2025-02-12 16:54:45 +02:00

475 lines
18 KiB

* Unit tests for C library environment routines
* Copyright 2004 Mike Hearn <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include "wine/test.h"
#include <errno.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <winnls.h>
#ifdef __REACTOS__
_CRTIMP void __cdecl __getmainargs(int *, char ***, char ***, int, int *);
_CRTIMP void __cdecl __wgetmainargs(int *, wchar_t ***, wchar_t ***, int, int *);
static const char *a_very_long_env_string =
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/;"
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/;"
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../mingw32/lib/mingw32/3.4.2/;"
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../../mingw32/lib/;"
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../mingw32/3.4.2/;"
"C:/Program Files/GLBasic/Compiler/platform/Win32/Bin/../lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/../../../;"
static char ***(__cdecl *p__p__environ)(void);
static WCHAR ***(__cdecl *p__p__wenviron)(void);
static char ***(__cdecl *p__p___initenv)(void);
static wchar_t ***(__cdecl *p__p___winitenv)(void);
static void (__cdecl *p_get_environ)(char ***);
static void (__cdecl *p_get_wenviron)(WCHAR ***);
static errno_t (__cdecl *p_putenv_s)(const char*, const char*);
static errno_t (__cdecl *p_wputenv_s)(const wchar_t*, const wchar_t*);
static errno_t (__cdecl *p_getenv_s)(size_t*, char*, size_t, const char*);
static char ***p_environ;
static WCHAR ***p_wenviron;
static void init(void)
HMODULE hmod = GetModuleHandleA("msvcrt.dll");
p__p__environ = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "__p__environ");
p__p__wenviron = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "__p__wenviron");
p__p___initenv = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "__p___initenv");
p__p___winitenv = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "__p___winitenv");
p_environ = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_environ");
p_wenviron = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_wenviron");
p_get_environ = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_get_environ");
p_get_wenviron = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_get_wenviron");
p_putenv_s = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_putenv_s");
p_wputenv_s = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "_wputenv_s");
p_getenv_s = (void *)GetProcAddress(hmod, "getenv_s");
static void test_system(void)
int ret = system(NULL);
ok(ret == 1, "Expected system to return 1, got %d\n", ret);
ret = system("echo OK");
ok(ret == 0, "Expected system to return 0, got %d\n", ret);
static unsigned env_get_entry_countA( char **env )
unsigned count;
if (!env) return 0;
for (count = 0; env[count] != NULL; count++) {}
return count;
static wchar_t *env_get_valueW( wchar_t **envp, const wchar_t *var )
unsigned i;
size_t len = wcslen( var );
if (!envp) return NULL;
for (i = 0; envp[i] != NULL; i++)
wchar_t *ptr;
if (!(ptr = wcschr( envp[i], L'=' ))) continue;
if (ptr - envp[i] == len && !memcmp( envp[i], var, len * sizeof(wchar_t) ))
return ptr + 1;
return NULL;
static void test__environ(void)
int argc;
char **argv, **envp = NULL, **initenv = NULL;
int mode = 0;
ok( p_environ != NULL, "Expected the pointer to _environ to be non-NULL\n" );
ok( *p_environ != NULL, "Expected _environ to be initialized on startup\n" );
if (sizeof(void*) != sizeof(int))
ok( !p__p__environ, "__p__environ() should be 32-bit only\n");
ok( *p__p__environ() == *p_environ, "Expected _environ pointers to be identical\n" );
if (p_get_environ)
char **retptr;
ok( retptr == *p_environ,
"Expected _environ pointers to be identical\n" );
win_skip( "_get_environ() is not available\n" );
if (p__p___initenv)
initenv = *p__p___initenv();
ok( initenv == *p_environ,
"Expected _environ to be equal to initial env\n" );
skip( "__p___initenv() is not available\n" );
/* Note that msvcrt from Windows versions older than Vista
* expects the mode pointer parameter to be valid.*/
__getmainargs(&argc, &argv, &envp, 0, &mode);
ok( envp != NULL,
"Expected initial environment block pointer to be non-NULL\n" );
ok( envp == *p_environ,
