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* PROJECT: apphelp_apitest
* LICENSE: GPL-2.0+ (https://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-2.0+)
* PURPOSE: Tests for (registry)layer manipulation api's
* COPYRIGHT: Copyright 2015-2018 Mark Jansen (mark.jansen@reactos.org)
#include <ntstatus.h>
#define WIN32_NO_STATUS
#include <windows.h>
#include <shlwapi.h>
#include <winnt.h>
#ifdef __REACTOS__
#include <ntndk.h>
#include <winternl.h>
#include <winerror.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "wine/test.h"
#include "apitest_iathook.h"
#include "apphelp_apitest.h"
#define GPLK_USER 1
#define GPLK_MACHINE 2
#define MAX_LAYER_LENGTH 256
static HMODULE hdll;
static BOOL(WINAPI *pAllowPermLayer)(PCWSTR path);
static BOOL(WINAPI *pSdbSetPermLayerKeys)(PCWSTR wszPath, PCWSTR wszLayers, BOOL bMachine);
static BOOL(WINAPI *pSdbGetPermLayerKeys)(PCWSTR wszPath, PWSTR pwszLayers, PDWORD pdwBytes, DWORD dwFlags);
static BOOL(WINAPI *pSetPermLayerState)(PCWSTR wszPath, PCWSTR wszLayer, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bMachine, BOOL bEnable);
/* Helper function to disable Wow64 redirection on an os that reports it being enabled. */
static DWORD g_QueryFlag = 0xffffffff;
static DWORD QueryFlag(void)
if (g_QueryFlag == 0xffffffff)
ULONG_PTR wow64_ptr = 0;
NTSTATUS status = NtQueryInformationProcess(NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessWow64Information, &wow64_ptr, sizeof(wow64_ptr), NULL);
g_QueryFlag = (NT_SUCCESS(status) && wow64_ptr != 0) ? KEY_WOW64_64KEY : 0;
return g_QueryFlag;
/* Helper function to prepare the registry key with a value. */
static BOOL setLayerValue(BOOL bMachine, const char* valueName, const char* value)
HKEY key = NULL;
"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AppCompatFlags\\Layers", 0, NULL, 0, QueryFlag() | KEY_SET_VALUE, NULL, &key, NULL);
if (lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
if (value)
lstatus = RegSetValueExA(key, valueName, 0, REG_SZ, (const BYTE*)value, (DWORD)strlen(value)+1);
lstatus = RegDeleteValueA(key, valueName);
lstatus = (lstatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND ? ERROR_SUCCESS : lstatus);
return lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS;
static void expect_LayerValue_imp(BOOL bMachine, const char* valueName, const char* value)
HKEY key = NULL;
"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\AppCompatFlags\\Layers", 0, NULL, 0, QueryFlag() | KEY_QUERY_VALUE, NULL, &key, NULL);
winetest_ok(lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected to be able to open a registry key\n");
if (lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
char data[512] = { 0 };
DWORD dwType = 0;
DWORD dwDataLen = sizeof(data);
lstatus = RegQueryValueExA(key, valueName, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)data, &dwDataLen);
if (value)
winetest_ok(lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS, "Expected to get a valid value, err: %u\n", lstatus);
if (lstatus == ERROR_SUCCESS)
winetest_ok(dwType == REG_SZ, "Expected the type to be REG_SZ, was: %u\n", dwType);
winetest_ok(!strcmp(data, value), "Expected the data to be: '%s', was: '%s'\n", value, data);
winetest_ok(lstatus == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "Expected not to find the value %s\n", valueName);
static void expect_LayerValue_imp2(BOOL bMachine, const char* valueName, const char* value, int use_alt, const char* alt_value)
expect_LayerValue_imp(bMachine, valueName, use_alt ? alt_value : value);
void expect_Sdb_imp(PCSTR path, DWORD type, BOOL result, DWORD lenResult, PCSTR stringResult)
WCHAR pathW[MAX_PATH], buffer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
char resultBuffer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof(buffer);
/* In case of a failure, the buffer size is sometimes set to 0, and sometimes not touched,
depending on the version. Either case is fine, since the function returns FALSE anyway. */
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, path, -1, pathW, MAX_PATH);
winetest_ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(pathW, buffer, &dwBufSize, type) == result, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to %s\n", (result ? "succeed" : "fail"));
if (!result && lenResult == 0xffffffff)
winetest_ok(dwBufSize == 0 || dwBufSize == sizeof(buffer), "Expected dwBufSize to be 0 or %u, was %u\n", sizeof(buffer), dwBufSize);
winetest_ok(dwBufSize == lenResult ||
/* W2k3 is off by 2 when concatenating user / machine */
broken(g_WinVersion < WINVER_VISTA && type == (GPLK_MACHINE|GPLK_USER) && (lenResult + 2) == dwBufSize),
"Expected dwBufSize to be %u, was %u\n", lenResult, dwBufSize);
if (result)
