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/* Copyright (c) Mark Harmstone 2016
* This file is part of WinBtrfs.
* WinBtrfs is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the Licence, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* WinBtrfs is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public Licence for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public Licence
* along with WinBtrfs. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */
#ifndef __REACTOS__
#undef _WIN32_WINNT
#define _WIN32_WINNT 0x0600
#define NTDDI_VERSION 0x06010000 // Win 7
#endif /* __REACTOS__ */
#include <ntifs.h>
#include <ntddk.h>
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#include <ntdddisk.h>
#endif /* __REACTOS__ */
#include <mountmgr.h>
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#include <rtlfuncs.h>
#include <iotypes.h>
#endif /* __REACTOS__ */
//#include <windows.h>
#include <windef.h>
#include <wdm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include "btrfs.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define BTRFS_NODE_TYPE_CCB 0x2295
#define BTRFS_NODE_TYPE_FCB 0x2296
#define ALLOC_TAG 0x7442484D //'MHBt'
#define STDCALL __stdcall
#define UID_NOBODY 65534
#define GID_NOBODY 65534
#define EA_NTACL "security.NTACL"
#define EA_NTACL_HASH 0x45922146
#define EA_DOSATTRIB_HASH 0x914f9939
#define READ_AHEAD_GRANULARITY 0x10000 // 64 KB
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define try __try
#define except __except
#define finally __finally
#define try if (1)
#define except(x) if (0 && (x))
#define finally if (1)
// #pragma pack(push, 1)
struct device_extension;
typedef struct {
BTRFS_UUID fsuuid;
BTRFS_UUID devuuid;
UINT64 devnum;
BOOL processed;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} volume;
typedef struct _fcb_nonpaged {
FAST_MUTEX HeaderMutex;
ERESOURCE resource;
ERESOURCE paging_resource;
} fcb_nonpaged;
struct _root;
typedef struct _fcb {
struct _fcb_nonpaged* nonpaged;
LONG refcount;
LONG open_count;
struct _device_extension* Vcb;
struct _fcb* par;
struct _fcb* prev;
struct _fcb* next;
struct _root* subvol;
LIST_ENTRY children;
UINT64 inode;
UINT8 type;
BOOL delete_on_close;
INODE_ITEM inode_item;
UNICODE_STRING full_filename;
ULONG name_offset;
BOOL deleted;
PKTHREAD lazy_writer_thread;
ULONG atts;
SHARE_ACCESS share_access;
BOOL ads;
UINT32 adssize;
UINT32 adshash;
ANSI_STRING adsxattr;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} fcb;
typedef struct _ccb {
USHORT NodeType;
CSHORT NodeSize;
ULONG disposition;
ULONG options;
UINT64 query_dir_offset;
// char* query_string;
UNICODE_STRING query_string;
BOOL has_wildcard;
BOOL specific_file;
} ccb;
// typedef struct _log_to_phys {
// UINT64 address;
// UINT64 size;
// UINT64 physaddr;
// UINT32 sector_size;
// struct _log_to_phys* next;
// } log_to_phys;
struct _device_extension;
// enum tree_holder_status {
// tree_holder_unloaded,
// tree_holder_loading,
// tree_holder_loaded,
// tree_holder_unloading
// };
// typedef struct {
// enum tree_holder_status status;
// KSPIN_LOCK spin_lock;
// ERESOURCE lock;
// } tree_holder_nonpaged;
typedef struct {
UINT64 address;
UINT64 generation;
struct _tree* tree;
// tree_holder_nonpaged* nonpaged;
} tree_holder;
typedef struct _tree_data {
KEY key;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
BOOL ignore;
BOOL inserted;
union {
tree_holder treeholder;
struct {
UINT32 size;
UINT8* data;
} tree_data;
// typedef struct _tree_nonpaged {
// ERESOURCE load_tree_lock;
// } tree_nonpaged;
typedef struct _tree {
// UINT64 address;
// UINT8 level;
tree_header header;
LONG refcount;
BOOL has_address;
UINT32 size;
struct _device_extension* Vcb;
struct _tree* parent;
tree_data* paritem;
struct _root* root;
// tree_nonpaged* nonpaged;
LIST_ENTRY itemlist;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
UINT64 new_address;
BOOL has_new_address;
UINT64 flags;
} tree;
typedef struct {
// KSPIN_LOCK load_tree_lock;
ERESOURCE load_tree_lock;
} root_nonpaged;
typedef struct _root {
UINT64 id;
tree_holder treeholder;
root_nonpaged* nonpaged;
UINT64 lastinode;