"Expected initial environment to be equal to _environ\n" );
ok( _putenv("cat=dog") == 0, "failed setting cat=dog\n" );
if (p__p___initenv)
char **retptr = *p__p___initenv();
ok( retptr != *p_environ,
"Expected _environ[] not to be equal to initial env\n" );
ok( retptr == initenv,
"Unexpected modification of initial env\n" );
ok( _putenv("cat=") == 0, "failed setting cat=\n" );
static void test__wenviron(void)
int argc;
char **argv, **envp = NULL;
WCHAR **wargv, **wenvp = NULL;
int mode = 0;
ok( p_wenviron != NULL, "Expected the pointer to _wenviron to be non-NULL\n" );
ok( !*p_wenviron, "Expected _wenviron[] to be NULL, got %p\n", *p_wenviron );
if (sizeof(void*) != sizeof(int))
ok( !p__p__wenviron, "__p__wenviron() should be 32-bit only\n");
ok( !*p__p__wenviron(), "Expected _wenviron to be NULL, got %p\n", *p_wenviron );
if (p_get_wenviron)
WCHAR **retptr;
ok( retptr == *p_wenviron, "Expected _wenviron pointers to be NULL\n" );
win_skip( "_get_wenviron() is not available\n" );
if (p__p___winitenv)
wchar_t ***retptr = p__p___winitenv();
ok( !*retptr, "Expected initial env to be NULL\n" );
skip( "__p___winitenv() is not available\n" );
/* __getmainargs doesn't initialize _wenviron. */
__getmainargs(&argc, &argv, &envp, 0, &mode);
ok( !*p_wenviron, "Expected _wenviron to be NULL\n");
ok( envp != NULL, "Expected initial environment block pointer to be non-NULL\n" );
if (!envp)
skip( "Initial environment block pointer is not valid\n" );
/* Neither does calling the non-Unicode environment manipulation functions. */
ok( _putenv("cat=dog") == 0, "failed setting cat=dog\n" );
ok( !*p_wenviron, "Expected _wenviron to be NULL\n" );
/* _wenviron isn't initialized until __wgetmainargs is called or
* one of the Unicode environment manipulation functions is called. */
ok( _wputenv(L"cat=dog2") == 0, "failed setting cat=dog2\n" );
ok( *p_wenviron != NULL, "Expected _wenviron to be non-NULL\n" );
__wgetmainargs(&argc, &wargv, &wenvp, 0, &mode);
ok( wenvp != NULL, "Expected initial environment block pointer to be non-NULL\n" );
ok( wenvp == *p_wenviron, "Expected initial environment to be _wenviron[]\n" );
if (p__p___winitenv)
wchar_t ***retptr = p__p___winitenv();
wchar_t *value;
skip_2k3_fail ok( *retptr != NULL, "Expected *__p___winitenv() to be NULL\n" );
ok( *retptr != *p_wenviron,
"Expected _wenviron to be different from __p___winitenv() %p %p\n", *retptr, *p_wenviron );
/* test that w-initial env is derived from current _environ[] and not from ansi initial env */
value = env_get_valueW( *retptr, L"cat" );
skip_2k3_fail ok( value && !wcscmp( value, L"dog" ),
"Expecting initial env to be derived from current env (got %ls)\n", value );
/* Examine the returned pointer from __p__wenviron(),
* if available, after _wenviron is initialized. */
if (p__p__wenviron)
ok( *p__p__wenviron() == *p_wenviron,
"Expected _wenviron pointers to be identical\n" );
if (p_get_wenviron)
WCHAR **retptr;
ok( retptr == *p_wenviron,
"Expected _wenviron pointers to be identical\n" );
static void test_environment_manipulation(void)
char buf[256];
errno_t ret;
size_t len;
unsigned count;
char* first;
char* second;
ok( _putenv("cat=") == 0, "_putenv failed on deletion of nonexistent environment variable\n" );
ok( _putenv("cat=dog") == 0, "failed setting cat=dog\n" );
ok( strcmp(getenv("cat"), "dog") == 0, "getenv did not return 'dog'\n" );
if (p_getenv_s)
ret = p_getenv_s(&len, buf, sizeof(buf), "cat");
ok( !ret, "getenv_s returned %d\n", ret );
ok( len == 4, "getenv_s returned length is %Id\n", len);
ok( !strcmp(buf, "dog"), "getenv_s did not return 'dog'\n");
ok( _putenv("cat=") == 0, "failed deleting cat\n" );
ok( _putenv("=") == -1, "should not accept '=' as input\n" );
ok( _putenv("=dog") == -1, "should not accept '=dog' as input\n" );
ok( _putenv(a_very_long_env_string) == 0, "_putenv failed for long environment string\n");
ok( getenv("nonexistent") == NULL, "getenv should fail with nonexistent var name\n" );
if (p_putenv_s)
ret = p_putenv_s(NULL, "dog");
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_putenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_putenv_s("cat", NULL);
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_putenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_putenv_s("a=b", NULL);
