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457 lines
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* PROJECT: ReactOS Kernel
* LICENSE: GPL - See COPYING in the top level directory
* FILE: ntoskrnl/fsrtl/name.c
* PURPOSE: Provides DBCS parsing and other support routines for FSDs
* PROGRAMMERS: Alex Ionescu (alex.ionescu@reactos.org)
* Pierre Schweitzer (pierre.schweitzer@reactos.org)
/* INCLUDES ******************************************************************/
#include <ntoskrnl.h>
#define NDEBUG
#include <debug.h>
/* PUBLIC FUNCTIONS **********************************************************/
* @name FsRtlDissectDbcs
* @implemented
* Dissects a given path name into first and remaining part.
* @param Name
* ANSI string to dissect.
* @param FirstPart
* Pointer to user supplied ANSI_STRING, that will later point
* to the first part of the original name.
* @param RemainingPart
* Pointer to user supplied ANSI_STRING, that will later point
* to the remaining part of the original name.
* @return None
* @remarks Example:
* Name: \test1\test2\test3
* FirstPart: test1
* RemainingPart: test2\test3
FsRtlDissectDbcs(IN ANSI_STRING Name,
ULONG FirstPosition, i;
ULONG SkipFirstSlash = 0;
/* Zero the strings before continuing */
RtlZeroMemory(FirstPart, sizeof(ANSI_STRING));
RtlZeroMemory(RemainingPart, sizeof(ANSI_STRING));
/* Just quit if the string is empty */
if (!Name.Length) return;
/* Find first backslash */
FirstPosition = Name.Length;
for (i = 0; i < Name.Length; i++)
/* First make sure the character it's not the Lead DBCS */
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(Name.Buffer[i]))
/* If we found one... */
else if (Name.Buffer[i] == '\\')
/* If it begins string, just notice it and continue */
if (i == 0)
SkipFirstSlash = 1;
/* Else, save its position and break out of the loop */
FirstPosition = i;
/* Set up the first result string */
FirstPart->Buffer = Name.Buffer + SkipFirstSlash;
FirstPart->Length = (FirstPosition - SkipFirstSlash);
FirstPart->MaximumLength = FirstPart->Length;
/* And second one, if necessary */
if (FirstPosition < (Name.Length))
RemainingPart->Buffer = Name.Buffer + FirstPosition + 1;
RemainingPart->Length = Name.Length - (FirstPosition + 1);
RemainingPart->MaximumLength = RemainingPart->Length;
* @name FsRtlDoesDbcsContainWildCards
* @implemented
* Returns TRUE if the given DbcsName contains wildcards such as *, ?,
* @param Name
* The Name to check
* @return TRUE if there are wildcards, FALSE otherwise
* @remarks None
FsRtlDoesDbcsContainWildCards(IN PANSI_STRING Name)
/* Check every character */
for (i = 0; i < Name->Length; i++)
/* First make sure it's not the Lead DBCS */
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(Name->Buffer[i]))
else if (FsRtlIsAnsiCharacterWild(Name->Buffer[i]))
/* Now return if it has a wildcard */
return TRUE;
/* We didn't return above...so none found */
return FALSE;
* @name FsRtlIsDbcsInExpression
* @implemented
* Check if the Name string is in the Expression string.
* @param Expression
* The string in which we've to find Name. It can contains wildcards
* @param Name
* The string to find. It cannot contain wildcards.
* @return TRUE if Name is found in Expression, FALSE otherwise
* @remarks None
FsRtlIsDbcsInExpression(IN PANSI_STRING Expression,
ULONG ExpressionPosition, NamePosition, MatchingChars = 0;
/* One can't be null, both can be */
if (!Expression->Length || !Name->Length)
return !(Expression->Length ^ Name->Length);
for (ExpressionPosition = 0; ExpressionPosition < Expression->Length; ExpressionPosition++)
if ((Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == Name->Buffer[MatchingChars]) ||
(Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == '?') ||
(Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == ANSI_DOS_QM) ||
(Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == ANSI_DOS_DOT &&
(Name->Buffer[MatchingChars] == '.' || Name->Buffer[MatchingChars] == '0')))
else if (Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == '*')
MatchingChars = Name->Length;
else if (Expression->Buffer[ExpressionPosition] == ANSI_DOS_STAR)
for (NamePosition = MatchingChars; NamePosition < Name->Length; NamePosition++)
if (Name->Buffer[NamePosition] == '.')
MatchingChars = NamePosition;
MatchingChars = 0;
if (MatchingChars == Name->Length)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* @name FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal
* @implemented
* Returns TRUE if the given DbcsName is a valid FAT filename (in 8.3)
* @param DbcsName
* The filename to check. It can also contains pathname.
* @param WildCardsPermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if filename contains wildcard, the function
* will fail
* @param PathNamePermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if the filename comes with a pathname, the
* function will fail
* @param LeadingBackslashPermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if the filename starts with a backslash, the
* function will fail
* @return TRUE if the DbcsName is legal, FALSE otherwise
* @remarks None
FsRtlIsFatDbcsLegal(IN ANSI_STRING DbcsName,
IN BOOLEAN WildCardsPermissible,
IN BOOLEAN PathNamePermissible,
IN BOOLEAN LeadingBackslashPermissible)
ANSI_STRING FirstPart, RemainingPart, Name;
/* Just quit if the string is empty */
if (!DbcsName.Length)
return FALSE;
/* DbcsName wasn't supposed to be started with \ */
if (!LeadingBackslashPermissible && DbcsName.Buffer[0] == '\\')
return FALSE;
/* DbcsName was allowed to be started with \, but now, remove it */
else if (LeadingBackslashPermissible && DbcsName.Buffer[0] == '\\')
DbcsName.Buffer = DbcsName.Buffer + 1;
DbcsName.Length = DbcsName.Length - 1;
DbcsName.MaximumLength = DbcsName.MaximumLength - 1;
/* Extract first part of the DbcsName to work on */
FsRtlDissectDbcs(DbcsName, &FirstPart, &RemainingPart);
while (FirstPart.Length > 0)
/* Reset dots count */
LastDot = FALSE;
/* Accept special filename if wildcards are allowed */
if (WildCardsPermissible && (FirstPart.Length == 1 || FirstPart.Length == 2) && FirstPart.Buffer[0] == '.')
