Joachim Henze 8d2c6b3e56 [0.4.11][IPHLPAPI][TCPIP][IP][LWIP] Port back minor fixes and formatting
by porting back:
0.4.15-dev-6231-g a5360f542f [IPHLPAPI] Formatting only, no functional change
partially 0.4.15-dev-4492-g 03422451b3 [IPHLPAPI] Add a missing \n in an ERR() logging within ipstats_reactos.c getNumRoutes(). And strip a good-path TRACE in return in the same func.
partially 0.4.14-dev-1425-g f540b2b20c [IPHLPAPI] GetAdaptersAddresses(): Add 1 free() in ERROR_NO_DATA case (#2526) (but leave out adding the comments in .h)
partially 0.4.13-dev-14-g f9a967b2ae [IPHLPAPI] Fix misc 64 bit issues (only the parts in iphlpapi_main.c with the format strings)
0.4.12-dev-686-g 22f60faf43 [IPHLPAPI] Remove dead code to fix CID 513306, 1442673, 1442697

only whitespace fixes within [TCPIP][IP][LWIP]
2023-07-03 01:25:16 +02:00

158 lines
5.6 KiB

@ stdcall AddIPAddress(long long long ptr ptr)
@ stub AllocateAndGetArpEntTableFromStack
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIfTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpAddrTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpForwardTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetIpNetTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpExTable2FromStack(ptr long long long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpExTableFromStack(ptr long long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetTcpTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpExTable2FromStack(ptr long long long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ptr long long long long)
@ stdcall AllocateAndGetUdpTableFromStack(ptr long long long)
@ stdcall CancelIPChangeNotify(ptr)
@ stub CancelSecurityHealthChangeNotify
@ stdcall CreateIpForwardEntry(ptr)
@ stdcall CreateIpNetEntry(ptr)
@ stdcall CreateProxyArpEntry(long long long)
@ stdcall DeleteIPAddress(long)
@ stdcall DeleteIpForwardEntry(ptr)
@ stdcall DeleteIpNetEntry(ptr)
@ stdcall DeleteProxyArpEntry(long long long)
@ stdcall DisableMediaSense(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall EnableRouter(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall FlushIpNetTable(long)
@ stub FlushIpNetTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetAdapterIndex(wstr ptr)
@ stdcall GetAdapterOrderMap()
@ stdcall GetAdaptersAddresses(long long ptr ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetAdaptersInfo(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetBestInterface(long ptr)
@ stdcall GetBestInterfaceEx(ptr ptr)
@ stub GetBestInterfaceFromStack
@ stdcall GetBestRoute(long long long)
@ stub GetBestRouteFromStack
@ stdcall GetExtendedTcpTable(ptr ptr long long long long)
@ stdcall GetExtendedUdpTable(ptr ptr long long long long)
@ stdcall GetFriendlyIfIndex(long)
@ stdcall GetIcmpStatistics(ptr)
@ stdcall GetIcmpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetIcmpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetIcmpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetIfEntry(ptr)
@ stub GetIfEntryFromStack
@ stdcall GetIfTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetIfTableFromStack
@ stub GetIgmpList
@ stdcall GetInterfaceInfo(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetIpAddrTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetIpAddrTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpErrorString(long ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetIpForwardTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetIpForwardTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpNetTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetIpNetTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetIpStatistics(ptr)
@ stdcall GetIpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetIpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetIpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetNetworkParams(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetNumberOfInterfaces(ptr)