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_putenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_putenv_s("cat", "a=b");
ok( !ret, "_putenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_putenv_s("cat", "");
ok( !ret, "_putenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
if (p_wputenv_s)
ret = p_wputenv_s(NULL, L"dog");
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_wputenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_wputenv_s(L"cat", NULL);
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_wputenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_wputenv_s(L"a=b", NULL);
ok( ret == EINVAL, "_wputenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_wputenv_s(L"cat", L"a=b");
ok( !ret, "_wputenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ret = p_wputenv_s(L"cat", L"");
ok( !ret, "_wputenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
if (p_getenv_s)
buf[0] = 'x';
len = 1;
errno = 0xdeadbeef;
ret = p_getenv_s(&len, buf, sizeof(buf), "nonexistent");
ok( !ret, "_getenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ok( !len, "getenv_s returned length is %Id\n", len);
ok( !buf[0], "buf = %s\n", buf);
ok( errno == 0xdeadbeef, "errno = %d\n", errno);
buf[0] = 'x';
len = 1;
errno = 0xdeadbeef;
ret = p_getenv_s(&len, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL);
ok( !ret, "_getenv_s returned %d\n", ret);
ok( !len, "getenv_s returned length is %Id\n", len);
ok( !buf[0], "buf = %s\n", buf);
ok( errno == 0xdeadbeef, "errno = %d\n", errno);
/* test stability of _environ[] pointers */
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_cat=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_dog=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
count = env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_cat=mew") == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( !strcmp( (*p_environ)[count], "__winetest_cat=mew"), "Unexpected env var value\n" );
first = (*p_environ)[count];
ok( getenv("__winetest_cat") == strchr( (*p_environ)[count], '=') + 1, "Expected getenv() to return pointer inside _environ[] entry\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_dog=bark" ) == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( !strcmp( (*p_environ)[count + 1], "__winetest_dog=bark" ), "Unexpected env var value\n" );
ok( getenv( "__winetest_dog" ) == strchr( (*p_environ)[count + 1], '=' ) + 1, "Expected getenv() to return pointer inside _environ[] entry\n" );
ok( first == (*p_environ)[count], "Expected stability of _environ[count] pointer\n" );
second = (*p_environ)[count + 1];
ok( count + 2 == env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ ), "Unexpected count\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_cat=purr" ) == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( !strcmp( (*p_environ)[count], "__winetest_cat=purr" ), "Unexpected env var value\n" );
ok( getenv( "__winetest_cat" ) == strchr( (*p_environ)[count], '=' ) + 1, "Expected getenv() to return pointer inside _environ[] entry\n" );
ok( second == (*p_environ)[count + 1], "Expected stability of _environ[count] pointer\n" );
ok( !strcmp( (*p_environ)[count + 1], "__winetest_dog=bark" ), "Couldn't get env var value\n" );
ok( getenv( "__winetest_dog" ) == strchr( (*p_environ)[count + 1], '=' ) + 1, "Expected getenv() to return pointer inside _environ[] entry\n" );
ok( count + 2 == env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ ), "Unexpected count\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_cat=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env vat\n" );
ok( second == (*p_environ)[count], "Expected _environ[count] to be second\n" );
ok( !strcmp( (*p_environ)[count], "__winetest_dog=bark" ), "Unexpected env var value\n" );
ok( count + 1 == env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ ), "Unexpected count\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_dog=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
ok( count == env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ ), "Unexpected count\n" );
/* in putenv, only changed variable is updated (no other reload of kernel info is done) */
