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/* vt100.h
* AUTHOR: John L. Miller, johnmil@cs.cmu.edu / johnmil@jprc.com
* DATE: 8/4/96
* Copyright (c) 1996 John L. Miller
* Full permission is granted to use, modify and distribute
* this code, provided:
* 1) This comment field is included in its entirity
* 2) No money is charged for any work including or based on
* portions of this code.
* If you're a nice person and find this useful, I'd appreciate a
* note letting me know about it. e-mail is usually what spurs me
* on to improve and support software I've written.
/* This identifier should be spit back to the computer when a terminal
* id is requested.
#define ANSWERBACK_MESSAGE "vt100"
/* Various terminal-related modes Entries are as follows:
* Identification esc. ID If set, if clear
/* Keyboard action 2 Locked Unlocked */
#define CAPS_MODE 0x00000001
/* Insertion 4 Insert Overwrite */
#define INSERT_MODE 0x00000002
/* Send - Receive 12 Full Echo */
#define FULLDUPLEX_MODE 0x00000004
/* Line feed/New line 20 New line Line feed */
#define NEWLINE_MODE 0x00000008
#define NUM_TERM_ATTR_MODES 9 /* We only track eight '?' escape sequences */
/* Cursor key ?1 Application Cursor */
#define CURSORAPPL_MODE 0x00000010
/* ANSI/VT52 ?2 ANSI VT52 */
#define ANSI_MODE 0x00000020
/* Column ?3 132 80 */
#define COL132_MODE 0x00000040
/* Scrolling ?4 Smooth Jump */
#define SMOOTHSCROLL_MODE 0x00000080
/* Screen ?5 Reverse Normal */
#define REVSCREEN_MODE 0x00000100
/* Origin ?6 Relative Absolute */
#define ORIGINREL_MODE 0x00000200
/* Wraparound ?7 Wrap Truncate */
#define WRAP_MODE 0x00000400
/* Auto key repeat ?8 Repeating No repeat */
#define REPEAT_MODE 0x00000800
/* Print form feed ?18 Yes No */
#define PRINTFF_MODE 0x00001000
/* Print extent ?19 Full screen Scrolling region */
#define PRINTFULLSCR_MODE 0x00002000
/* Keypad application 'Esc =' numeric 'Esc >' */
#define KEYPADNUMERIC_MODE 0x00004000
/* default mode that we start the emulator with */
/* This constant is VERY important - the size of the buffer for
* unprocessed vt-100 prints!
#define MAXVTBUFLEN 4096
/* Constants used in place of actual row and column numbers
* for the cursor movement and text erasing and deleting functions.
#define CUR_ROW -999
#define CUR_COL -999
#define ALL_TABS -1999
#define LEFT_EDGE 0
#define RIGHT_EDGE 12000
#define TOP_EDGE 0
#define BOTTOM_EDGE 12000
/* Text attribute definitions; color, font, bold. */
#define SC_RED 0x0001
#define SC_GREEN 0x0002
#define SC_BLUE 0x0004
#define SC_BOLD 0x0010
#define SC_UL 0x0020 /* Underlined */
#define SC_BL 0x0040 /* Blinking */
#define SC_RV 0x0080 /* Reverse video */
#define SC_ASCII 0x0100 /* Normal ASCII (USASCII) */
#define SC_G0 0x0200 /* graphics set G0 */
#define SC_G1 0x0400 /* Graphics set G1 */
#define SC_GRAPHICS 0x0800 /* Good question */
/* forward variable declarations */
extern int termAttrMode[NUM_TERM_ATTR_MODES];
extern int alltermAttrModes;
/* prototypes from vt100.c */
/* functions meant for use outside of the emulator */
int vtputs(char *f);
int vtprintf(char *format, ...);
int vtInitVT100(void);
int vtProcessedTextOut(char *cbuf, int count);
/* Prototype for functions which MUST BE SUPPLIED BY THE BACK END!!! */
/* Back-end specific initialization is performed in this function.
* this is gauranteed to be called before any other requests are made
* of the back end.
/* beInitVT100Terminal() -
* This function is called by the VT100 emulator as soon as the
* front-end terminal is initialized. It's responsible for setting
* initial state of the terminal, and initing our many wacky variables.
int beInitVT100Terminal();
/* beAbsoluteCursor -
* Given an input row and column, move the cursor to the
* absolute screen coordinates requested. Note that if the
* display window has scrollbars, the column is adjusted
* to take that into account, but the row is not. This allows
* for large scrollback in terminal windows.
* ROW must be able to accept CUR_ROW, TOP_EDGE, BOTTOM_EDGE,
* or a row number.
