Hermès Bélusca-Maïto fe9aa42d5f
[CMD] SET: Fix displaying the environment variables with a given prefix.
- Restore any truncated space in the name prefix, before displaying
  any error message.

- When trimming the name prefix from "special" characters (spaces, comma
  and semicolon), so that e.g. "set ,; ,;FOO" displays all the variables
  starting by "FOO", save also a pointer to the original name prefix, that
  we will use for variables lookup as well.

  This is done, because the SET command allows setting an environment variable
  whose name actually contains these characters (e.g. "set ,; ,;FOO=42"),
  however, by trimming the characters, doing "set ,; ,;FOO" would not allow
  seeing such variables.
  With the fix, it is now possible to show them.
2020-08-19 21:39:18 +02:00

610 lines
14 KiB

* SET.C - set internal command.
* History:
* 06/14/97 (Tim Norman)
* changed static var in set() to a cmd_alloc'd space to pass to putenv.
* need to find a better way to do this, since it seems it is wasting
* memory when variables are redefined.
* 07/08/1998 (John P. Price)
* removed call to show_environment in set command.
* moved test for syntax before allocating memory in set command.
* misc clean up and optimization.
* 27-Jul-1998 (John P Price <>)
* added config.h include
* 28-Jul-1998 (John P Price <>)
* added set_env function to set env. variable without needing set command
* 09-Dec-1998 (Eric Kohl)
* Added help text ("/?").
* 24-Jan-1999 (Eric Kohl)
* Fixed Win32 environment handling.
* Unicode and redirection safe!
* 25-Feb-1999 (Eric Kohl)
* Fixed little bug.
* 30-Apr-2005 (Magnus Olsen <>)
* Remove all hardcoded strings in En.rc
#include "precomp.h"
/* Initial size of environment variable buffer */
#define ENV_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
static BOOL
seta_eval(LPCTSTR expr);
static LPCTSTR
skip_ws(LPCTSTR p)
while (*p && *p <= _T(' '))
return p;
/* Used to check for and handle:
* SET "var=value", SET /P "var=prompt", and SET /P var="prompt" */
static LPTSTR
GetQuotedString(TCHAR *p)
TCHAR *end;
if (*p == _T('"'))
p = (LPTSTR)skip_ws(p + 1);
/* If a matching quote is found, truncate the string */
end = _tcsrchr(p, _T('"'));
if (end)
*end = _T('\0');
return p;
INT cmd_set(LPTSTR param)
LPTSTR lpOutput;
if (!_tcsncmp(param, _T("/?"), 2))
return 0;
param = (LPTSTR)skip_ws(param);
/* If no parameters, show the environment */
if (param[0] == _T('\0'))
lpEnv = (LPTSTR)GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (lpEnv)
lpOutput = lpEnv;
while (*lpOutput)
/* Do not display the special '=X:' environment variables */
if (*lpOutput != _T('='))
lpOutput += _tcslen(lpOutput) + 1;
return 0;
/* The /A does *NOT* have to be followed by a whitespace */
if (!_tcsnicmp(param, _T("/A"), 2))
BOOL Success;
Success = seta_eval(skip_ws(param + 2));
if (!Success)
/* Might seem random but this is what windows xp does -- This is a message ID */
nErrorLevel = 9165;
return !Success;
if (!_tcsnicmp(param, _T("/P"), 2))
TCHAR value[1023];
param = GetQuotedString((LPTSTR)skip_ws(param + 2));
p = _tcschr(param, _T('='));
if (!p)
nErrorLevel = 1;
return 1;
*p++ = _T('\0');
ConOutPrintf(_T("%s"), GetQuotedString(p));
ConInString(value, ARRAYSIZE(value));
if (!*value || !SetEnvironmentVariable(param, value))
nErrorLevel = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
param = GetQuotedString(param);
p = _tcschr(param, _T('='));
if (p)
/* Set or remove the environment variable */
if (p == param)
/* Handle set =val case */
nErrorLevel = 1;
return 1;
*p++ = _T('\0');
if (!SetEnvironmentVariable(param, *p ? p : NULL))
nErrorLevel = 1;
return 1;
/* Display all the environment variables with the given prefix */
LPTSTR pOrgParam = param;
BOOLEAN bRestoreSpace;
* Trim the prefix from "special" characters (only when displaying the
* environment variables), so that e.g. "SET ,; ,;FOO" will display all
* the variables starting by "FOO".