@ stub GetOwnerModuleFromTcp6Entry
@ stdcall GetOwnerModuleFromTcpEntry(ptr long ptr ptr)
@ stub GetOwnerModuleFromUdp6Entry
@ stdcall GetOwnerModuleFromUdpEntry(ptr long ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetPerAdapterInfo(long ptr ptr)
@ stdcall GetRTTAndHopCount(long ptr long ptr)
@ stub GetTcpExTable2FromStack
@ stdcall GetTcpStatistics(ptr)
@ stdcall GetTcpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetTcpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetTcpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetTcpTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetTcpTableFromStack
@ stub GetUdpExTable2FromStack
@ stdcall GetUdpStatistics(ptr)
@ stdcall GetUdpStatisticsEx(ptr long)
@ stub GetUdpStatsFromStack
@ stub GetUdpStatsFromStackEx
@ stdcall GetUdpTable(ptr ptr long)
@ stub GetUdpTableFromStack
@ stdcall GetUniDirectionalAdapterInfo(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall Icmp6CreateFile()
@ stdcall -stub Icmp6ParseReplies(ptr long)
@ stdcall Icmp6SendEcho2(ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall IcmpCloseHandle(ptr)
@ stdcall IcmpCreateFile()
@ stdcall -stub IcmpParseReplies(ptr long)
@ stdcall IcmpSendEcho2(ptr ptr ptr ptr long ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall IcmpSendEcho(ptr long ptr long ptr ptr long long)
@ stub InternalCreateIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalCreateIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalDeleteIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalDeleteIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalGetIfTable
@ stub InternalGetIpAddrTable
@ stub InternalGetIpForwardTable
@ stub InternalGetIpNetTable
@ stub InternalGetTcpTable
@ stub InternalGetUdpTable
@ stub InternalSetIfEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpForwardEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpNetEntry
@ stub InternalSetIpStats
@ stub InternalSetTcpEntry
@ stdcall IpReleaseAddress(ptr)
@ stdcall IpRenewAddress(ptr)
@ stub IsLocalAddress
@ stub NTPTimeToNTFileTime
@ stub NTTimeToNTPTime
@ stub NhGetGuidFromInterfaceName
@ stdcall NhGetInterfaceNameFromDeviceGuid(ptr ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall NhGetInterfaceNameFromGuid(ptr ptr ptr long long)
@ stdcall NhpAllocateAndGetInterfaceInfoFromStack(ptr ptr long ptr long)
@ stub NhpGetInterfaceIndexFromStack
@ stdcall NotifyAddrChange(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall NotifyRouteChange(ptr ptr)
@ stub NotifyRouteChangeEx
@ stub NotifySecurityHealthChange
@ stdcall RestoreMediaSense(ptr ptr)
@ stdcall SendARP(long long ptr ptr)
@ stub SetAdapterIpAddress
@ stub SetBlockRoutes
@ stdcall SetIfEntry(ptr)
@ stub SetIfEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpForwardEntry(ptr)
@ stdcall SetIpForwardEntryToStack(ptr)
@ stub SetIpMultihopRouteEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpNetEntry(ptr)
@ stub SetIpNetEntryToStack
@ stub SetIpRouteEntryToStack
@ stdcall SetIpStatistics(ptr)
@ stub SetIpStatsToStack
@ stdcall SetIpTTL(long)
@ stub SetProxyArpEntryToStack
@ stub SetRouteWithRef
@ stdcall SetTcpEntry(ptr)
@ stub SetTcpEntryToStack
@ stdcall UnenableRouter(ptr ptr)
@ stub _PfAddFiltersToInterface@24
@ stub _PfAddGlobalFilterToInterface@8
@ stub _PfBindInterfaceToIPAddress@12
@ stub _PfBindInterfaceToIndex@16
@ stub _PfCreateInterface@24
@ stub _PfDeleteInterface@4
@ stub _PfDeleteLog@0
@ stub _PfGetInterfaceStatistics@16
@ stub _PfMakeLog@4
@ stub _PfRebindFilters@8
@ stub _PfRemoveFilterHandles@12
@ stub _PfRemoveFiltersFromInterface@20
@ stub _PfRemoveGlobalFilterFromInterface@8
@ stub _PfSetLogBuffer@28
@ stub _PfTestPacket@20
@ stub _PfUnBindInterface@4
@ stub do_echo_rep
@ stub do_echo_req
@ stub register_icmp