ROOT_ITEM root_item;
struct _root* prev;
struct _root* next;
} root;
typedef struct {
tree* tree;
tree_data* item;
} traverse_ptr;
typedef struct _tree_cache {
tree* tree;
BOOL write;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} tree_cache;
typedef struct _root_cache {
root* root;
struct _root_cache* next;
} root_cache;
typedef struct {
UINT64 offset;
UINT64 size;
UINT8 type;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} space;
typedef struct {
UINT64 address;
UINT64 size;
BOOL provisional;
LIST_ENTRY listentry;
} disk_hole;
typedef struct {
DEV_ITEM devitem;
LIST_ENTRY disk_holes;
} device;
typedef struct {
CHUNK_ITEM* chunk_item;
UINT32 size;
UINT64 offset;
UINT64 used;
UINT32 oldused;
BOOL space_changed;
device** devices;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} chunk;
typedef struct {
KEY key;
void* data;
USHORT size;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} sys_chunk;
typedef struct _device_extension {
device* devices;
// DISK_GEOMETRY geometry;
UINT64 length;
superblock superblock;
BOOL readonly;
fcb* fcbs;
fcb* volume_fcb;
fcb* root_fcb;
ERESOURCE DirResource;
ERESOURCE fcb_lock;
ERESOURCE load_lock;
ERESOURCE tree_lock;
LIST_ENTRY DirNotifyList;
LONG tree_lock_counter;
LONG open_trees;
ULONG write_trees;
// ERESOURCE LogToPhysLock;
// UINT64 chunk_root_phys_addr;
UINT64 root_tree_phys_addr;
// log_to_phys* log_to_phys;
root* roots;
root* chunk_root;
root* root_root;
root* extent_root;
root* checksum_root;
root* dev_root;
BOOL log_to_phys_loaded;
UINT32 max_inline;
LIST_ENTRY sys_chunks;
LIST_ENTRY chunks;
LIST_ENTRY tree_cache;
HANDLE flush_thread_handle;
KTIMER flush_thread_timer;
LIST_ENTRY list_entry;
} device_extension;
typedef struct {
LIST_ENTRY listentry;
PSID sid;
UINT32 uid;
} uid_map;
// #pragma pack(pop)
static __inline void init_tree_holder(tree_holder* th) {
// th->nonpaged = ExAllocatePoolWithTag(NonPagedPool, sizeof(tree_holder_nonpaged), ALLOC_TAG);
// KeInitializeSpinLock(&th->nonpaged->spin_lock);
// ExInitializeResourceLite(&th->nonpaged->lock); // FIXME - delete this later
static __inline void* map_user_buffer(PIRP Irp) {
if (!Irp->MdlAddress) {
return Irp->UserBuffer;
} else {
return MmGetSystemAddressForMdlSafe(Irp->MdlAddress, NormalPagePriority);
static __inline UINT64 unix_time_to_win(BTRFS_TIME* t) {
return (t->seconds * 10000000) + (t->nanoseconds / 100) + 116444736000000000;
static __inline void win_time_to_unix(LARGE_INTEGER t, BTRFS_TIME* out) {
ULONGLONG l = t.QuadPart - 116444736000000000;
out->seconds = l / 10000000;
out->nanoseconds = (l % 10000000) * 100;
// in btrfs.c
device* find_device_from_uuid(device_extension* Vcb, BTRFS_UUID* uuid);
ULONG sector_align( ULONG NumberToBeAligned, ULONG Alignment );
int keycmp(const KEY* key1, const KEY* key2);
ULONG STDCALL get_file_attributes(device_extension* Vcb, INODE_ITEM* ii, root* r, UINT64 inode, UINT8 type, BOOL dotfile, BOOL ignore_xa);
BOOL STDCALL get_xattr(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, char* name, UINT32 crc32, UINT8** data, UINT16* datalen);
NTSTATUS STDCALL set_xattr(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, char* name, UINT32 crc32, UINT8* data, UINT16 datalen, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
BOOL STDCALL delete_xattr(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, char* name, UINT32 crc32, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void _free_fcb(fcb* fcb, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
BOOL STDCALL get_last_inode(device_extension* Vcb, root* r);
NTSTATUS add_dir_item(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT32 crc32, DIR_ITEM* di, ULONG disize, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS delete_dir_item(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 parinode, UINT32 crc32, PANSI_STRING utf8, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
UINT64 find_next_dir_index(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode);
NTSTATUS delete_inode_ref(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT64 parinode, PANSI_STRING utf8, UINT64* index, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS delete_fcb(fcb* fcb, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