ret = SetEnvironmentVariableA( "__winetest_cat", "meow" );
ok( ret, "SetEnvironmentVariableA failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_dog=bark" ) == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( getenv( "__winetest_cat" ) == NULL, "msvcrt env cache shouldn't have been updated\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_cat=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
ok( _putenv( "__winetest_dog=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
/* test setting unicode bits */
count = env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ );
ret = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, L"\u263a", -1, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), 0, 0 );
ok( ret, "WideCharToMultiByte failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( _wputenv( L"__winetest_cat=\u263a" ) == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_cat" ) && !wcscmp( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_cat" ), L"\u263a" ), "Couldn't retrieve env var\n" );
ok( getenv( "__winetest_cat" ) && !strcmp( getenv( "__winetest_cat" ), buf ), "Couldn't retrieve env var\n" );
ok( _wputenv( L"__winetest_cat=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
ret = WideCharToMultiByte( CP_ACP, 0, L"__winetest_\u263a", -1, buf, ARRAY_SIZE(buf), 0, 0 );
ok( ret, "WideCharToMultiByte failed: %lu\n", GetLastError() );
ok( _wputenv( L"__winetest_\u263a=bark" ) == 0, "Couldn't set env var\n" );
ok( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_\u263a" ) && !wcscmp( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_\u263a" ), L"bark"), "Couldn't retrieve env var\n" );
ok( getenv( buf ) && !strcmp( getenv( buf ), "bark"), "Couldn't retrieve env var %s\n", wine_dbgstr_a(buf) );
ok( _wputenv( L"__winetest_\u263a=" ) == 0, "Couldn't reset env var\n" );
ok( count == env_get_entry_countA( *p_environ ), "Unexpected modification of _environ[]\n" );
static void test_child_env(char** argv)
STARTUPINFOA si = {sizeof(si)};
WCHAR *cur_env, *env, *p, *q;
char tmp[1024];
BOOL ret;
int len;
cur_env = GetEnvironmentStringsW();
ok( cur_env != NULL, "GetEnvironemntStrings failed\n" );
p = cur_env;
while (*p) p += wcslen( p ) + 1;
len = p - cur_env;
env = malloc( (len + 1024) * sizeof(*env) );
memcpy(env, cur_env, len * sizeof(*env) );
q = env + len;
FreeEnvironmentStringsW( cur_env );
wcscpy( q, L"__winetest_dog=bark" );
q += wcslen( L"__winetest_dog=bark" ) + 1;
wcscpy( q, L"__winetest_\u263a=\u03b2" );
q += wcslen( L"__winetest_\u263a=\u03b2" ) + 1;
*q = 0;
snprintf( tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%s %s create", argv[0], argv[1] );
ret = CreateProcessA( NULL, tmp, NULL, NULL, FALSE, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, env, NULL, &si, &pi );
ok( ret, "Couldn't create child process %s\n", tmp );
winetest_wait_child_process( pi.hProcess );
CloseHandle( pi.hProcess );
CloseHandle( pi.hThread );
free( env );
static void test_case_insensitive(void)
const char *uppercase_env = getenv("APPDATA");
const char *lowercase_env = getenv("appdata");
const wchar_t *uppercase_wenv = _wgetenv(L"APPDATA");
const wchar_t *lowercase_wenv = _wgetenv(L"appdata");
ok( uppercase_env == lowercase_env, "getenv() must be case insensitive, %p should be %p\n",
lowercase_env, uppercase_env );
ok( uppercase_wenv == lowercase_wenv, "_wgetenv() must be case insensitive, %p should be %p\n",
lowercase_wenv, uppercase_wenv );
ok( !_putenv("cAt=bar"), "Failed to set CAT=bar\n" );
ok( !_putenv("CAT=BAR"), "Failed to set CAT=BAR\n" );
ok( !strcmp(getenv("cAt"), "BAR"), "_putenv() must be case insensitive\n" );
ok( !_wputenv(L"cAt=bar"), "Failed to set CAT=bar\n" );
ok( !_wputenv(L"CAT=BAR"), "Failed to set CAT=BAR\n" );
ok( !wcscmp(_wgetenv(L"cAt"), L"BAR"), "_wputenv() must be case insensitive\n" );
char **argv;
int argc;
argc = winetest_get_mainargs( &argv );
if (argc == 3 && !strcmp( argv[2], "create" ))
ok( getenv( "__winetest_dog" ) && !strcmp( getenv( "__winetest_dog" ), "bark" ),
"Couldn't find env var\n" );
skip_2k3_fail ok( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_\u263a" ) && !wcscmp( _wgetenv( L"__winetest_\u263a" ), L"\u03b2" ),
"Couldn't find unicode env var\n" );