* COLUMN must be able to accept CUR_COL, LEFT_EDGE, RIGHT_EDGE,
* or a column number.
int beAbsoluteCursor(int row, int col);
/* beOffsetCursor -
* Given an input row and column offset, move the cursor by that
* many positions. For instance, row=0 and column=-1 would move
* the cursor left a single column.
* If the cursor can't move the requested amount, results are
* unpredictable.
int beOffsetCursor(int row, int column);
/* beRestoreCursor -
* Saved cursor position should be stored in a static
* variable in the back end. This function restores the
* cursor to the position stored in that variable.
int beRestoreCursor(void);
/* beSaveCursor -
* The back-end should maintain a static variable with the
* last STORED cursor position in it. This function replaces
* the contents of that variable with the current cursor position.
* The cursor may be restored to this position by using the
* beRestoreCursor function.
int beSaveCursor(void);
/* beGetTextAttributes -
* given a pointer to 'fore'ground and 'back'ground ints,
* fill them with a device-independant description of the
* current foreground and background colors, as well as any
* font information in the foreground variable.
int beGetTextAttributes(int *fore, int *back);
/* beSetTextAttributes -
* Given a foreground and a background device independant (SC) color and font
* specification, apply these to the display, and save the state in the
* static screen variables.
* Note that many font-specific constants (bold/underline/reverse, G0/G1/ASCII)
* are stored ONLY in the foreground specification.
int beSetTextAttributes(int fore, int back);
/* beRawTextOut-
* The name of this function is misleading. Given a pointer to
* ascii text and a count of bytes to print, print them to the
* display device. If wrapping is enabled, wrap text. If there is a
* scrolling region set and the cursor is in it,
* scroll only within that region. 'beRawTextOut' means that it's guaranteed
* not to have control sequences within the text.
int beRawTextOut(char *text, int len);
/* beEraseText -
* Given a 'from' and a 'to' position in display coordinates,
* this function will fill in all characters between the two
* (inclusive) with spaces. Note that the coordinates do NOT
* specify a rectangle. erasing from (1,1) to (2,2) erases
* all of the first row, and the first two characters of the
* second.
* Note that this routine must be able to handle TOP_EDGE,
* in the appropriate parameters.
int beEraseText(int rowFrom, int colFrom, int rowTo, int colTo);
/* beDeleteText -
* Given a screen cursor 'from' and 'to' position, this function
* will delete all text between the two. Text will be scrolled
* up as appropriate to fill the deleted space. Note that, as in
* beEraseText, the two coordinates don't specify a rectangle, but
* rather a starting position and ending position. In other words,
* deleting from (1,1) to (2,2) should move the text from (2,3) to the
* end of the second row to (1,1), move line 3 up to line 2, and so on.
* This function must be able to process TOP_EDGE, BOTTOM_EDGE, LEFT_EDGE,
* RIGHT_EDGE, CUR_ROW, and CUR_COL specifications in the appropriate
* variables as well as regular row and column specifications.
int beDeleteText(int rowFrom, int colFrom, int rowTo, int colTo);
/* beInsertRow -
* Given a row number or CUR_ROW, TOP_EDGE or BOTTOM_EDGE as an input,
* this function will scroll all text from the current row down down by one,
* and create a blank row under the cursor.
int beInsertRow(int row);
/* beTransmitText -
* Given a pointer to text and byte count, this routine should transmit data
* to whatever host made the request it's responding to. Typically this routin
* should transmit data as though the user had typed it in.
int beTransmitText(char *text, int len);
/* beAdvanceToTab -
* This routine will destructively advance the cursor to the
* next set tab, or to the end of the line if there are no
* more tabs to the right of the cursor.
int beAdvanceToTab(void);
/* beClearTab -
* This function accepts a constant, and will try to clear tabs
* appropriately. Its argument is either
* ALL_TABS, meaning all tabs should be removed
* CUR_COL, meaning the tab in the current column should be wiped, or
* a column value, meaning if there's a tab there it should be wiped.
int beClearTab(int col);
/* beSetScrollingRows -
* Given a pair of row numbers, this routine will set the scrolling
* rows to those values. Note that this routine will accept
* TOP_ROW and BOTTOM_ROW as values, meaning that scrolling should
* be enabled for the entire display, regardless of resizing.
int beSetScrollingRows(int fromRow, int toRow);
/* beRingBell -
* Ring the system bell once.
int beRingBell(void);
/* beGetTermMode -
* Return the value of conTermMode, which is the terminal settings which
* can be queried/set by <esc>[?#h/l.
int beGetTermMode();
/* beSetTermMode -
* Set the terminal as requested, assuming we can. Right now we only handle a
* couple of the possible flags, but we store many of the others.
int beSetTermMode(int newMode);