fcb* create_fcb();
void protect_superblocks(device_extension* Vcb, chunk* c);
BOOL is_top_level(PIRP Irp);
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define funcname __FUNCTION__
#define funcname __func__
// FIXME - we probably shouldn't be moving funcname etc. around if we're not printing debug messages
#define free_fcb(fcb) _free_fcb(fcb, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define TRACE(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 3, __FILE__, __LINE__, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define WARN(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 2, __FILE__, __LINE__, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FIXME(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ERR(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 1, __FILE__, __LINE__, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
void STDCALL _debug_message(const char* func, UINT8 priority, const char* file, unsigned int line, char* s, ...);
#define TRACE(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 3, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define WARN(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 2, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FIXME(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 1, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ERR(s, ...) _debug_message(funcname, 1, s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
void STDCALL _debug_message(const char* func, UINT8 priority, char* s, ...);
#define TRACE(s, ...)
#define WARN(s, ...)
#ifndef __REACTOS__
#define FIXME(s, ...) DbgPrint("Btrfs FIXME : " funcname " : " s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ERR(s, ...) DbgPrint("Btrfs ERR : " funcname " : " s, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define FIXME(s, ...) DbgPrint("Btrfs FIXME : %s : " s, funcname, ##__VA_ARGS__)
#define ERR(s, ...) DbgPrint("Btrfs ERR : %s : " s, funcname, ##__VA_ARGS__)
// in fastio.c
void STDCALL init_fast_io_dispatch(FAST_IO_DISPATCH** fiod);
// in crc32c.c
UINT32 STDCALL calc_crc32c(UINT32 seed, UINT8* msg, ULONG msglen);
// in treefuncs.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL _find_item(device_extension* Vcb, root* r, traverse_ptr* tp, const KEY* searchkey, BOOL ignore, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
BOOL STDCALL _find_next_item(device_extension* Vcb, const traverse_ptr* tp, traverse_ptr* next_tp, BOOL ignore, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
BOOL STDCALL _find_prev_item(device_extension* Vcb, const traverse_ptr* tp, traverse_ptr* prev_tp, BOOL ignore, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
void STDCALL _free_traverse_ptr(traverse_ptr* tp, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
void STDCALL free_tree_cache(LIST_ENTRY* tc);
BOOL STDCALL insert_tree_item(device_extension* Vcb, root* r, UINT64 obj_id, UINT8 obj_type, UINT64 offset, void* data, UINT32 size, traverse_ptr* ptp, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void STDCALL delete_tree_item(device_extension* Vcb, traverse_ptr* tp, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void STDCALL add_to_tree_cache(device_extension* Vcb, tree* t, BOOL write);
tree* STDCALL _free_tree(tree* t, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
NTSTATUS STDCALL _load_tree(device_extension* Vcb, UINT64 addr, root* r, tree** pt, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
NTSTATUS STDCALL _do_load_tree(device_extension* Vcb, tree_holder* th, root* r, tree* t, tree_data* td, BOOL* loaded, const char* func, const char* file, unsigned int line);
void clear_rollback(LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void do_rollback(device_extension* Vcb, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