* The SET command allows as well to set an environment variable whose name
* actually contains these characters (e.g. "SET ,; ,;FOO=42"); however,
* by trimming the characters, doing "SET ,; ,;FOO" would not allow seeing
* such variables.
* Thus, we also save a pointer to the original variable name prefix, that
* we will look it up as well below.
while (_istspace(*param) || *param == _T(',') || *param == _T(';'))
/* Just remove the very last space, if present */
p = _tcsrchr(param, _T(' '));
bRestoreSpace = (p != NULL);
if (!p)
p = param + _tcslen(param);
*p = _T('\0');
lpEnv = GetEnvironmentStrings();
if (lpEnv)
lpOutput = lpEnv;
while (*lpOutput)
/* Look up for both the original and truncated variable name prefix */
if (!_tcsnicmp(lpOutput, pOrgParam, p - pOrgParam) ||
!_tcsnicmp(lpOutput, param, p - param))
bFound = TRUE;
lpOutput += _tcslen(lpOutput) + 1;
/* Restore the truncated space for correctly
* displaying the error message, if any. */
if (bRestoreSpace)
*p = _T(' ');
if (!bFound)
ConErrResPrintf(STRING_SET_ENV_ERROR, param);
nErrorLevel = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
static INT
ident_len(LPCTSTR p)
LPCTSTR p2 = p;
if (__iscsymf(*p))
while (__iscsym(*p2))
return (INT)(p2-p);
#define PARSE_IDENT(ident, identlen, p) \
do { \
identlen = ident_len(p); \
ident = (LPTSTR)alloca((identlen + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); \
memmove(ident, p, identlen * sizeof(TCHAR)); \
ident[identlen] = 0; \
p += identlen; \
} while (0)
static INT
seta_identval(LPCTSTR ident)
LPCTSTR identVal = GetEnvVarOrSpecial(ident);
if (!identVal)
return 0;
return _tcstol(identVal, NULL, 0);
static BOOL
calc(INT* lval, TCHAR op, INT rval)
switch (op)
case '*':
*lval *= rval;
case '/':
*lval /= rval;
case '%':
*lval %= rval;
case '+':
*lval += rval;
case '-':
*lval -= rval;
case '&':
*lval &= rval;
case '^':
*lval ^= rval;
case '|':
*lval |= rval;
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_stmt(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result);
static BOOL
seta_unaryTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
if (*p == _T('('))
INT rval;
p = skip_ws(p + 1);
if (!seta_stmt(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
if (*p++ != _T(')'))
return FALSE;
*result = rval;
else if (isdigit(*p))
*result = _tcstol(p, (LPTSTR*)&p, 0);
else if (__iscsymf(*p))
LPTSTR ident;
INT identlen;
PARSE_IDENT(ident, identlen, p);
*result = seta_identval(ident);
return FALSE;
*p_ = skip_ws(p);
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_mulTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
TCHAR op = 0;
INT rval;
if (_tcschr(_T("!~-"), *p))
op = *p;
p = skip_ws(p + 1);
if (!seta_unaryTerm(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
switch (op)
case '!':
rval = !rval;
case '~':
rval = ~rval;
case '-':
rval = -rval;
*result = rval;
*p_ = p;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_ltorTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result, LPCTSTR ops, BOOL (*subTerm)(LPCTSTR*,INT*))
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
INT lval;
/* Evaluate the left-hand side */
if (!subTerm(&p, &lval))
return FALSE;
while (*p && _tcschr(ops, *p))
INT rval;
TCHAR op = *p;
p = skip_ws(p + 1);
/* Evaluate the immediate right-hand side */
if (!subTerm(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
/* This becomes the new left-hand side for the next iteration */
if (!calc(&lval, op, rval))
return FALSE;
*result = lval;
*p_ = p;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_addTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
