Cameron Gutman 29fa274d6d - Create another branch for networking fixes
- TSVN choked repeatedly when attempting to merge ~9000 revs into the branch (tried 3 times on 2 different computers)
 - If someone wants to delete aicom-network-fixes, they are welcome to
 - Lesson learned: Letting a branch get thousands of revs out of date is a horrible idea

svn path=/branches/aicom-network-branch/; revision=44353
2009-12-02 03:23:19 +00:00

29 lines
858 B

import "unknwn.idl";
import "objidl.idl";
import "strmif.idl";
import "wmsdkidl.idl";
cpp_quote( "EXTERN_GUID( IID_IConfigAsfWriter,0x45086030,0xF7E4,0x486a,0xB5,0x04,0x82,0x6B,0xB5,0x79,0x2A,0x3B );" )
interface IConfigAsfWriter;
interface IWMProfile;
interface IConfigAsfWriter : IUnknown
HRESULT ConfigureFilterUsingProfileId([in] DWORD dwProfileId);
HRESULT GetCurrentProfileId([out] DWORD *pdwProfileId);
HRESULT ConfigureFilterUsingProfileGuid([in] REFGUID guidProfile);
HRESULT GetCurrentProfileGuid([out] GUID *pProfileGuid);
HRESULT ConfigureFilterUsingProfile([in] IWMProfile * pProfile);
HRESULT GetCurrentProfile([out] IWMProfile **ppProfile);
HRESULT SetIndexMode( [in] BOOL bIndexFile );
HRESULT GetIndexMode( [out] BOOL *pbIndexFile );