#define find_item(Vcb, r, tp, searchkey, ignore) _find_item(Vcb, r, tp, searchkey, ignore, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define find_next_item(Vcb, tp, next_tp, ignore) _find_next_item(Vcb, tp, next_tp, ignore, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define find_prev_item(Vcb, tp, prev_tp, ignore) _find_prev_item(Vcb, tp, prev_tp, ignore, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free_tree(t) _free_tree(t, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define load_tree(t, addr, r, pt) _load_tree(t, addr, r, pt, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define free_traverse_ptr(tp) _free_traverse_ptr(tp, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define do_load_tree(Vcb, th, r, t, td, loaded) _do_load_tree(Vcb, th, r, t, td, loaded, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
// in search.c
void STDCALL look_for_vols(LIST_ENTRY* volumes);
// in cache.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL init_cache();
void STDCALL free_cache();
extern CACHE_MANAGER_CALLBACKS* cache_callbacks;
// in write.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL do_write(device_extension* Vcb, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS write_file(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp);
NTSTATUS write_file2(device_extension* Vcb, PIRP Irp, LARGE_INTEGER offset, void* buf, ULONG* length, BOOL paging_io, BOOL no_cache, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS truncate_file(fcb* fcb, UINT64 end, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS extend_file(fcb* fcb, UINT64 end, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS excise_extents(device_extension* Vcb, fcb* fcb, UINT64 start_data, UINT64 end_data, LIST_ENTRY* changed_sector_list, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void update_checksum_tree(device_extension* Vcb, LIST_ENTRY* changed_sector_list, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS insert_sparse_extent(device_extension* Vcb, root* r, UINT64 inode, UINT64 start, UINT64 length, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS STDCALL add_extent_ref(device_extension* Vcb, UINT64 address, UINT64 size, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT64 offset, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
NTSTATUS STDCALL remove_extent_ref(device_extension* Vcb, UINT64 address, UINT64 size, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT64 offset, LIST_ENTRY* changed_sector_list, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
void print_trees(LIST_ENTRY* tc);
chunk* get_chunk_from_address(device_extension* Vcb, UINT64 address);
void add_to_space_list(chunk* c, UINT64 offset, UINT64 size, UINT8 type);
NTSTATUS consider_write(device_extension* Vcb);
// in dirctrl.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL drv_directory_control(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp);
// in security.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL drv_query_security(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp);
NTSTATUS STDCALL drv_set_security(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp);
void fcb_get_sd(fcb* fcb);
// UINT32 STDCALL get_uid();
void add_user_mapping(WCHAR* sidstring, ULONG sidstringlength, UINT32 uid);
NTSTATUS fcb_get_new_sd(fcb* fcb, ACCESS_STATE* as);
// in fileinfo.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL drv_set_information(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp);
NTSTATUS STDCALL drv_query_information(IN PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, IN PIRP Irp);
NTSTATUS add_inode_ref(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT64 parinode, UINT64 index, PANSI_STRING utf8, LIST_ENTRY* rollback);
// in reparse.c
BOOL follow_symlink(fcb* fcb, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject);
NTSTATUS get_reparse_point(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PFILE_OBJECT FileObject, void* buffer, DWORD buflen, DWORD* retlen);
NTSTATUS set_reparse_point(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp);
// in create.c
NTSTATUS get_fcb(device_extension* Vcb, fcb** pfcb, PUNICODE_STRING fnus, fcb* relatedfcb, BOOL parent);
BOOL STDCALL find_file_in_dir_with_crc32(device_extension* Vcb, PUNICODE_STRING filename, UINT32 crc32, root* r, UINT64 parinode, root** subvol,