winetest_ok(lstrlenW(buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) == lenResult, "Expected lstrlenW(buffer)*2+2 to be %u, was %u\n",
lenResult, lstrlenW(buffer) * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, buffer, -1, resultBuffer, sizeof(resultBuffer), NULL, NULL);
winetest_ok(!strcmp(stringResult, resultBuffer), "Expected the result to be '%s', was '%s'\n", stringResult, resultBuffer);
if (result)
if (RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(pathW, &pathNT, NULL, NULL))
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
dwBufSize = sizeof(buffer);
winetest_ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(pathNT.Buffer, buffer, &dwBufSize, type) == FALSE, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to fail for NT path\n");
/* In case of a failure, let the location be from where the function was invoked, not inside the function itself. */
#define expect_Sdb (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : expect_Sdb_imp
#define expect_LayerValue (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : expect_LayerValue_imp
#define expect_LayerValue2 (winetest_set_location(__FILE__, __LINE__), 0) ? (void)0 : expect_LayerValue_imp2
BOOL wrapAllowPermLayer(const char* str)
WCHAR buf[100];
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, str, -1, buf, 100);
return pAllowPermLayer(buf);
/* Brute forcing all ascii chars in the first 2 places seems to indicate that all it cares for is:
- Second char has to be a ':'
if it's not a ':', display a diagnostic message (and a different one for '\\').
- First char does not really matter, as long as it's not on a DRIVE_REMOTE (but, according to the logging this is meant to check for a CDROM drive...)
static void test_AllowPermLayer(void)
char buf[20];
char drive_letter;
UINT drivetype = 0;
ok(pAllowPermLayer(NULL) == FALSE, "Expected AllowPermLayer to fail for NULL\n");
if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN8)
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("-:"), "Expected AllowPermLayer to succeed\n");
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("@:"), "Expected AllowPermLayer to succeed\n");
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("4:"), "Expected AllowPermLayer to succeed\n");
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("*:"), "Expected AllowPermLayer to succeed\n");
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("*a") == FALSE, "Expected AllowPermLayer to fail\n");
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer("*\\") == FALSE, "Expected AllowPermLayer to fail\n");
for (drive_letter = 'a'; drive_letter <= 'z'; ++drive_letter)
sprintf(buf, "%c:\\", drive_letter);
drivetype = GetDriveTypeA(buf);
ok(wrapAllowPermLayer(buf) == (drivetype != DRIVE_REMOTE), "Expected AllowPermLayer to be %d for %c:\\\n", (drivetype != DRIVE_REMOTE), drive_letter);
static BOOL wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(PCWSTR wszPath, PCSTR szLayers, BOOL bMachine)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szLayers, -1, wszLayers, MAX_LAYER_LENGTH);
return pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(wszPath, wszLayers, bMachine);
static void test_SdbSetPermLayerKeysLevel(BOOL bMachine, const char* file)
WCHAR emptyString[1] = { 0 };
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file, -1, fileW, MAX_PATH+20);
/* Test some parameter validation. */
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(NULL, NULL, bMachine) == FALSE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(NULL, emptyString, bMachine) == FALSE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(emptyString, emptyString, bMachine) == FALSE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, NULL, bMachine) == TRUE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, emptyString, bMachine) == TRUE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
/* Basic tests */
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, "TEST1", bMachine), "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST1");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, "TEST1 TEST2", bMachine), "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST1 TEST2");
/* SdbSetPermLayerKeys does not do any validation of the value passed in. */
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, "!#$% TEST1 TEST2", bMachine), "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#$% TEST1 TEST2");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, "!#$% TEST1 TEST2", bMachine), "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#$% TEST1 TEST2");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, NULL, bMachine) == TRUE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, " ", bMachine), "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, " ");
