr ptr ptr ptr long ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall IcmpSendEcho(ptr long ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stub InternalCreateIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalCreateIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalDeleteIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalDeleteIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalGetIfTable
@ stub InternalGetIpAddrTable
@ stub InternalGetIpForwardTable
@ stub InternalGetIpNetTable
@ stub InternalGetTcpTable
@ stub InternalGetUdpTable
@ stub InternalSetIfEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpStats
@ stub InternalSetTcpEntry
@ stdcall IpReleaseAddress( ptr )
@ stdcall IpRenewAddress( ptr )
@ stub IsLocalAddress
@ stub NTPTimeToNTFileTime
@ stub NTTimeToNTPTime
@ stub NhGetGuidFromInterfaceName
@ stdcall NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid(ptr ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid(ptr ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack(ptr ptr long ptr long)
@ stub NhpGetInterfaceIndexFromStack
@ stdcall NotifyAddrChange( ptr ptr )
@ stdcall NotifyRouteChange( ptr ptr )
@ stub NotifyRouteChangeEx
@ stub NotifySecurityHealthChange
@ stdcall _PfAddFiltersToInterface@24()
@ stdcall _PfAddGlobalFilterToInterface@8()
@ stdcall _PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress@12()
@ stdcall _PfBindInterfaceToIndex@16()
@ stdcall _PfCreateInterface@24()
@ stdcall _PfDeleteInterface@4()
@ stdcall _PfDeleteLog@0()
@ stdcall _PfGetInterfaceStatistics@16()
@ stdcall _PfMakeLog@4()
@ stdcall _PfRebindFilters@8()
@ stdcall _PfRemoveFilterHandles@12()
@ stdcall _PfRemoveFiltersFromInterface@20()
@ stdcall _PfRemoveGlobalFilterFromInterface@8()
@ stdcall _PfSetLogBuffer@28()
@ stdcall _PfTestPacket@20()
@ stdcall _PfUnBindInterface@4()
@ stdcall RestoreMediaSense(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall SendARP(long long ptr ptr)
@ stub SetAdapterIpAddress
@ stub SetBlockRoutes
@ stdcall SetIfEntry( ptr )
@ stub SetIfEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpForwardEntry( ptr )
@ stdcall SetIpForwardEntryToStack( ptr )
@ stub SetIpMultihopRouteEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpNetEntry( ptr )
@ stub SetIpNetEntryToStack
@ stub SetIpRouteEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpStatistics( ptr )
@ stub SetIpStatsToStack
@ stdcall SetIpTTL( long )
@ stub SetProxyArpEntryToStack
@ stub SetRouteWithRef
@ stdcall SetTcpEntry( ptr )
@ stub SetTcpEntryToStack
@ stdcall UnenableRouter( ptr ptr )
@ stub do_echo_rep
@ stub do_echo_req
@ stub register_icmp