UINT64* inode, UINT8* type, PANSI_STRING utf8);
// in fsctl.c
NTSTATUS fsctl_request(PDEVICE_OBJECT DeviceObject, PIRP Irp, UINT32 type, BOOL user);
// in flushthread.c
void STDCALL flush_thread(void* context);
// in read.c
NTSTATUS STDCALL read_file(device_extension* Vcb, root* subvol, UINT64 inode, UINT8* data, UINT64 start, UINT64 length, ULONG* pbr);
static __inline void print_open_trees(device_extension* Vcb) {
LIST_ENTRY* le = Vcb->trees.Flink;
while (le != &Vcb->trees) {
tree* t = CONTAINING_RECORD(le, tree, list_entry);
tree_data* td = CONTAINING_RECORD(t->itemlist.Flink, tree_data, list_entry);
ERR("tree %p: root %llx, level %u, refcount %u, first key (%llx,%x,%llx)\n",
t, t->root->id, t->header.level, t->refcount, td->key.obj_id, td->key.obj_type, td->key.offset);
le = le->Flink;
static __inline void InsertAfter(LIST_ENTRY* head, LIST_ENTRY* item, LIST_ENTRY* before) {
item->Flink = before->Flink;
before->Flink = item;
item->Blink = before;
if (item->Flink != head)
item->Flink->Blink = item;
head->Blink = item;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
// #define int3 __asm { int 3 }
#define int3 __debugbreak()
#define int3 asm("int3;")
#define acquire_tree_lock(Vcb, exclusive) {\
LONG ref = InterlockedIncrement(&Vcb->tree_lock_counter); \
ref = ref; \
if (exclusive) { \
TRACE("getting tree_lock (exclusive) %u->%u\n", ref-1, ref); \
ExAcquireResourceExclusiveLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); \
TRACE("open tree count = %i\n", Vcb->open_trees); \
} else { \
TRACE("getting tree_lock %u->%u\n", ref-1, ref); \
ExAcquireResourceSharedLite(&Vcb->tree_lock, TRUE); \
} \
// if (Vcb->open_trees > 0) { ERR("open tree count = %i\n", Vcb->open_trees); print_open_trees(Vcb); int3; }
// else TRACE("open tree count = %i\n", Vcb->open_trees);
// FIXME - find a way to catch unfreed trees again
#define release_tree_lock(Vcb, exclusive) {\
LONG ref = InterlockedDecrement(&Vcb->tree_lock_counter); \
ref = ref; \
TRACE("releasing tree_lock %u->%u\n", ref+1, ref); \
if (exclusive) {\
TRACE("open tree count = %i\n", Vcb->open_trees); \
} \
ExReleaseResourceLite(&Vcb->tree_lock); \
#define _increase_tree_rc(t, func, file, line) { \
LONG rc = InterlockedIncrement(&t->refcount); \
_debug_message(func, file, line, "tree %p: refcount increased to %i (increase_tree_rc)\n", t, rc); \
#define _increase_tree_rc(t, func, file, line) { \
LONG rc = InterlockedIncrement(&t->refcount); \
_debug_message(func, "tree %p: refcount increased to %i (increase_tree_rc)\n", t, rc); \
#define increase_tree_rc(t) _increase_tree_rc(t, funcname, __FILE__, __LINE__)
#define increase_tree_rc(t) InterlockedIncrement(&t->refcount);
#define _increase_tree_rc(t, func, file, line) increase_tree_rc(t)
// from sys/stat.h
#define __S_IFMT 0170000 /* These bits determine file type. */
#define __S_IFDIR 0040000 /* Directory. */
#define __S_IFCHR 0020000 /* Character device. */
#define __S_IFBLK 0060000 /* Block device. */
#define __S_IFREG 0100000 /* Regular file. */
#define __S_IFIFO 0010000 /* FIFO. */
#define __S_IFLNK 0120000 /* Symbolic link. */
#define __S_IFSOCK 0140000 /* Socket. */
#define __S_ISTYPE(mode, mask) (((mode) & __S_IFMT) == (mask))
#ifndef S_ISDIR
#define S_ISDIR(mode) __S_ISTYPE((mode), __S_IFDIR)
#ifndef S_IXUSR
#define S_IXUSR 0000100
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#define S_IFDIR __S_IFDIR
#define S_IFREG __S_IFREG
#endif /* __REACTOS__ */
#ifndef S_IXGRP
#define S_IXGRP (S_IXUSR >> 3)
#ifndef S_IXOTH
#define S_IXOTH (S_IXGRP >> 3)
#if defined(__REACTOS__) && (NTDDI_VERSION < NTDDI_WIN7)
NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlUnicodeToUTF8N(CHAR *utf8_dest, ULONG utf8_bytes_max,
ULONG *utf8_bytes_written,
const WCHAR *uni_src, ULONG uni_bytes);
NTSTATUS WINAPI RtlUTF8ToUnicodeN(WCHAR *uni_dest, ULONG uni_bytes_max,
ULONG *uni_bytes_written,
const CHAR *utf8_src, ULONG utf8_bytes);
#endif /* defined(__REACTOS__) && (NTDDI_VERSION < NTDDI_WIN7) */
NTSTATUS NTAPI FsRtlRemoveDotsFromPath(PWSTR OriginalString,
USHORT PathLength, USHORT *NewLength);
#endif /* defined(__REACTOS__) && (NTDDI_VERSION < NTDDI_WIN7) */