ok(pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(fileW, NULL, bMachine) == TRUE, "Expected SdbSetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
static void test_SdbGetPermLayerKeys(void)
WCHAR pathW[MAX_PATH], buffer[MAX_LAYER_LENGTH] = { 0 };
char file[MAX_PATH + 20], tmp[MAX_PATH + 20];
BOOL bUser, bMachine;
HANDLE hfile;
DWORD dwBufSize = sizeof(buffer);
GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmp);
GetLongPathNameA(tmp, file, sizeof(file));
PathCombineA(tmp, file, "notexist.exe");
PathAppendA(file, "test_file.exe");
/* Check that we can access the keys */
bUser = setLayerValue(FALSE, file, "RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3");
expect_LayerValue(FALSE, file, "RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3");
ok(bUser, "Expected to be able to set atleast the flags for the user\n");
if (!bUser)
skip("Cannot do any tests if I cannot set some values\n");
bMachine = setLayerValue(TRUE, file, "WINXPSP3 WINXPSP2");
if (bMachine)
expect_LayerValue(TRUE, file, "WINXPSP3 WINXPSP2");
ok(hfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateFile failed on '%s'..\n", file);
skip("Running these tests is useless without a file present\n");
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file, -1, pathW, MAX_PATH);
/* Parameter validation */
ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(NULL, NULL, NULL, 0) == FALSE, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(pathW, NULL, NULL, 0) == FALSE, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(pathW, buffer, NULL, 0) == FALSE, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(pSdbGetPermLayerKeys(pathW, buffer, &dwBufSize, 0) == FALSE, "Expected pSdbGetPermLayerKeys to fail\n");
ok(dwBufSize == 0, "Expected dwBufSize to be %u, was %u\n", 0, dwBufSize);
/* It fails on a nonexisting file */
expect_Sdb(tmp, GPLK_USER | GPLK_MACHINE, FALSE, 0xffffffff, "");
expect_Sdb(file, GPLK_USER, TRUE, 40, "RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3");
GetShortPathNameA(file, tmp, sizeof(tmp));
expect_Sdb(tmp, GPLK_USER, TRUE, 40, "RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3");
if (bMachine)
/* Query from HKLM */
expect_Sdb(file, GPLK_MACHINE, TRUE, 36, "WINXPSP3 WINXPSP2");
/* Query from both, showing that duplicates are not removed */
/* Showing that no validation is done on the value read. */
ok(setLayerValue(TRUE, file, "!#!# WINXPSP3 WINXPSP3 !# WINXPSP2 "), "Expected setLayerValue not to fail\n");
expect_Sdb(file, GPLK_MACHINE, TRUE, 82, "!#!# WINXPSP3 WINXPSP3 !# WINXPSP2 ");
/* Showing that a space is inserted, even if the last char was already a space. */
/* Now clear the user key */
setLayerValue(FALSE, file, NULL);
/* Request both, to show that the last space (from the key) is not cut off. */
expect_Sdb(file, GPLK_USER | GPLK_MACHINE, TRUE, 82, "!#!# WINXPSP3 WINXPSP3 !# WINXPSP2 ");
setLayerValue(FALSE, file, "RUNASADMIN WINXPSP3");
skip("Skipping tests for HKLM, cannot alter the registry\n");
/* Fail from these paths */
StringCbPrintfA(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "\\?\\%s", file);
expect_Sdb(tmp, GPLK_USER, FALSE, 0xffffffff, "");
StringCbPrintfA(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "\\??\\%s", file);
expect_Sdb(tmp, GPLK_USER, FALSE, 0xffffffff, "");
ok(setLayerValue(FALSE, file, "!#!# RUNASADMIN RUNASADMIN !# WINXPSP3 "), "Expected setLayerValue not to fail\n");
/* There is no validation on information read back. */
expect_Sdb(file, GPLK_USER, TRUE, 90, "!#!# RUNASADMIN RUNASADMIN !# WINXPSP3 ");
/* Cleanup */
ok(DeleteFileA(file), "DeleteFile failed....\n");
setLayerValue(FALSE, file, NULL);
setLayerValue(TRUE, file, NULL);
static BOOL wrapSetPermLayerState(PCWSTR wszPath, PCSTR szLayer, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL bMachine, BOOL bEnable)
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szLayer, -1, wszLayer, MAX_LAYER_LENGTH);
return pSetPermLayerState(wszPath, wszLayer, dwFlags, bMachine, bEnable);
static void test_SetPermLayerStateLevel(BOOL bMachine, const char* file)
WCHAR emptyString[1] = { 0 };
DWORD dwFlag;
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, file, -1, fileW, MAX_PATH+20);
/* Test some parameter validation. */
ok(pSetPermLayerState(fileW, NULL, 0, bMachine, 0) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(pSetPermLayerState(fileW, NULL, 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(NULL, NULL, 0, bMachine, 0) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(NULL, NULL, 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(emptyString, "", 0, bMachine, 0) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(emptyString, "", 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(emptyString, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 0) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