if (FirstPart.Length == 2)
if (FirstPart.Buffer[1] == '.')
goto EndLoop;
goto EndLoop;
/* Filename must be 8.3 filename */
if (FirstPart.Length < 3 || FirstPart.Length > 12)
return FALSE;
/* Now, we will parse the filename to find everything bad in */
for (i = 0; i < FirstPart.Length; i++)
/* First make sure the character it's not the Lead DBCS */
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(FirstPart.Buffer[i]))
if (i == (FirstPart.Length) - 1)
return FALSE;
/* Then check for bad characters */
else if (!FsRtlIsAnsiCharacterLegalFat(FirstPart.Buffer[i], WildCardsPermissible))
return FALSE;
else if (FirstPart.Buffer[i] == '.')
/* Filename can only contain one dot */
if (LastDot)
return FALSE;
LastDot = TRUE;
/* We mustn't have spaces before dot or at the end of the filename
* and no dot at the beginning of the filename */
if ((i == (FirstPart.Length) - 1) || i == 0)
return FALSE;
if (i > 0)
if (FirstPart.Buffer[i - 1] == ' ')
return FALSE;
/* Filename must be 8.3 filename and not 3.8 filename */
if ((FirstPart.Length - 1) - i > 3)
return FALSE;
/* Filename mustn't finish with a space */
if (FirstPart.Buffer[FirstPart.Length - 1] == ' ')
return FALSE;
/* Preparing next loop */
Name.Buffer = RemainingPart.Buffer;
Name.Length = RemainingPart.Length;
Name.MaximumLength = RemainingPart.MaximumLength;
/* Call once again our dissect function */
FsRtlDissectDbcs(Name, &FirstPart, &RemainingPart);
/* We found a pathname, it wasn't allowed */
if (FirstPart.Length > 0 && !PathNamePermissible)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
* @name FsRtlIsHpfsDbcsLegal
* @implemented
* Returns TRUE if the given DbcsName is a valid HPFS filename
* @param DbcsName
* The filename to check. It can also contains pathname.
* @param WildCardsPermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if filename contains wildcard, the function
* will fail
* @param PathNamePermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if the filename comes with a pathname, the
* function will fail
* @param LeadingBackslashPermissible
* If this is set to FALSE and if the filename starts with a backslash, the
* function will fail
* @return TRUE if the DbcsName is legal, FALSE otherwise
* @remarks None
FsRtlIsHpfsDbcsLegal(IN ANSI_STRING DbcsName,
IN BOOLEAN WildCardsPermissible,
IN BOOLEAN PathNamePermissible,
IN BOOLEAN LeadingBackslashPermissible)
ANSI_STRING FirstPart, RemainingPart, Name;
/* Just quit if the string is empty */
if (!DbcsName.Length)
return FALSE;
/* DbcsName wasn't supposed to be started with \ */
if (!LeadingBackslashPermissible && DbcsName.Buffer[0] == '\\')
return FALSE;
/* DbcsName was allowed to be started with \, but now, remove it */
else if (LeadingBackslashPermissible && DbcsName.Buffer[0] == '\\')
DbcsName.Buffer = DbcsName.Buffer + 1;
DbcsName.Length = DbcsName.Length - 1;
DbcsName.MaximumLength = DbcsName.MaximumLength - 1;
/* Extract first part of the DbcsName to work on */
FsRtlDissectDbcs(DbcsName, &FirstPart, &RemainingPart);
while (FirstPart.Length > 0)
/* Accept special filename if wildcards are allowed */
if (WildCardsPermissible && (FirstPart.Length == 1 || FirstPart.Length == 2) && FirstPart.Buffer[0] == '.')
if (FirstPart.Length == 2)
if (FirstPart.Buffer[1] == '.')
goto EndLoop;
goto EndLoop;
/* Filename must be 255 bytes maximum */
if (FirstPart.Length > 255)
return FALSE;
/* Now, we will parse the filename to find everything bad in */
for (i = 0; i < FirstPart.Length; i++)
/* First make sure the character it's not the Lead DBCS */
if (FsRtlIsLeadDbcsCharacter(FirstPart.Buffer[i]))
if (i == (FirstPart.Length) - 1)
return FALSE;
/* Then check for bad characters */
else if (!!FsRtlIsAnsiCharacterLegalHpfs(FirstPart.Buffer[i], WildCardsPermissible))
return FALSE;
/* Filename mustn't finish with a space or a dot */
if ((FirstPart.Buffer[FirstPart.Length - 1] == ' ') ||
(FirstPart.Buffer[FirstPart.Length - 1] == '.'))
return FALSE;
/* Preparing next loop */
Name.Buffer = RemainingPart.Buffer;
Name.Length = RemainingPart.Length;
Name.MaximumLength = RemainingPart.MaximumLength;
/* Call once again our dissect function */
FsRtlDissectDbcs(Name, &FirstPart, &RemainingPart);
/* We found a pathname, it wasn't allowed */
if (FirstPart.Length > 0 && !PathNamePermissible)
return FALSE;
return TRUE;