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; Installation file for communication ports
Signature = "$Windows NT$"
;Signature = "$ReactOS$"
LayoutFile = layout.inf
Class = Ports
ClassGUID = {4D36E978-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
Provider = %ReactOS%
DriverVer = 10/08/2005,
DefaultDestDir = 12
AddReg = PortsClass.NT.AddReg
HKR, , , 0, %PortsClassName%
HKR, , Icon, 0, "-23"
;HKR, , Installer32, 0, "msports.dll,PortsClassInstaller"
%StdMfg% = StdMfg
%*PNP0500.DeviceDesc% = ComPort_Inst,*PNP0500,*PNP0501
%*PNP0501.DeviceDesc% = ComPort_Inst,*PNP0501
%*PNP0400.DeviceDesc% = LptPort_Inst, *PNP0400,*PNP0401
%*PNP0401.DeviceDesc% = LptPort_Inst, *PNP0401
;---------------------------- LPT PORT DRIVER ---------------------------
AddReg = LptPort_AddReg.NT
;HKR, , "EnumPropPages32", 0, "msports.dll,ParallelPortPropPageProvider"
HKR, , "PortSubClass", 1, 00
AddService = , 0x00000002
;---------------------------- COM PORT DRIVER ---------------------------
CopyFiles = ComPort_CopyFiles.NT
AddReg = ComPort_AddReg.NT
;HKR, , "EnumPropPages32", 0, "msports.dll,SerialPortPropPageProvider"
HKR, , "PortSubClass", 1, 01
HKR, , "UpperFilters", 0x00010000, "serenum"
AddService = serial, 0x00000002, serial_Service_Inst
AddService = serenum, , serenum_Service_Inst
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 1
ErrorControl = 0
ServiceBinary = %12%\serial.sys
LoadOrderGroup = Extended base
ServiceType = 1
StartType = 3
ErrorControl = 1
ServiceBinary = %12%\serenum.sys
LoadOrderGroup = PNP Filter
;-------------------------------- STRINGS -------------------------------
ReactOS = "ReactOS Team"
PortsClassName = "Serial and parallel ports"
StdMfg = "(Standard ports)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Serial communication port"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Serial communication port"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Standard LPT printer port"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP printer port"
PortsClassName = "Sériové a paralelní porty"
StdMfg = "(Standardní porty)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Sériový port"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Sériový port"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Standardní LPT port pro tiskárny"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP port pro tiskárny"
PortsClassName = "Serielle und parallele Anschlüsse"
StdMfg = "(Standard-Anschlüsse)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Serieller Anschluß"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Serieller Anschluß"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Standard LPT Druckeranschluß"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP Druckeranschluß"
PortsClassName = "Puertos (COM & LPT)"
StdMfg = "(Puertos estándar)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1)"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1)"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Puerto de impresora (LPT)"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "Puerto de impresora (ECP)"
PortsClassName = "Ports série et parallèle"
StdMfg = "(Ports standards)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Port série"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Port série"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Port parallèle standard"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "Port d'imprimante ECP"
PortsClassName = "シリアルおよびパラレルポート"
StdMfg = "(スタンダード ポート)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "シリアル 通信ポート"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "シリアル 通信ポート"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "スタンダード LPT プリンタ ポート"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP プリンタ ポート"
PortsClassName = "Portas (COM & LPT)"
StdMfg = "(Tipos de porta padrão)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Porta serial"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Porta serial"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Porta paralela"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "Porta de impressora ECP"
PortsClassName = "Порты (COM и LPT)"
StdMfg = "(Стандартные порты)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Последовательный порт"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Последовательный порт"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Стандартный LPT порт принтера"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP порт принтера"
PortsClassName = "Sériové a paralelné porty"
StdMfg = "(Štandardné porty)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Sériový komunikačný port"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Sériový komunikačný port"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Štandardný LPT tlačový port"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP tlačový port"
PortsClassName = "Nuosekliosios ir lygegrečiosios jungtys"
StdMfg = "(Standartinė jungtis)"
*PNP0500.DeviceDesc = "Nuoseklaus ryšio jungtis"
*PNP0501.DeviceDesc = "Nuoseklaus ryšio jungtis"
*PNP0400.DeviceDesc = "Standartinė LPT spausdintuvo jungtis"
*PNP0401.DeviceDesc = "ECP spausdintuvo jungtis"