if (g_WinVersion <= WINVER_WIN8)
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(emptyString, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, NULL, NULL);
/* Now, on to the actual tests. */
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "test", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "test");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST1", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "TEST TEST1", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "TEST1 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "TEST TEST1 TEST2", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "TEST2 TEST1 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST1", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "TEST TEST2", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "TEST2 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST2");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
/* Valid flags until win8: !# */
/* Key is empty, now play around with the flags. */
for (dwFlag = ((g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8) ? 6 : 2); dwFlag < 32; ++dwFlag)
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", (1<<dwFlag), bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail on 0x%x\n", (1<<dwFlag));
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
/* Add layer flags */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "# TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 2, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST TEST2", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST2 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST2 TEST", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST TEST2");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST3", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST2 TEST TEST3", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST3 TEST TEST2");
/* Remove on a flag removes that flag from the start. */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 2, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "# TEST TEST3", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "# TEST3 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "TEST TEST3", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "TEST3 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES | 2, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST TEST3", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST3 TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST3", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "! TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", 2, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
/* Try adding multiple layers: */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST TEST2", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES | 2, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST2");
/* Try adding flags in via layer string */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "#", 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST2");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "!", 0, bMachine, 1) == FALSE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to fail\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST2");
/* Now we prepare the registry with some crap to see how data is validated. */
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#!# TEST2 TEST2 !# TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST1", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST2 TEST2 !# TEST TEST1", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST1 TEST2 TEST2 !# TEST");
/* Removing a duplicate entry will remove all instances of it */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# !# TEST TEST1", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST1 !# TEST");
/* Adding a flag cleans other flags (from the start) */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# TEST TEST1", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST1 !# TEST");
if(g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN8)
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "$%$%^^", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "!# TEST TEST1 $%$%^^");
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#!# TEST2 !# TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "! TEST2 !# TEST");
/* Tabs are treated as spaces */
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#!# TEST2 \t TEST2 !# \t TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# !# TEST TEST2", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST2 !# TEST");
/* Newlines are left as-is */