return seta_ltorTerm(p_, result, _T("*/%"), seta_mulTerm);
static BOOL
seta_logShiftTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
return seta_ltorTerm(p_, result, _T("+-"), seta_addTerm);
static BOOL
seta_bitAndTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
INT lval;
/* Evaluate the left-hand side */
if (!seta_logShiftTerm(&p, &lval))
return FALSE;
/* Handle << >> operators */
while (*p && _tcschr(_T("<>"), *p) && p[0] == p[1])
INT rval;
TCHAR op = *p;
p = skip_ws(p + 2);
/* Evaluate the immediate right-hand side */
if (!seta_logShiftTerm(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
/* This becomes the new left-hand side for the next iteration */
switch (op)
case '<':
/* Shift left has to be a positive number, 0-31 otherwise 0 is returned,
* which differs from the compiler (for example gcc) so being explicit. */
if (rval < 0 || rval >= (8 * sizeof(lval)))
lval = 0;
lval <<= rval;
case '>':
lval >>= rval;
return FALSE;
*result = lval;
*p_ = p;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_bitExclOrTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
return seta_ltorTerm(p_, result, _T("&"), seta_bitAndTerm);
static BOOL
seta_bitOrTerm(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
return seta_ltorTerm(p_, result, _T("^"), seta_bitExclOrTerm);
static BOOL
seta_expr(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
return seta_ltorTerm(p_, result, _T("|"), seta_bitOrTerm);
static BOOL
seta_assignment(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
LPTSTR ident;
TCHAR op = 0;
INT identlen, exprval;
PARSE_IDENT(ident, identlen, p);
if (identlen)
p = skip_ws(p);
/* Handle = assignment */
if (*p == _T('='))
op = *p, p = skip_ws(p + 1);
/* Handle *= /= %= += -= &= ^= |= assignments */
else if (_tcschr(_T("*/%+-&^|"), *p) && p[1] == _T('='))
op = *p, p = skip_ws(p + 2);
/* Handle <<= >>= assignments */
else if (_tcschr(_T("<>"), *p) && *p == p[1] && p[2] == _T('='))
op = *p, p = skip_ws(p + 3);
/* Allow to chain multiple assignments, such as: a=b=1 */
if (ident && op)
INT identval;
if (!seta_assignment(&p, &exprval))
return FALSE;
identval = seta_identval(ident);
switch (op)
/* Handle = assignment */
case '=':
identval = exprval;
/* Handle <<= assignment */
case '<':
/* Shift left has to be a positive number, 0-31 otherwise 0 is returned,
* which differs from the compiler (for example gcc) so being explicit. */
if (exprval < 0 || exprval >= (8 * sizeof(identval)))
identval = 0;
identval <<= exprval;
/* Handle >>= assignment */
case '>':
identval >>= exprval;
/* Other assignments */
if (!calc(&identval, op, exprval))
return FALSE;
buf = (LPTSTR)alloca(32 * sizeof(TCHAR));
_sntprintf(buf, 32, _T("%i"), identval);
SetEnvironmentVariable(ident, buf); // TODO FIXME - check return value
exprval = identval;
/* Restore p in case we found an identifier but not an operator */
p = *p_;
if (!seta_expr(&p, &exprval))
return FALSE;
*result = exprval;
*p_ = p;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_stmt(LPCTSTR* p_, INT* result)
LPCTSTR p = *p_;
INT rval;
if (!seta_assignment(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
/* Loop over each statement */
while (*p == _T(','))
p = skip_ws(p + 1);
if (!seta_assignment(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
*result = rval;
*p_ = p;
return TRUE;
static BOOL
seta_eval(LPCTSTR p)
INT rval;
if (!*p)
return FALSE;
if (!seta_stmt(&p, &rval))
return FALSE;
/* Echo the result of the evaluation only in interactive (non-batch) mode */
if (!bc)
ConOutPrintf(_T("%i"), rval);
return TRUE;