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, "!#!# TEST2 \n TEST2 !# \r\n TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 0, bMachine, 1) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue2(bMachine, file, "!# \n !# \r\n TEST TEST2", g_WinVersion >= WINVER_WIN8, "!# TEST2 \n !# \r\n TEST");
/* Whitespace and duplicate flags are eaten from the start */
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, " !#!# TEST2 \t TEST2 !# \t TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "! TEST2 TEST2 !# TEST");
setLayerValue(bMachine, file, "!# !# TEST2 !# TEST ");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "! TEST2 !# TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "! TEST2 !# TEST");
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "", 2, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "TEST2 !# TEST");
/* First flags are cleaned, then a layer is removed. */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 2, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "!# TEST");
/* Nothing is changed, still it succeeds. */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST2", 2, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, "# TEST");
/* And remove the last bits. */
ok(wrapSetPermLayerState(fileW, "TEST", LAYER_APPLY_TO_SYSTEM_EXES, bMachine, 0) == TRUE, "Expected SetPermLayerState to succeed\n");
expect_LayerValue(bMachine, file, NULL);
static void test_SetPermLayer(void)
char file[MAX_PATH + 20], tmp[MAX_PATH + 20];
HANDLE hfile;
GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, tmp);
GetLongPathNameA(tmp, file, sizeof(file));
PathAppendA(file, "test_file.exe");
ok(hfile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "CreateFile failed for '%s'\n", file);
skip("Running these tests is useless without a file present\n");
if (setLayerValue(FALSE, file, NULL))
test_SdbSetPermLayerKeysLevel(FALSE, file);
test_SetPermLayerStateLevel(FALSE, file);
skip("Skipping SetPermLayerStateLevel tests for User, because I cannot prepare the environment\n");
if (setLayerValue(TRUE, file, NULL))
test_SdbSetPermLayerKeysLevel(TRUE, file);
test_SetPermLayerStateLevel(TRUE, file);
skip("Skipping SetPermLayerStateLevel tests for Machine (HKLM), because I cannot prepare the environment\n");
ok(DeleteFileA(file), "DeleteFile failed....\n");
static BOOL create_file(LPCSTR dir, LPCSTR name, int filler, DWORD size)
char target[MAX_PATH], *tmp;
HANDLE file;
tmp = malloc(size);
if (tmp == NULL)
return FALSE;
PathCombineA(target, dir, name);
return FALSE;
memset(tmp, filler, size);
WriteFile(file, tmp, size, &size, NULL);
return TRUE;
static BOOL delete_file(LPCSTR dir, LPCSTR name)
char target[MAX_PATH];
PathCombineA(target, dir, name);
return DeleteFileA(target);
static char g_FakeDrive = 0;
UINT (WINAPI *pGetDriveTypeW)(LPCWSTR target) = NULL;
UINT WINAPI mGetDriveTypeW(LPCWSTR target)
UINT uRet = pGetDriveTypeW(target);
if(g_FakeDrive && target && (char)*target == g_FakeDrive)
return uRet;
static BOOL wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(LPCSTR dir, LPCSTR name, PCSTR szLayers, BOOL bMachine)
char szPath[MAX_PATH];
PathCombineA(szPath, dir, name);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szLayers, -1, wszLayers, MAX_LAYER_LENGTH);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szPath, -1, wszPath, MAX_PATH);
return pSdbSetPermLayerKeys(wszPath, wszLayers, bMachine);
BOOL expect_files(const char* dir, int num, ...)
char finddir[MAX_PATH + 20];
va_list args;
WIN32_FIND_DATAA find = { 0 };
int cmp = 0;
va_start(args, num);
PathCombineA(finddir, dir, "*");
hFind = FindFirstFileA(finddir, &find);
const char* file;
if (!(find.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY))
if (--num < 0)
file = va_arg(args, const char*);
cmp = strcmp(file, find.cFileName);
} while (cmp == 0 && FindNextFileA(hFind, &find));
return cmp == 0 && num == 0;
static void test_Sign_Media(void)
char workdir[MAX_PATH], subdir[MAX_PATH], drive[5] = "Z:";
BOOL ret;
DWORD logical_drives = GetLogicalDrives();
g_FakeDrive = 0;
for (drive[0] = 'D'; drive[0] <= 'Z'; drive[0]++)
DWORD idx = 1 << (drive[0] - 'D' + 3);
if (!(logical_drives & idx))
g_FakeDrive = drive[0];
if (!g_FakeDrive)
skip("Unable to find a free drive\n");
ret = GetTempPathA(MAX_PATH, workdir);
ok(ret, "GetTempPathA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
PathAppendA(workdir, "apphelp_test");
ret = CreateDirectoryA(workdir, NULL);
ok(ret, "CreateDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
PathCombineA(subdir, workdir, "sub");
ret = CreateDirectoryA(subdir, NULL);
ok(ret, "CreateDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = DefineDosDeviceA(DDD_NO_BROADCAST_SYSTEM, drive, workdir);
ok(ret, "DefineDosDeviceA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = RedirectIat(GetModuleHandleA("apphelp.dll"), "kernel32.dll", "GetDriveTypeW",
(ULONG_PTR)mGetDriveTypeW, (ULONG_PTR*)&pGetDriveTypeW);
if (g_WinVersion < WINVER_WIN8)
ok(ret, "Expected redirect_iat to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(workdir, "test.exe", 'a', 4);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* 4 */
/* test.exe */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=4 test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(workdir, "test.txt", 'a', 1);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(workdir, 2, "test.exe", "test.txt"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* (4 << 1) ^ 1 */
/* test.exe test.txt */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=9 test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(workdir, "test.zz", 'a', 0x1000);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(workdir, 3, "test.exe", "test.txt", "test.zz"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* (((4 << 1) ^ 1) << 1) ^ 0x1000 */
/* test.exe test.txt test.zz */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=1012 test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(subdir, "test.exe", 'a', 0x10203);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(subdir, 1, "test.exe"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* 0x10203 */
/* test.exe */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=10203 sub\\test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(subdir, "test.bbb", 'a', 0);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(subdir, 2, "test.bbb", "test.exe"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* 0x10203 */
/* test.exe */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=10203 sub\\test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(subdir, "TEST.txt", 'a', 0x30201);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(subdir, 3, "test.bbb", "test.exe", "TEST.txt"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* (0x10203 << 1) ^ 0x30201 */
/* test.exe TEST.txt */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=10607 sub\\test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = create_file(subdir, "TEST.aaa", 'a', 0x3a2a1);
ok(ret, "create_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
if (!expect_files(subdir, 4, "TEST.aaa", "test.bbb", "test.exe", "TEST.txt"))
skip("Skipping test, files are not returned in the expected order by the FS\n");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "TEST", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
/* (((0x3a2a1 << 1) ^ 0x10203) << 1) ^ 0x30201 */
/* TEST.aaa test.exe TEST.txt */
expect_LayerValue(0, "SIGN.MEDIA=F8C83 sub\\test.exe", "TEST");
ok(wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2(drive, "sub\\test.exe", "", 0), "Expected wrapSdbSetPermLayerKeys2 to succeed\n");
ret = RestoreIat(GetModuleHandleA("apphelp.dll"), "kernel32.dll", "GetDriveTypeW", (ULONG_PTR)pGetDriveTypeW);
ok(ret, "Expected restore_iat to succeed\n");
ret = delete_file(subdir, "test.bbb");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(subdir, "TEST.aaa");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(subdir, "TEST.txt");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(subdir, "test.exe");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(workdir, "test.zz");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(workdir, "test.txt");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = delete_file(workdir, "test.exe");
ok(ret, "delete_file error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ok(ret, "DefineDosDeviceA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = RemoveDirectoryA(subdir);
ok(ret, "RemoveDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
ret = RemoveDirectoryA(workdir);
ok(ret, "RemoveDirectoryA error: %d\n", GetLastError());
/*SetEnvironmentVariable("SHIM_DEBUG_LEVEL", "4");*/
hdll = LoadLibraryA("apphelp.dll");
pAllowPermLayer = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "AllowPermLayer");
pSdbSetPermLayerKeys = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbSetPermLayerKeys");
pSdbGetPermLayerKeys = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SdbGetPermLayerKeys");
pSetPermLayerState = (void *)GetProcAddress(hdll, "SetPermLayerState");
g_WinVersion = get_host_winver();
if (!pAllowPermLayer)
skip("Skipping tests with AllowPermLayer, function not found\n");
if (!pSdbSetPermLayerKeys)
skip("Skipping tests with SdbSetPermLayerKeys, function not found\n");
if (!pSdbGetPermLayerKeys)
skip("Skipping tests with SdbGetPermLayerKeys, function not found\n");
if (!pSetPermLayerState)
skip("Skipping tests with SetPermLayerState, function not found\n");